Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 349 Jordani's Breakthrough

In Washington, when he fought Obsidian for the first time, Jordani actually had doubts, because in that battle, although Obsidian's combat power was extremely difficult, it was not like A true second life leap to the top of the strong.

Just think about Laufey.

In the battle with Laufey in the North Pole, if the Avengers hadn't devised a large number of plans to take advantage of Lauphy's underestimation of the enemy and take the lead in injuring him, the Avengers might not be Laufey's opponent.

And even if they were dealing with a seriously injured Laufey, Jordani, Tony, Banner and others were severely injured after almost only a few encounters.

But the fighting power displayed by Obsidian is far from that of Lau Fei.

Even if Obsidian is just a physical evolutionary and has no magical ability, it doesn't make sense at all. When the power reaches a certain level, it is actually the same.

After the anger reached a certain level, Hulk's fist could also smash through Jordan's holy light shield.

It wasn't until this moment that Obsidian was bleeding all over his body that Jordan discovered the opponent's true strength and hole cards.

Berserker, although Jordani doesn't know if there is such a professional title as Berserker in the Marvel Universe, but the current situation with Obsidian is very similar to the Berserker in Jordani's impression.

Every drop of blood that flows will turn into a beam of blood and merge into Obsidian's body, making his strength skyrocket by a layer.

It was only in an instant, a layer of blood flame burst out from the body of the obsidian, and with a loud roar, the speed and strength increased several times at the same time at this moment, and it only took a blink of an eye to appear on the In front of Jordani, there was a sharp ax in the air, and it fell heavily towards Jordani.


Facing the berserk Obsidian, Jordani barely had any ability to react. He only had time to pull out the holy sword and block it across his chest. Among the buildings.

Boom boom boom!

Jordan just got up just now. In the outside world, the obsidian had already smashed a lot of walls like a bulldozer, and once again came in front of Jordan.


Jordani blocked again with a horizontal sword, but this time, Jordani was like a baseball,

It was smashed away, was thrown out of the building, and crashed into another building.

A large piece of glass was shattered, and Jordani was embedded in a piece of reinforced concrete like a painting.

At the same time, the obsidian jumped up and shot up into the sky like a cannonball, slamming towards Jordani.


On the originally flat wall of the building, a huge pothole was forcibly knocked out. This time, Jordani finally avoided the impact of the obsidian at the critical moment, leaped and landed on the adjacent ground. above a low floor.

Bang lang lang!

Pieces of battle armor fell to the ground, and the battle armor on Jordani itself was made of space material titanium alloy by Tony, which can withstand high temperature friction, mild meteorite impact and so on.

But at this moment, under the two consecutive bombardments of the obsidian, the battle armor on Jordani's body was deformed, fell off, and fell to the ground.

Across the street, Jordani looked at Obsidian in the other building.

On Qiao Danny's body, there is also a strong sense of displeasure and domineering fighting spirit. Knock Nima, on this earth, I can be regarded as the number one person after all. Being pressed and rubbed like this, I, Qiao Danny Don't lose face.

He tore off a piece of battle armor that was still hanging on his chest, and Jordani held the holy sword, and a billow of holy light hung down from the void space, and began to condense into a hexagram imprint under Jordani's feet.

After the divine power of death entered the second life leap stage, Jordani hadn't improved his own strength for a long time.

The divine control of death in the second stage is enough for Jordan to stand on the top of the earth's pyramid.

Coupled with the fact that Natasha, Heidi, Gizelle and others gradually recognize each other, in a gentle town, Jordani is actually quite a bit reluctant to make progress.

This is also considered normal, strength makes people swell.

Why do so many great villains always appear arrogant and domineering after gaining power? In fact, it is the sense of expansion after the power blesses them.

As soon as you clench your fist, you feel that you can control the whole world. That feeling is indeed enough to make you intoxicated.

It has only been a long time for Jordan to step into the evolution process. Compared with Jordan, Odin, the ancient mage, Thor and others, which one of them has not gone through a long period of time before the mighty power belongs to himself.

That kind of long years is enough to make people mature. Even Sol knows that he has never been invincible.

At this moment, Jordani was constantly rubbed by the obsidian, and the little pride in his heart was instantly shattered, replaced by an extremely strong unwillingness to admit defeat.

The holy light gathered, and the unprecedented divine power of heaven began to condense on Jordani.

Jordan himself was already a strong man in the second stage. After he truly awakened, the divinity that belonged to the Holy Light also began to condense in Jordani's body.


The six-pointed star finally gathered under the feet of Jordani. This time, Jordani no longer needed the help of the holy sword, and was able to activate the endless divine power of heaven.

A white energy wing stretched out on Jordani's back. This is the symbol of an angel, and the image of a strong man in the second stage of heaven.

Jordani is not really a heavenly creature, so the wings condensed at this moment are nothing but energy wings.

But this is enough, as Jordani stepped forward, the hexagrams under his feet appeared like flickering patterns of light, appearing on Jordani's white wings behind the quilt, covered with a layer of pale golden light.


Jordani and Obsidian collided again in mid-air. This time, Jordani was still a little weaker in strength. He was thrown tens of meters away, his wings trembled, and he quickly stabilized in the sky.

But the obsidian, without flying skills, landed on the ground after a bang.

When the obsidian had just landed and hadn't reacted, a huge energy breath had struck again, and Jordan swooped down instantly, pressing on obsidian's neck with one hand, pressing On the ground, rush out a full distance of Baimi.

A gully full of rubble was blown away, and the obsidian was rubbed against the ground by Jordani, and the whole person was a little dizzy.

At the same time, a beam of sword light flickered, slashing vertically and horizontally, forming a cross light blade in midair and falling.


Jordan stretched his wings and floated motionless in the mid-air. Directly below Jordan, where the obsidian was, there was a criss-cross sword mark, spreading more than ten meters away to the surrounding area.

Billowing smoke and dust floated into the air, Jordani flapped his wings, and a large amount of smoke and dust was blown away.

And that Obsidian, taking advantage of the moment covered by the smoke and dust, was dripping with blood, but he waved his sharp ax and swept towards Jordan in the mid-air.

After Jordani's divinity that belonged to the Holy Light was also condensed, although he was still weaker than Obsidian in terms of strength, he had far surpassed Obsidian in terms of speed.

Obsidian naturally also noticed this disadvantage, so he wanted to use the sharp ax in his hand to restrain Jordani.


The sharp ax pierced through the air. If it was the previous Jordani, he might have to dodge or slash with his sword, but at this moment, when the sharp ax was almost in front of Jordani, Jordani stretched out his left hand and clenched his fist slightly. As soon as he held it, a shield of holy light appeared in front of Jordani like a substantial shield.

The sharp ax slashed on the shield, only a trace of holy light permeated it, and then the holy light shield once again stabilized.


The sudden sneak attack failed, and the obsidian roared angrily, and the wound on his body that was originally slashed by Jordani healed quickly.

Although Jordani reversed and suppressed Obsidian in battle, the power of the Holy Light tended to be defensive after all, and could not cause substantial damage to Obsidian. With its strong recovery ability, he could easily repair himself of this injury.

After all, although Obsidian looks a bit uglier, he is not a demon crawling out of hell, and has a very high resistance to the damage of this kind of holy light.

And with the roar of Obsidian that almost resounded through half of Manhattan, those Zeta Swiss soldiers who were attacking indiscriminately in the sky, as if they had received some orders, quickly gathered and moved towards Jordani's direction Come quickly.


Waves of blue energy rays spewed out from the guns, and a large number of Zeta Swiss soldiers quickly gathered, and they did not attack in close quarters, but relied on the power of the guns to continuously focus on Jordani.

Almost instinctively, Jordani's wings rolled up, blocking a large amount of energy light like a shield.

Taking advantage of the moment when Jordani was entangled by the Zeta Swiss soldiers, the obsidian bounced up again. With the help of the surrounding tall buildings, after several rebounds, it had come directly above Jordani again.

The sharp ax was in the air and collided with the holy sword in Jordani's hand.

With a flash, Jordani was about to distance himself from Obsidian, but at this moment, a shackle suddenly wrapped around Jordani's chest.

bang bang!

Jordani and Obsidian landed almost at the same time, and a chain was connected between them.

That obsidian is just bulky and ugly. The follower of Thanos has experienced countless battles. In terms of experience, this obsidian is not bad.

The shackles of this characteristic are tools specially created by Obsidian to restrict those long-range attackers and those who are good at speed.

Jordani swung his sword and slashed on the chain several times, sparks burst out, but he couldn't break it apart.

Obsidian flicked the shackles, laughed ferociously, and said, "Without the speed you are good at, I will tear you to pieces!"

Seeing that he could not cut off the chain, Qiao Danny's face also turned cold. At this moment, the originally white wings on his body turned into a pitch-black color, and a cold and murderous aura spread over Qiao Danny's body. Come.

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