Stormwind God

Chapter 675: Send me a message (3/146)

Finally insurance! ?

Jaina's beautiful blue eyes widened. Although she really wanted to pretend that she was so moved that her tears and snot would fall, but in the end ...

"Duke Marcus! You are an outrageous asshole"

If she could kill Duke, she would definitely take off Duke's flesh bite by bite!

Now Jaina is far from the strong woman with calculations and city halls in the future. This little lady can't help but soar. ?

It's a pity that her teeth are destined to be suppressed by Duke.

That's right, she really shot at Duke, and a [Flame Blast] dunked at Duke's face.

If Duke were an ordinary person, Jaina's blow would definitely make Duke **** unaware of him.

Unfortunately, Duke is a magnificent teacher!

Such a low concentration of magic elements will naturally dissipate when they encounter elements around Duke. Jaina did calculate that.

Unfortunately, what she didn't realize was that Duke fought back.


Just before Jaina ’s [Flame Shock] shot, Teacher Duke actually paid back to a “Magic Countermeasure” at the same time without elder style!

The so-called "magic countermeasure" is to instantly mobilize the power of the elements in the atmosphere to disrupt the opponent's magic circuit cycle and balance. If the opponent's magic happens to be countered when the opponent casts, it will make the opponent's entire magic circuit at least Disordered for 8 seconds.

This is only for fellow magicians.

Duke bullied a land mage a Huiyue, he was shameless.

The magical circuit in the body instantly turned over and Haiti became disordered. Jaina turned her eyes and turned white on the spot, and passed out.

"Ahhhhhh!" Poorly expired Loli was caught.

Without more than a minute, it is impossible to recover. This is based on the premise that there is no further interference.

On the other hand, the appearance of Duke undoubtedly caused an earthquake.

Lordaeron cavalry was thunderous.

The orcs were like maggots avoiding the disaster, and hurriedly fled from the town.

"Run! It's Duke's demon!" The brave warsong orcs, all lost their fighting spirit under this storm representing terror and death.

Duke's banner represents a horror legend that cannot be broken by the orcs.

Duke's banner is a haze that haunts the entire orcish community.

Where the Duke Storm Banner is, the orcs can never win.

Although every orc is reluctant to admit this, every time Duke turns these conclusions into reality.

This time is no exception.

Huo Di, a cold current centered on the church, surging wildly in the shape of a ring.

The cold current blew through, and the stones on the ground seemed to tremble, and they spun strangely, even suspending in the air following the tiny gravel.

It's not that the anti-gravity phenomenon has appeared on the ground, but that the cold air that is soaring into the sky is too large and too horrifying.

In less than three seconds, the entire town was covered by cold air within a range of 500 meters in diameter.

The orcs who were trying to escape took a big step, but the posture of their lower bodies was ridiculously frozen, because a frost had quietly frozen their lower bodies completely.


"Do not"

"Once our ancestors! Save me"

All kinds of orc words sounded terrible. It was only at this moment that Lordaeron's cavalry appeared in surprise, and the cold current avoided each of them perfectly.

Regardless of whether they are within Duke's line of sight, or whether they are close to the orcs, there are only the orcs who move, but the cavalry less than twenty centimeters away is not damaged.

The surprised expression on Jaina's face also solidified.

What kind of control is this! ?

Duke lifted his right hand lightly, and slammed his fingers.


If that is the sound of opening and closing the gates of hell.

Suddenly in midair appeared at least three hundred unreal palms of arcane energy.

"Mage's Hand !?" Jaina exclaimed for the first time when Duke shot.

Each Lordaeron cavalry also held his breath at this instant.

"No" the orcs were desperately waiting for the final death trial.

Countless arcane missiles poured down like heavy rain, and the high-level magic missiles fired by the Huiyue class ** divisions each had a crossbow-class destructive power.

In Jaina's incredible eyes ...

Just as the cavalry opened their mouths suddenly ...

The orc army that could easily drown them was crushed easily.

Jaina is very reluctant to use the word 'crushed' to describe the shocking scene in front of her.

However, this is exactly the most suitable word.

A heavy hammer that can easily smash a cavalry's zodiac shield turns into a flying iron filing after encountering an arcane missile.

The two-and-a-half-meter-high burly orc, like a knocked-out puppet, was easily blown up.

Broken fangs, bulging eyeballs, seven-colored brain, viscera with no color, scarlet bones in the scarlet ...

If the previous church was a past-type slaughterhouse, then what appeared to Jaina at the moment was an uncoded butchery live broadcast.

"Nausea!" Jaina thought she couldn't vomit anymore, but she didn't expect that she could vomit yellow bile when her stomach was empty.

After finally vomiting, Jaina shivered and finally uttered a sentence: "Duke you asshole! Don't even think about marrying you in this life!"

Duke smiled, with a scheming smile on his face: "Very good! Very strong! I like your words!"

Jaina was almost fainted by Duke.

There were no orcs left.

Do not! One left!

An orc, apparently more burly than the other orcs, broke his two arms and knelt painfully near the main entrance of the church.

The crippled orc struggled to stand upright, and growled with staring eyes. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a fairly standard human language.



"Duke Marcus! Why didn't you kill me?"

Either Jaina, or every cavalry, looked at Duke in surprise.

It was Duke's intention to kill hundreds or thousands of orcs with such precision, but only to knock off the orcs' arms.

Duke loosened and held Jaina's arm, holding both hands, walked up to the church door, raised his chin forty-five degrees above the steps, and glanced down at the tall orc.

"Tell Grom * Hellscream! Get me out of the Eastern Kingdoms Big 6! This big 6 has my Duke Marcus in it all day long, and there won't be a place for orcs in the day. It really irritates me, Even if I do n’t do more important things, I will search for Tirisfal Woodland in a carpet style, and drag every orc to death! ”(To be continued.) 8

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