Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 139: Won't let him win the championship?

In my deep memory, there was once such a question: Why did Manchester United fall so quickly after losing Ferguson?

It stands to reason that Moyes is Ferguson's hand-picked successor, and his coaching level has been proven for many years in Everton. Ferguson has left behind a team of Premier League champions. Planting level, right?

You know, Ferguson's team won the Premier League title, a full nine points ahead of second-placed Manchester City.

Many people try to demonstrate the importance of Ferguson to Manchester United from various angles, and to demonstrate the huge hidden danger behind Manchester United's championship. These are all correct, but few people have considered one issue, that is, the training and indoctrination of Manchester United by Ferguson over the years. , forming Manchester United's own unique tactical style.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Manchester United's style is attacking, advocating running without the ball.

The players may not be very good at dribbling and breaking through, but they can always organize the attack very smoothly; the defenders may not be very good at grabbing the ball and are very good at defending, but they can always press the opponent and can always prevent the opponent from attacking.

And the key behind this is the off-ball movement system from individual to group to overall.

This is why, when Ferguson carried out the tactical continental reform, he chose Veron, the midfielder with the strongest running ability in European football, but due to various reasons, Veron was still unable to adapt to Manchester United.

The same is true for Moyes when he was in charge of Manchester United.

He couldn't understand Manchester United's off-the-ball running system, and the team's understanding of football under Ferguson's years of indoctrination and training, which made his tactical system unable to be understood and implemented by Manchester United players.

In fact, the biggest problem for Manchester United under Moyes is not in defense, but in attack.

In the two seasons before and after, Ferguson's Manchester United and Moyes' Manchester United both conceded 43 goals, but on the offensive end, Moyes' Manchester United scored 22 fewer goals than Ferguson's Red Devils.

Offense is the main reason for Moyes' frustration.

Everton coached by Moyes is not a traditional English team, but has a strong continental flavor, such as the playmaker, from Gravesson to Arteta, technical players like Pinar also have a place.

Obviously, Moyes knew how big a challenge it would be to coach Manchester United, and he was determined to make a big difference, so as soon as he took office, he fired Ferguson's team, promoted his direct line, and vigorously promoted Manchester United's tactical reform.

This has its advantages, but it also brings up another problem. Moyes simply can't really understand Manchester United's football and players, especially the football philosophy that this group of players has firmly implemented in the past.

In a way, this is the real taboo.

Running without the ball can be said to penetrate deep into the marrow and blood of Manchester United players, especially the direct descendants of Manchester United's youth training like Beckham, Fletcher, Ryan Giggs, Scholes, etc. understanding.

Just like Real Madrid's attack this time.


When Abeloa dribbled the ball across the midline, Beckham's first reaction was to observe the changes in Barcelona's defense.

Real Madrid's right back was advancing very fast. He originally wanted to go to the outside, but unexpectedly, Beckham ran to the outside and stretched his finger to the inside, signaling Abeloa to cut inward.

Although it was a little unclear, but since Beckham ran out and pointed out again, Aveloa immediately changed the line, following Beckham's gesture, dribbling the ball to the right side of the top of Barcelona's arc.

Van Bommel was restrained by Zidane, Ronaldinho did not like to return to defense, Deco followed, but it was a little slower. Although Barcelona's defense line was organized, it was still passive.

Van Bronckhorst had been hesitant.

Beckham was always close to the right line, and Abeloa was about to rush into the danger zone. He had to make a decision as soon as possible, and the Dutch left-back chose to pounce on Abeloa.

"Here!" Beckham pointed in front of him.

Abeloa looked over and happened to see that there was a passing line, which could avoid Van Bronckhorst and pass to the front of Beckham. The timing was also very suitable. He would hesitate to send a pass directly. The ball is re-scored back to the right.

Van Bronckhorst was taken aback, turned around in a hurry, and pounced on Beckham.

But Beckham reacted quicker, took a step forward, stopped the ball on the right side of the penalty area, and sent a cross with his right foot.

In the big penalty area, Negredo, who was at the front, was ready to go, he suddenly stepped forward, jumped high, and overwhelmed Marcos with a header and headed towards Barcelona's goal.

Valdez's reaction was also fast enough, almost instinctively flying sideways, blocking the ball with one hand.

But the ball did not fly far and landed on the left side of the front of the small penalty area. I saw a white figure appearing like a ghost at the front of the small penalty area. Before Puyol, he kicked the ball into the lower left corner of Barcelona's goal. .


"Forty-second minute, Raul! Raul has another victory for Real Madrid!"

"Two to one! Real Madrid reversed Barcelona!!!!"


When Gao Shen saw Raul scoring the reversal goal on the sidelines, he raised his hands in excitement, even forgot to shout, his mouth was wide open, his face full of disbelief.

It was not until he heard the crisp whistle of the referee Hauge that he was finally determined.

Goal scored! reversed!

"Wow!!!!" Gao Shen couldn't help cheering, and turned to rush.

Seeing that he was about to rush out of the coaching area, Maqueda quickly grabbed him.

"Calm down! Calm down! To qualify is a yellow card!"

Hearing this, Gao Shen burst into laughter, turned around and hugged Maqueda, then hugged Lucas and Buenaventura, and hugged Real Madrid's coaching staff there. .

The team reversed, and everyone was very excited.

In the stands tonight, half of the Real Madrid fans were cheering.

Two to one, Real Madrid reversed!

After Gao Shen hugged his assistants, he shouted at the players celebrating on the sidelines. When he saw Raul running towards him, he couldn't help but stretch out his right hand to give Raul a high five.

"Nice job, Raul!"

But unexpectedly, Raul ignored his right hand and hugged Gao Shen directly.

Zidane and others also gathered around, and the group surrounded Gao Shen in the middle.

"Real Madrid's counterattack was very beautiful. First, it shifted from the left to the right in a wide range, and then created a gap through a beautiful two-way cooperation on the right. Beckham's cross was quite threatening."

"Valdez's saves were fantastic, but Real Madrid has a spiritual Raul."

"It turns out that after regaining his freedom, Raul is still the golden boy of the year!"

After celebrating with the players, Gao Shen did not forget to grab Abeloa's head, and he performed very well this time.

But the key is Beckham's handling.

"Nice job, David!" Gao Shen congratulated.

In the past, he has chatted with Beckham a lot, and naturally he will also talk about Manchester United and Manchester United's tactical characteristics.

Gao Shen was really surprised and interested when he saw Beckham's off-ball movement and support this time.

Looking for opportunities, he must be in the tactical book management, a good study of Ferguson and Manchester United's off-ball running system.

After all, in a football match, players spend most of their time without the ball.

Compared with skill and talent, running off the ball can be trained.

This is why some people say: Running without the ball determines the lower limit of a player and a team; ability with the ball determines the upper limit of a player and a team.



"Wow haha, well done!!"

In the stands, Real Madrid President Martin couldn't help laughing after seeing Raul's goal.

"I knew, I always knew, that Gao Shen is a capable person, he must have a way, you see, I'm not wrong!"

Butragueno on the side could only respond with a wry smile.

How long has it been, how has the style of painting changed again?

Chairman, didn't you say that just now?

But anyone who knows Martin knows that this is Martin's character.

Believe it or not?

If Real Madrid conceded the ball again in the second half, Martin would scold him, and scold him even harder.



Beckenbauer and Platini glanced at each other, and both saw the smiles and admiration in each other's eyes.

For Real Madrid to score, they are not surprised at all.

Tonight, Rijkaard's tactics were indeed too risky and aggressive, and he even ignored the gaps behind his defensive flanks.

It can be seen from Real Madrid's first counterattack in this game that Gao Shen is firmly grasping the weakness of More importantly, he won the sharpest Ronaldo, using the name of Negredo as high The center goes to suppress the two central defenders of Barcelona.

It is not difficult to see from the scoring process that Real Madrid's two attacks are related to Negredo.

This is the tactical significance of the high center.

"Should he really win the championship?" Platini smiled bitterly.

He prefers Barcelona's style of play, but if Real Madrid win the title, he will be happy too, just a little regretful.

After all, Real Madrid played more conservatively.

More importantly, Gao Shen was only twenty-five years old.

If it's a player, it's normal, but as a manager, what do you want to do when you win the Champions League at the age of 25, plus a La Liga title?

"Probably." Beckenbauer laughed.

He was quite happy to see it happen.

Beckenbauer, who was born as a defender, is not disgusted by the football that Gao Shen shows, and is full of strong interest in this 25-year-old young man.

Real Madrid can reach the Champions League final this season, and it can be said that Gao Shen has made great contributions.

Perhaps, there are still many weaknesses and deficiencies in his coaching, but he also has his own uniqueness.

At least tonight, from arranging troops to commanding on the spot, Gao Shen has stably stabilized Rijkaard.

The black swan is still too anxious!

Losing La Liga had a huge impact on him and on the Barcelona players.

"If Barcelona wins the La Liga championship, maybe the situation tonight will change completely." Beckenbauer shook his head.

Platini nodded in agreement.

The two games were too close together.

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