Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 572: Shimazaki's meal today (part 1)——[Altaïr Shimazaki...

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On the other hand, time is also just shortly after entering the night.

In a city with a strong cultural atmosphere that is quite different from the deserted [Departed Garden], Altaïr showed his figure.

At this time, she had already become an ordinary person's dress, and in accordance with the season, she changed the type of clothing. He even condensed his fierce breath and weapons, and started walking lightly on the ground with his feet... I couldn't believe it.

However, all this is normal.

After all, this is neither the Tokyo area nor the ordinary earth world, nor is it a dangerous alien world continent, but an aerial city that does not exist in history-[Mao Mao City].

There are neither evil organizations nor dangerous battles in this world. It is a harmonious and stable paradise. It was also after she discovered this place that she concealed its coordinates and locked it down, and "monopolized" it, which only belonged to her and Shi Na two people in a resting place.

Although I am here permanently, the reason is that the Garden of Departure is not as safe as it seems on the bright side. People except Altaïr are likely to be separated from many [self in the parallel world].

Another point is that Altaïr hopes to stay away from the struggle of the supernatural world and be an "ordinary girl", at least not so old now, to continue to remain "ordinary." This can be regarded as Altaïr's selfishness.

At the bottom of a high-end apartment, Altaïr rang his doorbell, and after a moment of joy came from the doorbell, Altaïr also used the elevator like an ordinary person, walked through the corridor, and opened the door. , Returned home.

She also caught the girl who threw herself in her arms like an ordinary person, welcoming herself home, and showed a warm smile like an ordinary person.

"Welcome back, Al."

"I'm back, instantly."

After being warm at the door, the two soon separated.

"Al, is there anything I need? Should I eat first? Or take a bath first, or..." Setsuna said with a playful shyness.

But Altaïr didn't care about her little tricks, and said a little bit angrily:

", forgot the time again because of writing?"

"Uh, this..." Shimazaki Setsuna's smile froze on his face.

"Do you have a good meal when I go out?"

"That, of course! I..."

"Unsteady steps, fast heartbeat, sweating on the forehead... even if I ate it, it was at least six hours ago."

"Sorry, I was wrong. I actually haven't eaten dinner yet." Knowing that I can't help it, Shimazaki immediately admitted his mistake.

Seeing Setsuna lowered his head to admit his mistake, and her small body that was trembling slightly because of low blood sugar, Altaïr stretched out his hand helplessly and tidied the messy hair on her sideburns.

"Sit down at the table... Sit quietly, not touching pens and drawing boards."

"Yeah, okay." Feeling the coldness of Altaïr's fingertips, Shimazaki Setsuna smiled comfortably: "Can I turn on the TV?"

"Decide for yourself, not a kid anymore!"


Seeing Setsuna like a child, walking briskly to turn on the TV, Altaïr shook his head helplessly, turned and entered the kitchen.

First, I found out the cocoa powder, used the capacity to boil hot water, and served a cup of hot cocoa to satisfy my hunger, and then started looking for ingredients in the refrigerator.

In the evening, it is easy to digest, eat lightly, and replenish the lack of sugar in the brain... It is decided, [Butter Stew]! ~

Skilled dicing of vegetables, skillful anti-fried chicken thigh...Yes, this may seem difficult for outsiders to understand, right? But it is true.

Shimazaki Setsuna, who looks like "Yamato Nadeshiko", is full of marital and feminine powers, and Altaïr, who looks majestic, sharp-eyed, and her boyfriend, is actually Altaïr when they are alone. The living ability is higher, and he usually cooks more in Altaïr...

Although it’s not that Setsuna Shimazaki does not know how to cook, or that she can’t take care of herself, she actually does housework very well, but in the face of passionate hobbies and very unusual concentration, Setsuna is more likely to forget time The passage of time, forget everything, no distractions.

In fact, a few years ago, Altaïr also bought a small area of ​​time from the garden of the death to stop the passage of time [food preservation box], prepare meals for the moment before going out, put it in it, and take it out at any time Access.

But even so, when Altaïr returned, he found that Setsuna was sleeping on the table with one hand opening the box.

Although I don't know if it's because of hunger or sleepiness, or both, there is absolutely no room for excuse that there is no rest in the moment.

Afterwards, when Altaïr gave Setsuna a serious lecture, she explained that it seemed to be because there was food on hand, and he subconsciously thought that he could eat it anytime he wanted, so there was no need to worry, so he could create with more confidence. All of a sudden I forget the time more and more.

In the end, it almost caused a tragedy like [starved to death in front of hot food].

At that time, Altaïr was dumbfounded. On the one hand, he was distressed because of his disobedience to persuasion; on the other hand, Altaïr was unconsciously proud of having such a creator!

Geniuses are not necessarily people who have abilities that surpass ordinary people, people who surpass ordinary people's efforts, people who surpass ordinary people's focus, people who surpass ordinary people's love... These people can also be called geniuses.

The creative activities that Susuna has now gone through have expanded from the original music and painting to various fields. Most of the time, it is also on the task page of the Garden of the Departure to accept the creation of fans with various requirements——

"[Ten years ago, I gave up my relatives who were taken hostage by the enemy in order to participate in a big I regret it very much. I want to find a world where I gave my life and all my relatives survived. Line, go see them.

Although I know this is very cheeky, but I really miss them so much, please help me! Your guide! 】——

Al, do you think I can take on this task? "

Shimazaki set a bit distressed and read out his badge, someone sent a private message to request a mission, and wanted Altaïr to help her advise.

"Don't you want to pick it up?"

Altaïr asked rhetorically, stirring the stew in the pot with a spoon.

"Um...I want to help him, but I still have a work that I have not finished yet, and I don't have enough energy. And..."

"And what?"

"Moreover, I have taken a lot of tasks like this, and I have written a lot of the same routines, and even I feel a little less motivated..."

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