Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 28: Senior ghost

You you you ... what are you "The female monster's voice started to chatter.

"Me? Something like you."

The guy with the arc flashing on his body reluctantly took a step forward: "First of all, softness and strong food are the rules here, not because we have any attempts at you, you can't hate it for that."

"No no no. Don't make barbaric low-level creatures, I know it's not your fault, it's all rules."

"Just understand it," said the fellow at ease.

I raised a hand, and now this hand is almost invisible, I can only see the burning black flames and the dragon-like electric light. "I know it's your rules, so now ... let's do things according to the rules?"

"You ...?" The flashing guy hurriedly jumped out before he finished speaking. The female monster standing next to him didn't have time to run away, and I wrapped my neck with one hand.

"No! Put me down!" The female monster struggled desperately, but it didn't help. "Help ... Ah ... Ah ..." With a scream, the white flame burning on the female monster gradually became smaller and eventually completely extinguished. She was just struggling with this white flame to protect her just now, and now she just turned into a convulsion. I raised her above my head and let go suddenly, and she banged on the ground. With my current height of almost three meters, she was almost dropped by me from the second floor. But the impact was good for her because she at least got rid of my control. As soon as she landed, she hurried back, trying to avoid my flames. The black flames hurt her badly.

"How did you get here?" I watched the female monster crawling backwards on the ground.


"Maybe you can answer." I pointed to the guy who successfully evaded the attack.

He looked at the female monster on the ground and then looked at me again. "She used to be a princess because she paid too much attention to her beauty. She once killed young girls and used their blood to immortalize her. She was later lost by a lover. The general was assassinated and arrived here after his death. King Yan ordered her face to be ripped off, so he had no face. "

"Good." I nodded to him: "You are doing well, if you are no longer hostile to me. I will not take the initiative to attack you."

"I must not be doing anything special to you." The guy nodded quickly.

"As for you ..." I pointed to the other monsters around. "Stand up now if you want to challenge me."

The reason why I am so bold is that these guys started to back off after seeing my changes, which shows that they are afraid. There is nothing kind to say in this world. Their fear of me can only show that they are not as good as me, which is why I dare to challenge.

However, I am a little careless today, I forgot that this area is very large, and the masters may not arrive soon. Sure enough, I just finished speaking, a few shadows jumped over the monster community to the front of the team.

"Is this guy?" A guy burning with flames like me looked at me. "Okay? It's the level of magical flames!" This guy's flame has lightning like me. It just doesn't have my blue suspension ball.

A pretty-looking woman slowly stood next to him. No flames could be seen from this woman. She looked me up and down with confused eyes. "It's a surprise to have a hunting-level master!"

Another woman who was exactly the same as this woman walked up to this woman. They were in the same **** clothes and covered with the same white cape. It was really impossible to tell which was which. "Nothing to fuss about, hunting. It's not comparable to our grazing."

The guys who just arrived gathered behind the two women, and there were ten in all. Plus those two women are twelve. Except in two women. The flames of everyone else are the same. Looking at their array, the two women rank higher. Twelve of them are humanoid, without monsters. Obviously, the advanced breeds can restore human form.

"Who are you?"

"You don't need to know, because soon you will be our food."

gosh. Two more cannibal banshees. "Too much talk and bite your tongue."

The later woman wrapped her arms around her chest, only turning her fingers forward. "Kill him."

I saw a black shadow standing in front of them. Although the flame of that guy was similar to mine, the intensity of the flame was not as strong as mine. He waved a staff, suddenly pointed forward, and a black light ball shot at once. The blue table tennis **** floating around me seemed to have a sense, and suddenly six were divided into a ring in front of me. Then a six-pointed star with a dark golden flame appeared in the ring. The six vertices of the six-pointed star are six shining blue stars ~ ~ The black light ball hit the middle of the six-pointed star, and the entire six-pointed star suddenly turned on It formed a small barrier, and the top of the photosphere suddenly exploded on the barrier, but it did not cause any harm to me.

"Magic defense?" The woman who ordered ordered frowned.

The caster seemed to be stinging for a moment, but he quickly summoned a spirit skeleton with fangs and claws towards me. As soon as the skeleton arrived in front of me, the blue star on my body suddenly flew out to hit the skull's head, and then the skeleton stopped suddenly. A blue flame shone on the skull, and then he turned around and waved his weapon with the two groups of red tigers in his eyes as he beckoned the guy who summoned it.

"Magic snatch?" The woman's eyebrows were almost twisted together this time, but what surprised her more was still behind.

Suddenly there were eleven blue **** flying out of me, and they quickly lined up on both sides of the skull, then the **** flashed at the same time, and the same skull appeared at the position of the ball. The eleven small **** transformed into eleven new skulls, plus one that was grabbed at the beginning, which equals twelve unreal skulls.

"Magic copy!" The woman, who didn't talk much, couldn't help speaking.

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