Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 103: No man's land

The children of the night ran over in surprise and looked at the city gates that were beyond recognition. They did not expect that I would bomb the city gates in such a violent way.

Gibejar asked curiously, "Did your big bug shoot the magic beam just now?

The power is so scary! "

I shook my head: "That is not a magic beam but a pure high temperature beam, which is basically equivalent to a laser. This city has a magic protection system, and you have also seen that the high-level dark magic released by Ling is blocked, the defense of this thing The ability is conceivable. But did you see the protective cover activate when the tank shot the beam just now? "

"Yeah, why didn't the protective cover just start?"

"It's very simple, because that shield doesn't respond to light. The launcher on the tank's back can use three different attack methods. The first one is what you just saw, which is basically a laser. The power of this beam is compared. Small, but destructive. "

Likard stared at the gate in surprise: "This is still less powerful?"

"I mean it's relatively small by comparison. The other two are more powerful than this. Santa Mafiana starts to trouble me again." But how do we get in now? The city gates have become lava pits, and it takes at least ten hours to completely cool down. "

When I stretched my right hand, a white light spot flew out of the ice crystal on my right arm. After the light spot came out, it quickly turned into a beautiful frost star for Taobao Women ’s Tmall. . After the upgrade of the Snow Queen, the number has shrunk to the current Frost Star, but there is a qualitative leap in quality.

"Master." Frost Star can still speak even though she hasn't turned into a beauty form.

I pointed to Xiachengmen Cave. "Help cool it down, be careful not to freeze it, just drop it below 40 degrees."

"It's the landlord."

The white frost star just flew into the gate of the city gate and circled back, and those melting rocks and hinges were solidified. The temperature is not only hot but a little cold. After finishing it, the Frost Star flew back into the ice crystals in my hand.

"Okay, go in and see."

Santa Maffeina walked in first, and she cried again. "You guys really are coming from here? How is this going to pass?"

I saw that the gate turned out to be Tie Shan Lan. The laser of the tank was very concentrated, it just burned a large hole in the iron gate. The half-melted molten iron in the upper part of the iron gate began to drip downwards after it was burned through in the middle, which looked a bit like summer melting ice cream. But the frost star just cooled too suddenly, and the falling metal solution was solidified in the air, resulting in the formation of falling metal sticks. It looks like a fence.

Like me, the savage savage warrior Likard helped me to make a siege: "This iron stick is nothing. Strike hard and it will be broken. Santa Marfianna, don't keep asking Ziri for trouble. I just didn't talk. I walked around and drew a circle around the hole in the iron gate forever, and those solid metal rods fell down one after another as if sticking. "This little trouble is nothing. "

Gibejar interrupted: "Let's go in and see."

I didn't want to compete with Santa Mafiana and followed Gibejar into it.

This city is not the same as the city you normally see. Usually, there should be a avenue behind the gate. And this road should be right up to the center of the city. Behind Isinger's gate is a main road that is laid along Isinger's central axis, as is the case with other system cities. But this city doesn't go like this. Behind the first city wall is a section of 150 meters wide, followed by the second city wall. In the 150-meter wide area between the two city walls, there are a large number of small two-storey buildings made of stone. The specifications of these small buildings are exactly the same. All the houses are square and squarely arranged.

There is no corresponding gate in the second position behind the gate of the first city wall. We looked along the root of the wall and looked to both sides. The result shows that there is no gate in this direction. city. The beam of light from the tank just passed through the city gate and burned down several houses here. Now there are still fires in some places, but because all the houses are separated from each other, there has been no fire with neighbors.

In this 150-meter-wide area, 4 rows of houses are distributed in parallel, and the 7-meter-wide space is reserved between the house on the farthest side and the city wall. The neat houses separated by a straight road, but because the house took up a relatively large space, the road was not very wide.

The houses here are all piled with rocks, and there are joints between the rocks. Obviously the construction technology is not low. This level of construction is rare in South and Central America. Although the ground under our feet is still soil, it is different from the soft soil outside. The ground here is obviously rammed soil and it is quite firm to step on.

The house facing the city gate had collapsed, so we had to enter the house next to it to check. The houses here have no door panels, and there are only rag curtains at the door frames. With a flick of my hand I tried to lift the curtain, and the curtain suddenly fell away like sand. Dude, isn't this curtain a millennial antique?

The furnishings in the room are simple. Several chairs are placed beside the door, and there are long wooden furniture on the opposite side, which looks like a counter. There is a row of wooden shelves beside the wall that can't figure out what to do. It feels a bit like a small shop shelf. There is a staircase on the side of the counter. It is estimated that the width of the second floor is a home room, otherwise the stairs would not be so narrow.

Santa Mafiana walked towards the stairs with a few words, and after seeing it, I deliberately turned away from her. Sure enough, as soon as I turned around, I heard my cry. You think so. The curtains are all sand, and the things here must be old antiques. No matter how good the original quality was, the wooden stairs were no better than this stone house. As long as this kind of stone house is repaired and solid, it will not be a problem to support a thousand or eight hundred years, but the stairs are made of wood, and that thing can't stand the throne of God's Seal for so long. Santa Maffeina rashly rushed to the second floor and made it clear that she was looking for a fall.

I walked straight out of the room without the Santa Maffeina inside them. The night child came out with me. "Zuri, can you see it?"

The night child's eyesight is very good. In fact, he can communicate with equipment because of his strong observation. The problem here came out at a glance.

I nodded to understand. "The house and the city wall here are two completely different technological products. As for the defense system, it seems to be added later, and it is obviously much more technical than the person who built the house."

Ye Zi nodded: "The construction technology of these houses is obviously not to build their own. The design of the construction is quite advanced, but it seems that the construction level is not good.

The city walls are obviously more technical than the houses, but they still belong to a backward technology level. However, the technical level of those automatic defense systems has really reached a level more advanced than our Isinger. "

"Then why do you think this is happening here?"

The night child shook his head: "I don't understand."

I turned to look at Ling He Yeyue standing next to me. "Where are you two?"

Yeyue shook her head, and she couldn't understand it. After all, Ling has obtained the real body, and there are some modern basic knowledge that educates her to be much smarter than these magic pets who have never played a game. "I think there may be two situations."

Ye Zi didn't expect Ling to have an idea, and immediately asked: "Why?"

"First, the construction of the city used this as a temporary base, so it was simply built from stone and built into the city wall and added those defense facilities. As for these small houses, I think they were moved in later. Second, it is possible that the people living in these small houses were notified by other people with advanced magic knowledge ~ ~ These people with powerful magic knowledge let these low-level backward nations help them build cities. They I am only responsible for building defense equipment that cannot be built by lower-level races, so the technical level between the two is so much different. "I asked Ling:" Which do you think is more likely? "

"the second."

"Why?" Night Son asked.

Ling explained: "The defense equipment around the city can still work when we arrive, that is, it is very difficult to approach. If the first possibility, how can these people come in is a difficult problem to understand. In addition, you do not think Does this look like a buffer zone? If these people come later, why don't they just live in the inner city of the city. This doesn't seem to be a suitable place to live? "

Ye Zizi sighed: "Zi Ri your magic pet is getting smarter and smarter, and the system will continue to upgrade like this. We players will simply let the leader forget about it, the taller ones are more than humans!"

I smiled and didn't explain. Turning around and telling Goth: "Let the Tyrannosaurus Rider detour to both sides of the city wall, carefully search this gap, find the second city wall gate, and report back. By the way, if you have searched for any living creatures here, so big No city should be empty. "

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