Stormwind God

Chapter 750: inherited

"No" Thrall and Rexar both exclaimed.

"Ahhh!" Grom yelled immediately, chopping off the [Blood Roar] that had just been lifted.

It is a pity that this powerful axe was missed, a purple figure like a blast of wind grabbed Arthas, and the [Sorrow of Frost] with a broken hand.

That was the dreadlord that drove away with Antonidas, and another dreadlord with a completely different color.

"Hell!" Duke raised his hand to be a lot of [Mage's Hand], and instant magic covered it like a pouring rain.

The same was true of Kael'thas, who also threw a huge fireball the size of a carriage carriage and smashed it into the dreadlord's head.

The crowd saw a satirical smile.

[Dark Summon]!

Eighteen death knights riding on the skeleton warhorses and eighteen Liches came to the Dreadlord in an instant. These high-level undead swarmed up, blocking the way for everyone to pursue.

Duke and Kael'thas flashed directly in an attempt to get past this annoying high-end undead.

However, they immediately noticed that there were two Dreadlords blocking the front.

"Hey, hey!" A red background, a blue background, the goat horns on the foreheads of the two dreaded kings trembled, and they all made a yell of cold laughter.

Duke gritted his teeth: "Withdraw!"

Have to withdraw, no one knows what else the Scourge has to do.

Even if Duke understands that the Scourge Corps has no direct relationship with the Dreadlord who is now part of the Burning Legion, Duke does not dare to bet.

If you want to continue chasing, it is necessary to leave Kael'thas, let the noble prince block the two Dreadlords, and then Duke will chase.

Chasing, may not be able to catch up.

It may not be possible to catch it.

There is also the possibility of losing Kael'thas in advance!

With Quel'Thalas still alive, this is likely to be a serious diplomatic issue.

The cost is too high.

Duke ordered the withdrawal, and Kael'thas was relieved.

In the face of unknown opponents of this level, Kael'thas was not sure. I thought Duke would chase to the end, but Duke is so sane, it's unprecedented.

When Duke and Kaizi returned to the main battlefield, the 36 cannon fodder recruited by the Dread Lord were already more than half dead. These mid-level death knights and liches cannot be the opponents of the heroes. Without much thought, Duke and Kaizi teamed up with everyone to clear up the rest.

Then, the atmosphere was a bit bad, and the farewell was gone.

Orgrim ... shouldn't survive.

Mograine didn't try to save this temporary teammate with [Holy Light] every time. Unfortunately, it had no effect at all. If the wound caused by the demon-level magic weapon [Sorrow of Frost] can be restored so easily, it will not be [Sorrow of Frost].

The only good news is that combining the power of the two Paladins finally prevented Orgrim's soul from being sucked into [Sorrow of Frost]. After all, when this attack was launched, Arthas did not have time to inject enough dark power. .

The clamor of fighting in the distance is getting smaller. Obviously, under the alliance of the Alliance and the Horde, the undead who lost command also fell into defeat.

On multiple fronts, when the undead were wiped out, both sides fell into an awkward confrontation. Fortunately, both the tribe's centurion, thousands of captains, and alliance captains restrained their soldiers.

Usually, at such a distance that the other person's tooth decay or eyes can see clearly, the two sides have been fighting for a long time, and they are happy. A little special today ...

Suddenly heard a burst of horns from the main battlefield.

The captains immediately understood: "The whole army listened to the order and retreated thirty meters!"

The Alliance soldiers lined up in a neat array, slowly stepping back, stepping out of a clear demarcation line in front of the chaotic tribal battle.

Over there, Orgrim was in a state of stasis.

Grom and Rexar stood behind the two chieftains, clenching their weapons, and even if the situation was unfavorable, as long as Orgrim spoke or there were any changes in the alliance, they would not hesitate to fight.

Salto held Orgrim's body, but couldn't stop Orgrim's chest wound from constantly spraying blood with frost.

Orgrim glanced at Duke, standing two meters away, and glanced at the distant Alliance and Horde battles. He spoke weakly, and the opening word was the common phrase: "True Oops, I have fought with you for so many years and thought many times, either I killed you, or I was killed by you, but I never thought that I would join forces at the end of life, and then I was killed by that monster ... cough cough!"

Duke calmly said, "You are the birth of the death knight."

Duke was referring to the Dark Portal for one year. In order to supplement the tribal warriors, Orgrim agreed that Gul'dan would insert the human knight's body into the tribal warlock's soul to become a death knight.

Orgrim admitted frankly: "Hahaha! That's right! Speaking of which is also my sin. Haha! The man who created the death knight died in the hands of the death knight, hahaha! Irony! It's ironic!"

Duke didn't speak, leaving Orgrim to laugh.

For a while, Orgrim seemed to be touching the wound, spit his mouth hard, and then said, "Are we going to fight now?"

Duke shook his head: "Maybe they will fight again. But not now, we have a more terrible common enemy, the Scourge."

Although he did not want to admit it, all three tribal leaders, including Thrall, nodded. This terrible army of the dead is definitely the enemy of all living beings.

Duke said again, "You want to go to Kalimdor?"

Thrall hesitated, but Orgrim nodded: "Yes!"

"Go to the Nanliu coast. I will deploy some ships for you. The quality will not be very good, but it should be enough to support you to the other side of the sea. The alliance will not attack you along the way. But Gilneas who has not joined the alliance or Scourge, you have to figure out your own way. "Duke left without looking back.

Orgrim laughed, with a desolation in his laughter and an unfinished wish: "Goodbye, my good opponent!"

Duke waved his hand without turning back: "Farewell, Orgrim!"

Seeing Duke just like this, he left the army with great care, until the Alliance army slowly and orderly backed away in the sound of the horn, Thrall still did not believe his eyes.

Orgrim pointed to Duke's direction of going away: "Did you see it? Thrall, that's the spirit of the legendary heroes of the league! With a firm stand, big vision, and ability to divide the priorities, there is still a lot to learn. But I believe You, your future success is no less than Duke Marcus. "

"Huh!" Gritting his teeth, Thrall nodded strongly.

Orgrim lifted the heavy [Destruction Hammer] and put it into Thrall's hand: "My hammer, accompany me for a lifetime, and now it will give you away. From today, you are The Horde's fourth chief. "

At this moment Thrall burst into tears and nodded again. (To be continued.)

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