Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 106 Bloody Smolensk (7)

When the KV1 heavy tanks, with their roaring diesel engines dragging thick black smoke exhaust, rushed to the last ten meters away from the artillery position. Realizing that they could no longer stop these Soviet heavy tanks, the German artillerymen finally threw down the 105 mm armor-piercing projectiles in their arms that had not yet been sent into the gun barrel, then turned around and fled in an instant.

As a non-frontline combat unit, the German artillerymen only have some submachine guns, pistols and rifles that are better than useless for self-defense. These light weapons can be used to deal with the invading enemy infantry, but they are facing a monster with a total combat weight of 47 tons. Needless to say, the results are natural when it comes to KV1 heavy tanks.

In his commander's periscope, he clearly saw the frightened German artillerymen abandoning their cannons and running away. It can be said that Malashenko, who had no mercy and no intention of letting them go, immediately gave the order.

"All crews! Machine-gun fire at the German artillery, leaving no one alive! Kill these bastards!"

The two 62mm DT light machine guns equipped on the coaxial direction of the KV1 heavy tank turret immediately burst out streams of flames almost simultaneously through the hands of the gunner and radio operator after receiving the order from Malashenko.

Nearly a hundred 62mm DT light machine guns equipped on dozens of KV1 heavy tanks fired simultaneously, and the formation was like a moving machine gun position. The panicked German artillerymen fled toward the rear of the position and shot them in the back. The most humiliating death method of the gun fell into a pool of blood one by one. More people who were shot were not killed on the spot but still moaned in pain and crawled forward slowly on the ground.

Seeing the German artillerymen who had taken the lives of their comrades with their own hands fall to the barrage of their own machine guns one after another, the Soviet tank crews, who were driven by a strong desire for revenge, did not have to pull the horse this time. Shenke personally gave the order, and the KV1 heavy tanks with full throttle and unabated speed rushed forward like steam rollers running over asphalt roads.

A minute ago, the 12 Type 18 105mm cannon howitzers that were standing firm at their respective gun positions, pouring out tongues of fire towards the Soviet First Heavy Tank Breakthrough Battalion, were now being hit by the KV1 heavy tank that was charging at full speed with heavy throttle. It simply fell apart and disintegrated into a pile of twisted and deformed parts.


The artillery barrel and body parts were crushed under the tracks, and the sharp friction and deformation sound was like fingernails scratching on a blackboard. It was like the grin of death from hell, constantly impacting the panic of the German artillerymen who were not able to die. In their hearts, these half-dead German artillerymen who were struggling and crawling forward on the ground soon met the same fate.

The wide tracks that rolled up the wet soil and green turf supported the 47-ton steel body and slowly ran over the flesh and blood body. The internal organs and blood wrapped in muscles and bones were like water-filled balloons that burst instantly. It was generally splashed everywhere, and the wailing and screaming left at the last moment of life echoed over the battlefield like the death knell of the dead and could not dissipate for a long time.

When there was no longer a German artilleryman crawling on the ground and struggling forward within his sight, Malashenko, whose eyes were bloodshot and still excited, did not stop there. After turning the front of the car and the direction of the attack, he The First Heavy Tank Breakthrough Battalion, under the command of Malashenko, continued to engage in this melee of positions between the three Soviet and German divisions.

I don’t know how much time passed in the state of selflessness with the roar of guns and engines. With the last shot of the Mosin-Nagant rifle, the crisp sound of the gunfire was finally heard, and an emotional roar was heard from the cover. After passing through all the sounds in his ears, it immediately echoed in Malashenko's ears.

"We are victorious, comrades! The Krauts have retreated! Hurrah!"



In a daze, bathed in the passionate slogans after victory, he opened the top of the turret above his head and leaned out. The scene in front of him was burning on the ruins of the battlefield burned by the hellish fire. There were traces of blood everywhere. It was devastated, and Malashenko, who had completely lost nearly one-third of his troops after this battle, could not be happy no matter what.

"In order to defeat the artillery high ground defended by the German light motorized infantry division, it was necessary to invest so many offensive forces to barely win. In the past, it was always a joke that the Soviet army always suffered the most casualties no matter whether they won or lost, but he Who would have thought that the German army in 1941 was already so capable?"

Before traveling to the present-day Soviet-German battlefield, Lin Jie, a senior military enthusiast, always liked to play deductions and discuss with his "like-minded" friends.

Those German troops that only appear in war games and papers seem to be no match for the Soviets no matter how hard they fight based on the quality of their equipment. The fragile and weak Panzer III and IV tanks and the stupid, big and thick artillery are not as good as the Soviet equipment of the same period. The quality was obviously down by more than one level. After some paper talk, Lin Jie and his partners finally concluded that they could only blame the Soviet army's weak soft power and poor command.

But when Lin Jie actually came to the Soviet-German battlefield in the summer of 1941 as Malashenko, Lin Jie, who had just woken up from a dream, realized how naive his original thoughts were, and those ridiculous conclusions seemed now How stupid again.

The SS, who were armed with fanatical personality cults and sophisticated equipment, were simply a group of lunatics who were determined to get one more Soviet soldier on their backs.

The National Defense Forces, which have a long history and glorious tradition, are no worse than those of the national defense forces. Their superb tactical skills and unwavering risk-taking in the face of danger, in the eyes of Malashenko, a later time traveler, are simply the same as those of the modern regular army. No different.

Although the elimination of cold weapons and the continuous advancement of the era of hot weapons have already reduced the greatest role that soldiers' personal bravery can play in the entire battle to the lowest point in the history of human warfare.

However, after this battle, Malashenko had to admit that a well-trained army with no advantage in equipment quality could still create an army under seemingly impossible circumstances. Another incredible achievement.

As advanced intelligent creatures, the greatest subjective initiative that humans can exert in war is the most critical factor that determines the outcome of a battle.

When he thought that he still had four long years to go on such a difficult "road of survival", Malashenko, who had gradually cooled down from the madness of the war, couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

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