Of the four big figures in the room, Jordani knew three of them alone, Obadiah Stan from Stark Industries, Baron Strucker from Hydra, and Winston from the Continental Hotel in New York.

The remaining one was tall and thin, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and looked as gentle as a university professor.

Seeing the three of Jordani approaching, while the other three were fine, Winston, who was smoking a cigar, paused slightly, and his cloudy eyes lit up.

"Mr. Ryan, it's the first time we meet, and I pay my respects to you."

Heidi was reminded by Jordani, but she didn't show anything wrong with her. When she came in front of the four of them, she glanced at the other three, and naturally, she bowed slightly to the gentle man.

The other three didn't make a sound. The gentle man turned his head to look at Heidi, waved his hand, and soon some of his subordinates stepped forward, took out a black box, put it on the table and opened it, revealing two tubes of dark red liquid medicine come.

With Erlang's legs crossed, the gentle man was a little arrogant, and said: "This is the strength potion researched by our organization. You must already know the specific information. About the price..."

Heidi smiled and motioned to Ethan Hunt on the left, a silver box was also placed on the table.

The box was opened, and there were 300 black diamond-like things inside.

Heidi, with the temperament of a famous lady, said, "Three hundred primary iridium ores can be inspected at any time."

The gentle man casually took out an ore from the box, and said, "The White Widow really deserves her reputation, she was able to find a buyer so quickly."

The gentle man played with the ore casually, and nodded to a subordinate next to him.

Some professionals came out of the room, holding professional instruments and tools, and began to inspect the black diamonds in the box, and four other people pushed a huge glass box out of the room.

Inside the glass box was a man in his thirties who was bound by layers of restraint.

For a moment, Heidi's body became unrecognizably stiff, she smiled and said, "Mr. Lane, what do you mean?"

The gentle man got up, randomly took out one of the two dark red potions, installed it in a syringe, and walked towards the man in the glass box.

"This is a spy found in my team this afternoon, from MI6!" Walking into the glass box, through a layer of glass, the gentle man turned his head suddenly, looked at Heidi, and continued. : "Since it's a transaction, it's natural for customers to have a look at the effect of this power potion, what do you think?"

The gentle man stared straight at Heidi, and with one hand turned back casually, he pressed the injection gun against the neck of the agent in the box.

After finishing speaking, the gentle man didn't speak, but just looked at Heidi, as if he wanted to let Heidi make a decision.

The smile on Heidi's face did not change at all, and she said, "Of course I believe in Mr. Ryan, after all Aideen..."


Just as Heidi was talking, the gentle man in the box had already pulled the trigger, walked out of the box, and signaled his subordinates to seal the box completely.

The moment she pulled the trigger, Heidi visibly trembled.

The gentle man did not expose Heidi, and Heidi continued to maintain her stance as an international broker.

Jordani sighed in the back, and as expected, the gentle man sat back on the sofa, and more than 20 bodyguards in the room raised their guns and aimed at the three of Jordani.

It wasn't until this time that the gentle man said, "Who are you?"

Heidi's expression was stiff, and her whole body tensed up, obviously ready to make a surprise attack.

At this moment, Jordani suddenly took a step forward and stopped Heidi who was tense all over. With a calm smile on his face, he said, "Mr. Lane doesn't look like he's doing business."

After speaking to the gentle man, Jordani turned his head to look at Winston again, and said, "Winston, it's been a long time since you saw me. If I knew you had friendship with Mr. Lane, I would Why bother to find someone from the middle!"

The sudden change surprised everyone in the room.

The gentle man on the sofa also looked at the silver-haired Winston with a look of vigilance.

Winston was calm, put down the cigar in his hand, and said, "Mr. Ryan, this is Jordani Jovovich, the demon hunter. Joe, this is Solomon Ryan, the CEO of Aideen Company." .”

Solomon Ryan frowned, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

Jordani laughed, and said: "No, Winston, I came today as a collaborator in Osborne's laboratory, in fact, I am very interested in all potions that can increase strength. "

Solomon Ryan's expression was a little more gentle now, obviously he had heard about Jordani's extraordinary fighting power.

It makes sense for a combat madman who is dedicated to researching various potions and strengthening himself to use the financial resources of Osborn Industries to buy Aideen's potion of strength.

Solomon Lane nodded and said, "I am very glad that Mr. Jovovich is here. In fact, I have already prepared dinner and have always wanted to chat with Mr. Jovovich and Mr. Osborne."

After finishing speaking, Solomon Ryan inadvertently glanced at Heidi.

At the same time, changes began to take place on the man inside the glass box, which was almost visible to the naked eye. On the man's body, flesh and blood cracks spread, and there were purple-red tendons that formed a kind of magic pattern. The form appeared on the man's body along the cracks in the flesh and blood.


After the purple magic pattern appeared, a purple flame spread from the man's body, causing him to let out an incomparably tragic cry.

The ropes, the bonds, began to melt and crumble.


Suddenly, a figure appeared on the glass, his hands were already covered with cuticles, and he crazily hit the glass.

bang bang bang!

The figure in the box was obviously in a rage, and with the opponent's hammering, dense spider webs began to appear on the entire glass surface.

Solomon Lane waved his hand, and soon someone flipped a switch on an instrument.

A large amount of white mist began to pour into the airtight glass box, and after a short while, that monster figure that looked extremely mighty began to tremble, and then fell directly in the box.

The monster man was unconscious, and soon someone walked in from outside the room, pushed the glass box away, and disposed of it.

Until then, Solomon Ryan looked at Jordan and said, "Mr. Jovovich, are you satisfied with this power?"

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