Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 946: No matter what choice they make, everyone is walking on...

Why is it like this? For the first time there was a chance to change destiny, and for the first time there was someone worthy of respect. The two combined...

Zhan Shen stopped his negative thinking about who might be beaten to death.

"Now is not the time to be confused, what should you do."

Admonishing himself this way in his heart, Zhan Shen immediately began to act.

He tried to find the two guests who started talking about the topic of [comparison of strength] in the quiet bar before, but only one was found in the end.

But that person said that he didn't know another person. They just happened to sit together. Seeing that the other person was also a sword-wiper, they began to talk.

And that person didn't know when he had left.

Zhan Shen immediately wanted to chase it out, but when he stepped out of the bar door half a step, he was stunned again.

Seeing that there were only a large number of Destiny's Eating doors leading to other restaurants in other worlds, Zhan Shen realized that it was too late to track down.

It would be a huge and tedious project to continue to track the source of the topic layer by layer.

Maybe the person just now had ulterior motives; but maybe he really just heard this topic from other places, and occasionally chatted with the drinking buddies he just met; maybe it was something else.

That person may not be a conspirator when he leaves, it may actually happen, or it may be that the person just lied to him, after which the investigation will enter the stage of peeling off the cocoons...

There are no mortals in the courtyard of the death, it is too difficult to find out the truth.

However, a large web of conspiracy is undoubtedly unfolding in the courtyard of the death, and the goal is to bring conflicts between the original generations.

"...And I can't do anything."

Withdrawing the foot that had already stepped out, Zhan Shen returned to the bar with a gloomy expression, and returned to his seat.

"This is the courtyard of the death, the headquarters of Hongjie Ark. No one has any obligation to do anything for this place."

"Without tasks, commissions, contracts and rewards, you have no reason to act..."

"I can perceive that the princes of the original generation should have been aware of it a long time ago, and there is no shortage of me if they can solve the problem."

"Let's wait and see the news..."

Zhan Shen thought a lot in his heart, advising himself in this way, and then sat back in his position somewhat unhappily, and took a sip from the wine glass again.

He felt that the strength of his drink seemed a little insufficient at this time.

Because he is more irritable now than he just wanted to relax when he just ordered.

"Yo, young man, haven't you heard a word? Boys should protect themselves when they go out-don't touch the drinks on the table after the bar returns from the table."

Suddenly such a sound came from his ear, which made Zhan Shen raised his head in surprise, and looked at the seat beside him:

"Who are you?"

A young man with bright green hair and the appearance of a magician was sitting there, sipping the sky blue sparkling drink in his glass.

Seeing that the other party took the initiative to speak, Zhan Shen couldn't help asking.

Moreover, he did not take the green-haired boy's words as a complete joke. Whether it was true or not, he carefully examined his internal circulation, and then used half a glass of alcohol to detect toxins.

The result is of course no problem. At this stage of his strength, things like toxins and sleeping potions that can affect him simply cannot hide.

Looking at the green-haired boy again, God Slash saw that the other party had no plans to introduce himself, so he nodded and said:

"Thank you for your reminder, but I don't have any enemies in the courtyard of the death. There should be no one who wants to harm me."

With that, Zhan Shen toasted and drank a drink, expressing his attitude.

"No, I didn't say that someone poisoned you? I just added dust to your wine."


Whether it was true or not, Zhan Shen didn't have the appetite to continue drinking, and silently put down the cup.

"Look, whether you have enemies or not, the malice against you will not disappear.

As long as you are still in this environment, you will be affected by your surroundings. "

The green-haired boy first taught Zhan Shen with an old manner, and then quickly changed his face, smiling very innocently:

"Don't worry, I'm joking, no weird things have been added to your wine."

"...Are you looking for me for something?"

God Slash was a little helpless, but he was surprised that there was not much anger, and he asked.

He didn't meet someone like this who suddenly came to talk to him in a bar, and he often had the purpose of looking for him.

"Young man, you also find that the atmosphere in the courtyard of the death is not right now, right? You just wanted to leave, are you going to pursue the truth?"


Although Zhan Shen was irritated, his serious and rigid character still made him choose to take seriously the green-haired boy in front of him who spoke like a priest or astrologer:

"But I found that the clue was broken, and I didn't seem to have a reason to pursue the truth, so I dispelled that idea."

"Uh, uh, uh, I understand, this is all to blame on the management system of Hongjie Ark."

The young man nodded, expressing his approval of the method of slashing the gods:

"There is no [sheriff], there is no [law] and [ruling system], nothing is wrong, nothing is sinful, and no one is obliged to punish anyone.

You can think of this, and it is correct not to be impulsive. "

"..." God Zhan didn't know how to respond to the young man's suspicious praise of him.

It feels unhappy to say thank you, but I want to refute but there is no reason to refute.

So he hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his own opinion:

"I think this is the price of [freedom].

So far, no one has received actual losses due to this incident, and the princes of the original generation have not stood up.

There is just no related task now, and the members of the Ark of Macro Realm have no reason to act, so they seem to be slow to react. "

"But you think this is only temporary. As long as people with sufficient qualifications post the task, the members of the Ark of the Great World will be able to solve the problem in the most efficient manner-right?" the young man answered.


In his heart, Zhan Shen silently labelled the green-haired boy as a sage, priest, or This kind of speech as if he could see through and play with people’s hearts, he only used those who had refined spells, I have seen it in the old people of magic arts.

"But, have you ever thought that this will fall into the other party's calculations?"

"...Do you have any insights?" God Zhan felt a sense of crisis in his heart, frowning and asking.

"Young man, we assume that this is really a man-made strategy.

Those who play conspiracy are very dirty, and those who play Yangmou are even dirty, dirty and smart. So the normal plan you can think of immediately, the other party can think of all. "

The corners of the boy's mouth curled up, and he looked at God Slash, who was obviously in a bad mood, and said:

"There is no reason to act, but there are many reasons to do nothing.

Xian is here waiting for others to give you the motivation to start, waiting for others to take advantage of you-are you a mule that can only move forward with a whip? Or a domestic porpoise waiting to be fed? "

"what do you want to say in the end?"

God Zhan no longer has a good temper and a face to face this stranger who suddenly strikes up a conversation, his expression becomes cold, and his hand is already on the hilt of his waist:

"Perhaps you may be right, but I am not a person who can accept insults calmly.

If you can't find a reasonable explanation for what you have said, I now ask you to join me in a duel in the arena. "

"Wow, terrible, terrible. But it's good for young people to be active."

The old-fashioned teenager raised his hands and surrendered, then smiled:

"Young man, now that you understand that your every move can be predicted and manipulated, let's talk about the next thing--

Do you know [Protagonist]? "

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