Starting With One Million Luck Points

Chapter 770 The whereabouts of the map

The two of them stayed with him silently, as if they had seen all the sadness and pain in his life.

Everyone seems to be happy, but in fact they have gone through a lot of hardships.

I used to think that the Toss Girl Group were heinous people. Everyone who did bad things was a self-protection function formed because they had been hurt by others.

It was obvious that Tuosilitan did not choose to be the person he hated before, even after being betrayed by others.

All the bitterness and suffering in a person's life cannot be erased suddenly. Choosing to be a positive person is his own choice. Zhou Hao looked at the Tuosili altar in front of him.

I am not a saint who repays evil with kindness!

"You are so despicable and shameless. Even if I lose it, I won't give it to you!" Tuosilitan was so drunk that he talked about many unknown past events.

He had endured this loneliness and pain alone for many years, but unexpectedly, he would be able to express his feelings around two strange young people. For many years, he had lived a beast-like life.

"Do you two know? That map is actually a treasure map, and I won't give it to them!" Tuosilitan suddenly sat up and pulled Zhou Hao and George.

It's like meeting a close friend who has been with you for many years.

Zhou Hao's eyes darkened, and he finally told the incident. It seemed that this incident had a great impact on him, and he had not found anyone to talk to for a long time.

I am determined to get the treasure map, even if I don't complete the task, I still need to get it. I am in urgent need of quick training.

There must be a lot of danger in a treasure trove like that.

George looked at Tuolitan in front of him stupidly, thinking that he had been talking drunkenly. How could a drunk person believe everything he said.

So he didn't take it to heart. Even if there was a real treasure map, he wouldn't be moved.

There are many things that cannot be forced even if you want to.

"You have a treasure map, how can you be so poor?" George obviously didn't believe what he said.

Zhou Hao sometimes had to admire George as his divine assist. If he said this to himself, he would be very suspicious. If George said this, Tuolitan would not be too defensive.

He was less defensive about George, and he didn't know if his character was slowly getting worse.

Tuosilitan felt George's disdainful tone, and felt very unhappy. Coupled with the stimulation of alcohol, he felt that if these two people were not informed of the existence of the treasure map.

I also feel that he is a liar and must prove that this matter is true no matter what.

"Humph, you brat, how dare you doubt me like this!"

"I must prove to you two that I really have a treasure map, but it's too dangerous inside, so I never went in!" Tuosilitan raised his mustache.

Looking at George with an angry face, the two brats looked very suspicious, which made him feel unbearable.

Zhou Hao almost laughed. He really had no intention of doing anything. He would get whatever he wanted.

"I found that your brat is getting more and more sinister. If you don't say it directly, you will use this method to get out all the words in his heart!"

"It seems that I must be more careful in the future!" the frog's joking voice sounded.

Because he found that if one day he was betrayed by Zhou Hao, he would not even know it. Just like the stupid Tu Sili Tan now, it was obviously a trap set by others but he stupidly jumped into it.

Human beings are indeed very complex animals.

He can treat you wholeheartedly, or he can scheme without any scruples.

Just like the previous conversation between George and Zhou Hao here, it was actually for Tuosilitan to listen to. Maybe George was unintentional but Zhou Hao was doing it deliberately.

Because Tuosilitan had something Zhou Hao wanted, only through this method could he get it out willingly.

This is also the mildest method. Even if it is a little used, at least it will not think of other people who want to kill endlessly.

Zhou Hao has never been a treacherous or evil person, but he is indeed not a kind-hearted person who can't tell right from wrong. He can understand right and wrong before they happen.

When dealing with friends and family, I will do my best to help.

Otherwise, how could he risk his life and come to various planets just to seek greater power? Now his hometown is being massacred by various creatures.

"I don't believe it!" George also drank a lot of wine and was a little tipsy.

He and Tuolitan kept talking to each other.

"Don't believe it? Then I'll show it to you!"

"Oh, not now, because I'm about to be sent to the cosmic prison!" Tuosilitan stood up unsteadily and was about to walk out, but suddenly he remembered this key issue again.

A person who is about to go to prison cannot be freed, and may spend the rest of his life slowly in prison.

Sometimes I think about it, this peaceful life is also a kind of happiness.

Zhou Hao almost cursed. He had originally agreed to go get the treasure map together, but suddenly he went back on his word.

Why is there such a capricious and shameless person in the world? It seems that I have to negotiate terms with him. My biggest desire is freedom without restrictions.

"It's still early. Don't you still have many opportunities to leave? You can leave now!" George looked at the Tuosili altar in front of him in confusion.

Zhou Hao had obviously asked him to leave, but he had been drinking and eating here, and now he said that he was going to be sent to prison. No one would force him.

No matter how I thought about it, I felt a little confused. The most important thing was that George was almost drunk now, and he and Tosilitan kept talking.

Zhou Hao regretted it. He shouldn't have brought out such a high-purity wine.

The purpose was to get Tuosili Tanzui to get the secret of the treasure map from him, but he didn't expect George to be as drunk as him.

He also wasted so much wine and food.

However, we finally got some good news.

"You bastard, you can't tell that there are more evil intentions than lotus root slices!" George lay drunk on the ground, feeling dizzy.

Zhou Hao was surprised that a man who was drunk to the point of death suddenly sobered up. His words could tell that he was not drunk at all.

I must have pretended to be drunk just to test myself. Fortunately, I didn't ask him about the whereabouts of the treasure map as quickly as George.

Toslitan's eyes were clear and there was no sign of drunkenness on his body.

"What conditions do you want?" Zhou Hao felt that it was much easier to communicate with a normal person than an alcoholic lunatic.

Before, I was talking about the past by myself, but now I finally know how to negotiate terms. I wake up quickly and get drunk quickly.

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