Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 331: The Beginning of the Assassination

When facing Nick Fury's final questioning, Jordani actually thought a lot in his mind.

Money, this is indeed a good thing, but Jordani has never been the kind of businessman with the heart of a tycoon, and even in his bones, Jordani is a street vagrant who gets rich when he gets rich.

Power, this does not match Jordani's personality, not to mention, Jordani's identity as the prince of Asgard, no, after Hela succeeded to the throne, Jordani has already been regarded as the prince of Asgard, far more powerful than the so-called Prince of Asgard on Earth. The power is too great.

Beauty, this is more in line with Jordani's taste, but just Natasha, Heidi, Giselle and others have already made Jordan very kidney-deficient. There are too many, and Jordani can't handle it.

So after much deliberation, Jordani finally came up with an unbelievable statement.

After spending the rest of his life in peace and stability, he looked very hopeless.

But in fact, this is the answer in Jordani's subconscious mind. Since the first day he came to this world, this idea has never stopped, but it has never been realized.

Jordan didn't even know if Nick Fury would believe his own truth.

But in the end, Nick Fury left without saying a word.

It didn't make Jordan wait too long, it was just a short day. Nick Fury came to the Avengers base again, stripped Jordan from the Secret Avengers, and handed Jordan a small Refined instrument.

This thing can spray out a special pattern mark.

Every time someone is assassinated, Jordani needs to leave this mark on the scene, which can be regarded as a kind of tacit understanding with Nick Fury.

Along with this sprayer came Jordani's hands, and there is a list.

If people who are more concerned about the world situation see this list, they will be able to see that this is a list of high-level politicians covering almost all countries in the world, and they are the kind of politicians who are extremely radical in terms of public opinion.

Jordan is a killer, and Nick Fury is even worse.

It’s fine when no decision is made. After a decision is made, Nick Fury’s appetite is much, much greater than that of Jordani.

And just as Jordani said, Jordani himself is better at making a knife.

The western suburbs of Paris, Louis XIV Castle.

What Jordani has to do is to sneak into the castle without using any special abilities, capture two people alive, and kill them after getting the information he wants, without leaving any traces or clues .

Today's high-level leaders in various countries around the world have begun to notice the endless emergence of superpowers, and the detection of various energies is extremely strict.

In this kind of place, once Jordani uses his divine power to map the map of the energy left behind, it is very likely that Jordani's identity will be revealed.

at dawn,

The sky was extremely dark, and the vision was even more blurred than in the middle of the night.

For Jordani, this kind of assassination has not happened for a long time. Since embarking on the path of evolution, Jordani's fighting style has long since changed from a wild beast assault style to a more reckless beast grinder. pressurized flow.

Move your hands and feet a little bit, I have to say, this feeling is quite something that Jordan misses.

The memory of the Roma training camp was floating like running water. After the dawn and night became thicker to a certain extent, Jordani burst out of a jungle near the castle like a civet cat.

In the jungle near the castle, there are endless ambushes and traps.

However, with Jordan's current strength, even if he doesn't use his divine power, he can easily avoid these traps by relying on his five physical senses.


A pitch-black knife light flashed through the night, blending into the darkness without making a single sound.

Jordani quickly put a corpse into his space backpack, and then jumped easily, crossed over the wall, and moved quickly towards a luxurious palace in the core area of ​​the castle.

The current owner of this castle is the crown prince of a Middle Eastern country.

According to the information given by Nick Fury, the crown prince is very likely to be a high-level core member of the Ten Rings Gang, and will secretly meet with a behind-the-scenes messenger of the Honor Society in the castle tonight.

The castle is well-defended, but it is only for ordinary people.

Jordani acted in the castle like a silent ghost. After killing seven or eight security personnel one after another, Jordani had already changed into a security costume and came to an extremely gorgeous hall blatantly. .

"Thank you Mr. Christine for coming..."

"His Royal Highness, the Honorable Society..."

Vaguely, through a huge luxurious wooden door, Jordani could also hear some conversations coming from a room deep in the hall.

But in the entire hall, there are still nineteen security personnel.

Among the rooms deep in the hall, the only entrance is the luxurious wooden door guarded by nineteen security personnel.

Moreover, Qiao Danny could feel that the nineteen security personnel all carried an incomparably strong sulfur breath.

This kind of breath was inherited from hell, and Jordani had also felt it in the second generation of devil potion users organized by Aideen.

As soon as Jordani entered the hall, the eyes of the nineteen security guards were all fixed on Jordani.

Jordani didn't say a word, kept his own silence and composure, just swept across the crowd, and then walked towards a gap.


When Jordani was just approaching the direction of the gap, four security personnel had already stretched out a hand, speaking in French or Arabic, as if to prevent Jordani from approaching.

At the same time, the other security personnel have become vigilant in an instant, and some even put their hands on the guns in their clothes.

To be an excellent killer, in addition to good enough skill and marksmanship, knowledge is actually quite important.

Jordani felt a little regretful at the moment, why didn't he study the language courses well during the Roma training camp, this shit didn't even have a second, and he was about to be exposed.

While the person opposite was still talking, Jordani suddenly raised his head, showing a smile with eight teeth.

Immediately afterwards, eight round silver-white balls, centered on Jordani, fell to the ground and rolled in all directions.


The silver-white suspected bomb ball rolled, and there was a moment of dead silence in the entire hall.

Qiao Danny looked at the security personnel in front of him with a smile, and said, "As a qualified security personnel, it's reasonable for me to carry a few bombs with me, isn't it?"


As soon as Jordani finished speaking, shock waves spread in the void, followed by extremely intense flashes of light.

Flashbangs, almost Jordani's favorite ever.

At the moment when the flash bomb exploded, Jordani instantly launched adrenaline. This is the physical power of Jordani, without any energy breath. In a very short time, dozens of bullets were poured out.

Puff puff puff!

Jordani did a good job, the firearms were equipped with silencers, and as soon as the bullets were fired, he rushed to the front of the two security guards like a gust of wind.

Sure enough, these security guards did not fall to the ground immediately after being shot, but under the great damage, there were layers of scales emerging from their bodies, and lines like flames and magma spread. Come.


Without using energy, Jordani has entered the second stage of super power, and it is by no means something these monsters can resist, let alone before these monsters have completed their transformation.

Stretching out his hand and twisting the necks of the two monsters, Jordani took out the holy sword without arousing the energy in it. He just kept silent and killed all the security personnel in the hall at the fastest speed.

Nothing was more difficult than imagined, Jordani quickly put away the holy sword, and strode into the deep room.

Entering the room, a young man in Middle Eastern clothes sat opposite an elderly white man in an expensive suit.

Seeing the faces of these two people clearly, Qiao Danny couldn't help cursing out loud.

The crown prince of the Middle Eastern country is the core executive of the Ten Rings Gang, and Jordani is not surprised by this.

But that old white man, Jordani is also very familiar with him. He has seen it many times on TV, and he is actually the Minister of State.

An official who is almost at the top of the country is actually one of the masterminds behind the underground forces like the Ndrangheta.

This is so fucking fucked up, and it also proves how deeply those underground forces have taken root in the entire world.

Striding to the sofa next to the two of them, Jordani sat down sternly, with an ugly expression on his face, as if he was the owner of the house, picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured himself a glass.

After draining the wine in the glass in one gulp, Qiao Danny said in a very uncomfortable manner: "I ask, you answer, if you answer wrong, you will bear the consequences!"

Just as Jordani finished speaking, the old white man said angrily, "Do you know who we are..."


There was a flash of cold light, and then came the tragic howl of the old white man. A pitch-black dagger was inserted into the opponent's shoulder, and he was directly nailed to the sofa.

This kind of movement was enough to quickly attract the attention of the outside world, but at this time, Jordani was so angry that he didn't care about it at all.

Calmly looking at the two people in the room, Qiao Danny spoke again: "The answer is wrong, the rules remain the same! I will continue to ask, think clearly before speaking..."

Struggle in the comic world

Struggle in the comic world

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