Stormwind God

Chapter 124: Caps dirty (go and see Wanshang)

How strong is Garona?

This has always been a question mark.

The legendary assassin who will be notorious for killing King Lane in the 'afterlife' is still the half-orc who is dedicated to fighting her favorite humans. Quite simply, the entire tribe raised her ‘small body’. No clan would accept her, and humans ... especially Lane and Lothar chose to accept her.

This warmed Garona, who had lived a miserable slave life since she was a child.

Maybe it's grace, or other emotions, Garona's performance is very pure and straightforward.

Gently at the feet, Garona's two crooked bone daggers hung down like a full moon. Before she shot, she clearly had a distance of ten meters from Medivh.

Among many mages, this is a distance that is safe enough to clearly see each other's every move.

But in a blink of an eye, the sharp dagger blade has reached less than two centimeters above Medivh's neck.

[Shadow Step]

The rogue has unique skills, and Garona relied on it to easily cross such a long distance, disappear from the shadow, and then appear from the shadow. When her dagger was close to Medivh, Duke felt cold.

He co-operated with Lothar and Medivh in Sargeras for what purpose? Isn't it just to grab Medivh's attention and give Garona a fatal blow?

In order to cover Garona, Duke even preempted [Qing Shen Shen Xian] plus [Pyroblast] before Garona's shot, and instantly a large fireball that was enough to flash the blind was thrown to Medivh.

Duke did his best.

Even if Duke was not the party to the attack at this moment, he could really understand how severe and dangerous the attack was.

There was no starburst that caused the world to collapse, and there was no thunderous horror. Garona's dagger did not carry a trace of smoke, no sharp wind breaking, and no trace of breath.

If you have to ask what it looks like, it should be a kind of 'hunting' that is almost instinctive to animals.

Yes, Medivh is a prey, and Garona is a hunter.

It was such a blow, even if it was 10 meters apart, Duke felt like he was inevitable to change himself.

This is a real world. Perhaps Medivh is very powerful. After all, Medivh is still a mortal body. It hurts when it hurts, and it can die if it is severe enough.

If Garona could really kill Medivh, that would be a great thing for everyone.

Unfortunately, if not ...

If time is a fast-forward movie, then it is absolutely frozen at this instant.

There should be no air in the air. At the same time Garona appeared behind Medivh, there was a strange sound of "giggle" in the air.

Duke, Lothar, and Garona also found that the disordered air in this workshop, which was illuminated by the warm sunlight, solidified in less than one hundredth of a second.

This effect is exactly the super-upgraded version of Duke's [Crimson Prison of Dasong].

Under Medivh's vast mana, all the water vapor in the entire workshop space was frozen into a white mist, and then turned into sand-like large and small ice particles falling like dust.

Twelve huge columns were instantly covered with hoarfrost, and every part of the workshop where there was standing water instantly froze. After the water freezes, the volume will increase, and ice cubes from different places will collide fiercely for limited space, and then the sound of the ice cubes will crack.

Both Duke's fireball and Lothar's charge were interrupted by the gushing cold waves from Medivh, and they were almost rolled out. Garona, who was in the frozen core area, became an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

Not only Garona, but the space several meters in diameter around Medivh was frozen by the air-conditioning.

Frozen Garona had a beautiful posture. She raised her left knee and straightened her right leg. As if the arms of Bai Heliang's wings were almost complete, the final combo was inserted, and the blade was inserted into Medivh's neck.

That's a little worse, but it's a natural sound.

Medivh turned with anger on his face, and looked back at Garona, who turned into an ice sculpture with a fortitude without a hesitation.


Lothar didn't seem to understand why Medivh was so angry. Originally, in the imagination of Lothar, Garona was already a dead person. As long as Medivh smashed Garona's ice sculpture with a staff, the half-orc beauty who had no proportion in his impression would immediately hang up.

Medivh did hit his head. A crack on the ice sculpture quickly extended in all directions, which was infused with a little mana, and caused a strange reaction in Garona's body, meandering from Garona's healthy posture.

I saw pieces of ice, large and small, like broken masks, peeling off from Garona, accompanied by a loud "click", when the cracked ripples affected Garona's entire body, it was already frozen and frozen. A bit unconscious, the straight-headed Garona fell out of the ice sculpture.

However, the moment she saw Medivh's face, Garona's face was extremely stubborn.

Medivh had met Garona.

Yes, it is!

Use the kind of fist!

Medivh at the divine level, in the face of the stunned Lothar and the open-minded Duke outsiders, stabbed Garona fiercely.

"You bitch! Do you really want to kill me?" With a fist, Garona's left face suddenly had a dark blue, which was actually not obvious due to the green skin of the orc.

"Why can't I kill you?" Garona asked sternly, already temporarily disabled due to freezing.

"Bitch! You don't want to think about who killed you. Let your assassin pretend to be alive. You don't know how to be grateful, but still want to murder me?" It was another punch.

"Hmm! It was my greatest shame to be possessed by your weak male once!"

and many more! There seems to be something wrong!

Lothar's facial muscles petrified instantly.

And Duke Horan remembered a mysterious story that was a savior named Medan in the 'afterlife'.

Medan: One of the founders of the New Tirisfal Council, he went around to fight the invasion of the ancient gods into the world of Azeroth. In particular, this Medan is a mixed race of Orcs, Draenei, humans and Titans.

That's right! He was the child of Medivh and Garona.

The former Garona was one of the assassins Gul'dan sent to pretend to be an assassin and assassinate Medivh.

Medivh killed the orc assassins except Garona. Garona was then sent back to give Gul'dan a message, and Gul'dan sent her to Medivh to serve as a spy serving the orcs.

McGrady civilization knew all this, but left her.

The official saying in the game is that two lonely souls attract each other.

How literary this description is ...

Now it seems that there is any literature and art, and it is obviously that someone has stained it when the egg hurts. Whether it is Medivh or Sargeras is unimportant. What's important is that this capital smudge almost blinded Duke's eyes. (To be continued.)

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