Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 187 Leaping forward in life, the road to godhood

Faith will move mountains to open.

It is not very reliable to use such words on scumbags. It can also be said that flies do not bite seamless eggs. As long as you work hard, you can always taste the sweetness.

After two life-and-death battles, plus a life-saving grace, and the last two or three months of hard work, Jordani has everything he needs as a successful licking dog.

In this way, Mindy became a little light bulb.

Fortunately, Minty's vacation was not long, and Jordani soon contacted Stark Industries' security team and consigned her back to New York.

But Jordani and Heidi's honeymoon trip did not last too long.

After Tony got the Life Potion from Jordani, S.H.I.E.L.D. had no chance to win Tony's favor through this incident. Nick Fury couldn't bear it anymore, and personally found the relics of Howard in the past and sent them to Tony's hands.

Just like that, Tony complained about it.

With Nick Fury's almost obvious reminder, Tony, as expected, found a solution to palladium poisoning.

Tony's father, Howard is a genius no less than Tony, and one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. He came into contact with the Rubik's Cube very early on, and during the research process, he discovered the structure of a new element.

Due to the backwardness of the conditions of the times, Howard was unable to create this new element at the time.

Tony did not live up to his father's expectations, and created a new kind of ark reactor, and because of the image left by his father, his mind changed again, and he planned to be like his father after decades. Same, hosting a Stark Tech Expo again.

So before the sweet little days between Jordan and Heidi began, Tony sent an invitation to Jordan.

As a model who also has few friends, Jordani naturally would not refuse Tony's invitation.

Fortunately, at this time, after staying in Yellowstone Park for nearly a full month, Jordani and Heidi have both visited the entire Yellowstone Park, and Jordani's strength has once again been raised to a bottleneck state.

The death aura accumulated by a super volcano for tens of thousands of years is enough for Jordani to raise his death power and physical fitness to an extremely high level in a very short period of time.

Jordani Jovovich, Class 50.

Just in terms of pure physical fitness, Jordani has more than tripled, and the passive skills of reinforced iron and super self-healing have almost been directly brushed to the full level by Jordani.

The current Jordani, even if he doesn't rely on guns, can compete with Hulk who is in a state of hatred and second rage.

In a jump of 100 meters, the bullets can't break the skin.

In a sense, Jordani feels like a little Superman now.

The only thing that makes Jordan feel a little regretful is that even though Jordan's physical fitness has reached this point, he still cannot fly.

And for the first time, Jordani saw system tasks in his subconscious system.

Task Name: Awakening - Gun God 1

Completion condition: Collect 1000 souls that broke free from death

Mission Name: Awakening - Gun God 2

Completion conditions: collect 10 death spars, 10 soul spars, 10 life spars, and 1 god's blood

Mission Name: Awakening - Gun God 3

Completion Conditions: Enter Hell Alone,

Slay the Undead Lord 5 times

Task Name: Awakening - Gun God 4

Completion conditions: enter the original place of the universe, resist the death attack 3 times

Final Reward: Life Leap, Body of the God Race, Road to Godhood

Regarding the two final rewards, Jordani actually heard the explanation from Odin.

In the growth process of the Asa Protoss, they will also encounter the same bottleneck as Jordani now. After all, although the Asa Protoss are born with a high level of life, they are not real gods.

For thousands of years, the Asa Protoss also needed to go through continuous exercise, and then nourish their own divine power.

After nourishing the divine power, Odin, the lord of Asgard, will give the real name of the corresponding attribute, and after a long time, after a long time, he can truly grasp a trace of the real name authority before he can be regarded as a real god.

Becoming a protoss also has almost endless room for growth.

For example, polishing the will of the original place of the universe, cultivating divinity, condensing the godhead, etc. Until then, one can be regarded as a real god if he can use the power of the original law of the universe.

This is the real path to becoming a god.

In this journey, the emergence of divine power is the first leap forward in life, which can give people the right to actively evolve.

Obtaining the authority of the real name is regarded as the second leap forward in life. With the power of authority, one can enter the original place of the universe, and cultivate an immortal divinity from then on.

Concentrating the godhead is the third life leap forward. At this point, you have already become a big boss at the universe level. God King Odin and Ancient One Mage are the best in this stage, and they already have the power to touch the law level.

Controlling the law is the fourth life leap forward, just like the power of Asgard and the infinite gems, they are all treasures of this level.

The reason why Jordani is valued by Gu and Odin is because Jordani possessed a trace of authority when he was at the mortal level.

This is equivalent to that Jordani was born in the process of the second life leap, but it was only passive. When the strength reached a certain level, he could easily understand how to complete the second life leap.

Just like the system tasks that appear in Jordani's subconscious mind now.

This is a very difficult thing.

On the road to becoming a god, the first life leap is not too difficult. As long as you continue to temper yourself and strengthen yourself, you will be able to develop divine power sooner or later. Even like Odin, for those close to you, you can still Give the real name directly to help people awaken their divine power.

But from the second life leap forward, it will become very difficult, and external forces cannot help, and you can only ponder and comprehend it by yourself.

Like Thor, the god of thunder, who has lived for thousands of years and still cannot comprehend the power of authority. He can only rely on the meowing hammer to summon thunder at the cost of consuming divine power, until in "Thor 3", Ragnarok It was only after he had one eye removed that he controlled the power of Thunderbolt under infinite pressure, realized the growth of summoning Thunderbolt with his bare hands, ushered in the second life leap, and his strength increased dramatically.

The third life leap is even more difficult. After watching the entire Marvel, there are not many who can be the same as Odin and Gu.

As for the fourth life leap, Jordani couldn't imagine what it would be like.

It is precisely because of this that the power of authority becomes more apparent, how precious it is.

Thor, the god of thunder, could not find a way to make a second life leap for thousands of years. As long as Jordani can complete the four system tasks, he can easily advance to the next level.

Of course, this thing is not as easy as imagined.

For example, the task of Gunslinger 4, entering the original place of the universe and resisting the death attack three times, should have been the most difficult task, but Jordani felt that it was the easiest to complete.

Gun God 3 missions, entering hell to deal with the undead monarch 5 times, there are also traces to follow.

On the contrary, it was the missions of Gunslinger 2 and Gunslinger 1 that made Jordan feel a little bit annoyed, such as the soul that broke free from death, the death spar, the life spar, the soul spar, and the blood of the gods.

With so many requirements, why doesn't the garbage system kill itself.

It's okay to be unhappy, but it's better to have a clue than to have no clue.

I am not like Thor, who has thousands of years to waste and explore.

With the little joy after the system task appeared, Jordani and Heidi quickly embarked on the journey back to New York, but what made Jordani sore was that when he was approaching New York, Heidi received a message from Deckard. SOS message.

Then Heidi simply diverted from New York Airport to an isolated island in the Atlantic Ocean.

It’s not that Jordan is unwilling to help. On the one hand, it’s Tony’s invitation, and the Stark Science and Technology Expo will be held soon. On the other hand, Heidi has also controlled the experimental process after replenishing almost unlimited life potions. A trace of the power of hellfire authority in his body.

The power of Hellfire's authority is much stronger than the power of death in the early stage.

This can't help but greatly increase Heidi's physical fitness, and it also brings Heidi's extraordinary ability to control flames.

To put it bluntly, Heidi's combat power, even if he confronts Jordani head-on, will definitely not be inferior. After all, people with flame abilities can easily use flame boosts to achieve flight and long-range attacks.

Deckard's trouble is not that big. It is said that he and Ethan, assigned by the CIA, sneaked into a prison on the Atlantic coast of Africa to collect evidence of a certain criminal organization.

With Heidi going to help, as long as there is no big boss of the level of hatred, it will not be a big problem.

On the contrary, on Tony's side, Jordani remembered that in the previous life "Iron Man 2", at the Stark Technology Expo, a strong Russian man made a lot of noise.

Now Tony decided to hold a technology fair a year in advance, and Jordan didn't know if there would be any changes.

Thinking all the way, Jordan watched as Heidi got on the plane and soon returned to the Central Park Building.

Perhaps because of the influence of Jordani, Wanda, and the Pietro family, Tony seldom lives in Los Angeles, but in New York for a longer time.

After all, New York is the most prosperous city in the United States, and in Los Angeles, Tony only lived there for a long time when he was young and frivolous, in order to facilitate contact with Hollywood female stars.

What's more, now that Tony has made up his mind, it is clear that Pepper is under the control of living in New York, and it is more convenient for Pepper to work as the CEO of Stark Industries.

It is worth mentioning that Tony has already bought a large piece of land in New York, and the Stark Tower is already breaking ground.

Jordan didn't mind having Tony as a neighbor.

Because at the Osborne Aerospace Research Center, the research laboratory that cooperated with Norman has been in trouble recently, Jordani has been without a source of income for a long time.

For things like eating big households, Jordani felt that as a person with a proletarian ideological soul, he had no pressure.

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