Stormwind God

Chapter 683: Technological reform

Both powerful chiefs were convinced that it was all Gul'dan's fault.

On the main road of Draenor, the plains that were once covered by trees and vegetation became lifeless, all the once-vibrant trees withered, and the blue sky was now red as blood; it was all because of the warlocks It is their endless desire for power that has caused all this.

Not only that, they destroyed Draenor, but Gul'dan was behind it all. It was also because of his fault that the tribe was unable to defeat the alliance and conquer a world called Azeroth.

This is because the cunning warlock took his men to betray the Horde at the crucial moment, and sought strength in the tomb of the **** demon king Sargeras, and then the front line collapsed!

"What to do? You are already the wisest of the chiefs I know! Fighting you is not as good as me, but wisdom is not as good as you." Cargas exposed his weaknesses unabashedly.

Fight me worse than you?

Kilrogg's "dead eye" was glowing with dim red light, but the light flashed away. He didn't have to argue with Cargas, he knew very well how Cargas broke his arm from the ogre's imprisonment, and how aggressive the lunatic killed in the blood and blood of the corpse mountain was. With this fighting madman's desire to fight, it is not a day and a half day to win.

"We first need to form the core of a new tribe."


"Yes! A powerful clan alliance that all clans have to admit, like the Blackrock clan of the year. Without a strong core as a banner, the brains were full of muscles, and only saw the smaller and smaller hunting in front of them. The guy on the site won't listen to anyone. "

Kargas groaned: "The Blackrock clan is destroyed. It would be nice if the Warsong clan was here."

"Yeah! It's a pity that hellscream is stuck in Azeroth."

This is the chain reaction.

If only a Blackstone clan kneels on Azeroth, then naturally there will be second and third clans on top of it.

However, because of the structure and relationship of the tribe, Duke did a great job.

The removal of Black Stone, trapped battle songs, blood ring, dragon throat, broken palms, and the frost wolf that had been exiled, is tantamount to sweeping away the first five clans of the tribe.

Now the tribe is a typical group of headless dragons.

Duke didn't know that he had made the Horde pit too harsh during the Second War, which directly led to the delay of Ner'zhul.

He didn't even know that there was already a fierce quarrel about his existence at some point in the future.

In an imaginary, non-physical spiritual space, several voices are noisy.

"Duke Marcus is definitely a blasphemy and destruction of the timeline!"

"Find out, our Bronze Dragons are the guardians of Azeroth first, then the guardians of time."

"Are you sure this Duke is on the Guardian's side? One of our calculations may be that he became the Lich King!"

"That's just one of the 1024 possibilities. Why don't you say that 82% might be better? 17% might be the same?"

"No, tampering is tampering, and he must be warned."

"Carlo, stand still, Her Majesty the Dragon King Nozdormu at that point in time has clearly rejected all interference from us, even if you go back, it is meaningless, and your power will be weakened to the mortal level.

"Well ... this time I compromised. Next time, I will do it myself."

Having said that, it is inevitable that Duke will cause the anger of the future timeline bronze dragon. Because this product has begun to change the times.

If the former Azeroth was a typical medieval world view on the earth plus magic, now Duke is pushing Stormwind and Ironforge from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

In fact, Duke wanted to push Azeroth to the Industrial Revolution in a short time. Helplessly, it represented the three major dwarf races of Azeroth's highest technology-dwarves, gnomes, and goblins. It is not a simple matter to gather back all kinds of unreliable thoughts of death.

At first Duke wanted to promote rifles in the human army. Unfortunately, the level of muskets in this world is only the kind of rifle that uses solid bullets for the time being.

The barrel is not large, there is no burst at all, and it is easy to blow. When the enemy is charging, the bow and arrow can usually fire about three rounds, but at this time, at most, it is enough to fire a musket.

Even three-stage shooting is not enough to make up for this substantial fire defect.

Therefore, Duke had to continue to play the shield plus pistol in the front row, and the spearmen in the middle row.

The only big change was the introduction of dwarven mortars by Duke. Mortars of this era are not considered standard mortars, but more like a supportive short-barreled cannon, except that Duke improved the shells and the powder that fired them.

The shells were replaced with solid iron **** from the original solid shells, which were filled with iron shots, increasing the lethality of scattering.

Gunpowder changed from adding powder powder each time to filling gunpowder in a gunpowder wrapped in oil and paper. It still ignited when excited. It only shortened the time to add gunpowder and increased the rate of fire in disguise.

Duke began training mortar artillery, after all, this could increase short-to-medium range fire support for soldiers.

Standing at the shooting range of Overlook Castle, watching the Duke's mortar team firing shells at a rate of two rounds per minute, each round could accurately blow up a dozen scarecrows wearing armor, and the senior officials of the Alliance were The tongue.

"It feels like it took us ten years to train a knight, and it may be gone in one minute on the battlefield. Why not train a group of mortars for three months on your side?" Anduin resignedly folded his arms.

Duke shrugged: "You haven't experienced the battle of Black Rock Mountain. Without the Dwarf's steam tank unit, I can still stand talking so leisurely with you now?"

"Right! Technology is the primary productive force!" Grubin, the dwarf master craftsman, recites Duke's 'famous words.'

Andu Yinwang sighed to the car that came from the north, directly passed the suspended suspension bridge, and drove along the huge railroad tracks on the suspension bridge into the behemoth iron and steel building of Shouwangbao. Unbelievable. Although I've been to Ironforge, I still can't imagine that it only takes one day to traverse the entire Elwynn Forest. It only takes three days to get from Stormwind to Watch Castle. "

Anduin Lothar, who had spent some time in the unbuilt Watchtower, knew very well what a miracle this was. (To be continued.)

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