Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 310 The Avengers' Daily Quarrel

Tony's troubles are nothing more than troubles. At the very least, everything seems to be developing towards the good side. It will not threaten the safety of life, and it can prolong life. It is simply a big profit.

As for the distress of the gap, Tony still has a long time to solve this problem.

What really hurts is the problem of the two masterminds behind the scenes, Heihuang and Tianqi.

No one knows where these two bastards are hiding, and these two bastards are also waiting for the opportunity for social conflicts to appear after the X-fog spreads.

Thousands of people have thousands of faces, and everyone has different ideas, personalities, and ideals.

The situation caused by Heihuang and Tianqi has at least millions or tens of millions of people in the world who have been completely infected. What kind of chaos will happen after these people master the sudden magical ability? , no one can imagine.

Someone may choose to be a superhero, someone may choose to hide their abilities, and someone may become a criminal.

It can even be said that this is not a possibility, but a necessity.

How will the governments of all parties treat these infected people, and how ordinary people will see these superpowers.

Not to mention, there are still two sources of disaster, Heihuang and Tianqi, who will definitely add fuel to the flames and make troubles behind this. Even if the governments of all parties are capable of handling this matter, I am afraid that the Heihuang and Tianqi will , will also jump out to deliberately make trouble.

The comparison between ordinary people and superpowers is like the gap between the rich and the poor, or even worse.

The gap between the rich and the poor can at most cause some social conflicts, but if people have superpowers, any conflicts that arise may directly turn into armed conflicts.

If things go on like this, the entire social order may completely collapse.

Whether it is an ordinary person or a person with superpowers, there is a beast hidden in everyone's heart. Once the gate is opened and it is released, it can never be contained.

"In terms of the social system and the country's response, we can't get in the way at all, and now, once our relatives and friends awaken some unique abilities, our status will also become awkward..."

After getting rid of his troubles temporarily, Tony is still very reliable in dealing with crises.

Of course, in the entire Avengers base,

Both Tony and Dr. Banner have always been in charge of intelligence.

Steve obviously didn't agree with Tony's laissez-faire concept, but he didn't show it immediately.

Tony is a typical egoist character. In everything, he must consider himself first, and then consider public issues. Of course, at critical times, Tony never lacks the spirit of sacrificing his life for righteousness.

Steve, on the other hand, is a typical altruist and a model of morality. In everything he does, he will first consider the influence of others and the public, but at the critical moment, Steve will always follow his own inner justice.

Tony and Steve are, in a sense, two polar opposites.

To be honest, Jordani feels that it is a miracle that the Avengers can bring together such a group of strange and different people.

But if you want to eliminate the differences in ideas between Tony and Steve, Jordan certainly can't do it.

As Tony talked more and more, Steve quickly began to refute.

The two have different philosophies. In fact, there were signs of it a long time ago. It's just that in recent years, a series of things have forced everyone to unite and fight against it.

Jarvis can collect countless materials and information, and can also simulate a certain degree of future social trends.

This is like a big data prediction, which may or may not be reliable.

Nothing has happened yet. At this moment, Tony, Steve and others have already started arguing about social conflicts that have not yet occurred in the future.

This kind of thing, in the Avengers, is not once or twice.

Basically, every time a conference is held, this group of people quarrels, which is already a repertoire of the Avengers.

It's just that this time, because the family members of the Avengers were involved, the quarrel was particularly intense.

A corner of the conference room.

Peter felt that it was a very honorable thing for him to be able to participate in this kind of Avengers meeting. Even when he went back to school, he could boast for more than three years.

But looking at the group of people at the moment, they are arguing like old women in the vegetable market.

The image of the Avengers and superheroes in Peter's mind began to collapse.

Carefully pulling Jordani's arm, Peter whispered, "Uncle Joe, is this kind of quarrel common in the Avengers? Why don't you stop it? Between the captain and Iron Man..."

"Peter, shut up!" Minty was also beside Jordani, a little swollen by Peter's talkative nature.

Like Peter, Minty felt that it was an honor to be able to attend the Avengers meeting. Minty even brought notes to record many classic quotations from this great moment.

But now, Minty is a little worried, what are these people talking about.

Damn popsicle old man! A weak chicken who can only hide himself in a tin can!

If these things are recorded, and Aunt Mei sees them, she might have to confine herself for more than half a year.

Yes, because Damon is not at home all year round, Minty has now moved into May and Peter's house, just like a family.

Jordani was smoking a cigar, not caring about the two teenagers beside him.

Watching the low-pitched discussion between Minty and Peter, Jordani got himself a glass of whiskey in a spirited manner.

There was indeed a lot of quarreling in the conference room, but that was all there was to it.

Nick Fury's fucking Frankman hasn't come yet, and Saul's powder keg that explodes at one o'clock. By the way, I remember one time, Dr. Banner transformed on the spot during a meeting.

He rubbed Minty's little head, and rubbed Peter's dog's head.

Qiao Danny said, "It's just a small scene. I have a more exciting video here. Do you want to watch it?"

Slightly showing off, Jordani took out a mobile phone, which contained a video secretly recorded by Jordani. In the conference room, Hulk beat Tony and Steve violently on the spot.

"Uncle Joe, can I take a look too?"

Just as Jordani took out his mobile phone to tease Minty and Peter, a childish voice came from the side.

Qiao Danny turned his head and found that it was a little girl of Indian descent who was only about three years old.

This is Hobbs' daughter. During this X-smoke infection incident, she also developed some special abilities. When she got angry, she would burst into flames, like a small charmander.

Jordan laughed, and handed the mobile phone to Minty, Peter, and Red Dragon, and let the three little guys play together.

At this time, Hobbs also squeezed to Jordani's side.

Like Jordan, Hobbs is also one of the guys in the Avengers who don't want to eat brains.

Before each action, people like Tony, Steve, and Dr. Banner often have to make full preparations and make various plans, while Jordani and Hobbs are the kind of people with stronger hands-on ability.

Among the Avengers, Thor, Hobbs, and Jordani have vaguely had the joint title of the trio of reckless men.

Hobbs held a bottle of beer, touched Jordan, and said, "The two little guys in your family, what kind of ability have they awakened?"

Hobbs was referring to Mindy and Peter, the recognized Jordanis.

Jordani drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said: "It's mainly Peter, the vision in Mindy's body, it appeared after the last Holy City incident, it should be the super recovery ability, Peter seems to have activated his father's previous vision. The gene left over from the experiment has become extremely sensitive, as if the spider could sense something..."

Just as Jordani was talking, there were bursts of sirens suddenly sounding from the Avengers base.

Suddenly, everyone in the conference room became vigilant.

Steve, who was arguing with Tony, raised the shield in the room first, and said to Tony, "Put on your armor, something happened!"

Everyone started scurrying for their gear.

Tony's battle armor has now been upgraded to the 47th generation, with automatic sensing and tracking functions. With Tony's hands pulling, during the process of walking, pieces of battle armor covered Tony's body in flight.

"Jarvis, report, what happened?"

"Sir, this is Dr. Banner and Ms. Betty Ross..."

Accompanied by Jarvis' report, a real-time image was projected in the room soon.

Outside the Avengers base, where fighter planes were parked, Dr. Banner had already transformed into a green fat man, but was being violently beaten by a similarly green figure.

The newly-appeared green figure can be seen to be a woman, with the same explosive muscles and infinite strength, and it seems that she is more rational than Hulk, and her movements are much more organized.

During the battle between the two sides, Hulk obviously still had great fear of the She-Hulk, and even looked a little cautious.


Just before everyone figured out what happened, she saw that in the scene, She-Hulk grabbed Hulk and smashed it heavily on a Kun-style fighter, making the sound of an explosion.

The Avengers, who were preparing to deal with the enemy urgently, quickly became confused.

Tony's originally well-equipped visor bounced off, looking at the battle in the picture, he said a little confused: "Can someone tell, what happened?"

Just right, in the picture, the She-Hulk smashed Hulk into the ruins, turned her head, her muscles stretched, and she let out an extremely violent roar.

Jordan quickly covered Minty and Peter's eyes, and said, "Oh, Shet, these are really hot eyes!"

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