Starting Life as a Baron

Chapter 22 Knights in armor, pirates attack (5 flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets!)

"Haha, is it finally here?"

Alan didn't do the main quest in the past two weeks, and could only keep finding some side quests with low experience points to do.

Now his level is still level five, and the experience bar shows 8200/10000.

There is still a long way to go to upgrade.

Fortunately, after two weeks, his main quest and two side quests are about to be completed.

Time to get rich!

"Grandpa Edward, take out my knight armor."

Alan got up and called the housekeeper Edward.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

Edward was a little stunned. He didn't understand what Alan was doing if he didn't get up in the middle of the night.

"Grandpa Edward, I have received a revelation from the gods. Young people dare to spy on my territory, want to slaughter my people, and plunder our wealth and the spirit of nature."

A coldness flashed in Alan's eyes.


Butler Edward's old face sank slightly, Alan is a noble, a lord!

No one can spy on his territory and property.

If someone dares to violate the noble lord, this is undoubtedly trying to provoke a war!

Edward's face suddenly became difficult to look at: "Those damn shameless bugs, how dare they attack the territory of the Thorns Flower Family!"

"Don't worry, Grandpa Edward, I'm ready!"

Alan smiled slightly.

"Could it be the fortifications on the beach!?"

Edward was not stupid. He instantly understood what Alan meant and why Alan would let people build fortifications by the sea.

Soon, Alan's knight's armor and knight's sword were brought up by the servants. At the same time, Alan instructed the servants to inform Marko and gather all the soldiers at the castle gate to wait for him to come out.

As a child of the Thorns Flower Family, even if Alan is not favored by the Count, he still has his own knight armor.

This is a knight armor made by the best blacksmiths in the earl and the magicians enshrined by the earl.

Possesses strong defense and a certain degree of magical power.

"Change the armor for adults!"

Edward spoke to the two footmen.

Alan stood silently, and two footmen helped him change his clothes and put on his knight armor.

The gorgeous and radiant knight armor was quickly replaced. Alan's handsome face looked even more handsome with this knight armor carved with thorn flowers, full of heroic spirit.

Putting on his knight armor, Alan walked out of the castle, and outside the castle were fifty soldiers ready to go.

Twenty soldiers are now being patrolled by Alan on the beach, and no one is allowed to enter or leave the sea.

This is to prevent the traitor hiding among the townspeople from delivering messages to the other party.

"grown ups!"

Marko's eyes flashed a little when he saw Alan in armor and holding a sword.

He was half-kneeling on the ground, saluting Alan.

At the same time, the fifty soldiers behind him knelt down in unison.

"grown ups!"

Alan nodded with satisfaction: "Warriors, I have received a revelation from the gods! My evil people spy on my territory, they are covered in blood, they are predators, abusers!"

"They are trying to invade my territory with brutal means, hurt my people, and rob our property, these damn greedy bastards! I Alan will never allow them to take a step into Rose Town!"

"Warriors, what should we do in the face of this mess!"

Alan raised his arms and everyone shouted, "Kill, kill! Kill them all!"

"Then follow me and kill them all!"

Alan immediately shouted, jumped over and got on his horse, leading everyone towards the beach!

When Alan and his team arrived near the beach, three barques could already be seen on the sea heading towards Rose Town.

"Sir! It's a ship! A pirate ship! These filthy bugs are actually sighing in Rose Town!"

Marco's face was ugly, and at the same time, his heart became more and more shocked.

Not only him, everyone present, and even some of the townspeople who had been awakened were shocked in their hearts.

They originally thought that Alan was just taking precautions, but they didn't expect that someone actually wanted to invade Rose Town!

Marko thought of what Alan had just said.

Yes! The baron was prompted by the gods!

The adults are really the ones watched by the God of War, and the future will surely be brilliant!

Marcone thought to himself, and so did the others.

After all, Alan has created a miracle this time, and can predict the unknown danger in advance!

What an incredible power this is!

Only the gods can do this!

Alan didn't know that his image was constantly rising deep in everyone's heart at the moment.

At this moment, he just stared at the whole sea calmly, and at the same time, he was calling the sea lions in his mind. *

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