Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 77: Fire attack

Seeing the enemy escaping, all we could do was to pick up as much cheap as possible in the back. As a result, two characteristics of the evil dragon's guardianship appeared. The first is that the dark clouds covering the sun and the evil fog on the ground will follow me. No matter where I go, she always follows me as the center. The second feature is that the evil mist and dark clouds are persistent things. When the combat state is lifted, they immediately dissipate until they disappear completely, but as long as I or my magic pet attacks the enemy or my body is attacked by the enemy, I will get a Tips for activating the evil spirit spreading function, as long as I choose yes, it will immediately stir up the evil mist and dark clouds in the sky.

The enemy's retreat was straightforward. Although I lost a lot of people along the way, the large troops retreated safely. Of course, we wouldn't let them run back so easily, we just chased him all the way and joined the big forces. We didn't leave. The subsequent operations were somewhat funny, and the enemy and us started a long and complicated tug-of-war. When they returned, I used long-range attacks to attack the army. He came out and chased us, and we would deal with the situation. If there were many people with strong combat effectiveness, we would choose to release the dark clouds and run away and continue to consume their strength. If the enemy is not strong, We simply annihilated directly. Anyway, our task is harassment, so long as the enemy who disturbs us cannot rest our task.

While we were playing harassment here with the enemy, on the other side of the battlefield, our guilds and the Iron Crusade's troops were quickly gathering towards the sand castle of Foster City. Sandcastle is just a name. The city is not made of sand. On the contrary, it is much stronger than sand. This huge city is actually very similar to the original Isinger, it was completely hollowed out from a whole mountain. The entire city is full of defensive facilities, and the worst part is the scary high walls. It can be considered an exaggeration to have a hundred-meter-high city wall in the game. The 400-meter-high city wall of Isinger is the world's best. The wall of this sand castle, which is nearly 200 meters away, is definitely the best.

At present, outside the sand castle is the third of the four-way assault group, the team led by the Zerg Fortress. Among the 13 Zerg fortresses, except the mosquito giant mosquito outpost, is responsible for monitoring all concentrated here. The line of twelve giant bugs lined up outside the city is really quite a deterrent, especially the giant butterfly city like an air fortress. Her wings looked very large when spread out, and the sand castle in front of her felt not much larger than her. Although the people of the Foster Alliance also knew through the news channels of the British and French Guilds that the Giant Butterfly City is a pure transport model fortress with no attack ability, but after seeing the large size of the Giant Butterfly City, everyone in the Foster Alliance is in Consider a question-what if this thing is used as a bomber?

Ashford brought his troops to the sandcastle, and the Foster Alliance also gathered. Although we are shrewd, our enemies are not stupid. They have long estimated that we may choose the same strategy as them, that is, the two sides use one city for another city to fight against each other. The success or failure depends on who is demolishing the house.

Our strategy is to abandon small cities and transform them into explosive traps, shrinking forces to focus on defending several large cities, and the enemy uses the advance allocation of defense forces according to the strategic importance of the city. Once a city is attacked, it quickly Use a teleportation array from a nearby city to focus more on this city for defense. It can be said that the enemy is a high-end defensive tactic under the influence of superior forces. Its goal is not to give up any hopeful city. Our goal is to try to curb the enemy ’s offensive power as much as possible in order to slow down the enemy ’s offensiveness.

Although the layout of both sides is generally pretty good. But in the actual exhibition, we took a little advantage. The enemy has a huge force, but it has insufficient transportation power to transport and air transport. Therefore, the time-consuming throne of the Seal of Siam is too much on the road, and the harassment unit I personally command is constantly messing with them. The opponents were so anxious that they could hardly care about them, so that they continued to affect their marching. The attacking forces on our side came in four lanes, and all of them were only responsible for the ten cities in their missions. In this way, our degree has quadrupled, plus the air transport capacity provided by our guild. This gap is The enemy couldn't catch up. Now the two sides are more than the degree of demolishing the house. Of course, the attack of the seal of the throne is important. It is better to save some time on the road.

Ashoford commanded the army to gather outside the sand castle before the enemy had reached their first target, and at this time our other three-route army was all in place. When the Third Route Army was all in place, Ashford ordered the troops to launch an attack on the array. Now it is about degree. The winner will be the one who empties all the other cities first.

The Spider Fortress of the Spider Family and the Invincible Fortress of the Scarab Family move first. The Invincible Fortress is slightly slower than the Spider Fortress. Except for flying, the Spider Fortress is probably the fastest in the Zerg Castle, and it is single Flexibility He is definitely the first of the Zerg Thirteen strongholds.

The sudden movement of the Spider Fortress immediately alerted the opponent. I saw a lot of smoke rings rising from the sand castle all the time, so I do n’t need to think about it. The Spider Fortress moving forward suddenly jumped to the right and jumped out, followed by seven or eight large fireballs around the same level as him. The enemy's artillery was quite accurate, but unfortunately the spider fortress was too fast, and it was impossible to predict the attack by advancing in advance, at least for now.

In the anxious roar of the commanders of the Foster Alliance, the Spider Fortress was getting closer and closer, and this degree could not be effectively intercepted at all. When the enemy was having a headache because they couldn't aim at the Spider Fortress, behind the Iron Crusader, a large dragonfly gathered a lot of players. This is of course the dragonfly castle of our guild. Those German players were struggling to tilt down the sixteen pipes connected to the belly of Dragonfly Castle. The other side of the pipe was connected to a huge container, and there were tens of thousands of large animal-powered cars on the side of the container. All of these cars are pulled by a tank body. If it were not for a beast-powered car pulled by Warcraft, most people would definitely say that this is an oil tank body, but in fact you are right. These animal-powered cars are indeed pulling oil, but that is not gasoline or diesel.

There is oil in this game. Last time in the United States, I also saw a self-injection of oil fields, but in the game we could not process too precise equipment, so it is impossible to make things such as gasoline motive. However, when power is not available, it does not mean that oil cannot be burned. The basic nature of this oil does not require any processing. Simply handle it. These tank trucks now contain virgin oil that has undergone a simple preliminary process. This thing is similar in color to oil, but it is thinner, less viscous than crude oil, and it has a characteristic. That's flammable. Don't look at the Iraqi oil fire and think that oil is easy to burn. Crude oil can't actually burn without the help of special ignition device. As long as the fire is not too big, you can directly cover the fire with unprocessed crude oil. Think about it. It's not that easy. However, the initial oil we processed is different. This thing has been separated once, and the rest is very easy to burn. And it retains a characteristic of crude oil. That is, it can be burned for a long time, and it will not burn immediately like a gasoline.

At this time, the Dragonfly Castle, which does not need fuel, is filling the initial oil, and our intention should be clear. The Spider Fortress in the front was attracting enemy fire, and the two huge wings of Dragonfly Castle in the rear began to fan slowly. And getting faster and faster, all the staff in the rear ran against the wind as a vehicle power to warn these big guys to appease these big guys. The non-attack transport beast has a small burden and is very easy to be frightened. If it's normal, these guys are now pulling tons of light oil, and if he bangs into a fire, we will be miserable.

The wings of the dragonfly castle grew faster and faster, and finally flew off the ground. Immediately after leaving the ground, the Dragonfly Castle rushed towards the enemy city. As the fastest flying castle, the Dragonfly Castle has the general excellent performance of a low-altitude attack aircraft. There is no anti-aircraft gun in the enemy's city. The troublesome enemies of Spider Fortress are aiming at him. The dragonfly castle suddenly appears, and the enemy has no time to adjust the muzzle direction.

Several Foster League players were operating cannons on the walls and suddenly saw a giant dragonfly flying over them with a buzz. Several gunners all jumped from their seats in shock and fell on their feet.

"Ha ha ha ha! You cowards." The gunners on the adjacent gun positions were bolder and were not lifted down, laughing loudly at their neighbors at this time. "Isn't it just an aircraft? You wow ...!"

The words of these people could not be spoken before they had finished speaking, and a ball of liquid flying high from the oblique front crashed into the gun position. The cannon in the game has no front shield, except that the liquid was blocked by the metal bracket. Most of the liquid hit the people directly, especially the guy who was facing the most unfortunate. Go out and fell under the city wall. The castle walls of the sand castle are less than a hundred meters away. It will be fast if you fall from such a high place without dying.

A large liquid mass hit several people and hit the ground, then splashed around. A large area around it was covered by this light grayish black liquid. A player who was shot down turned up and got up, but before he got up, he suddenly felt that his feet were slipping. "Ah!" Bang banged, and this guy fell back on his feet and lay there for a long time without moving.

At this time, these people found that the liquid was very similar to oil. It not only had a sticky feeling, but also had very little friction. It also slipped when standing on it. A player dips it with his hand, rubs it with two fingers, and then sniffs it in front of his nose. Just smelled this player and took his hand away. "It looks like some kind of oil. It smells like gasoline, but it still smells a little bit."

"Gasoline?" Another player cried in surprise.

This player called the players around the Foster Alliance. They all turned around and looked into the city in unison, only to see the dragonfly castle passing over the city, and she dropped a lot of this liquid behind her. Although the splashed droplets have no purpose at all, they are too many, and most parts of the city are more or less stuck.

"It's over." The petrol-speaking player muttered to himself.

I saw the rushing and entertaining Spider Fortress suddenly a sudden brake on the spot, jumped back without turning his head. The invincible fortress who had originally put on the charge suddenly stopped, but he did not back down. Instead, a gate was opened from overhead. An artillery rose from the gate, and then there was a boom, and a shell flew into the city. The invincible fortress fired so suddenly it retracted the cannon and turned back, and most of the enemies did not know what was going on. Only those players who were hit by light oil realized that the problem was serious.

The shells flew directly into the city. It is said that no matter where the shell fell in the city, even if it hit the ammunition depot, it would not cause much damage. But this time the shells made those Foster League players who guessed our purpose feel like falling into the abyss. This special projectile was specially improved in order to improve the success rate of ignition. After the warhead flew over the city, it burst out. From the warhead, more than thirty small cylinders like thermos cups flew out. These things were thrown within a radius of 500 meters. Once each small cylinder fell to the ground, it immediately stood up like a tumbler, and then sprayed Mars around it like a firework. Mars, the size of soybeans, flew around one by one, almost all the nearby grounds were not spared, and all were covered by Mars.

It is impossible to cover such a density without encountering oil. Dozens of places that were stuck to the oil were touched by Mars, and immediately a dozen ignition points appeared. Light oil has a strong ability to burn. And because it only undergoes initial processing. Therefore, there are still a lot of impurities, and because of this, the attachment and burning time of the seal of God when the burning of the throne becomes very long, which brings more trouble to the fire. A large number of buildings near the ignition point started to ignite, and then these buildings passed the flames to the light oil behind the building. Then a greater flame appeared. In this way, it spread from ten to ten, and more than a dozen ignition points spread into a large-scale fire, and almost half of the city was burned.

We did not carry a covered fire attack on this city, and the light oil was thrown piece by piece, so although the fire range was large, the entire city was not burned. The purpose of doing this is to save time. The Seal of the Seal of Throne. It takes a long time to destroy the enemies in the city by burning fire. The Seal of the Seal of Throne is a long time before we can enter the city for annihilation. Time for the throne of the Seal of God, so now the way is to spray on the spot. After the fire broke out in the city, they started to attack the city, and then quickly destroyed the city with the help of the fire. This was the real combat intention.

Just like the plan, the fire did quickly mess up the defense system in the city. Due to the Foster Alliance ’s use of more support tactics, a large number of players and players gathered in the city, which led to excessive density after the fire. The crowd was squeezed again, and the players forced by the fire had no place to hide, and they would disrupt their own defense. The commanders in the city had to mobilize personnel to fight the fire, but the defense work could not be lost at the same time. , Is equivalent to weakening the opposing force.

After seeing the situation was almost over, Ashford ordered an attack again. The Spider Fortress ran out again, and of course the invincible Fortress followed. Behind the battlefield ~ ~ The flies' fortress and the bee's wasp fortress started to start, and in a buzz, two fat big guys left and rushed towards the city.

Although the flying units are fast, they are after all moving. The Spider Fortress was the first to reach the wall. Different from last time, the city is completely chaotic, and many artillery positions are on fire. The remaining artillery is not dense enough to form an effective cover. The Spider Fortress rushed under the city wall, and sharp-knife-like legs directly climbed up the wall. Although the Spider Fortress is fast enough, it is still simply invincible. Despite arriving late, he was the first to enter the city. The invincible fortress comes from the beetle clan, has a high defense and is scary, and the straightness is fast. The Spider Fortress slowly climbed the wall, but he smashed into the gate. With only a loud noise, the wood chips of the sand castle gate flew across, and the invincible fortress broke into the door directly. The enemy did n’t expect the gate to be hit by the siege hammer so quickly. The Foster Alliance players who were supposed to be responsible for the top door when the siege hammer attacked the door were all confused, and the door was suddenly abrupt before they received the order from the top Smashed.

No one shouted loudly until the huge body of the Invincible Fortress began to enter the city gate cave. "Stop it, you can't let this thing enter the city."

The players immediately rushed up like a dream, but in the face of this guy who was 60 meters high and his abdomen was above 5 meters above the ground, they began to feel depressed again.

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