Struggle in Russia

Chapter 174 The Fear of Nicholas I

If there is anything in this world that Nicholas I fears the most, it must be the Mountain Party. Of course, this Montagnard does not refer to those Montagnards in the French Revolution in 1789, but refers specifically to the revolutionaries.

Nicholas I was afraid of all revolutionaries, even though on the surface he pretended to have everything under control and everything could not escape his palm, but the fact was that he was afraid of revolutionaries. I am afraid that one day when I wake up, the Winter Palace will be surrounded by revolutionaries, and then he will be guillotined like Louis XVI, and his wife, children and lover will all beheaded.

This kind of fear has been deeply embedded in his mind. As soon as he hears about revolutionary activities, his first reaction is to kill, that is, to strangle the danger in his infancy.

This time was no exception, when Nesselrode mentioned revolutionary activities. Nicholas I's breathing suddenly became heavy, his fists were clenched, and his eyes were straightened, like a fool.

This state of dementia lasted for a full ten seconds, and then Nicholas I exploded:

"I told them a long time ago, to be more vigilant against those dangerous thoughts! But they don't listen to them, they are always played by the clowns in the parliament, and they always choose tolerance without thinking!"

Nesselrode knew who they were, they were nothing more than the other royal families in Europe. Nicholas I had a very happy chat with these relatives during his previous visits. Most people could not accept his extreme and authoritarianism. He was regarded as a savage and uncivilized leader of the East.

In short, Nicholas I is an unpopular existence among other European royal families. No one likes this monster with strong desires but extremely rigid life. This made Nicholas I very hurt.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a note to the ambassadors of various countries, expressing my concerns about the activities of the mob and the Montagne! The tragedy of 1789 cannot be repeated! Especially to remind the French that the last July Revolution was a lesson, and it is time to deal with those mobs more forcefully Already!"

Nicholas I began to become nervous, walking up and down the office alone, making the wooden floor rattle, like a mischievous and uneducated brat.

"Not enough! This is far from enough! I personally wrote to Queen Victoria, to Louis Philippe, to Frederick William IV, and to Ferdinand I. A unified action must be carried out!"

As he said that, the nagging Nicholas I simply ignored the old Prime Minister Nesselrode who was still standing on the spot, rushed to the desk and began to write furiously.

This made Nesselrode both helpless and embarrassed, because he still had something to say, neither stood nor walked.


Nesselrode coughed twice,

It is hoped that this will awaken the fanatical Nicholas I, but it is of no use.

As a last resort, Nesselrode could only say loudly: "Your Majesty!"

Nicholas I seemed to be taken aback, raised his head dissatisfied, and was about to scold the rude people who dared to interrupt his work. But the moment he saw Nesselrode, he suddenly realized that he was as rude as himself.

"Count, what else do you need?"

Nesselrode sighed in his heart, Nicholas I has become more and more abnormal in the past two years, more and more like his elder brother Alexander I and his father Paul I in his later years, becoming neurotic and fanatical .

When you are happy, you can be like a child, when you are disappointed, you can be like a woman, when you are violent, you can be like a lion... The emotions are quite powerful and become very unpredictable.

This reminded Nesselrode of some rumors in the market, some very bad rumors about the Romanov family: this family has been cursed by the devil, and the longer they sit in the position of emperor, the heavier the curse will be , will become more and more sickly, until finally mad and destroyed.

The reason, of course, is that blood flowed under the throne of the Romanov family, and the tsars who died in an accidental death from generation to generation lingered, constantly pestering the latecomers until the latter were tortured to death.

When Nesselrode was Alexander I's foreign minister, he witnessed the change of the tsar, from a determined emperor to a neurotic. In the late stage, I completely fell into the boundless confession, except for being interested in faith and God, everything else didn't matter.

Of course, this is also understandable. After all, the death of Paul I was more or less related to him. It is normal for a rebellious son who killed his father to be tortured by his father's undead.

Anyway, Nesselrode felt that the death of Alexander I was extremely abnormal. When he went to Taganrog, he was still alive and kicking, so why did he suddenly say he was dead?

Anyway, there is a rumor nowadays that it is said that His Majesty the Emperor Alexander I did not die, but was fed up with the condemnation of conscience, and voluntarily became a monk as an ascetic. It is said that there are exiles in Siberia who have seen this ascetic. His Majesty the Emperor.

When Nicholas I asked a question suddenly, Nesselrode was full of these wild thoughts, and he replied in a panic: "Your Majesty, uh... Although the situation abroad is worth paying attention to, some domestic situations... It means that everything should be stable first, right?"

Nicholas I looked at Nesselrode suspiciously, wondering what the old man wanted to say? Is it implying that there are mob activities in his country? Are there signs of instability? That old man Aldorf didn't inform him about the situation! what happened?

"No! Your Majesty, you have misunderstood!"

Nesselrode quickly explained: "I mean, can the case of Grand Duke Constantine be closed?"

Kostya's case?

It took Nicholas I a while to realize what Nesselrode was trying to say. "Prince Menshikov asks you to intercede?" he asked.

Nesselrode quickly waved his hand and said: "No, it has nothing to do with Prince Menshikov. I just think that in the face of external turmoil, we should be more united internally. Only in this way can the traditional order of Europe be stabilized. If our internal... It is also turbulent, I am afraid there is no way to give better help to the royal family of other countries..."

In fact, it has nothing to do with the outside world. These days, Grand Duke Constantine is fighting with Menshikov and Crown Prince Alexander. There are piles of negative news, which makes him, the prime minister, feel passive. Nesselrode had had enough of wiping people's asses, he just wanted to get back to normal and live in peace.

Nicholas I asked with a smile, "Is there a big commotion?"

Nesselrode replied with a bitter face: "The city is full of wind and rain. Especially after the inquiry meeting, the focus of the whole city is there, and the newspapers are all there!"


Nicholas I showed a meaningful expression. Recently, he was busy paying attention to the issue of the Holy Land, and basically didn't pay attention to the affairs of Grand Duke Constantine. Could it be that this kid launched a new round of offensive against Alexander? If so, the previous move was really right!

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