Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 184 Revisiting Kiev

When Stalin, who looked slightly surprised, heard the complete story from Zhukov, the tank major named Malashenko had obviously left a very deep impression on him through Zhukov's mouth.

"What's his record so far on the front lines?"

Facing Stalin's questioning, Zhukov, who had been prepared for this, quickly spoke quietly.

"In total, there are about thirty or so enemy tanks, as well as many anti-tank guns, some fortifications, and machine gun positions. This is just a conservative estimate, Comrade Stalin. After all, many of the results are due to objective factors. What cannot be confirmed is that none of these possible results have been officially counted in Malashenko’s name.”

After listening to the answer given by Zhukov, Stalin, who had already made up his mind about this, quickly made a decision while letting out a long breath.

"That's good, Zhukov. Our Red Army troops just lack grassroots commanders and soldiers like Major Malashenko who dare to explore and think, and who can lead the troops to fight bravely and kill the enemy and achieve great military exploits on the battlefield."

Due to the previous purge policy launched by Stalin himself in order to consolidate his political position, a large number of outstanding generals, including Marshal Tukhachevsky, the pioneer of Soviet armored warfare theory, were sent to meet Comrade Lenin. So much so that the Soviet army, which had tasted the consequences of the Great Purge during the Soviet-Finnish War, was still unable to completely get rid of the legacy of the Great Purge until the Great Patriotic War broke out.

Stalin, who was very clear about this, naturally knew that among the current Red Army units, too many grassroots commanders and fighters were military academy graduates who had been promoted quickly and some ordinary people who did nothing.

In peacetime, it is okay to let these people preside over the construction and training of the army. But when the war breaks out and we need to protect our country, we can let these guys who only talk on paper and have serious dogmatism lead the troops to fight against the enemy. The experienced German army was undoubtedly asking for trouble.

Stalin, who never regretted anything he did, was undoubtedly very clear about this, and he also knew what the truly outstanding talents the Red Army needed during the war years would look like.

Having already made up his mind about the tank major named Malashenko, Stalin, who paused for a moment as his voice fell, quickly continued to speak slowly to Zhukov who was waiting in front of him.

"When you return to the front line, compile Malashenko's record and all past experiences from the outbreak of the war to the present into a document and send it back to Moscow, Zhukov."

"At this critical moment when the motherland and the nation are in a state of life and death, we need to create a heroic image very close to them in the hearts of the people and the front-line Red Army soldiers to inspire and motivate them. I think Malashenko's His life background is in line with our current actual needs, and his deeds are enough to be promoted to the position of a hero and be vigorously promoted. "

As he spoke, he tapped his pipe and flicked the match. Stalin's face, illuminated by the flames of the tobacco amid the smoke, shone with the unique look of a wise leader.

"Let this Malashenko follow you, Zhukov. Heroes living around you are more inspiring and morale-boosting than tombstones buried in the soil. You know what to do."

Regarding the proposals and orders from Stalin, Zhukov, who knew exactly what the supreme leader was planning, nodded in acquiescence.

After that, Stalin, who was still worried about the situation of the North-South war on the front, was still worried. Stalin, who habitually sought military advice from Zhukov, the former chief of the Red Army General Staff, soon spoke again.

"Zhukov, I have a question. When I asked you for advice on the direction of Kiev, you told me that Kiev would fall and would not be able to hold it. However, as of now, the situation in Kiev at that time was better than that in Leningrad now. It’s much better to be surrounded on three sides.”

"Tell me why you are confident of holding Leningrad but insisting on giving up Kiev. What is the difference in your eyes, Zhukov?"

The words from Stalin's mouth are undoubtedly the best description of his true state of mind at the moment.

Facing the question that once again blurted out from the mouth of the Supreme Leader, Zhukov, who had already prepared for it, did not let Stalin, who looked confused, wait too long.

"As for why Leningrad, unlike Kiev before it, can definitely be defended, I have summarized three reasons, Comrade Stalin."

"First, Leningrad's defensive significance and value are far greater than Kiev's. This is something that must be admitted objectively."

"The Winter Palace, Pushkin City, and the cruiser Aurora, this city named after our great Soviet revolutionary mentor leader, have too many reasons to be defended. This is the cradle and birthplace of our proletarian revolution, as long as As long as Leningrad is still in our hands and has not been taken away by the invaders, the strong spiritual power brought by this sacred city can support the determination and will of all the soldiers and civilians of the Soviet Union.”

"Second, Leningrad is different from Kiev, which is an inland city. The powerful Red Navy Baltic Fleet can provide us with naval gun support at any time. The types of naval guns range from the largest battleship to the smallest river gunboat. Yes. With the Baltic Fleet in sight, the supporting firepower in the direction of Leningrad is enough to surpass ten army artillery divisions. This is our strongest backing to defend Leningrad!"

After explaining the two reasons, Zhukov sighed and paused for a moment, then blurted out the most important third reason.

"Third, the completion of Germany's decisive offensive of Army Group North to encircle Leningrad was delayed until the end of August, almost two months later than the large-scale offensive launched in early July in the direction of Kiev, Ukraine."

"September is already a very important time point, Comrade Stalin. I boldly infer that the enemy's sustained offensive in the direction of Leningrad will not last long, and I will temporarily second the reinforcements from Army Group Center. It won’t be long before we have to return to Army Group Center, because there is not much time left for the Germans to launch the Moscow offensive this year.”

"Therefore, I think that as long as we can hold Leningrad for about one to two months, the reinforcements of Army Group Center heading north, which have been running out of time, will be forced to return the same way they came to reintegrate the strength of Army Group Center. Launch a decisive offensive in the direction of Moscow."

"There is no doubt that time is on our side this time, Comrade Stalin!"

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