Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 149: He is not qualified!

With the fermentation of the phone door incident, Juventus, as the center of this storm, has drawn attention to every move.

In order to restore the adverse impact of the incident on the club as soon as possible, the Fiat Group, the consortium behind Juventus, quickly made a decision. Chairman Stevens, general manager Moji, vice chairman Betega, and CEO Girardo stepped down .

The top level of the Bianconeri was washed away, and the entire leadership team was torn down and rebuilt.

After a vote by the club's shareholders, the owner of the supermarket chain Geely was elected as the chairman of Juventus; Jean-Claude Blanco, the former editor of L'Equipe from the Tour de France Organizing Committee, became the general manager; the former club Press officer Alessio Seco became sporting director.

Geely, Blanco, Seco, these three became the new three giants of Juventus after the reorganization, controlling the power of the club.

When the whole world thought that this sudden telephone incident caught Serie A and Juventus by surprise, only those who were in the game understood that this storm had been brewing secretly for many years.

Blanco knows this best.


As we all know, the real control of Juventus is his Fiat consortium behind the scenes, and the major shareholder is the Agnelli family.

But in 2003 and 2004, the brothers Gianni Agnelli and Umberto Agnelli died successively, which brought violent turmoil to the Fiat consortium. Can and Ferrari CEO Montezemolo have become the new helm of the Fiat consortium.

Just one winter night in 2004, John Elkann met with Blanco in Paris, France, and officially invited him to the management of Juventus, which surprised Blanco at the time.

"You already have Mogi and Girardo, who have made outstanding achievements, why do you want me?" This was Blanco's question at the time.

He remembered well, John Elkann telling him with great certainty, "No, we're trying to get them out."

Blanco thought at first that this was a battle for Juventus power, which is very common among giant teams, so he entered the Juventus management, ready to take over the Bianconeri at any time.

But gradually, he realized that things were not so simple.

It was not long ago, when the matter could no longer be covered up, that John Elkann told him that, as early as 2004, he had received news from government channels that he was about to confront Moji and Gila. Erdo's violations are being investigated.

After two years of preparation and deliberation, this is the 2006, the world-shattering telephone incident before the World Cup.

The Big Three fell, and the new Big Three came to the fore.

Much of John Elkann's plan came to fruition, but there were deviations.

For example, he promised Blanco the chairman of Juventus, but now he is the general manager of a supermarket chain.

There is also the possibility that Juventus will be relegated, which they have not thought of before.

The key is that the new chairman of the Fiat consortium, Montezemolo, asked Juventus to abandon the appeal, accept the penalty, maximize the public relations crisis, and try to reduce the loss of the consortium.

But no matter what, after the new Big Three took office, the first thing they faced was, how to clean up this mess?


A small meeting every three days, a meeting every five days.

This has become the norm for Juventus management since the telephone incident broke out.

The club's administration is a mess, constantly reorganized, and the football team is even more troublesome.

Many people, including the head coach Capello, have made it clear that they will not follow the team to Serie B. They are the world's top superstars and famous coaches. After this tragic blow, will he be able to make a comeback?

In this case, only the stars who truly love the team will choose to stay.

It is reported that Capello is very close to the Real Madrid presidential candidate Calderon, and everyone knows that Calderon is now a popular choice for Real Madrid president, because the current president Martin has been completely abandoned by Real Madrid fans. .

Calderon's running mate, Mijatovic, was Capello's favorite when he was coaching at Real Madrid. If Calderon is elected, the first thing to do is to bring Capello to the Bernabeu, no need to think about slogans.

Real Madrid fans, don't you appreciate the profoundness?

It is said that Gao Shen is the 2.0 version of Capello. I will directly invite the original version of the great **** to come here at one time and meet all your requirements!

If Capello is gone, who is willing to take over a Juventus relegated to Serie B?

In the past period of time, Blanco and Seco have contacted many famous coaches, but they are basically thankful and insensitive.

No one wants to get involved in the troubled waters of Juventus at this time.

In the beginning, they also chose the handsome according to the standard of the giants, but they were disappointed. Later, they kept lowering their requirements, but they also failed to find a suitable candidate. Basically, when they heard that it was Juventus, they all politely declined.

Even if Blanco used his personal connection to contact Deschamps, the former Juventus legend, the French coach hesitated to say that he would have to think again, and then he was silent.

Obviously, no one wants to take the risk.

They kept narrowing the scope of the candidates, kept deleting candidates, and finally locked on a rather unexpected name.



"I don't think he is a suitable candidate." Seko was the first to object.

Blanco is not surprised, even this is within his expectation, "Tell me why."

"I don't deny that he is the hottest manager this summer. He led Real Madrid to the double crown, and his results are indeed outstanding, but as far as I know, his requirements are also the most critical, and he even wants to intervene in the club's transfer. will be with the contract.”

After a pause, Seco asked Blanco back, "Do you think it's appropriate for a young man only twenty-five years old to have so much power? Even if we all think it's okay, what about the top?"

Seko said at the end, and pointed to the top of his head, meaning the Fiat consortium.

"Judging from his coaching at Real Madrid, he is a very thoughtful, philosophical man, young and energetic, and his tactical ideas have even been won by Sacchi, Valdano, Beckenbauer and Prati. The unanimous affirmation of Ni et al."

Blanco was also prepared, "I asked Zidane to find out, and he was full of praise for Gao Shen. He believes that Gao Shen is not like a twenty-five-year-old young man. His style of doing things is very mature, mature and stable. ."

"Trust me, Alessio, if he can manage Real Madrid's dressing room well, then he can manage the dressing room of any team in the world. As for his technical and tactical level, La Liga and Champions League The championship is the best proof.”

"Of course, I admit what you said." Seco also nodded, but the conversation changed, "However, this does not mean that we have to give him the right to transfer and negotiate contract renewals."

"This aspect is negotiable, and he does not want to be responsible for transfers and contract renewals, but wants to participate. He wants the club to bring in the players he wants. I think this is understandable."

Seko smiled coldly, "I can't understand, if it's Lippi, I have nothing to say, but he doesn't have the qualifications!"

After speaking, Seko stood up from his seat, turned and left.

Blanco sent him away, sighing inwardly.

In fact, he was not surprised by Seco's firm opposition. The reason is very simple. Seco is the sports director.

Everyone knows that the chairman Geely is more at a high place, the general manager Blanco is responsible for the club's operation and competitive affairs, and the sports director is responsible for more specific competitive affairs, such as transfer signing, operation and negotiation, There are also players' contract renewals, which are the functions of the sports director.

If he agrees to lofty demands, doesn't this mean that he is weakening his power?

Moreover, Seko's reason is also very valid, because Gao Shen has never had such a successful experience.

Who can guarantee that he will not have problems?

Even if he is only given the right to advise, and the specific operation will be handled by the club, who can guarantee that the player he likes will be successful? There must be no tricks?

The black gold scandal in the Premier League was a lesson for all clubs in all leagues.

But Blanco still wanted to meet Gao Shen.

Whether it is from L’Equipe’s former colleagues, or French friends such as Zidane and Platini, or from Sacchi, Capello and others, the people that Blanco has learned about are full of praise for Gao Shen .

I have long heard that Gao Shen has been in contact with many teams, but most of them stay on the sidelines and are worried about this.

But Gao Shen's attitude is very firm.

Because, he wants to build a team in his mind.

Blanco wanted to meet him and see if he was worth it, and Juventus took the risk for him.



Southern Italy, Naples.

Only a few local media in Naples were present to witness. After a simple ceremony, Chairman Aurelio De Laurentiis looked at the new signboard unveiled in front of him, full of past two years , the name on it is [Napoli], Napoli football, but now, from this moment, this club can finally return to its original name, the one that once made the whole Italian football, European football, and even the world All like thunderous names.

Società Sportivaapoli, Naples Football Association!

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It took De Laurentiis two full years and countless efforts to get the name back.

After being relegated from Serie A in 2001, Naples had been struggling in Serie B. In 2004, due to debts of 70 million euros, they declared bankruptcy and were ordered to be relegated.

Overnight, all players and employees became free agents in the transfer market, and all the club's assets, even a roll of toilet paper, were confiscated by the government and put up for auction.

It was De Laurentiis who saved the team. He used his investment to take over the collapsed Napoli football and finally return to Serie B after struggling in the Italian third tier for two years.

More importantly, after two years of hard work, the name of the club that represented legend and brilliance in the past has finally been recaptured!

Everything seems to have returned to the past, but Naples, where Nirvana was reborn, is completely different.

"We deserve a fresh, more hopeful start!" De Laurentiis announced excitedly.

"I want the name of Naples football to shock Italy again, shock Europe, and shock the whole world!"

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