Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 9: Good guys and bad guys are me

After leaving the Demon King's Palace, they were sent to Essinger by the cabbage. They knew that I was a member of the Frost Rose Alliance and hoped to join the club. In fact, I only admire the fighting skills of the dead ghosts and Dangdang, but they have always been a group, and it is unlikely that one or two people will be collected, so they will be collected together. Ziri's large size is still evolving in a cocoon, and for the time being I can only make do with this body. They are not there. When I die again, I can't get rid of it, so when I leave Isinger, I have a tail around me.

Dangdang is an axe warrior who helps me to hold the sealed Howling Dog. Rushing all the way to the monster's nest, now they urgently need their help. Dangdang became very excited after entering the spirit of the governor. I came in with so many places where the demons gathered, and no one was so bold within the scope of Dangdang's understanding.

Shui Xu knew that when I arrived, I took Yin Yao and Qiong Lin to trot all the way to me. I didn't see Bi Tuo, probably he wasn't there. They all saw me awkwardly. "How did you make it look like this?" Shui Xu was surprised at the makeup on his face.

"It's not important, what's important is this." I pulled a black parcel from Fenglong Space, and they probably knew what it was. "Hurry up, pick up your hands, and hold on to something heavy."

Qiong Lin quickly helped me pick up the black cloth package, then went to the table and put the package up. The water trembled and slowly opened the package with both hands. When the contents were exposed, all three methods of protection took a step. I obviously felt that their response was not normal. Seeing something of interest shouldn't be this kind of action.

"What's wrong? Isn't this the immortal imprint of the demon king?"

Shui Xu suddenly became a real old man, sitting on the bench suddenly. I looked at Yin Yao: "Is this really wrong? I took it according to your records. The picture in the crystal of Qiong Lin looks like this?"

Qiong Lin was a little better than Yin Yao and Shui Xu, and he reluctantly replied, "The thing is right, but the heavens have done something."

"Hands and feet? No! That treasure house is sealed. I haven't opened it before I entered, and there is still a beast in the gate to protect it!" Then I released the newly collected golden unicorn The little guy can transform, usually only keeping the size of the pug, the battle can be enlarged to the battle form, I named him the steel tooth. Because this little guy's whole body is inaccessible. It is completely a steel beast. "This is my new favorite, he is the guard in the treasure house."

Shui Xu and Yin Yao saw the little guy thump off the bench with a splash. "Why is King Kong Unicorn here?"

"Oh, it turns out he's called King Kong Unicorn. No wonder it's not enough!"

"How did you find him?" Shui Xu got up and asked.

"I didn't find him. He was in the treasure house."

"It's impossible!" Shui Xu said in a fog: "When we captured the demon king's palace that year, we were talking about King Kong's escape. How could he still be in the treasure house? According to your statement, the seal has not been opened. , Then the treasure house must still maintain the original appearance, how did this King Kong Unicorn get in? "

"Wait a minute first." I interrupted the nonsense of Xu Shi. "Every one of you is dizzy now. Trouble to grasp what you want to explain clearly, I'll help you find a way."

"What do you want to know?" Yin Yao asked.

"First, why was King Kong Kirin in your demon king's palace, what's his origin?"

Yinyao replied: "King Kong Unicorn is not a pure unicorn, he is a hybrid."


"Yes. King Kong Kirin is the offspring of the Golden Dragon King of Europe and the Lion King Kirin of China, and King Kong is not capable of breeding itself."

"This I understand, just like a mule hybrid between a horse and a donkey, although it is stronger than a horse and a donkey, but it does not have the ability to reproduce. King Kong unicorn must be a new breed that has absorbed the advantages of the golden dragon and lion king unicorn. "

Shui Xu replaced Yin Yao: "Although King Kong unicorn can't reproduce. But his strength is extremely powerful. We had caught a newborn King Kong unicorn very unexpectedly. Yaowang intends to train him as one of our members. But he didn't expect to run away. We were in a meeting to find out how to find him. As a result, the troops in the heavenly court arrived, and you will know everything later. "

Suddenly I thought of a special skill of steel teeth. "He was gone after you opened the treasure house. Did you go in and look?"

"No." Shui Xu answered with certainty. "The Treasury is just a room. We saw it at a glance. We now closed the Treasury and looked for it, but nothing happened."

"Then I know why he was in the treasure house."

"Why?" The three defenders called together.

"It's actually very simple, I will show you a show and you will understand." I put the steel teeth on the ground. "Steel teeth, combat form."

Roar ~ A loud roar, Steelfang is still far away from King Kong Unicorn's combat form, but because of my level restrictions, he is not as big as he was now. But still about the same size as a polar bear.

Seeing the end of the steel teeth turned, I continued to shout: "Steel teeth, the golden barrier."

I saw that the steel teeth slightly lowered the height of the body, and then the whole body suddenly shone with dazzling golden light. The whole hall became golden in the light. As the light dimmed, the gold in the hall did not disappear, and everything in the hall seemed to be plated with gold, and the color could not fade at all. What is even more strange is that the steel tooth disappeared, and the steel tooth was completely invisible in the hall.

"Invisible?" Shui Xu is also an old guy, his eyes are very spicy, and he reacts in a moment.

When I beckoned, the gold in the hall gradually faded away, and the steel teeth also showed their shape in place. "You all saw that Steel Tooth could use a magical ability to turn all the surroundings into gold, and then he was invisible. You must have been too anxious to search the treasure house at the time. In fact, he did not leave the treasure house at all, but It's just invisible. "

"That's the reason!" Shui Xu rubbed his head: "If you really care, it's messy!"

I continued to ask: "Now ask the second thing. You said that heaven and earth have done hands and feet, what did they do? Isn't the whole seal you asked for?"

Qiong Lin explained: "The seal of India is an energy, not a substance, and the medicine king has his mana energy stored in this ring. So we want you to take it back. But what we actually need is the energy in this ring. "

"That's right, isn't it?"

"Yes, the ring is right, but the energy is gone."

I suddenly pointed nervously at Steel Teeth. "Will he not be eaten by him?"

"Impossible." Shui Xu said: "The mana energy is not a physical object and requires a special method to absorb it, and the ring itself is imprinted. Unless the spiritual imprint can be matched, it cannot be opened."

"How did the guys in the court get their energy out that day?"

"They didn't get their energy out at all." Shui Xu said: "They forcibly dissipated the mana in it by force. The free energy in the Seal of the Seal of God had long dissipated for a long time!"

"That means there is no way to recover?"

"I'm afraid so." Shui Xu helplessly confirmed this answer.

Yin Yao suddenly said: "In fact, it may not be the case. Generally speaking, it is unlikely to waste to reach the Mana Heavenly Court. If they use Juyuan array after the earthquake, they should be collected again."

"Isn't that even worse?" I looked at Yin Yao: "No matter which fairy is used by Heaven to get those mana, it is definitely not a good thing!"

"This is not necessarily the case." Yin Yao continued: "Even if Juyuan Array can collect the scattered mana back, it will probably take a lot of time to seal the throne, and if such a huge amount of energy is collected, it can be readjusted to use. In this state, this work must be very troublesome. According to the calculation of the time of the Seal of the Seal of God when we were arrested, even if the heavenly court moves fast, it should now reach the point of partially converting energy. If we want to take all of this energy for ourselves. At least another thousand or two thousand years will pass before the throne of the Seal of God. "

"Oh, I see." I nodded. As soon as I looked up, three guardians suddenly stared at me together. "What are you looking at me for? Do you want me to go to heaven to help you steal it?"

Shui Xu immediately smirked and ran over and patted my shoulder: "The glorious and difficult task of reviving the demons is left to you."

"Stop it." I quickly pushed him away. "Who said I was going?"

"Don't you want us to go?"

I immediately shook my head like a rattle. "First, you do n’t know where the heaven is. Even if I go into the ground, there must be someone to follow, there is no chance to start. Second, you can disguise yourself in the demon temple. After all, no one knows me, but I have acquaintances in the heavenly court, and I wear them as soon as I meet. Third, I have already completed your tasks for you. As for the destruction of things that do not concern me, you have no plans. Fourth, even if you return the energy . The advantage is yours. Why do you want me to take risks? Fifth, even if my brain is hot to help you steal, I do n’t even know where that thing is, how do I get started. Besides, even the idea that energy still exists It is speculated. Who knows that the energy has already dissipated, and you asked me to steal air? "

"Then how can you help us?"

"First of all, you must tell me a way to find the specific locations of those energies. Without this premise, the city will not be able to help you anyway. If you can solve the first problem, the second one is simple. As long as you can Give me something I think is worthwhile, and I can help you take the risk of stealing it. In addition, if you have a way to help me cook this guy well, I will be more confident. "

In my gesture, Dangdang put an inner layer and an outer layer of three layers on the ground, wrapped in rune paper, and all three methods of protection asked me with eyes what exactly this was. I opened a piece of rune paper with a smile and revealed a dog's head.

"What kind of dog is this? It's a strong fairy." The monsters were already in the gourd when the **** Erlang was captive, so they didn't know Xiaotian Dog, but these guys gathered information around when they came out, and I supplemented them for evil. Part of the knowledge, they all know the status of the **** Erlang, but they have never seen it.

I explained to them with a smile: "This is Erlang Shen's guardian beast Xiaotian dog."

"This is Xiaotian Dog? No wonder such a strong immortality." Shui Xu felt that this immortality had no doubt about me.

Yin Yao looked at Xiaotian Dog and asked me, "What are you doing here?"

"I want him to be useful, but I need your help."

"What can we do for you?"

"Do you have any way to erase the memory? I mean the more thorough one, which can't be recovered anyway, and it is better to erase only a part of the memory."

Qiong Lin said: "It is said that Meng Po Tang can wash the soul and memory together, but we will not match that thing, let alone the medicine is too strong." Yin Yao said: "I have a way. We The poison of the black python itself is spiritual. If it is used with permanent amnesia, it should be able to completely erase the memory. As long as the person who manipulates the amnesia is good enough, you can erase the seal of the throne of God at a specific time as needed. , Or something related to something. "

Shui Xu immediately said: "You have so much poisonous juice, but it will be hard to find people with permanent amnesia!"

"How about replacing it with the Seal of Throne of Time?" Qiong Lin offered a suggestion.

"It is even harder to find that level of space mage!" Shui Xu immediately rejected the proposal.

"Yes." Yin Yao jumped up suddenly and said, "Tear the soul of the Xiaotian Dog with Splinter Soul, and just tear down all the parts you don't want to remember."

I was alarmed to remind Yin Yao: "Please, what I want is alive. Who has suffered the pain of tearing the soul. By then, Xiaotian Dog will become mad dog or it will be equal to zero."

Sui Xu jumped up suddenly: "Really, just thinking about spells, forgetting that we have Xilindan."

"What is Xilindan?" I have never heard of such a panacea.

Shui Xu explained: "Xi Ling Dan is a kind of Meng Po Tang Di, but this elixir is not as powerful as Meng Po Tang. Every time you take one capsule, you will forget the memory of the last 8 hours remembered. Two grains are 16 hours. Anyway, they are washed forward from the last memory, one is 8 hours. "

"Do you have one?" I asked Shui Xu excitedly.

"Yes, but there are 3 left."

"Enough is enough. Only one is enough. Xiao Tian Dog saw me in the demon temple for the first time 6 hours ago, an hour equals two hours. A panacea is more than enough."

"Then I'll take it for you." Shui Xu turned and turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared. After ten seconds, I came back with an extra box in my hand. He opened the box and handed it to me, which contained three small pellets that were less than the steel **** in the bicycle bearings.

"Is that the thing?"

Xu Dao: "Xi Ling Wan can erase the soul's memory together, and it can't be recovered by any method in the future. Just feed it to Xiaotian Dog."

"Okay, come over and help."

A few of us put a pill into Xiaotian Dog's throat. Yin Yao also pushed down with a stick, confirming that he entered the Xiaotian Dog's throat and then gave him a big mouthful of water, which definitely washed the medicine down.

After filling the medicine, I said to Shui Xu: "Okay, now it's time for you to help me perform the show."

An hour later, the unconscious Xiaotian Dog felt that he was shaking on the ground, so he opened his eyes. Xiao Tian dog was surprised to find that his four claws were completely tied together, and a hook sickle pierced through the gap between his four legs to serve as a flat load. Two demon-like half-humanoids were carrying the Xiaotian dog and walking forward.

Xiaotian Dog firstly quietly endured the throne of the Seal of God for a while. He was waiting for the body to recover gradually, and he was also feeling the enchantment around him. Xiao Tian Dog feels the smell of many monsters, but the distance is relatively long, only these two little monsters carrying him. The wickedness of the little demon showed that they were not very good just after getting started. Xiao Tian Dog was confident that he could deal with little monsters like 3-4 thousand easily, so he suddenly began to struggle to escape. But as soon as he was struggling, the rope on his body suddenly tightened automatically, no matter how much it moved, he couldn't get out, and the more he moved, the weaker he became.

The two monsters carried Xiaotian Dog. The monster walking behind could naturally see Xiaotian Dog. He smiled and said to Xiao Tian Dog: "Don't waste your efforts. I know you feel we are not your opponents. .Want to take the opportunity to escape. Do you think the guardians are so stupid. Let us two carry you without guards? Hum, look at the rope on your body. This is a rare demon world treasure specially used to tie you these fairy land. The tighter you move it, and it will continue to absorb your mana, the more you move, it will be sucked into a dead body, ha ha ha ha! "

The monster in front of him also smiled and said, "What nonsense with him, go back to Heifengpo and cook him into a dog soup. We should also be gods, hahaha ...!

The monster in front smiled and couldn't laugh because an arrow was stuck in his forehead. Xiaotian Dog can feel the powerful magic attached to the arrow shaft even when tied. The monster behind threw the Xiaotian Dog, and immediately looked around alertly: "Who? Come on out. Dare to offend ..."

The monster turned around and looked around, but just as he turned around stupidly, a golden shadow suddenly plunged out of the bushes and bit him on the monster's neck. When Xiaotian Dog was wondering, I ran out of the bush on the other side. Rushed directly to Xiaotian Dog, took out a dagger and cut the rope a few times, but the rope did not respond at all.

"What a broken knife!" I looked discouragedly at the intact rope and the knife that had been curled, and threw the knife out angrily.

By this time, Xiaotian Dog was able to judge that I was here to save him, and he immediately said to me, "Do you have any better weapons. This is a hex rope. General weapons are cut continuously."

"Then you'll be wronged." After I said it, I immediately took off the sickle rifle that had become a whistle, and then whistled in the direction of Steel Tooth. Steel Tooth heard the whistle, shook his head, threw the monster out, and ran back to me quickly. I turned over and rode on the back of Steel Tooth. Steel Tooth scooped up the ground, and the screaming dog **** as a pig rushed into the bushes and escaped.

Xiao Tian Dog can feel the enchantment behind him concentrating on this side. He is sure that the monsters are now rescued and chased after him. Among these demons, there are three levels of powerful demons that are particularly fast. Seeing that he was about to catch up, Xiao Tian Dog was stumped, but he was anxious but couldn't help.

Seeing to be overtaken, a mountain surrounded by heavy fog suddenly appeared in front. As the distance approaches, the mountain becomes more and more obvious. Xiaotian Dog was surprised that it was not a mountain at all, but a city. Huge cities are still facing each other. Xiaotian Dog has never been to Isinger, and like everyone who saw Isinger for the first time, he was stupid.

I took out a leaf and shouted in my hand, "Tree of the city, help me!"

A row of light flashes on the city wall in front, and the three black shadows behind us have arrived. The Xiaotian Dog even saw the huge snake head when Yin Yao returned to its original shape. The red snake letter almost reached and licked our tails.

Shui Xu is a human form. Holding the skull in his hand, a green light ball has accumulated and is about to come out. The light spots flying on the wall just exploded between the three demon guardians and us. Isinger's shelling was truly unique. Of course, there is no such accuracy in normal times. Today, this is an act, so the trajectory has been calculated in advance. Xiao Tian Dog didn't know that we were acting to deceive him by acting together, and my heart was terribly tense. I could hear the sound of his heart pounding when riding on the back of Steel Tooth.

Shuixu, Yinyao, and Qiong Lin bypassed the explosion point of the shell again, but the denser shell fell, and the three monsters exploded left and right and could not approach. Suddenly, Isinger's gate rushed out of a large cavalry, and several dragons flew over the wall. The three monsters stopped suddenly, looked at each other, and then ran away as three black smoke.

Gangya and I ran back to Isinger with the Xiao Tian Dog **** as a mule, and the Xiao Tian Dog was moved by tears. I appeased him and told Erlang Shen to come and pick him up. Erlang Shen arrived in a few minutes, and the degree was really fast. The Xiaotian dog is still tied like a mule, and the guild's weapons are constantly cutting this rope. This is the treasure of the demon family, this time also contributed to cooperate with my acting. Shui Xu said that this is not reluctant to put a child on a wolf.

Erlang Shen couldn't cut the rope with his three-pointed sword. In the end, he had to return to heaven with Xiaotian dog to find someone to help. After more than half an hour, Erlang Shen returned with Xiaotian Dog again. The rope had been cut, and it was said that it was blown out with savage fire.

We found a quiet place to receive the Erlang God, and the God of Erlang was very grateful when he came up. Xiaotian Dog is Erlangshen's most loyal friend, and has been with Erlangshen all the time. For how I can rescue Xiaotian Dog, Erlang Shen was moved.

For the reason why I appeared there, I explained it as helping the court to investigate the monsters' plans to attack the monster temple. The result happened to be when the monsters attacked the monster temple. I later entered the monster temple to check. Are dead. After chasing for a long distance, I only chased the monster team, and as a result, rescued Xiaotian Dog.

Viewing the information on the demon palace I told the Erlang **** last time, it was a vaccination shot, and the Erlang **** had no doubt at all ~ ~ As I said later, I went to check the husband ’s situation. I leave traces. Although I haven't heard about the fingerprint check in the game, there is no way to guarantee that the court left the traces I left when I entered the hall of the demon, so to speak, even if I went in now, they would not doubt it.

From the beginning to the end, Erlangshen's most doubtful question is why Xiaotian Dog has amnesia. He has no impression of the past 16 hours. He said that he only remembered that he was guarding the demon temple with the gods, and the next second memory was that he was carried away in a coma, and was rescued by me. Although Erlang Shen felt something wrong, he couldn't doubt me, and the most useful memory in the middle of Xiaotian Dog was completely blank, even if he wanted to doubt me, there was no evidence. God is dead, and now there is no real evidence of death.

Erlang Shen thanked me briefly and said that heaven would probably summon me in for a reward, and then left. Erlang Shen left Isinger on the front foot, and I slipped on the hind foot to the governor. Shui Xu, they were waiting for me at the gate, seeing the excitement coming one by one.

After arriving in the parlour, I was overwhelmed by the water deficiency: "Now I have received the gratitude of God Erlang, and heaven may need to call me. This will give me the opportunity to go to heaven. What are you going to do to show that energy? Heaven can't think of a way before summoning me, so don't mention the magic power of the demon king again. There will be no shop after this village. "

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