in a salt mine.

"Sister Xuefei, did you just hear the cry of the Silver King coming from the cave? Could it be outside?" Li Wenxi had already walked around the mine, even ignoring Qi Xuefei's obstruction. , touched the wall that Xu Xin and Ji Chaoyang touched before disappearing.

But nothing happened.

Qi Xuefei recalled the voice at that time: "You said that... No, it should have come from the cave. Although there is some vague feeling, it really came from the cave."


Li Wenxi looked at the stone wall in front of her. Now she really had the urge to use an explosive crossbow to lose the smashing of the wall. She felt that Xu Xin and the others were actually behind the wall.

If it was just her, she might actually do it.

But at this time, Qi Xuefei was still there, and she didn't know if it would affect Xu Xin and the others, which made her hesitate.

At this moment, there was a faint sound from the stone wall.

"Huh?" Li Wenxi's eyes widened, "Sister Xuefei, did you hear anything?"

"This is... a voice? The voice of someone talking?" Qi Xuefei also took a few steps forward and listened carefully.

Li Wenxi's voice was a little dull, and Li Wenxi couldn't care less, she put her ear to the wall and listened carefully.

"...The voices of Xu Xin and Ji Chaoyang, the voices of the two of them!" Li Wenxi exclaimed excitedly, "I knew they were behind this wall!"

Qi Xuefei pulled Li Wenxi away from the wall with a helpless tone: "You still dare to stick to the wall? You want to disappear too, don't you?"

"Hey, I'm not excited!" Li Wenxi heard the voices of the two and knew that the two were fine for the time being, so her mood relaxed a little, and her tone of speech became more relaxed.

The voice over the stone wall became clearer and clearer. Without being against the wall, Li Wenxi and Qi Xuefei could already hear the voice over the wall clearly.

"You said... If we smash this wall, will we be able to return to the original position?" Xu Xin's voice came from there.

"It's Xu Xin!" Li Wenxi immediately shouted at the wall, "Xu Xin! Can you hear me? We are behind the wall!"

But the two people behind the stone wall didn't seem to hear her shouting.

"Maybe? There is no exit nearby, you should give it a try..." This was Ji Chaoyang's voice.

"They are indeed still together!" Qi Xuefei was really relieved when she heard the voices of the two of them, and then shouted to the wall, "Xu Xin! Ji Chaoyang! Can you hear me?"

As a result, the two people on the opposite side did not respond, and were still speaking their own words.

They can hear the normal voices of the two people behind the wall, but they can't hear them on the other side when they shout so much!

"What's the matter!" Li Wenxi was a little anxious, and patted the stone wall with his palm, "Hey! The two people on the opposite side, can't you hear it! Is this wall still one-way soundproof!"

"Gene Era"

Li Wenxi slapped and shouted a few more times, but it was still useless.

"...Go out and get the resources outside and talk about it." Xu Xin's voice.

"Okay." Ji Chaoyang's voice.

The conversation between the two ended, followed by the sound of footsteps drifting away, and after that, nothing could be heard.

"Ah! They're gone! I'm so **** off, why can't I hear you!" Li Wenxi slammed her fist on the wall, because the excitement of hearing the two's voices and the shouting made her face a little bit Red, "Why is it only us who can hear it?"

"Well... they just said that they will come back later, we can wait for a while." Qi Xuefei thought for a while and suggested, "If it doesn't work next time, we will try to blow this wall away. ."

"Yeah! I think so too," Li Wenxi nodded vigorously and pursed her lips, "If they hadn't said they would come back, I would have blasted this wall away now! Sister Xuefei, here is the inside. It may be dangerous, you go to the entrance of the cave, just leave me here alone."

"Okay, I'll help you pay attention at the entrance of the cave, don't do any unnecessary things yourself, you know?" Qi Xuefei was really afraid that Li Wenxi would also disappear suddenly, she really wanted to be left alone here, it's getting dark now , is really scary.

"Don't worry, no, at least not before they come back!" Li Wenxi raised her head and patted her chest to assure.

Qi Xuefei walked to the entrance of the cave, looked at the white horse lying at the entrance of the cave, taking a bite of hay from time to time, and sighed.

These two guys are really capable of doing things. This is the first time they met, they brought them out, and then disappeared by themselves, leaving the two of them here to wait, really...

However, perhaps because of this, the two of them are the first and second in all areas.


the other side.

Xu Xin swam forward cautiously.

The school of piranhas, which had been farther away, began to move again, but none of the fish dared to charge at him.

After confirming that the eight piranhas lying on the bottom were dead, Xu Xin quickly put all of them in the backpack and left that position.

When going upstream, Xu Xin grabbed a red carp that was circling beside him without any hint.

He brought the fish to the surface, took out the boning knife and directly ended the life of the fish.

[Special red carp (green): The red carp that has been affected by an unknown force for a short time is not much different from the ordinary carp at present. 】

This unknown power should be talking about this white light.

However, for a shorter time?

Why is it shorter? Isn't this space always affected by the white light?

Xu Xin disassembled the carp again, but didn't get anything good, shook his head, and threw it back into the lake.

There is no space in his backpack to put these common carp materials.

At this time, Ji Chaoyang has basically completed the picking and excavation of these colorful flowers.

The colorful flowers have turned into a piece of land that has been turned over, and the two lush banyan trees have also been cut down by the two. The cave that originally looked like a fairyland of Taoyuan, now only a layer of turf is left, which looks a little bit. miserable.

"Those piranhas underwater are here again, aren't they?" Ji Chaoyang asked before Xu Xin could speak.

"That's right, but these piranhas don't dare to enter the range of the white light." Xu Xin said from the fragment of the orb in the crevice of the stone wall.

"...Oh? So it seems that this orb can disperse mutant creatures?" Ji Chaoyang looked at the fragments of the orb, "Perhaps, this orb is the key to our going out."

Xu Xin looked at the orb above the waterfall and fell into thought.

This orb fragment is at least six or seven meters away from the lake. Although the stone wall is uneven, it is very slippery because it is near the waterfall, and it is impossible to climb.

How to get this orb?

If only Ah Fu was there, Ah Fu would be able to fly up and grab the orb fragments.

"Hey!" Coco stood up and pushed Xu Xin's leg.

"Huh? What's wrong, Coco?"

"嘤! 嘤嘤嘤!" Coco's little paw pointed in the direction of the orb and called out a few times.

"Oh?" Xu Xin understood what Coco meant, his eyes lit up, "You mean, can you climb up?"

"Hey!" Coco shouted again, and then jumped on the silver king's head.

Silver King already knew Coco's intentions, so he jumped into the lake and swam towards the waterfall.

The two beasts soon reached the waterfall.

"Your silver king, aren't you afraid of this white light?" Ji Chaoyang suddenly discovered a problem.

Now the position of the silver king is already in the brightest place with the white light, but it still does not appear like the underwater piranha.

"...It looks like it is." Xu Xin was also a little puzzled, "Isn't Bai Guang aimed at mutant creatures?"

Coco jumped up from the silver king's head, and his four claws caught on the wall.

Although Coco is usually so cute and harmless, its claws are very sharp and can firmly grasp the stone wall.

Its small body crawled on the uneven wall, and even used some protruding stones as springboards to climb upwards easily. In just a few seconds, its claws had caught the gap where the orb fragments were located. middle.

The gap is not big, but Coco's body is also very small, so he drilled in directly and climbed to the front of the orb.

Coco curiously poked the fragment lightly with his small paw, and patted it twice with his paw.

Because the small claws would block the white light, the entire underground space became flickering due to Coco's movements, and the fish in the lake began to swim around in panic.

The orb fragment seems to have been fixed in the gap. After confirming that the glowing fragment will not burn the claws, Coco's claws and mouth are used together to break the orb fragment out of it.

"Hey!" At the moment of breaking it off, Coco's body leaned back and almost fell, but fortunately, it stabilized its body with its limbs.

"Beautiful Coco!" Xu Xin applauded seeing that Coco had obtained the orb.

"Hey!" Coco responded, picked up the fragments, avoided the waterfall below, climbed down from the stone wall next to him in a few steps, and jumped onto the silver king's head.

The entire space immediately darkened a lot. The moment Coco jumped on the silver king's head, the swimming fish in the lake no longer panicked, but began to swim around the silver king collectively.

Soon, the silver king swam back to the shore, Coco jumped down, and climbed twice along Xu Xin's legs into his arms.

Xu Xin picked up Coco and took out the orb fragments that still glowed white from its The surroundings were illuminated again, and the fish in the lake returned to calm.

Although the light of this orb fragment can illuminate the entire space, even in Xu Xin's hands, looking directly at this orb fragment does not feel dazzling.

However, what surprised Xu Xin was that this orb did not trigger any prompts.

"How come there is no prompt?" Xu Xin was a little strange.

This orb fragment is the same as the core of the tree house, and the color of the grade cannot be seen. Xu Xin thought that as long as he held it in his hand, he would know what it was, but unexpectedly, this time, not only there was no grade color, but also no introduction.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

"You try?" Xu Xin handed it to Ji Chaoyang.

Ji Chaoyang took the orb fragment.

"How is it, any tips?"

"There is no hint that you have this ability, and I naturally don't have it." Ji Chaoyang checked it over and over again, but found nothing, and returned it to Xu Xin, "This thing was raised by you. If the little guy got it, you can take it."

Xu Xin took it back, although this thing was not introduced, but looking at the surrounding environment, the two could basically guess the effect of this thing.

"Really not?" Xu Xin picked up the orb fragment with **** and lifted it up, the surroundings became clearer and brighter under the shining white light.

"If you do this again, be careful and I will regret it." Ji Chaoyang joked with a smile, "When you really discover the use in the future, it's okay to share with me. By the way, you said just now that those piranhas are afraid of these white lights, right? We might be able to take advantage of that."

"I have this idea too." Xu Xin nodded.

This kind of piranha has blue scale skins. Since they are all in front of their eyes, of course they cannot be let go.

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