Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 24: Cruel Record (2)

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Yeyue hurried over and put some saliva on my arm. My arm and the guy's chest recovered to normal, but the other parts of the guy were still stones.

"Ah ... ah ..." A terrible scream came from behind us, and Rose was startled by the scream as soon as she entered the space.

It turned out that there was a huge factory area on the back of the space door, and the scream came from there. In addition to the white factory building, we also saw a lot of Japanese ninjas running towards this side, but because the distance is a little bit far, we haven't come to us for the time being.

"8731!" Rose covered her mouth in surprise.

"Why is 8731 here?" Lingling was also surprised to see the huge number marked with red paint on the huge factory building.

"What is 8731?" Only four of us asked Yeyue inexplicably everywhere. Rose and I are both real people. Lingling also has a physical body and has been educated in practical knowledge, but Yeyue doesn't know these. She is the life in the game and knows nothing about the outside world.

We were stunned. The group of forbearances had already rushed forward. Yeyue saw that we didn't answer her and had to fight with forbearance first. These forbearances are only suitable for sneak attacks and assassinations. The frontal fighting is far less powerful than the Japanese samurai, and it is not a level with Yeyue, and it is evened out in three or two. As soon as Yeyue solved the enemy, she swam back again and haunted us and asked what exactly was 8731.

"Anyway, it's not a good thing. Let's go and dismantle it first." I pulled Yeyue and walked towards the factory.

8731 is actually the name of a laboratory, and not everyone knows the name in the real world. The forerunner of 8731 is the bacterial unit 731, which was established during the Japanese invasion of China. This sensational unit was completely destroyed after the war of invasion of China, but not all of the 731 personnel died. The separated scientists in this unit were divided into two parts, and some of them formed the 8731 laboratory.

From a technical point of view, 8731 and Long Yuan can be regarded as peers. We are all doing biological research, but the exhibition direction is a little different. Long Yuan's goal is to decipher and re-encode the genetic code. The B13 and Lingling technology on my body belong to the gene code deciphering, and the lucky manufacturing technology belongs to the re-encoding technology. Bd bombs are actually a low-level application of recoding technology. It's as simple as if you used the technology of making a space shuttle to make a model of a remotely controlled aircraft for yourself. 8731's research direction is also biotechnology. But they are relatively inferior and can't compare with us. Japan's 8731 is actually doing research on gene grafting and hybridization technology, which is why they need a living organism to perform a debilitating biological experiment. As long as we take a little blood, our gene coding technology can be used for experiments. There is no need to perform direct experiments on the experimental body. It is not a level thing at all.

Although this 8731 was considered a confidential unit, many people knew it. It's like the American Digital Soldier Program. Although everyone knows that there is such a thing, no one knows the specific thing. 8731 is the same thing in the world. Everyone knows that there is a 8731 in Japan that deals with biological research. As for what they study, not many people know it. Yeyue wasn't a real person at all, and she couldn't explain to her clearly, so we simply didn't explain it.

When we rushed to the periphery of the factory building, we again encountered a large number of guards. I simply released the magic pets, and all these guards were laid flat. We walked to the factory building where there was no defense force. Fortunately, the plague pulled down the door of the plant together with the plague, and everyone in the plant immediately looked back at the door, and we and the people in the plant were all settled.

Although this place looks like a factory on the outside, it is more like the abdominal cavity of a giant creature inside. The surrounding walls and ground are all dark red biological tissues. The huge blue-violet pipes crisscross the plant like grapevines. Obviously these are blood vessels and nerves. There are even red muscle tissues beating near some walls, as if a huge heart is beating. Underneath the ground with red mucous membranes are staggered skeletal structures. The veins of the pipes are intertwined like the roots of old trees. The huge muscle tissue hanging from the roof is full of sarcomas like the tentacles of an octopus, and the red tissue surface is also filled with cyan mucus, which is more disgusting than **** creatures.

There is a large group of people on the left side of this huge factory building. Some of them are wearing Japanese kimonos and some are wearing Hanbok, most of them look like ordinary people. In the game, there can be such a large group of people who dress and dress, it must be freedom. Players rarely wear traditional clothes even if they are non-combat occupations, not to mention such a large group of people. Freedom is to make each city look like a real city. It is used to simulate the urban environment and is used everywhere. It exists in all cities and villages in the game. Guild recruitment army and laborers can post announcements in the city, free, which adds realism to the game. In the previous games, you can find all the questions and you can find them, but in our case, you want to find the task bsp without thinking about it; the number of these freedoms in front of us is more than 100,000, and all of them are attached by ropes, one by one Tied together like a beast to be slaughtered. Their clothes illustrate their origins. It ’s clear that they wore kimonos from Japan. As for those who wore hanbok, they probably did not see the freedom in two Korean cities. I thought they had all fled. I did n’t expect all of them. it's here.

On the right side of the factory building is a huge colored hill. At first I thought that this was part of the factory building, because it looked very similar to the wall of the factory building. It didn't look right after a closer look. These are not part of the plant at all, but a corpse pile. When it comes to corpses, none of them is complete. When we look here, we can only see a huge pile of rotten meat composed of red, black, and white. In fact, if it were not for the equipment in the middle of the plant and the work in progress, I would not even be able to determine the origin of these piles of meat mountains. They have nothing to do with people. The parts that can be seen as human organs are not found at all. Everything is blue and fuzzy, there is no complete part at all.

In the middle of the plant are ten huge huge red tables, each of which has a freely fixed head fixed by a translucent, flexible material that looks like an optical fiber. At this time, a blue electric arc kept coming out of those free heads, and passed along the fiber-like thing. Along the direction of the arc, we can see that these optical fibers converge into a thick line on the roof, and then this thick line enters the red tissue inside the roof. You won't see it later.

There are three to five Japanese standing around Liberty on these tables. Their armor indicates that they are players rather than players. These players all have various tools in their hands, some are saws. Some are shovels, some are daggers. Looking at the tools, they thought they were carpenters, but their bloodstains and the freedom of being smashed on the table showed that they obviously had nothing to do with carpenters.

These Japanese are actually doing dissection, and those who lie on the table are alive. Open eyes and convulsed limbs showed that they were still alive, and the violent meridians showed what kind of pain they were suffering. There is a little girl lying on the table near us, she is looking at us with her only one eye tilted. Five small fingers with abnormally bent fingers are shaking in the direction of us, as if trying to catch something. Her chest was completely open to her lower abdomen, the fuchsia internal organs were exposed to the air, and a Japanese player's hand holding a scalpel was still in her abdominal cavity. This Japanese player seemed to be planning to cut off some organs, but was caught because we suddenly opened the door.

"Hmm ..." Rose suddenly fell, and Yeyue quickly caught her with her tail. Although Rose has been trained as a spy, her psychological endurance has its limits after all.

"Yueyue. Hold the rose on Xiaoxue's back and send her to the giant mosquito post first."

"Let me go." Ariana rubbed the sun: "I want to vomit and ask to go back to rest temporarily."

"If any of you can't do it, leave first." After I said it, I shook the blade claws of both hands, and the blade claws extended again to two lengths. "You gang of beasts!" I jumped directly into the air, a guy stepped down on the ground to the Japanese player next to the poor little girl, and inserted his hands and blades between his ribs. "Is it cool? Is it fun?" I turned the blade slightly, and the hurting guy screamed like a pig.

Ling shouted to everyone around him, "What are you still doing?"

The other pets immediately reacted and rushed together. The Japanese in front of these tables are very crap. They are not the opponents of the magic pets, and they are all subdued within one minute.

I threw those guys into the magic pet and turned and walked to the little girl, who still looked at me with one eye open. With both hands, the blade claws automatically retracted into the sheath, took off the helmet and handed it to Ling, and cut the translation system to automatic recognition mode. "Can I help you?"

The only eye of the little girl closed weakly and opened slowly, and the red blood in the other eye was still flowing. She opened her mouth, but ended up spurting blood. "Kill ... kill ... I ... ke ... hmm ...!" She barely said a few words and started to spit blood again.

Xiaochun came to me. "She is no longer saved. Freedom is not like us. Resurrection does not work."

I nodded and raised my right hand slowly, and the blade claws popped out. A red blade flew over, a little heart flew out, and the girl closed her eyes with a smile. Ling immediately learned that I would ask about the freedom of the other half-dead on the other tables. In the end, they all forced to help them out of this intolerable pain.

I turned and walked to the ghost who was still sneaking on the ground, stepped on his chest with one foot, and stabbed his left eye with the blood-stained blade claw, and the guy immediately covered his eyes and sneaked. "Why do you do this?" My voice was cold like a polar storm. These guys were so shocked that they had forgotten that they could forcibly go offline to avoid me. Although such physical equipment will definitely be lost and will be killed two levels, it is definitely better than being tortured by me. It was a pity that they had completely forgotten it because of the tension.

That guy is still holding on. I suddenly turned the blade and pulled his entire eyeball out. "Come on." I moved the blade claw to his other eye.

"It's Mr. Matsumoto's request. It's none of my business."

"Yeah! This is a tour ..." The guy next to him cried suddenly, he must have thought that this was a game that could be taken offline, but the action was slower and Yeyue had petrified him.

I turn back to this guy again. "Why does Matsumoto want you to do this?"

"Because ... because it takes pain to make a ghost army."

Ling also came over. She pointed to the roof. "Is it the lines that extracted the pain?"


"Where did the line connect last?"

"On the second floor, there is a room."

"I'm going." Ye Yuexun turned and ran towards the stairs.

Although the guy was petrified just now, he was shocked. These Japanese remembered immediately. So they fled off the assembly line. I have no interest in these soulless bodies, and kill them all after the equipment is removed.

Yeyue soon returned with six things like a water bottle. "There are two more. I can't get them."

Ling looked at these bottles and said, "The negative energy inside is incredible and has the same function as the unjust soul."

"What does Little Japan collect these things for?"

"The ghost knows."

I pointed to the tied crowd over there: "Send these people out first."

Ling quickly took everyone to help, and those who were rescued first helped others to untie the ropes. After all, the number was huge, and it would not be done in a while. Eventually I had to call some Tyrannosaurus Knights from the outside to help out before releasing them all.

Everyone was untieing the rope, and I was taking Ling He Xiaochun and Yeyue to inspect the factory building. The huge biological tissue in the workshop is not a complete organism, it has only the internal organ structure. There are no other components. We have been searching for a long time and haven't found out what the purpose of this thing is. Except for being particularly disgusting, I don't know what else this thing has. It is said that even if the Japanese are abnormal, they should not put such a creature in the factory building for no reason, which is too strange.

We couldn't find the reason. We had to go back to the factory building first, but now those who are free to stand outside the factory building did not leave. "Why are they still here?"

The little dragon girl in human form handed me a piece of paper: "They said they would mix with you."

"Ah? I want so much free bsp;" Just look at that paper and you will understand. "

I looked at this piece of paper in confusion, only the words "People's Loyalty Watch" were written on the front, and the back was full of red marks. I don't know what it is. I suddenly thought that Xiaolong Nu may not just want me to read the words on the paper, maybe this thing has attributes.

Not to mention, this thing really has attributes. This ordinary piece of paper is actually a rare guild equipment. The role of this paper is loyalty, not player loyalty, but loyalty. As long as the guild has this thing, it can make the freedom in the cities established and controlled by the guild not combative, but don't underestimate them. The group that accounts for the largest proportion of the population in the game, even ants, is very powerful.

Freedom in a normal city works only in the city and does not show any special response to the guild. If someone attacks the city, freedom will not interfere at all. Anyway, they change their guild to control the city, and they still live their lives. But this paper is different. The freedom within the city under the control of the guild will show a sense of belonging to the guild, and they will use their own power to help this guild.

Freedom and hard work will greatly improve work efficiency. When foreign enemies invade, Liberty will pick up farm tools and anything to participate in the battle. Essinger had a point formation, which could temporarily fill freedom into the army, but that was only available to Essinger. With this paper. All cities in our guild can have this feature.

In addition to participating in the war. Freedom can also help its guilds catch spies and gather intelligence. The average player wouldn't think of guarding against freedom, because they are basically neutral. But this paper can make freedom no longer neutral. If other guild spies operate in your city, once any clues are found, they will take the initiative to report to the regular defense forces in the city. This is equivalent to turning all freedom in the city into the eyes of the guild. And the features don't stop there. There are also merchants and travellers in freedom, they will travel between other cities. This loyalty contract allows those who leave the guild city to return freely and automatically report all useful information collected by him to the guild's city defense team. It is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of free spies.

Also. Free militias will appear in the cities of the guilds that own this paper. The militias do not consume guild resources and are usually transferred by the city guards. During the war, he was automatically assigned to the City Guard to be dispatched by senior members of the guild. Although the combat effectiveness of the militia is not more than the regular army, there are more people. According to the attributes of this paper, the number of militiamen is 95% of the city's freedom, and nearly 90 million people. In this way, shouldn't there be more than 9 million militiamen? It really is fierce. More than 9 million, even ants can kill many people. Also, if the city where the guild belongs is occupied by someone else. All the militiamen in this city will be automatically converted into guerrillas. They can destroy in this city at any time. Even if someone else knocks down your city, there will be no peace. Even if these militias are killed, they will still show new members in the city. Unless others kill the militias once, even if there is one left, it will soon return to the original number. More trouble than all-purpose glue.

Such a small piece of paper with so many functions is really an unexpected gain. But to be honest, if I had a choice, I would rather haven't had this thing than get it. Professionally trained people like Rose have fainted, and I'm actually not completely unresponsive. Although my nerves have always been relatively large, they are not unlimited. Now I always feel panicked, and with my eyes closed I can see the little girl's help. Everything was good in the last game upgrade, but this open **** mode is not good.

By the time we came out of this space, the battle was over, because we had lost time on the Throne of the Seal of God, the action was one step behind, and the ghost army making machine was still taken away by Masamoto Matsumoto through the tunnel. But you don't need to worry about this ghost for the time being. These trust in my freedom, they were arrested in Japan. Ling Yuanblow reported that the Black Dragon would collect freedom in Japan, but in fact all of them were sent here. That space machine is similar in function to the Mother Earth ’s space gate. The Japanese attacked South Korea this time by first loading soldiers in and then transporting South Korea at once. It was because of this machine that Korean talent was caught off guard.

Liberty from Japan said that they have seen the working process of the ghost army making machines. The people of the Black Dragon Club first abused these freedoms. The huge pipeline in that plant was used to collect pain. When they were dissected, they actually painfully produced negative energy, and this energy was collected and packed into a gallbladder-like thing. What Yeyue found were things used to store negative energy, which is the necessary material for making ghost army.

The ghost army making machine consumes crystal coins and this negative energy when making ghost army, and it also needs to consume a lot of water. Matsumoto's ultimate goal of letting people collect freedom to produce negative energy is for the manufacture of the ghost army, and as a result these free bsp; even if we grab that manufacturing machine, it will be a pile of scrap iron for us. That thing requires painful energy. I ca n’t torture people to extract negative energy like Little Japan, so for me that machine is scrap iron. On the contrary, this space warehouse is more useful. After removing the disgusting factory building, it can be used as a mobile soldier station.

We evacuated to the camp and settled down to continue attacking the city in the middle, but Matsumoto Masa seemed to be quite conscious. We have not assembled again, they have already started the retreat. The Japanese rely on the ghost army. Without this thing, they can't stop the Koreans, let alone us here. The Korean presidents demanded that the other party retreat to pursue, but I refused. Although I discouraged them from chasing, they went after them. Park Yin was very obedient. People in her guild also wanted to chase after. She was scolded and went back to count the ants on the ground. This is the case for Koreans. It is not uncommon for a superior to abuse a subordinate or a teacher to hit a student.

Those who were scolded back were still a little unconvinced, but soon a loud noise wiped out their dissatisfaction. Little Japan installed a bomb in the city. After the Korean guild rushed into the city, it encountered only a small number of cheap troops hired by the Japanese to resist it, and then there was a big bang. Those cheap troops were also with the last sky soldier bought by the Korean guild Reimbursed.

The last battle in the pivot city in Japan ~ ~ Finally, our guild was forced to abandon the city. As a result, a bomb reimbursed the city and tens of millions of Japanese troops. Little Japan is very good at learning, they also learned this trick, this time to deal with Koreans. Su Mei had already guessed that if Little Japan wanted to do this, the presidents of the guilds would not listen, and now it was too late to regret it.

Before the start of the war, the Korean guild ordered a total of more than 3.5 billion worth of crystal soldiers from us. This battle ended. Except for Su Mei ’s Tianji League, which left a few unsuccessful soldiers, all the rest were reimbursed here. Su Mei, a small slider, had a clever idea. Anyway, the heavens have not yet been resold to Tianbian, so we can sell them to Koreans.

Not to mention, the Korean guild really can't wait to agree. Once this battle they saw the strength of the Heavenly Soldiers. Second, they are now suffering heavy losses and really need to add strength. However, the Koreans had basically cleaned their pockets last time, and this time they were too weak. These guilds in Linlin only had orders for 300 million crystal coins, not even one tenth of the last time. However, I wouldn't take too little money, let alone 300 million is not a small sum.

That night we had a reunion with the Koreans. Although it was a bit miserable, after all, the Japanese were driven away. During the celebration, we signed another construction contract with the Koreans. The Bank will contract the reconstruction of two destroyed Korean cities. This project is worth 200 million crystal coins. According to the productivity level of our guild, at least 100 million net profits can be made.

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