Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 694 **

Iushkin was right. The sound of gun explosions coming from the south of the train station was echoing over the train station more and more deafeningly.

He knew very well that Malashenko, who had long since lost the south side of the train station, listened carefully to the sound of artillery fire coming from the distance. This dense explosion was obviously not caused by the Germans themselves. There was no longer any Soviet defense there. The entire army was occupied by the German army. Logically speaking, it was impossible to hear such fierce explosions and firefights.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The south side of the station, which has been fully occupied by the German army, is now ringing with fierce gunfire. This situation indicates that something is almost ready to come out.

"It's our comrades, our comrades are here to support us!"

Kirill shouted out the real answer that was already on his lips and ready to be spoken earlier than Malashenko.

Malashenko, who thought the same thing, immediately dropped the bread in his hand without saying a word, opened the turret hatch above his head, and ran towards where the political commissar Petrov was.

At the same time, there was a completely different scene to the south of the train station.

Countless Red Army soldiers with high morale clenched their weapons and launched a fierce charge towards the German troops who hurriedly responded to the defense. The German troops, who were obviously not expecting the sudden arrival of the Soviet army, seemed a little panicked.

The German secondary shooter was running along with an ammunition box in his hand and a chain full of bullets hanging around his neck. The German primary shooter with a machine gun had been in position for a while but couldn't wait for the bullets for a long time and was screaming anxiously.

The anti-tank guns temporarily allocated from unknown places were deployed as quickly as possible. When the hurried German anti-tank gun team was proceeding to the next step, suddenly you looked at me and I looked at you, all of you were confused.

"Hans, didn't we bring our ammunition box?"

The German army, which was ill-prepared and hastily responded to the battle, gave the Soviet army, which launched an active counterattack, a great advantage for a while.

The Soviet division commander who was responsible for commanding this battle raised his telescope and watched the battlefield trends ahead closely. After carefully examining it for a while to confirm that the German army was really rushing to fight and was unable to resist and was not a trap, he immediately turned around and turned towards him. The communications staff officer next to him gave the order directly.

"Inform the forward troops to concentrate superior forces in the direction of the breakthrough point and use the shortest time to open the door before the Germans come to their senses. Our comrades are entangled with the German troops at the train station. Now is our perfect opportunity!"

"I understand, Comrade Commander, let's do it now."

The face that had finished pouring out the orders would turn around again. This familiar Soviet infantry division commander was none other than the commander Cherchenkov, a Jew who had fought alongside Malashenko before.

After receiving the order from the group army headquarters, Division Commander Cherchenkov rushed over to assist in the battle in the direction of the train station.

On the phone, the chief of staff of the group army who called in person described the situation as extremely urgent. Commander Cherchenkov, who could smell the blood at the train station through the phone, realized the seriousness of the situation and was preparing to go there. I asked one last question casually before executing the mission.

"Which army is stationed over there at the train station now?"

Cherchenkov did not expect that he would get a result that surprised him by asking so casually.

"The 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment is the unit led by the tank hero Malashenko. There are still some remaining infantry units over there to assist in the defense, and there are less than one battalion left. The task of your division is to break through The railway station area occupied by the Germans will join with the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, and then drive all the Germans out of the railway station and hold on to this place to the death!”

Cherchenkov, who had fought alongside Malashenko, was quite impressed with Malashenko, who was young but was known as the tank hero of the Red Army.

He is extremely brave when charging and personally leads the team. When encountering setbacks, he can also analyze the battlefield situation and deploy some effective tactics. He also has a good personality in dealing with people and treats others sincerely.

All in all, in Cherchenkov's eyes, Malashenko is definitely a competent commander and a friend worthy of his deep friendship.

The commanding troops and the German troops were fighting a bloody battle in the city below Mamayev Hill, guarding every street and house without giving an inch.

But when he heard the news that it was Malashenko who was surrounded in the train station, Cherchenkov commanded the troops as quickly as possible to break away from the German army and withdraw, and handed over the defense area to the friendly forces who came to change the defense. The troops immediately moved toward the train station not far away.

After fighting side by side with Malashenko, Commander Cherchenkov received a supplement. Now the infantry division under his command has integrated two regiment-level units that were beaten to a unified command, which not only made up for the previous The loss of troops even exceeded the full strength period. In addition to the lack of some technical weapons and heavy weapons, the combat power was very strong and the morale was high.

In general, it is not unreasonable for Chuikov to transfer such an infantry division in the best condition to support Malashenko's defensive train station battle.

He only knew that part of the train station was now occupied by the Germans. As soon as Cherchenkov, who was ready for battle, arrived at the fighting position, he immediately ordered the leading troops to launch a fierce attack toward the south of the train station.

The number of the vanguard troops of the Soviet army that launched the counterattack was not large. There were only about 500 people. There were a lot of fragmented pure infantry divisions. They were not as maneuverable as Malashenko's 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment. So fast, Cherchenkov's main force is still marching behind.

The Soviet army's eager counterattack was faced with the dilemma of insufficient troops. However, the German army stationed south of the train station was even more miserable.

The German army, whose attention was firmly attracted by Malashenko, was caught off guard by the counterattack commanded by Cherchenkov.

One of the two German infantry divisions participating in the battle in the direction of the train station set up its divisional headquarters in the southern area of ​​the occupied train station.

The German division commander's idea of ​​​​doing this is naturally a good one. It is more conducive to commanding the battle by locating the headquarters where he can hear the sound of his soldiers' guns and artillery. It can also receive timely updates and receive a clear view of the entire battlefield situation.

But this bold and adventurous German division commander never expected that he would be raped!

The brutal fighting on Mamayev Hill and its surrounding neighborhoods continued. How did the Russians mobilize their troops to counterattack the railway station when they were so short of troops?

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