Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 340 The Cosmic Powerhouses Who Do Things

Jordani and the others didn't know what happened in the Osborne Aerospace Research Center, but on the way back to New York, the pilot of the Quinjet fighter that everyone was in apparently received some order, and quickly turned around, carrying everyone , Came to a space carrier located in the sky over the United States.

I have to say that S.H.I.E.L.D. is still the same, and there is no sign of improvement.

With this kind of banknotes for building space carriers, it is better to build more fighter jets. This kind of space carrier has no other use other than looking a little mighty.

Even the gophers like Strack, who have been in the underground circle all year round, have produced energy weapons and flying combat suits that can be used in actual combat, and SHIELD is still surrounding this shit-like space carrier Misfortune banknotes.

Accompanied by Jordani and Tony's complaints, the Avengers were quickly taken to a medical room in the space carrier.

In the medical room, Nick Fury's whole body was covered with wounds like zongzi, and it looked shocking.

Jordani kept his own high degree of suspicion, and came to Nick Fury. He poked hard and said, "Nick, are you dressed up by someone else?"

Nick Fury was speechless about Jordani's actions, but the injury was indeed serious, so he just stared at Jordani without saying a word.

At this time, a curtain of the medical room was pulled open, and along with several doctors in white coats left, Norman Osborn with one arm hanging also appeared in front of everyone.

Saw Nick Fury and Norman Osborn both having an accident at the same time.

The more perceptive Jordani frowned immediately. In all likelihood, something happened to the Osborne Aerospace Research Center.

Sure enough, as Norman Osborn told about the matter of the Aerospace Research Center, different expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

Thor had the biggest reaction, and said: "This is impossible. When I contacted Heimdall, Loki was still fine!"

At this time, the medicine on Nick Fury finally took effect, and the expression on his face looked much better, and he said, "When was the last time you contacted Asgard?"

Sol was stunned for a moment, and said: "Two months ago, no, maybe three months, who knows? Even if it is a jump point on the star network, it is impossible for Loki to feel the Earth from the Straw Hat Galaxy!"

It may be because of the large number of people, when Norman explained before, he didn't talk about the Rubik's Cube.

Rebutted by Saul, Norman looked at Nick Fury, who nodded slightly.

Only then did Norman speak: "It's the Rubik's Cube, Loki and a strong-looking giant orc, used the Rubik's Cube to open the space door!"


In an instant, there was an uproar in the entire room.

Among the Avengers,

Not everyone knows the existence of the Rubik's Cube, some people are shocked by what it is, and some people are shocked by the appearance of the space gate.

And Jordani, who is more familiar with this aspect, quickly shared some information about the Rubik's Cube in the universe.

This is a real ups and downs.

The matter of the hell passage had just been settled, and everyone didn't even take a breath. There was an extra cosmic magic cube that could open the universe's teleportation gate.

Especially Sol, said with a hint of annoyance: "You human beings are really arrogant. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a treasure that my father placed on the earth for more than a thousand years. Using the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a good job." The signal of the advanced space war!"

Steve also frowned tightly, saying: "We should let this thing continue to sink in the bottom of the sea."

Steve also knows something about the Rubik's Cube.

During World War II, it was because Red Skull, the leader of Hydra, obtained the Cosmic Rubik's Cube that he developed an extremely powerful energy weapon, which indirectly prompted the appearance of Steve.

At the end of the war, it was precisely because of the Rubik's Cube that Steve died with the Red Skull, and was frozen in the North Pole, sleeping for 70 years.

In this matter, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Osborn are clearly at fault.

Nick Fried paused for a moment, then said: "Now is not the time to pursue responsibility, no matter what the Cosmic Rubik's Cube represents, the most important thing for us now is to find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and find out that Loki came to Earth s reason."

Dr. Banner said at this time: "I know a lot about gamma rays, give me a place to work, maybe I can help in finding the Rubik's Cube!"

A group of people started discussing again in a mess, from time to time, there were some quarreling voices among them.

But when everyone was attracted by the Rubik's Cube and Loki, Jordan focused his attention on the behemoth who came with Loki.

After Nick Fury and Norman Osborn escaped from the research base, the entire research base was completely destroyed.

However, among the cleared clues and videos, there are still images of Loki and the giant orc.

Jordani sat in a corner of the medical room, patted Geizer's thigh with one hand, and rubbed his chin with the other, guessing the identity of the giant beastman in his mind.

This behemoth is extremely fierce and powerful. It looks like one of the generals under Thanos, the guy who was killed by Doctor Strange with a portal in "Avengers 3". It seems to be some kind of stone called black.

Jordani thought that under his own influence, the whole earth and Asgard had changed so much. Although Loki still looked a little cunning, he should not become a big villain anymore.

It's just that I didn't expect that Loki didn't know what was going on, but he actually got together with the generals under Thanos.

And this has already shown that Thanos has obviously noticed the earth at this time.

In other words, there must be something wrong with Asgard and the ancient boss, otherwise, Thanos should not dare to extend his tentacles to the earth when the two heavenly father-level bosses are in charge.

"Hey, where are you going to touch, there are still people here!"

Just when Jordani was thinking more and more energetically, Gizelle slapped Jordani on the hand.

It was indeed a bit too deep, Jordani smiled, hugged Gizelle and babbled, then looked at Sol, and said, "Sol, can you contact Asgard now?"

Jordani remained silent all this time, and when he spoke, everyone in the room quickly fell silent.

In terms of cosmic knowledge, everyone knows that Jordani is the one who knows the most, and also the one with the most secrets.

Saul was also a little dazed at the question Jordani suddenly asked.

Immediately Sol didn't answer, and strode out of the inner cabin, came to the deck, and shouted into the sky.


"Heimdall, Shet, father, sister..."

After howling for a while, nothing happened, Sol returned to the room with a dejected and inexplicable face.

Although Thor was exiled to the earth by Miss Hela who returned to Asgard because of the battle for the throne, Sol and Hela have the same bloodline after all, and he is the purest prince of Asgard. .

Normally, as long as Sol doesn't act as a monster, unlike Miss Hella's throne charge, even if Sol often goes back to Asgard for a short stay, there is no problem.

Exile or something is actually a kind of temporary isolation.

As Miss Hela's control over Asgard becomes more and more stable, the strength of this exile punishment will become more and more shallow, and one day, it will even disappear completely.

But now, Sol has no response to Asgard's response.

That can only show that there must be something wrong with Asgard.

In fact, when Jordani was fighting the eight-armed demon at the Siberian base, he had already heard something strange from the opponent's mouth, but Jordani didn't think much about it at the time.

It wasn't until the giant orc warlord under the command of the tyrant appeared that Qiao Danny paid attention again.

The atmosphere was silent for a while.

Although many people on Earth like Tony are unwilling to admit it, in fact, Asgard has always been the guardian barrier of the Earth.

Now that the communication with Asgard is suddenly cut off, people feel a strange feeling in their hearts.

Jordani glanced at everyone, quickly took out a special old-fashioned mobile phone, and dialed a number stored in the phone.


Soon, the call was connected, but the voice on the phone was not the voice of the owner of the phone.

In fact, this old-fashioned mobile phone, as well as the number in the mobile phone, were handed over to Qiao Danny by Mr. Gu after the last conversation, so that Qiao Danny can find himself more conveniently when needed.

After all, Mr. Gu is not a god. After the time gem can't be used, he can't be omniscient and summon Jordan in time.

But now the voice coming from the mobile phone is quite simple and honest Wang.

In the Holy of Holies, two of the most popular disciples of the ancient masters are Casillas and Modu, and the rest are the guardians of the three sanctuaries, as well as several masters of Kama Taj.

In Qiao Danny's view, even if the big brother Gu leaves for something and needs to leave his mobile phone behind, he shouldn't be an inconspicuous king.

Obviously, something that he didn't know must have happened in the Holy of Holies.

All the thoughts just flashed in Jordani's mind, and he immediately said: "Wang, where is the Ancient One? Did something happen in the Holy of Holies?"

Wang's voice came, and said: "Yes, Dormammu has appeared on the border of the dimension. The teacher has brought all the elders and has already gone to the battlefield of the dimension. And after the anchor point of the dimension is destroyed by you, it seems that the other side of the hell Something went wrong, Casillas and Modu gathered all the remaining mages in the three sanctuaries, and are maintaining the stability of the seal of Agamotto."

Struggle in the comic world

Struggle in the comic world

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