Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 82: Snake Woman

After Yeyue sat up, she seemed to be examining the surrounding environment, but the strange thing was that I was not turned into a stone, but it was not much different from a stone. The opposite Michelle had hid behind the bookshelf, and it seemed she was also afraid of Yeyue's gaze.

About a few seconds later, Yeyue stood up, but because I couldn't turn my head, I couldn't follow her movements, I could only watch it leave my sight. After listening to the sound, Yeyue seemed to have left the coffin and started to move around. Her tail seemed to be like a rattlesnake. She walked behind me, and as she moved, there was a tinkling noise, and she seemed to knock something over when she heard the sound.

The voice gradually moved towards me after moving behind, and suddenly my arm was touched by a hard object, it felt like her nails. After touching me, this hand left my body as quickly as an electric shock, but she returned soon, but this time it was not a nail but a soft fingertip. With all five fingers resting on my arm, the other hand also rested on my other arm.

These two hands were tentatively pinched a few times, and the strength was quite strong, but the magic dragon armor directly transmitted the pressure signal to me. It was not really deformed and backlogged my muscles, so although I could feel the pressure It doesn't hurt.

Suddenly these hands started to move upwards and gradually felt to my shoulder. It may have been stabbed by the blade of the armor and flinched a bit, but she still touched my shoulder and squeezed it with the same force. As I moved her hand upwards, I became more and more worried, and she almost touched my neck. I have taken off the helmet since entering this room. After all, Michal is an identified person, and it is impolite to talk to others with a helmet. Now, my unprotected head and neck are almost touched by Yeyue. According to the strength she just pinched me, it is estimated that I will be strangled directly.

Although I resisted first, the body was really completely out of control. I can only feel the hands gradually leaving the armor to my neck. When the hands touched my neck, a current passed through my body again. This night and moon was really seductive. Her scent, appearance, and contact could all provoke the limits of man's self-control.

The little hands shrank like an electric shock after touching my neck, but she returned immediately. These hands began to stroke and press gently on my neck. I felt like a lot of caterpillars were crawling around my neck. I couldn't catch it because I couldn't catch it. It felt terrible. But the only good news is that she squeezed my neck significantly less. It can be said to be quite gentle. She seemed to be feeling my muscle elasticity. At first, it was probably because the armor was quite hard, but now she must have felt that my skin was far less defensive than armor.

Her hand continued to go up my neck and quickly reached my face and stroked it gently. She gently scratched my skin with long red nails and my whole body seemed to explode. Every time The second time her hands brushed the skin, I started to feel cold hair from the soles of my feet. Overpowered feeling. This is no longer an electric shock, a higher level of tease than electric shock. I do n’t know what it ’s like to be painful and happy now. I do n’t feel like adjectives are better now.

Yeyue's hand suddenly began to move. She turned to face me and faced me again. I saw the beauty of the beautiful winter coat m again. Suddenly I was surprised that Ye Yeyue had her eyes closed. Her eyes with long eyelashes were covered gently, which made her invisible, so she just dangled the things behind me just now. Rattle.

I'm curious why she didn't open her eyes, and supposedly petrifying others did not hurt her. Is she doing this because I am the owner? It is said that the magic pet can feel the position of the owner. Did she dare not open her eyes because she knew I was here? The corner of Yeyue's mouth suddenly raised a little, a faint smile appeared on her face, and that moment seemed as if the world had become more beautiful.

"Who are you?" Yeyue said suddenly. That beautiful voice was prepared to confuse a man. A voice that can drive a man crazy is really exciting.

After waiting for a while, I did n’t get my answer. Yeyue stretched out a finger and suddenly realized: “Ah! I forgot you are still fixed!” She said she pressed a finger to the corner of my mouth and then gently passed My lips reached the corner of the other side. "You can talk."

I moved my mouth. Sure enough, I could move, but my head still couldn't turn. "Yueyue? I am your master."

"Yeyue? Master?" She lowered her head as if thinking, but raised her head across her. "Is Yeyue my name? It seems a bit impressed, but I can't remember it. I feel very confused. Do you say you are a woman?"

"Yes. You are my magic pet, and I am your master."

"Magic pet?" Yeyue thought again, this time she pressed her finger on the sun and shook it gently. "I seem to think of something, but ... No, my memory is too vague. It feels like you are a close person to me, but I can't remember having a master like you. My name doesn't seem to be called Yeyue, but I can't remember it. Let's use this name for the time being. "

"Don't think about it, don't think about it, as long as you know that I am your closest person." It felt like she was abducting an ignorant girl. "Did you ban me now? Hurry up and help me?"

She raised her head and said to me, "This is not what I got. It is a natural reaction after a deep sleep. It is usually not there. I am very weak now, and the control to open your mouth is already strenuous."

"Then you're at least comfortable with me, right? This pose is hard!"

"Then I think of a way." He bent down and clicked on my knees, my legs suddenly moved, but my upper body was still stiff. She went around behind me and clicked on my cervical spine again, and my neck was able to move. "I can only do so much, you can walk around and look, find a place to sit down, the other parts will be just fine after a while."

Instead of finding a place to sit down, I ran directly behind the bookshelf: "Should you come out too?"

"Haha! I just came here to find something." Michal was helplessly kicked out of me.

As soon as Michal came out, Yeyue suddenly turned to face us, and she quickly twisted her body and swam over to this side. When she arrived at Michal's table, she didn't go around at all. When the back of the tail spread out, she easily jumped over the table to the side of the table, and her tail gradually passed the table like an arch bridge. Don't look at snakes without legs. In fact, people act more efficiently and quickly than humans.

When Yeyue arrived near me, she almost put her face on Michal's face, but she never opened her eyes. "Who are you and why are you hiding? I feel a familiar taste from you, do we know each other before?"

Michelle smiled and said, "We know, but you saved me!"

Michal said he wanted to reach out and touch Yeyue's face, but Yeyue lifted his hand and swept away. "Don't want to deceive me. My tribe's memory is different from yours. Our relationship is negative. If you know me, you must be my enemy." Yeyue walked behind me as soon as she spoke, and she moved quickly Can't see at all. No wonder it is said to be agile! Ye Yue climbed my neck from behind and said charmingly, "She is a bad person. If you are the master, you have the obligation to help me deal with her."

"Yeyue don't get excited. She used to be the same as the person who sealed you, but she is no longer a companion of those people, and you are also here.


"Of course. How could the host lie to you?"

Yeyue flashed back to Michal again, scaring Michal to take a step back. Yeyue held her hands in front of her very ladylikely and bent slightly to bow a small angle. "Then I apologize, I'm sorry to misunderstand you."

"No ... it doesn't matter." Miguel smiled awkwardly.

Ye Yue suddenly asked again, "Since you brought me coarse grains, do you know where my things go?"

"What's yours?" Michael wondered a moment and then immediately understood: "Oh! You say those things! Wait, I'll get it."

Miguel almost ran out with the escape degree, leaving only Yeyue and me in the room. Yeyue swam back to me and asked, "Master. What do you look like?"


Yeyue nodded: "I can't see you. Can you tell me what you look like?"

"What do you want me to say! Otherwise, you can see for yourself later?"

"But you will turn into stones."

"Don't you say that the Seal of Throne will return after a period of time after turning into a stone? When will I take a break to show you when I have finished resting, the petrification has probably been lifted."

"Master, you are so nice." Ye Yue suddenly rushed over and kissed me on the face.

"Wow!" The girl was so strong that she knocked me over. Because it was difficult to stand up without arms to help me, Yeyue finally helped me up.

Suddenly Michael pushed in and walked in. Yeyue was helping me up. Mijia turned and immediately called out, "Ah! I haven't seen anything!"

"I trust, you don't bother. Something for us I will take Yeyue away. You are not where I should stay for a long time."

"Well? Isn't the host and her together?" Yeyue seems to have lost a lot of memory, and now behaves like a half-old girl and seems to have been well educated and behaves quite ladylike, but sometimes there are transient Impulsive behavior.

I said to Yeyue: "If you go back to these, check your things first."

Michelle took a small box and handed it to Yeyue. After Yeyue opened the box, a ring appeared inside. The shape of this ring is a coiled snake-tailed creature, which is exactly a reduced version of Yeyue's own, and it is like a snake wrapped around a finger when it is worn on the hand.

Yeyue took the ring on the index finger of her right hand and extended her right hand forward. "Gate Wheel Door."

Suddenly in front of Yeyue, a black vortex opened. Inside the vortex was a simple Chinese-style brass door with Chinese lacquer paint. The only thing that was special was that the knocker of the door knocker was a sculpture of two bronze snake-shaped beauties.

Yeyue didn't go in. She just opened the door and opened it automatically. The door turned out to be a cave house, just like the caves of the ancient Chinese monsters, but it was clean and decorated with a lot of pink long sands. Like fantasy space. Ye Yue once again beckoned two boxes and flew out to land on the ground. She opened the box, and there was a lot of stuff in it.

Ye Yue first fumbled and took out a strange gold headdress. This thing has half a ring before and after. But the two halves are at an angle to each other and are irregularly shaped. Yeyue brought it to her head, and the second half of the two headdresses just pressed Yeyue's head against her back of the head. This can limit the range of head swing to a certain extent and avoid affecting her own actions during the battle. The front half of the ring is exactly on Yeyue's forehead. This cover has a beautiful pattern on the Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s Women ’s Winter Outfit. There is also a huge ruby ​​in the middle. There are 4 black gems on each side of the ruby, but the volume gradually changes from the middle to the two. small. Yeyue moved slightly at a position where the ruby ​​was in the middle. A strip-shaped black crystal mask suddenly slipped out of the mezzanine in the middle of the forehead. This mask was only an inch wide. It just happened to block the eyes of the group Yeyue. The mask works completely to cover the eyes. This mask is very delicate. After sliding out, the top is not connected to the forehead, but the two sides are connected to the ear and the day of the forehead. After doing this, Yeyue turned the connection point on the ear again. A pair of wing-like ear wings bounced from a connection point and could not feel unfolded into a fan shape with the ears as the center point.

I walked to Yeyue and asked, "What is this?"

Yeyue Road: "Auxiliary headgear."

"Assisted combat?"

Yeyue explained: "The card on the back is the card holding the head. The front forehead is actually a storage box for the blindfold. The 9 gems on the forehead are the spirit stones I have processed with force. Now It has been able to resonate with my magic and completely replace the role of the eye to provide me with vision. "

"See you now!"

"I can't see with my own eyes. I thought I was missing something so I thought I wouldn't see you anymore!" Ye Yuehan's coquettish voice made me feel dry again.

"Then what is this fin-like thing in front of you in a black blindfold and ears?"

"This is the blindfold in the front. Everything I see will be petrified. As the strongest attack method, I usually leave it as the final nirvana. Usually I do n’t use it, and I have to keep my eyes closed in case of fear of hurting myself during the battle. Take this in order to prevent forgetting to close your eyes sometimes. Even if I open my eyes, there is no problem. As for the ear, this is mainly for aesthetic purposes. But it also has an auxiliary function that can focus the sound to me My ears can improve my acuity. My vision is limited and my hearing must be sharp. "

"It's a practical device. Your people are so smart, they're all designed."

Yeyue said: "No, this is my own design, the whole family only I have."

"Did you design? I can't see it." To be honest. The function of this thing is really good, and it really looks beautiful.

Yeyue took out a pair of small guards that were only ten centimeters long from the box and put them on the forearms on both sides. This pair of gold guards looks pretty, but gold is not a light thing. Such a large piece of gold should weigh tens of pounds. I do n’t know why Yeyue used this kind of thing. I asked Yeyue my question and Yeyue explained: "This is a magic weapon that can increase strength, not only does it not feel heavy, but it can also increase the strength of both arms. Our family should be French warfare creatures, but because With this, you can fight in close quarters. "

Yeyue took the paste arm and took a pair of net-like gold chains. Four gold rings were attached to the corners of the net made up of this gold chain. Yeyue stuck the big gold ring on her wrist, and the three little ones were carried on her thumb, middle finger, and little finger like a ring, so that the gold chain net was fixed on the back of her hand. She took two hands to the gold chain and explained actively: "This is Miyin Shouling. It can weaken the enemy's willpower and cause confusion in battle. It is a good auxiliary item."

"Is this what you designed?"


"You are really a genius!"

"My ancestors were dominated by the power of creation. Although I lost some of my power, it is still possible to create gadgets."

"Do you remember who your ancestors were?"

"Remember. My memory seems to be paragraph by paragraph, but the part about the ancestors is complete."

"Do you have any equipment?"

"Of course there is." Yeyue took out a gold piece in the box, which was a bit like a bamboo tube. When she wrapped the thing around her waist and fastened it, I realized that it was a skirt. Then she took a split breastplate and put it on the body from the front of the body and asked me to take the back half and put it on her. As soon as the front and back breastplates touched each other, they became locked into complete breastplates, but this one seemed very short. It's over only when the ribs are broken, and the abdomen is completely unprotected. The black dress with the black jacket on the inner layer may have some defense.

I was thinking she suddenly pulled out her long dress, and the fabric shattered instantly. Breastplates and skirts protected important parts, but the white belly immediately made me feel a warm blood flow from my nose.

"You ... don't you wear more?"

"That's fine." She stroked her belly gently. "Isn't it a waste to wear so much?"

gosh! Is this why their family was driven out of the Chinese **** world?

"Ah! I forgot, and this one." She suddenly took out two shorter gold rings and put a card on her arms, which turned out to be two armbands. "This is a magic defense bracelet. With this, I can directly block magic attacks with my hand. It can also be so." She said that the pen suddenly lifted up and left two afterimages, and then the afterimages became a new one Arm. She turned into 6 arms.

"Is this a phantom?" I asked.

"No. This is a physical entity. You can attack and defend. But the metal decorations on these hands are phantoms, only the middle decoration is true. But I have prepared 6 real weapons to achieve the attack effect." Said Then she took out a bunch of weapons from the box.

The 6 weapons used by Yeyue are all the same, that is 6 snake swords. The body of this sword is slightly curved like a wave, and the sword's tip is not sharply protruding forward in the middle like a normal sword, but it is sunken inward. Instead, the two blades become two sharp points. . These swords are all golden, but it is estimated that it is not gold or added magic, otherwise the gold is so soft that it must be cut off. The handle of the snake sword was green, as if some stone had been polished. Looks like a bit of jade.

"Are you playing with a six-handed sword? Why not deserve a shield?"

Ye Yue's six hands held the six-handed sword excitedly: "Because all the swords are used. Therefore, you don't need to pay attention to the difference between various weapons when you attack, you only need to focus on the attack. I will use the six-handed weapons together. There is no one to attack at all, and it is a waste to use a shield. Besides, the six-handed sword wielding itself is like a knife wall. "

It makes sense to say that the six-handed swords are used together, unless the opponent is an octopus monster or a magpie. Otherwise, even the most powerful people will scramble to take care of them.

"What do you do when you don't use weapons?" I asked.

Yeyue threw the six-handed swords into the sky together, then six hands recovered two hands, and the ring on the right hand stretched out. A small vortex appeared on the ring, and the swords all flew in. "That's it," Yeyue replied easily after taking away the sword.

"This ring looks great!"

"This is a life space opened with the special abilities of our tribe. It is completely different from space magic, but because of the special nature, only our tribe can use it."

Michal said: "How is the acceptance?"

Yeyue nodded: "As long as this ring is there, you can't use my ring anyway, you can't steal it first." She said that she read the box back to the gate of Dongfu, and the door closed automatically after the box entered. It got up and the vortex disappeared. Yeyue swims over and pulls me up: "Let's leave here, I don't remember the surroundings now, take me to see, and where is our home?"

"I'll take you here." I turned to Michal and said, "Even if I have something to do in the future, I'm satisfied with this transaction."

Michal shook his head and said, "I don't dare to find you anymore. This time I have lost a lot. I will be hollowed out a few more times!"

"I don't have such a bad heart!"

"I won't fight with you, you go quickly."

"I'll leave now."

Pull on Yeyue and use the ring to teleport and leave the temple to return to Isinger. As soon as he emerged from the teleportation, he immediately became the focus.

"Wow! So handsome!" Ye Yue looked around excitedly. But her shout focused everyone's attention here. Women are better. Male players can't go back as soon as they see here. Then a series of traffic accidents occurred, and the doorposts of many people hitting people to send to the temple have now gone too far.

"Chairman, is this a new recruit member? What a weird race!" Asked a closer elf, mm.

"No, this is the magic pet."

At first I heard that the male players around the magic pet finally recovered a bit of consciousness, but they became a lot more daring. They all gathered to ask the questions and squeeze the girls out. I loudly ordered them to fall back and said, "You do n’t want to return Then I will use violence. "

One player cried, "People die for wealth, birds die for food, and I'm crazy for beauty. Boss, you have so many beauties. This is a big deal for us to chat."

I said to Yeyue, "Look at them."

I saw Yeyue facing them and said, "Am I beautiful?"

Those satyrs nodded their heads like chickens ate rice.

Yeyue continued, "What about your eyes?" She said, and the black eye mask suddenly became transparent. Then it changed back to black with less than a second in between.

"Master, let's go." Yeyue pulled me back.

I took a look at those players, good guys, all of them turned into sculptures, and their poses were strange and varied. Not only these people, but even the petrified land appeared on the pillars behind them. It seems that as long as it is within the scope of the eyes, all have effect.

"Ah! What happened to Xiaoyun?" A female player shook the stone statue of a female player in surprise.

Oops, it looks like it was accidentally injured. I said to Yeyue: "There was a accidental injury over there. Can you lift it?"

Yeyue nodded and swam to kiss the petrified girl's lips. I saw the girl quickly changed back to normal from the position of her lips. Immediately after recovering, the girl screamed and jumped away. "Woohoo ... the first kiss of others!"

The female player next to her patted her back: "It's what girls are afraid of. Besides, it's a magic pet, not a real person."

"But it's still awkward!"

Yeyue returned to me and said to me, "That's why I generally don't help people who are petrified to lift petrochemicals."

It turned out that Yeyue ’s way to de-petroleize was her kiss, and she refused to help others easily.

"Ah! Boss, isn't this your favorite pet, Medusa?" A stone statue among the petrified people recovered.

I was surprised to look at Yeyue: "Can it fail so soon?"

Yeyue said: "It was a punishment just now, and I didn't really want to kill people. I only used half of my power. But even the full power is just the double seal of time."

I thought for a while and said, "So in normal circumstances, you can only petrify them for more than 40 seconds.

Yeyue said: "This depends on the strength of the people. You see that these people are not still stones, only he came out alone. And more than 40 seconds is enough to do a lot of things. Although the stone man's high defense may not be able to hit, You can go around behind him and wait for him to lift the petrification and cut it again. "

While talking about it, several people have released the petrification. It seems that the effect of this petrification on most players will not be too long. The fastest person on our side is about twenty seconds, and the slow speed is basically within ten minutes, but there are three players that I haven't recovered after waiting for half an hour. It took me a while to know that these three people are new to the game. The highest one is more than four hundred levels, and the lower one is only three hundred levels. Yeyue said it would take an hour to wait for them to open.

After hearing Yeyue's words, some good players put these three people in the fountain in the central square. It took hours for the sculpture to sculpt, and the female gamers who laughed came to tears. Yeyue said that under normal circumstances, she would not petrify other people on a large scale, because it was very power-consuming. Usually she will use this skill to petrify others in battle because it is very power-consuming ~ ~ Usually she will use this skill to petrify a part of the enemy ’s body in battle, such as petrifying one hand or leg or Yes, anyway, only one part of the petrification can greatly improve the time of the petrification. According to Yeyue's incomplete memory, she remembered that an angel had been petrified by her half a wing, but it took more than a month to recover.

After arriving at the conference, we were surrounded by everyone inside and outside three layers. I used to have a lot of magic pets, but this is the first time I have encountered such attention. It was almost dark after everyone had dispersed. I opened the Fenglong space to let everyone and Yeyue suddenly know. Yeyue ’s charm seems to be the type that kills all male animals. Even insects such as tanks are infected. I really do n’t know how she did it.

Although they are not as enthusiastic as males, they are also very fond of Yeyue. At present, Yeyue's charm is almost regardless of gender, age, or gender. After the familiar pets became familiar, I opened the space door and put on the gothic. They came out and talked with each other. This time, even the Yalong cavalry did not run away, and they all became loyal fans of Yeyue. A few people who came in to deliver the letter also saw Ye Yue hit the pillar or handed the letter directly to Ye Yue. This situation made me depressed.

Yeyue may see my confusion, she said next to me: "Actually today is a special situation, just a few days will be fine."


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