Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 622: Congratulations on getting 1 magic doll, please cherish it...

The movement here is so loud, Ilia, Diana, Cavendish and his wife actually rushed over long ago. Even a group of guests who are close to each other have been watching the battle from the corner.

After all, the strength of wizards is a little weaker than that of magicians, and it is certain that they have left behind for sneak attacks.

It's just that only Ilia and her family who are familiar with Starcut understand the actual situation in the field.

In fact, before they had any chance to watch the show, Star Moment had suppressed the audience in a short time.

Then the housekeeper left with the guests in the field, and the Cavendish couple silently exited from the other side with the guests in the corner, leaving only Ilia and Diana to come over to meet the stars... should have been Is such that.

However, Illya saw Star Carved in a blink of an eye. It actually made Enzworth, a handsome and beastly young boy full of emotional instability, confined it by magic, and made it into a string doll. A series of "perverted behaviors" such as "shoulder and back"... can this be tolerated?

"Jess... I didn't expect you to have this kind of interest...

Stand still! I want to take a photo! ~ Let Mrs. Lena look at you..."

Ilia took out the magic camera from the ripples behind her, and prepared a magic GIF dynamic photo as "evidence."


"Don't be fooling around, am I not soothing troublesome guests who are (physically) emotionally unstable?"

But Xingke wouldn't care about Ilia's mischief, he quickly solidified Enzworth's magic and moved a little away from him.

"Cut--" Illiya did not succeed.

"What do you cut, let's go, go to the restaurant, the problem here has been solved."

"What do you mean by solving it? There are people here who don't even know where the problem is. What are you doing?"

"Oh. It's weird! Why am I doing something? It was Elias who came here suddenly and angry." Xingke said he was wronged.

"So, I'm saying, I'm just asking you-why does Enzworth come here so angrily?"

Illya was sure that Xingke absolutely did something. because……

"If something strange happens around you, but you didn't show interest in the truth of the incident, your elder brother, it means that you have definitely taken part in the incident secretly, knowing the inside story... Sister Ya said that this is the theorem. You can omit all the processes and directly draw the conclusion."

Diana really looked like this, added.

"..." Then Xing Ke was silent.

"It seems that I said I was wronged, so you won't believe it, but I really didn't do anything wrong... Then I'd better go to dinner first! It's not too late for something to happen after that."

But Xingke didn't have any purpose, deliberately [dragging] the word decision, but...

"I just told Elias to eat first, and everything will be after that. I can't break my promise."

Elias was also mad because of Xingqi's [dinner first] sentence. If you don't complete this Chen Nuo now, wouldn't Enzworth's behavior become nonsense?

"Well, it's better to send away those people who have changed so much that I almost don't know them."

With that said, Yi Liya turned and walked towards the restaurant with the star carving. She understood that as long as Xingqin decided something, it didn't make sense to force him to change the decision.

And Diana didn't say anything. She was not very curious about the relationship between her elder brother and the skull magician. The reason she stayed was because...

Diana didn't know when she started, she followed Yi Liya very habitually, and she was about to become Yi Liya's little follower.

What does the green and golden cantaloupe color mean? Xing Ke was thinking about some things, and remotely controlling Enzworth's body, the four of them went to the restaurant like this...


The dinner party had already begun under the auspices of the Cavendish couple.

After seeing Star Carvings and them come in, many middle-aged people in the venue all focused their attention, and raised their glasses and smiled at these four strange combinations.

However, some older generations who were very old saw Enzworth honestly following Xingke and didn't pay attention here.

Ignore, ignore, this is the wizard. (cold)

Xingke first took the plates and cutlery, filled some meat and vegetables, and then... put it in Endsworth's hands.

With a plate in one hand and a fork in the other, Enzworth stood by the long table as if he had been fixed.

Xingke left Endsworth alone and walked towards Mr. Sherlock with his two beautiful young ladies. He wanted to report the situation.

Beside that circle, Mrs. Lena was also talking to Hermione. Seeing Xingke came over, Hermione stopped him first and smiled:

"Thank you very much just now, little Master Disfort."

"Well, where..."

But before Xingqian could say anything, Hermione had already turned her gaze to Ilia.

"Long time no see, Eliyasfield. Seeing that you haven't changed much from that year...Did you really spend the same time as us?"

Hermione didn't need to go into and asked her own question directly.

"Long time no see, Hermione. You are the first to ask this kind of question today, so I especially tell you-the timeline of another world is actually different from this world, so I don’t seem to be young with potions. Come to keep your looks?"

Faced with such a somewhat rude problem, Illiya was actually very serious [to be honest].

Then the two of them looked straight at each other, were silent for two or three breaths, and laughed together.

"I'm glad to see you again, Elia."

"Me too, Hermione, no, Lord Minister?"

"Hermione is fine, and it's not such a serious occasion here, do you think so...Mrs. Cavendish?"

"Huh? Ms. Hermione are you calling me?" Mrs. Lena asked with a smile.

She did it on purpose.

"Where, Mrs. Lena, I'm just congratulating my former friend for finally marrying me."

"Haha...I am very happy to give up my name. Of course, if Diana can inherit this name in the future, then I will be even more happy..."

"Master Stepmother, you..." Diana seemed to perceive something wrong.

"Ah-by the way, Elias, how did you meet Ms. Hermione when you were in school?"

"Ah... this, it seems to be when I was in the library..." Illya was asked a little suddenly, recalling.

"You talked to me, have you ever seen a blond boy with a huge wand... Now that I think of it, I feel like [so]." Hermione reminded with a smile.

"Ha...maybe so...hahaha..."

This really makes people feel [the fate is like this]...

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