Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 609 British Tank

"Oh? Breakfast left for the Germans? What's going on?"

Vasilevsky was obviously intrigued by Malashenko's betrayal, and his curious and expectant expression caught Malashenko off guard.

"Well, it's nothing actually, it's just"

Malashenko told Vasilevsky all about his experience of transforming an entire village into an explosives depot. He didn't expect Malashenko to come up with such a weird idea and couldn't help but laugh on the spot. Voice.

"Honestly, Malashenko, how did you come up with this idea? I bet those German guys are going crazy because they were tricked by you."

Malashenko, who left the village full of shells and explosives, didn't know that the loud bang directly sent a company of German troops who had entered the village to search to see God. Malashenko originally only planned to delay the German army from catching up and kill a few people, but he never thought that the honest German army would be completely unprepared when encountering such a trap that transcends the times.

After laughing off his great achievements in bringing the Germans into tears, Malashenko, who came for business, quickly changed the direction of the conversation to the main topic.

"Comrade General, I am wrong. The battle damage has reached 80%. There are only eight tanks left. The losses in various technical equipment and personnel are huge, especially the experienced tank crews. It may be a bit too much to ask, but I am indeed here to ask for equipment and supplies from you."

"As long as the personnel, equipment and supplies can be replenished, I guarantee that the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment will regain its combat effectiveness in a short time, and it will still allow those Germans to experience their most terrifying nightmare!"

In order to ensure that he got the equipment, Malashenko did not hesitate to issue a military order in front of Vasilevsky.

Although the upcoming street battle in Stalingrad will be very difficult, Malashenko will risk his life in order to obtain supplements.

The prerequisite for fighting against the Germans is that you must have the capital to fight. If you don't even have the capital to fight, you will only be beaten by the Germans.

Malashenko's outspokenness did not surprise Vasilevskiy. Frankly speaking, in Vasilevskiy's view, it was not easy for Malashenko to lead people out of the encirclement, and the losses were heavy. It was almost inevitable. After thinking for a moment with his right hand on his chin, Vasilevsky raised his head and asked.

"How much equipment and supplementary personnel do you need? Let me hear your numbers."

Seeing that Vasilevsky had spoken directly, Malashenko, who gritted his teeth, was not afraid to say that he was a lion and simply told the truth.

"At least 70 tanks and 50 experienced crews are needed. Some spare engines are also needed, mainly these. Other scattered parts also need some spare parts and the like. It depends on how many tanks can be supplemented in the end before making a decision."


Is Malashenko a lion talking loudly? For Vasilevskiy at this moment, it is indeed a bit.

Are Malashenko’s demands too much? Frankly speaking, Vasilevsky felt that it was not too much to prioritize the recruitment of such a heroic unit.

So can Vasilevskiy meet Malashenko's requirements?

This is indeed a bit difficult.

Vasilevsky, who was very troubled in his heart, silently considered the logistics report he had just seen this morning.

The current situation in Stalingrad is not optimistic.

The pre-emptive bombing by the Luftwaffe had greatly damaged the city's industrial production. In addition, before the war reached Stalingrad, a considerable amount of equipment and factories had been relocated in advance. As an industrial city, Stalin It can be said that the inventory of ready-made weapons currently available to Gulla is not large.

The latest report received this morning clearly states that at the former Stalingrad Tractor Factory site, where most senior personnel and important equipment have been evacuated in advance, only 30 newly produced T34 tanks are currently available in the warehouse.

Strictly speaking, there are some problems with the production quality of these tanks. After the removal of important equipment, many parts that were supposed to be produced by machines were instead polished by hand.

Vasilevsky does not doubt the level and loyalty of the workers and technicians who hand-made tanks, but the hand-made parts cannot be compared with machine-made parts. This is not based on human subjective willpower. objective facts exist.

Obviously, even if all T34 medium tanks currently in the Stalingrad Tractor Factory are handed over to Malashenko, the total number of 30 vehicles is still not half of the number required by Malashenko.

Vasilevsky tried his best to satisfy Malashenko's request and hand over all the tanks to him. In his plan, if he could hold the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, a force directly under the front, in his hands , it will definitely be of great use at critical moments, but the prerequisite for it to be of great use is that Malashenko must be equipped with all the equipment and property he should have.

The frowning Vasilevsky stroked the stubble on his chin and thought for a long time without saying a word.

If possible, Vasilevskiy even wanted to transfer some troops from other tank units to support Malashenko. But after replaying the war zone map in his mind, Vasilevsky discovered that there was not a single tank unit in the entire Stalingrad war zone that could be moved. They were either placed in extremely critical places or had been installed locally by the Germans. In a circle.

Vasilevskiy, who had been thinking about it for a long time, was almost at the end of his rope and gave up, but a sudden flash of inspiration suddenly gave him an idea.

Although the number of tanks made by the Soviet Union is not enough, it seems that a batch of British support tanks just sent this month are still in the warehouse!

A slightly excited Vasilevsky immediately cast his keen eyes on Malashenko. The large number of British support tanks was enough to completely meet all Malashenko's needs.

"Malashenko, listen up. I only have 30 hand-made T34 tanks in my hands now, and they are parked in the warehouse of the Stalingrad Tractor Factory. Originally, I planned to use them to add more numbers to build a new tank. But since you need it, it’s more appropriate to leave it all to you.”

Hearing that there were only 30 tanks available, Malashenko was a little disappointed but did not show it. Malashenko, who remained calm-faced, then heard words that cheered him up even more.

"In addition to the 30 T34s, I now have 50 British-made tanks that were just delivered last week. The technicians reported that the quality of these tanks is quite different from our Red Army tanks, but they are better than the quantity. You What do you think?”

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