Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 97: Beast God Child

"Wait a minute." Ye Yue suddenly stopped, but I jumped out.

"Wow!" A large tree next to it suddenly swept at me, and forced me to open my wings and flipped back in the air, but I got a rattan before landing. Interception.

Yeyue's crystal protector suddenly flashed, and the rattan was petrified in the air. Adapana also responded relatively quickly. She followed her with an arrow, and the arrow in the branch chasing me in front of me suddenly burned. As soon as I reached out, I took the petrified rattan as a crossbar, and one of the poles swung back onto the big tree behind me. I felt something hit me before my feet stood still. The strength of this thing was not small. A guy kicked me out, and the branches just in front of me also swept over.

"Be careful." Gibejar saw that I was attacked but couldn't help but had to remind me to pay attention to the subsequent attacks.

I put eternity in front of me in the air, and split the tree with the force of forward rush. After checking the branches that were about to hit me, they were cut off from the middle and fell to the ground. As soon as I turned around, Jian Hong threw out the big tree that hit me and was cut off by the waist. "Why do I get there when I get well?"

"Pay attention to the back." Ye Zi suddenly shouted.

"Sword Blade Storm!" When I turned around, the sword fluttered suddenly. In fact, I didn't see where the enemy was, but just blasted out the sword wind. The fluttering sword wind was like a razor, and the forest behind it cut down a large piece of sawdust mud paddle and flew as if it had hit something. Phantom adds a hint directly to our vision. He was also wrong at the location where I was surprised, and marked a circle directly on the object. "Where to run." Two and a half months flew over with a white flame of life, all burned along the way. The phantom suddenly caught fire and turned into a human fire.

The humanoid fire group struggled there for a while and started to get smaller and smaller, eventually being completely burnt and leaving nothing behind. With half a month on the fire, all the flames were sucked back into the sword.

Likard stunned and said, "So terrifying attack."

Lauder photographed the next night son: "Don't you say he's an animal trainer?"

The son of the night took it for granted: "Yeah. He is a dual-professional. Just entering the game is a dual-professional animal trainer plus black warrior."

"No wonder it's so powerful."

I stood on the root of the tree and said to them: "I see that the monsters nearby are quite dense. It may not be normal in the forest. The temple you are looking for is likely to be nearby."

Gibejar said: "Our mission is not like this. The temple reported in the mission is in a mysterious forest."

"Isn't this swamp mysterious enough?"

Santa Maffeina said angrily: "Don't you just tell us to go straight? Gibejar. Let's find it ourselves."

Gibejar pointed me with regret: "Let's get separated here? Let's find the temple ourselves."

I didn't explain and just nodded in agreement. To be honest, I really don't want to take a few of them. At least they seriously affected my mobility. Gibejar didn't bother us if I didn't make a reservation. Several other people followed him and left our team and crawled in the direction where the monsters just came from the side of the forest. According to the general concept, the places where monsters are protected are generally important places. Since monsters come from there, if there is not a monster nest there, there must be something in there that needs to be protected.

After we sent them away, our movements became significantly faster. The steel claws almost jumped forward in the forest. The swamp area was not an obstacle for us at all. It's just that from time to time, there are a lot of mild bubbles in the mud, and the stench of the animal carcass really makes you want to vomit.

After crossing the swamp area, the goddess of contract gave us directions again. As long as she remembers correctly, we should be close to the goal. The marsh area is different from the outside. The scenery here is much better than the outside, and you ca n’t even see the variety of creatures. We seem to have entered a level zoo. All the creatures that only appear in the sweet dreams of children are among Arrived here and appeared in hordes.

Ye Zizi looked around like a child, and even Ye Yue was a little excited and couldn't make it to myself. I didn't feel much. I don't know why I don't seem to get excited easily, probably this is a side effect of my body. Excessive calm and impulsive results are gone.

"The goddess of contract, do you say that the beast **** lives here?"

"Yes, we lived here at the beginning. And ...!" The goddess of contract stopped suddenly and her eyes stared wide.

Suspicious of me and the son of the night, I turned my head and looked to the front. As a result, we saw a man-made building, exactly the ruins of the building. This is a building about the size of a small stadium. Looking at the remaining half of the pillars, it can be predicted that it should be considered more majestic in the past, but the scenery is now gone.

The stone pillars held by the four people stood on the ground with a height of less than two meters, and the surrounding ground was scattered with numerous debris. The three-foot-thick stone wall is even more miserable than the stone pillars. Only a few base walls that are as high as the threshold are still there, and the rest are missing. On the ground in the middle of the ruin, there was a miraculous sculpture that was already broken, but it was a miracle to stand there. The roof collapsed and it was not broken. The only thing that surprised me is that the shape of this statue is slightly strange. Generally speaking, the statue in the temple should look like that god, but why does this statue look like a ball?

The child of the night also revealed the problem. "What do you think this statue looks like, Ziri?"

I shook my head: "Who looks like a ball or a spheroid? Maybe it's a Picasso creation."

The goddess of contract still stared directly at the sculpture. "That's the beast **** land ontology sculpture."

"The beast **** looks like this?" It's hard to believe. Beast God turned out to be a ball.

The goddess of contract slowly said: "The beast **** is not a sphere, and this is not a ball. Of the three forms of the beast god, this is the original form and generally does not appear. The other two forms are not strange to you. First The form is the basic form of the beast-god of the half-human and half-beast. The second form is what you call Kimeira. "

"Kimera?" I asked in surprise. "Is the beast **** Kimira?"

"The beast **** stands for beasts, and Kimeira is a creature assembled from many kinds of organisms. That is the true **** of beasts. But humans are always fussed about things they have never seen before. They see beast gods. Later, many parts of creatures appeared on him, so they thought it was a monster. So the name of Kimeira became synonymous with the combination of monsters. In fact, this is not at all curious. Kimeira just dismantled his form. Kai has created a lot of beasts. People are used to these beasts, but they treat the body as a monster, which is an inexplicable creature. "

The night child walked over and rubbed the rubble stones. "This thing seems to be a long time ago, and the surface is lightly covered with plants, and it is almost impossible to see that it is a stone."

The goddess of contract said a little sadly: "This temple had collapsed before I left. After the collapse of my own temple, I still lived here with the beast **** for a while. The seal of the seal of God was unfortunate."

"Why are you so miserable?" Ye Zhi asked indifferently.

The Goddess of Contract sighed: "During that time, the Throne of the Seal of God was the darkest time, and the gods vie for the site and the parish. Everyone fumbled, even if we were small non-mainstream sects, they still had insufficient support even if they were attached to the big school It's unimaginable that this difficult journey can only be sustained in such a place. Fortunately, the divine war is over.

"It turns out that God is not so easy!" Yezi sighed.

"Everyone is not easy. The world can only struggle to move forward to survive, but no one can really relax except the dead."

The goddess of contract nodded: "Zi Ri is right that even God is not free to relax."

"What?" Yeyue suddenly called.

A giant beast suddenly jumped between the trees on our side. From the appearance can be judged that this is a dog Warcraft, but also a very powerful attacking Warcraft. This guy is bigger than Bailang and looks like a little calf. The fur with black and white markings is simply a natural camouflage, no wonder it was only so recent. But the most frightening thing is the two canine teeth sticking out of this guy's mouth. Those two canine teeth are almost seven or eight centimeters long. If they bite, it's not a joke.

"Roar ...!" My ears snarled as the beast roared. This guy doesn't look low.

I looked to the goddess of contract, "Is this the beast god's guardian beast?" Since this place has the remains of the beast god, he should be nearby, in case he accidentally hurts his guard, even if he is willing to repay as agreed by the ring It will definitely cause us some trouble.

The goddess of contract answered my question and answered, "This should not be the guardian of the beast god. I remember that his guardian beast is a giant bear. But it seems strange that this beast has the power of the beast god."

Ye Zi asked quickly: "You have been away for so many years, maybe they haven't changed!"

The goddess of contract shook her head and said, "The guardianship contract is as long as your magic pet contract. Unless the beast **** dies himself, even if the bear dies, it will be pulled back again to become a new giant bear. It is impossible to replace a new guardian. "

"Who broke into the territory of our beast god?" A huge voice suddenly came out from a distance and quickly approached us. When this sentence was finished, the talking guy appeared in the rubble in front of us.

There are two creatures standing on the stone pillars in the ruins. The creature on the left is a creature with a lion's head. It was clear that he made the voice just now. There is also a woman on the post beside him. Although this woman is basically no different from others, she has a furry striped tail behind her. And her ears were pointed upright.

The Goddess of Covenant asked carefully, "You are the guards here?"

"Guard?" The lionhead laughed. "Who is using this level of guarding?" The goddess of contract also wanted to ask, I took her directly, and asked myself, "Do you know Kimila?"

"Do you know my father?" The Lionhead asked in surprise, and he came to us as he stood. "You don't look like a protoss. Why do you know my father?"

"I don't know your father but she does." I pushed the covenant goddess out. "She is the goddess of covenant and used to be close to your father."

"Are you a goddess of contract?" The woman jumped over and asked excitedly: "My mother used to talk about you often, but I didn't expect you to come back."

I asked the goddess of contract suspiciously: "Does the beast **** still have a wife?"

The son of the night shot, "You are stupid enough. How did the two beasts come out without a wife?"

The contract goddess said embarrassingly: "Actually, the beast **** really has no wife."

I pointed in surprise at the two orcs. "Then how did they come here?"

The Lioness explained on behalf of the contract goddess: "In fact our parents are one person. He is androgynous. I used to call him a dad and my sister used to call her mother."

The halo **** turned out to be hermaphrodite. I suddenly thought of the strange shape of the sculpture next to it. The cat painted by that sculpture must be the lowest cell creature. The beast **** is the lower **** of the goddess of life. He should have a part of the power of the goddess of life. The goddess of life holds the most basic element of life and the beast **** should be a higher-level microorganism. The lower the level, the closer to the origin or stronger. The body of the beast **** is a microorganism. So he was split breeding.

I suddenly thought that the problem seemed to be more serious. "Your father is the beast god, shouldn't it be a breeding ground?" I hope my guess is wrong.

"Yeah." The woman quickly answered my hopes.

The goddess of contract finally reacted. "So beast **** is light ...?"

The lionhead nodded: "After we were born, he left only a little consciousness to teach us some necessary knowledge and then dissipated."

A thunderstorm on a sunny day! We traveled all the way to South America to find the beast **** to complete the task of reporting the ring, but the beast **** was gone. Wait, if the beast **** splits into two siblings, is this position of the beast **** also inherited at the same time?

"Did you two take over the position of beast god?"

The lionhead nodded: "It's not who we are, but the two of us. Now we add up to equal the beast god."

I quickly showed them the ring of grace, "Do you know this thing?"

They both glanced and nodded. The Lionhead said cheerfully: "This is the ring of grace. According to the agreement, we need to help you fulfill your wishes, but the wishes must be within our ability."

"That's great." Really hanging. If they don't know about it, it's troublesome.

The son of the night asked, "Since your reward is done by wishing, are there any entry restrictions?"

The female beast **** of that female replied: "There is no limit to the number of wishes, but according to the level of the ring, we can only consume all the mana now to complete your wishes. Although our mana will be quickly restored after being consumed, we will follow the part consumed Calculated as long as the total amount reaches once

We will no longer fulfill your wish for the upper limit of all mana. "

The night child shook his head. "I don't quite understand."

I interjected: "I don't understand? Let's make an analogy. It's like buying something. Your money is fixed. You are willing to use this money to buy a truck toothpick or a computer. Anyway, there is so much money. It ’s yours to be happy how you use them. They will fulfill our wishes and run out of them according to their own mana cap. "

The son of the night hurriedly asked again: "The upper limit you say is the upper limit of one of you or the two together?"

Lionhead Humane: "Of course they are together. Half of our mana is half of our father. Only together can we fulfill your wishes."

"But how much desire can your power accomplish?" As a businessman. Knowing your opponent's bottom line is the most important. When you know the bottom line, you can be safe while fighting for your best interests. Business is so bad. Things are too expensive to sell. No one is too cheap to make money. Finding the balance is the key. The magical power of the beast **** is fixed, and I also need to know a balance point to decide what wishes to fulfill. If none of the last wishes can be realized, wouldn't it be a loss?

The lion-headed man held his head and said, "How can I answer this! Although I know my strength, I don't know what wishes you want!"

"Then I say my wish. Can you tell me how much mana I need to consume first?"

"Of course."

"Then, can I not execute this wish first but wait until I have selected my wish?"

"It's up to you."

It seems that the beast **** is much more arrogant than the two vampires of Alni and Miele, but then he fell into this field because he is too arrogant. Although Arthur and Miller are black-hearted, that is the true quality of leadership. A rule can be tolerant internally but absolutely not tolerant to the outside. Tolerance within. The ruled person will say that the leader Rende tolerates the other side will only say that you are stupid.

I said to Lionhead: "So if we can find a place to complete him as soon as possible?"

"Come with us."

The lion head turned and took us to the forest. His sister used strange language to say to the beast just now. The big guy immediately jumped into the forest and disappeared.

Soon we were taken to the edge of a large lake with a small island in the center of the lake. When we were taken to the island, it turned out that this island was competing for compressed space, but the island that looked very small on the outside looked extremely huge. We entered the center of the island. Here are some simple talking stuff and they are all made of stone. The words of the beast **** are indeed incomparable to the side of the bright temple, a level of words that is more luxurious than the emperor. One is the level of speaking that is even behind the primitive people.

"You live here?" I asked the lionhead.

The Lionhead's sister said, "It's very nice here."

The lionhead also proudly said, "This bed used to be uncomfortable to sleep with stones. Later, I also knew this cushion, and you see how comfortable it is to fall asleep on these soft plants."

The son of the night leaned to me and whispered, "Hey Ziri, does this need a poverty alleviation plan?"

I whispered: "This kind of place has no ground value, but the two siblings seem to understand nothing."

Yeyue suddenly stretched her head over. "Master, don't you want to abduct the population?"

"I just want to abduct the people and cheat them back to Isinger. At least we can get us some good."

The son of the night sighed, "Oh, the poor lamb is being dragged back into the cave by the big wolf!"

"Going to me is called poverty alleviation.

Yeyue suddenly looked up and asked the female beast god: "We haven't introduced each other yet. My name is Yeyue. This is my master Ziri. This is my master's friend, the son of the night contract goddess.

Female Beast Shinto: "We are two individuals split from our mother, so Mingyu is also the mother's name. My name is Kimi, and my brother is Kira, and the current name is Yumira."

I hurriedly started to get close. "Kira, do your brothers and sisters sleep together? Why is this a bed ?,

"This bed is so big, why do you want to separate?" Kira is really simple, they don't seem to have taboos in this regard.

My purpose is to be close. Since they don't know I don't need to add anything. Quickly changed his mouth: "What if you don't even have a shed on this bed?"

"It won't rain here," Kimi said. "Mother made a permanent space to stop the rain here. The plants on the island rely on the water in the surrounding lake."

"What about your food? God doesn't seem to not eat, right?" Weiner seemed to need to eat, and Alni and Michelle seemed to be the same. The difference between them is that they eat less land than the average person, but they do not eat completely. Even the heavenly valley avoidance technique only reduces food requirements and does not really eat nothing. The beast **** is relatively low-level, and the ethnic characteristics should be something to eat.

Kemei smiled and clapped the beast that had just left, and returned with a small beast. "Steel teeth help us hunt. The food here is not a problem at all." Then she took the beast and ripped off a red piece of meat and picked me up: "Will you order?"

gosh! Although I am not allergic to the stump of the body or the **** scene. But I do n’t eat raw meat. The boy of the night still picked me up and made trouble: "You Zi Zi eat more. People are specially prepared to give you this guest."

I slanted the child of the night. The cold light flashed in his eyes, and the son of night suddenly snored.

I pushed away the meat with a smile: "Thank you, I'm not hungry! Give it to the night son, he has been calling Russia on his way. He can eat this whole beast alone."

Gimi was really simple and cute, and she immediately happily handed the whole beast to the son of the night: "Eat. We have a lot more."

The night child's watch special seemed to have eaten dead flies for a long time before suddenly thinking of a way "... ah. I'm too hungry now, but now I can't eat it, I put it away and wait for the hungry before eating." Open the Fenglong space and throw the meat in.

Jimmy smiled and said, "I'll help you get more prepared."

Night Son nodded awkwardly.

Jimmy and Kira didn't have any eyes. What they say they believe is just as pure as a lotus. With them, I really felt like I was black from inside to outside. The gloom behind glitz is that no one of us in modern society can run away.

"Kira." I called the lionhead to my side. "Are you a bit humble here?"

"Good!" Kira had not seen the luxurious world. He didn't know that it was all imperfect.

"Kira. Kimi. You may not feel the life here, but in reality it can't be compared with the outside world. I think you might as well go back to my place with me, right? There are better conditions here Now, and there are only you two here, you can meet a lot of friends outside. What do you think? "

Before I came, I told the goddess of contract that she wanted to help me draw down these lower-level gods. Now she heard my words and immediately understood that I was drawing these two beast gods. For her own treatment, she also quickly lobbied for me: "Kimi, you two are my best friends at the moment.

Living in the city of Ziri, the conditions there are much better than here, you might as well come with me. I'd better take care of you. How to say that you are also the continuation of Kimela's life. I should do my best for you. "

Kira said lightly: "I'm fine, it's my sister ..."

Kimi said: "I can't bear steel teeth."

I laughed ~ ~ I didn't say that you can't bring steel teeth together, and you guys are not coming back. I think the environment of this island is also very good. Why do n’t you think I would build a city here? "

"Fix the city?" Kira pointed at her feet, "here?"

"What's wrong? Can't it?" The beast **** wouldn't ask me for the land occupation fee?

Education is not like screw production in the factory. Each student has its own characteristics, but teachers unilaterally plan their own educational programs. As a result, unqualified students such as Kimi and Kira appear. The beast **** Kimela must have used his adult intelligence to calculate the time required. The child of the throne, who did not expect the newly split, did not have the intelligence of his adult body. Fortunately.

I look like Kimi. "What your brothers and sisters promise is too messy. I do n’t know a lot of basic common sense. I think you still go to my city. I can arrange someone to teach you, and there is no time for the seal of the throne to teach you until you can.

"Is it really possible? I want to learn. My mother taught everything in a mess, and I just want to learn it all from scratch." Jimmy shouted almost without thinking.

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