Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 631 Next step

Malashenko once thought that he was mentally prepared for the bloody scene that was about to unfold before his eyes.

But when he actually stepped into the room and took in everything in front of him, Malashenko realized that he was so completely wrong. The level of bloody cruelty clearly exceeded Malashenko's psychological expectations.

The improvised simple surgical operating table was filled with wounded people who were constantly wailing. The remaining limbs and broken arms that had been torn by the shells were drooping with only the remaining flesh, flesh and broken bones. The heart-rending and pitiful wails were unlimited here. The supply echoes in everyone's ears for eternity.

The smell of blood was much stronger than expected. The pungent smell hit his face, and Malashenko, who had crawled out of the sea of ​​blood from the mountain of corpses many times, couldn't help but cover his mouth and nose. If he smelled this smell for a while longer, he would be afraid that Peter Political Commissar Rove’s prediction is indeed correct.

"Damn it, how does Anya tolerate living and working in a place like this? This is simply no place for human beings."

As soon as Malashenko, who was sighing secretly in his heart, took out his right foot, the thing blocking his feet was immediately kicked around and almost fell to the ground. The liquid that was full of strong and pungent smell immediately seemed to boil. It spilled onto the feet of Malashenko who was very close.

"Wori! Damn it, who put this stuff everywhere?"

The thing that Malashenko almost kicked over was nothing but a basin full of fresh human blood that showed no signs of coagulation and even had residual warmth.

Needless to say, you can guess that this basin was probably placed under the operating table just now to collect the blood of amputees. However, after it was filled, it may not be emptied in time because the manpower was too busy and it was temporarily placed here. , never thought that he would be kicked all over the floor by Malashenko, who was coming to the field hospital for the first time.

He looked at the blood stains on the toes and feet of his shoes, and then at the half basin of remaining human blood. The more he thought about it, the more disgusting he became. Malashenko, who felt his stomach rising, shook his head and stepped over.

On the operating table closest to Malashenko in a straight line, a wounded man whose legs were blown off was wailing uncontrollably and being forcibly pressed down on the operating table by medical staff. The surgeon holding a hacksaw in his hand was tightening his grip. Time forced amputation along the wounds damaged by the shells.

Political Commissar Petrov had just told Malashenko that the 1st Guards Tank Breakthrough Regiment, which was fighting with the back of Stalingrad, was not short of medical supplies and logistical supplies, but the scene before him was exactly what Malashenko thought. The situation is completely opposite.

The frowning Malashenko looked at the wounded man's wailing expression of pain and finally couldn't help but walked forward and asked the male doctor closest to him who was holding the wounded man down with a cold face.

"Why not perform the surgery under anesthesia? Don't we have enough anesthetic available?"

Malashenko's sudden question obviously caught the medical staff who were fully engaged in the operation a little off guard.

Even though Malashenko's sudden appearance at this time was somewhat confusing, the male doctor still turned around and replied to Malashenko.

"The casualty lost blood too quickly, and local anesthesia did not work. General anesthesia is likely to be life-threatening in his current condition. We tried leg anesthesia, but the failure speed and actual effect far exceeded expectations. If we want to save him, we can only save him immediately. There is no other way to ampute the leg, Comrade Commander."


Malashenko, who did not know much about professional medical issues, made a joke out of desperation. Not only did it not have much practical effect, but it also delayed the rescue time.

Malashenko nodded slightly to indicate that he understood, then turned and left. The other wailing operating tables around him no longer had the intention to look at them one by one. Continuing to stay here will only make Malashenko's The stomach is tortured.

The 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, which suffered very serious casualties and equipment losses, silently licked its wounds in the dark night. Malashenko, who had just recovered most of his strength after a round of blood transfusions, once again sadly discovered that he now had in his hands The available troops have become so pitiful that they are almost half-disabled.

"There are only 38 tanks left in the whole regiment including those British junks. The casualty situation is slightly better. The 18 abandoned tanks and reorganized crews are now waiting for new tanks to be available. But now the tractor factory's All the equipment that can be evacuated has been evacuated, and the equipment that cannot be evacuated has basically been blown up. It is impossible to expect to get a supply of tanks from the tractor factory. "

Throwing the report in his hand on the table and casting a questioning look at Malashenko, Commissar Petrov hoped to get answers from Malashenko on his next move.

"What are your plans? Malashenko, if an offensive like today continues tomorrow, we will not be able to withstand it anyway. We must find a way to deal with it effectively."

Political Commissar Petrov's questions kept hitting Malashenko's heart like a heavy hammer. Malashenko was scratching his head and worried, but he couldn't find any effective solution that would best both ways. In the end, he just had to He was able to reply to his partner with a helpless sigh.

"Call the Front Army Headquarters and report the situation and actual difficulties. We have done what we should do, and then let's listen to the Front Army Headquarters' arrangements."

After hearing Malashenko's helpless words, Commissar Petrov also sighed slightly, rearranged the documents spread out on the table, and immediately stood up and started to take action.

"That's all we can do. I'll report the situation right away. Just wait for my news."

In the headquarters of the Stalingrad Front, Yereomenko and Vasilevsky, who had been commanding the battle for several days, were still struggling at their respective posts. They both needed to report to Moscow how the day's results were progressing. .

The person who stood in front of the telephone and reported his work to his loving father, Comrade Stalin, was Vasilevsky. Front Army Commander Yereomenko stood beside him, listening and waiting.

"Today's battle is not going well for us, Comrade Stalin. The Germans from the south of the city have occupied Jingguta Station and the surrender station. The German troops attacking from the north of the city have reached the outskirts of Stalingrad. Our troops have blocked the Germans at outside the city, but the Stalingrad Tractor Factory came under heavy attack and was almost reduced to ruins.”

"The German air force violently attacked the city, and the entire city was engulfed in flames. In addition, the shipping system and docks on the Volga River waterway were also severely damaged, and the supply of railway lines was also in a similar situation."

"The situation is extremely critical, Comrade Stalin, but Stalingrad is still in the hands of the Red Army!"

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