Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 77: Torture

After the first round, it was my turn to move again. The first to move was the rebel angel who got the treasure chest in Dibes's team. I thought that the order of movement in the round was arranged according to the athletic ability, but it seems that this is not the case at all. The motive of this angel will never pass me, so he first explained that the order was different from what I thought.

Raising his voice, "Please assign mutinous enemy soldiers to fight."

Because Debis has concentrated himself in a very concentrated range in the last round, the attack range of this rebellious angel can just cover all their players. I clicked on the shrinking chessboard. "Move and attack this location close."

The attack target I chose was the angel who was attacked by a crazy ragdoll in the open chest last round. That guy is now half-blooded. Those who have n’t taken turns are prohibited from supplying blood and fighting operations. After the rebellious angel entered the lattice, he fought with this man. The control of his body was managed by the system. He could not cheat himself because it was not his operation at all.

Both angels are creatures of the same level and type, one half blood and one full state, the consequences are obvious. The rebellious angel killed the half-blooded angel. He only had two-thirds of his health left and the system prompts the rebellion effect to be cancelled. However, Dibis lost an angel for this and there was another Half blood.

It was my turn to fight the rebellious angel, and I chose to move a few blocks to the right. This time no targets were attacked but a box was picked up. Fortunately, the sky flashed after opening the box, and a huge steel gorilla landed in the place behind me. When this guy landed, it was just like an earthquake, and it was as huge as a dragon, and looked infinitely powerful. It fell so close that I thought it was going to attack me, but I do n’t know if it falls down.

The game reminder sounded: "Congratulations to get a mechanical gorilla. This fighting machine will start to join the Purple Sun team under the command of the next round and will not disappear until it is destroyed. Please check team properties for specific data."

I quickly opened the attribute group, and it really had a title of Fighting Gorilla, but there was a temporary bracket in the back. After looking into the properties, I roughly understood the performance of this thing. This guy is a branch type of mobile puppet. Belonging to large magic machinery, adhering to the consistent characteristics of this type of combat machine, this guy is a scary man with slow movement and high defense and attack power.

The next action is to ride Phoenix Dijingjing and Lingling. Jingjing was transferred to the front of the team and killed a crossbowman. Lingling just picked up a magic box. Jixiang opened the box again and found a token. At first we didn't know what this thing was used for. After listening to the system explanation, both of us were stupid.

The left and right of this spirit card is to prevent the opponent's action for one round. The game was originally played by the two sides alternately, but if you use this brand of land, the opponent will not be able to move in the next round, and the whole stop for one round. I can still command personnel to fight with them this round, but they can only dodge and cannot fight back. Of course, such a good thing will not be used until the two sides are close, and the effect is not obvious now.

Next, Ling and Xiaochun, the players riding the magic pet, were concentrated together and moved forward. Two natural creatures were killed along the way but no boxes were taken. The Ringtone Rider killed 6 natural creatures, suffered minor injuries, but picked up three boxes.

After the first box was opened, a small cloud appeared, and the cloud quickly enlarged and covered the entire audience. The system prompts that the battlefield is foggy. During the 3 rounds, the other party could not see our actions or hear our voice, but we could see them as usual.

After the second box was opened, a small badge was obtained. The system said that the badge could cancel the opponent's one action. At any time, as long as the badge is taken out before the system is executed after the opponent ’s command is completed, the system will cancel the opponent ’s previous operation and the opponent is deemed to have already done so. For example, if Debis commanded an angel to command a move and attack me, I would take the badge before that angel started moving. This angel can no longer execute the command just now, and will be regarded as already operated this round.

When the third box was opened, a glowing little man appeared inside, and the system asked me if I wanted a little devil or a little angel. If you choose a little devil, a little devil will emerge from the top of each other's head, and then the opponent will be absorbed by 500 points of life after each round of action, which means that the more times the Seal of Time and the Throne turn, the more they lose. If you choose little angels. There will also be a little angel on top of each of us. Until the end of the battle, these angels will add 550 health to each team member each round. Unless this team member is full of blood, the health value will slowly replenish.

For such an inquiry, of course I chose the devil. Although angels can supply a lot of blood, we are not always in a state of blood loss. The principle of focusing on knocking out an enemy first in a battle everyone understands that Dibis will certainly do the same, so we will either be full of blood or be killed. There are not many opportunities to replenish blood, let alone those medicines You can also top it for a while. The devil is different. This thing will continue to **** blood, and the longer the time of the Seal of God, the more effective it is. We can rely on the degree and the other side. On the one hand, we can use the long-range strike of the tank to take advantage of it. .

After deciding on the combat strategy, I decided to do just that in the next round. This round has been completed and I can only wait.

He went to Dibis and he could n’t see our position because of the fog of the battlefield, but because most of us had already moved when the fog appeared, so he could guess our approximate location, and it ’s still far away. For the time being, he wasn't worried, so he continued to gather people together, and wanted to use a solid fighting net to deal with us, but he did not know that this was preparing me a fighting opportunity.

After the operation of Debis, the free creatures attacked my team on a large scale. This is probably because we are standing too wide and our people are everywhere. Fortunately, except for one Bell Knight who was very unfortunately killed by three free creatures, the rest were basically injured.

Then came to me again. This time I concentrated everyone around the tank, because there was no box to pick up on the road because it was backing. This round only orders the tank to attack the other angel remotely.

The tank's magic crystal bombardment can cover more than half of the chessboard. Dibis's people happen to have two within range. When the shell fell, immediately the angel who hit directly and the angel who relied on his grid alone were engaged. Debis has only 23 people including himself. I used this bombardment to confirm the power of the tank's magic crystal bombardment. Each shell hit the ground to cover nine grids, which is definitely a weapon for group killing.

Although I experimented clearly with the power of bombardment, Dibes also understood that the team could not stand too close. When it was his turn to move, he began to move forward in strides and ensure that there are two spaces between the two angels. If only one space is left, the tank can directly cover the two angels by shooting the unmanned space between the two angels. As for huddling into a pile, it's even more difficult. After a shell goes down, the nine angels are finished, and Dibis doesn't have so many people rush to us.

Even though Debis had broken the importance of his position, he still didn't have the magic box as a disaster trap for him. He actually took three more boxes. He took the first box by himself. As a result, he got another shotgun to blast him, leaving only a trace of blood. He was frightened and ate more than half of the medicines that he could hardly accumulate. The number of drug rewards is indeed many, but each drug only adds 500 life points, and the blood volume of creatures over 800 levels is rarely less than 10,000. Our blood cows have nearly 100,000 blood. For our advanced creatures, There is no response to this medicine to nourish blood ~ ~ It must take dozens of dozens to eat to be effective. Dibis managed to suffocate so that it will go down more than half with a breath. At the end, he intends to use recovery to add blood when he will act.

After the second box is opened, there is a small gravity space. The angel's square will show 10 times gravity, let alone living creatures fight, and it will be difficult to walk.

The third angel received a space badge and teleported him to the outside of the competition area as soon as it popped up. Dead people in this competition area will appear on the stone platform behind themselves. If we have a resurrection crystal, we can pull people back on the platform, but being teleported outside this competition area means that even if you have Don't expect the resurrection crystal to come back. Besides, as long as Auspicious sits there, he can be considered lucky to be able to flip an empty box.

They moved to neutral creatures again. This time they did well and only attacked Debis's team, but unfortunately it had no effect.

The next few rounds of tanks can destroy an angel, and the battlefield fog has disappeared. Dibis opened a lot of boxes along the way, none of them were good things, and one third of them were bomb boxes, which directly killed his 4 team members. When they were close to the combatable distance with us, Di There are only 15 people left for Biss, and only 16 of them are counted.

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