Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 70: Muddle through

"In theory, it really shouldn't be, but we are a special case." I pointed at Crystal Gate Hotter. "You know, black unicorn?"

The cat asked excitedly before Haut answered, "Is my devil sealed by the black unicorn?"

"Where was it sealed?" Haut asked.

"In a passage."

"Is that passage in Yincaodi Mansion?"

"Not here. That's the way to earth."

Haut shook his head and said, "That's not right. Black Kirin cannot leave the Earth House, it's definitely not Black Kirin to the world. However, it should be Black Kirin's subordinate who seals this little thing."

"He still has men?" A Wei asked in surprise.

Hao characteristic head said: "The strong part will have a few followers, not to mention that Black Kirin is so strong, what are some of the followers? However, Hei Qilin does not officially follow the class, because Hei Qilin does not like those who are flattering. But no Although Heiqilin does not follow his class, he often finds temporary staff to help with the work. Generally, these men will be protected by Heiqilin's strength during the mission. "

"You know so well, haven't you done it before?"

"I?" Hart said regretfully: "I thought, but people don't want me at all. To be able to work for the black unicorn and the legs, at least the level of high-level ghosts is hopeful. In the past few years, you have been fighting in the world, and the city is full of ghosts The pressure on employment is also great! You do n’t know. The competition in the ghost market is fierce. My new birthplace, Bai Hun, can find an errand to collect free energy fragments, and it will burn incense. "

"Ghost market?" A Wei asked stupidly.

I filmed him: "It's the talent market. Do you understand the job fair? This is the prefecture, of course, the ghost market."

"Fuck! I didn't expect to be so lucky to be a ghost!"

I said to Haut: "Since you know Black Kirin, do you know where to find him?"

"This one……!"

"What's wrong? Any questions?"

"The problem is big."

"How to say?"

"Yin Cao Difu is different from other undead kingdoms. This land is stacked. We are the first layer of land here, and there are dozens of layers below it! It can only be seen until the bottom seventeenth floor. Black unicorn! "

A Wei said: "So the information of our guild is correct, the black unicorn is stuck at the junction of the 17th and 18th floors."

Xate said: "Don't believe that information, it's the past tense!"

"How do you know our information is wrong?"

"Now the ghost of Heifu doesn't know it is strange! Three weeks ago, Black Kirin destroyed the connection point of the eighteenth **** and the seventeenth at the expense of most of his strength. The whole space detonated. Heifu The ghost soldiers here also fought against the expulsion of the black unicorn under the organization of King Yan. However, although the black unicorn lost most of its power and was seriously injured in the explosion, the guy's power was too exaggerated. None of the Ghost Army intercepted. The King of Kings finally ordered the connection points of the 16th and 17th floors. "

"So you can't go down the 17th floor, right?"

"I don't think you need to."


Hout said: "Although the connection points of the sixteenth and seventeenth floors are sealed, but the black unicorn is not a good role to deal with. He can break through the connection between the seventeenth and eighteenth floors and must pass through the upper part. This floor. The entrance of the eighteenth floor was originally provided with a permanent one-way transmission seal, but he still came out. The entrance of the seventeenth floor had only a temporary simple seal that could not stop him at all. The entrance to the 17th floor is the question of the seal of time. "

A Wei asked: "No! He was sealed under the seventeenth floor. Where did he come from?"

"Teleport." Hart quickly replied: "Black Kirin himself is the target of the seal. So he can't pass it, but he can directly send creatures such as imps to the third floor or even the first floor. But I don't think he can hold on for too long. Although he can crash into the seventeenth floor and enter the sixteenth floor, he can never reach the fifteenth floor. "


"The gates of Difu will be closed automatically. Although the boundaries between the 17th and 18th floors were blasted by the black unicorn. However, the passage will be closed again later, which means that the men around the black unicorn can only come over a small cloak. Once these men are dispatched, he will not be able to dispatch them. "

"Even if he doesn't have a subordinate, he can still blast the aisle!"

Specially said: "Don't you think that Black Kirin wasting mana up to send them out for a walk? The task of these men is to bring back the bright crystal to supplement Black Kirin's physical needs."

"What does Black Unicorn need a bright crystal for? Doesn't he need an injustice?" Cat asked in confusion.

Haut said before I answered, "It goes without saying, I know why."

"You know?" The cat turned to me and asked immediately.

"It's very simple." I asked, "What color is the most heat-absorbing in the sun?"

"Black." This common sense cat naturally answered quickly.

I went on to explain: "So! Black is the most energy-absorbing color. Black unicorn is not a representative of true evil. The reason why the violence is so heavy now is that everyone hates him and made him stay in the eighteenth **** So long. The black black unicorn is not evil, his color shows that he is actually yearning for light. Only things that repel light will show white, because the light is all reflected. The leaves are not green because they like green, It doesn't absorb green light. But people are used to misunderstanding these seemingly simple things. "

"If everyone has the ability to understand you this way, maybe I won't be what I am now." A bleak voice appeared around us.

"Who are you?" Eve and Awei looked around in panic. But of course they can't see anything.

We looked around nervously. Awei asked a few more times, but the vocalized guy seemed to have disappeared without any response.

"Is it gone?" A Wei asked.

I shook my head: "I can't see anything anyway."

Cats whispered, "Do you guess who it was?"

"Black unicorn?" I said it first, but it was wrong to think about it. "impossible!"

"Haut. Do you know what it is?" Caraca asked.

"I don't know." Hart actually reacted similarly to us. He is also a low-level person here. Many ghosts like to absorb ghosts from other places to improve their strength. If they are caught, they will be finished. "I am also new in the prefecture. Not much more than you know!"

Everyone couldn't figure out if it was safe around me, so I had to call Emmys and Bailang. "You help to see if there are any other creatures around."

Emmys pointed to Haut and said, "Will this count?"

"Of course not."

Eve came to Amenis carefully and stared at Amenis for a long time. "Don't you think I'm also an enemy?"

In fact, Eve is more interested in the sudden emergence of the humanoid demon monster. After all, for most players, the humanoid demon monster means high-end and rare, but Emmys obviously does not like to be seen as a monkey. "Miss, do you use your head? Will others' monsters attack you after you team up with others?"

"Of course not!"

Amenis jumped to me like a rabbit and held my arm. "You know what else?"

"What do I know?"

"The teammate's demons will not attack you after they form a team. This shows that demons can know from the master who and the master are members of the team. And I am the master of Ziri, and I naturally know that you have teamed up. The master wants me to find enemies. If I count you, then my brain is in trouble! "

Instead of being angry, Eve smiled and said to me: "Zi Ri, your demon IQ is so exaggerated!"

sweat! Emmys is physical. She is already a complete person. IQ is not low, of course. Except for the humanoids in this game, which are specifically set to be inattentive, how many are fools?

"Don't be troubled by Emmys, just look for any enemies nearby?"

Emmys looked around and said, "I don't see anything like camouflage in the range I can see. I think there should be no enemies! My illness has just recovered, and now my ability is a little reduced, which does not necessarily guarantee absolute Oh safe! "

I looked at Bailang again. Bai Lang is much more crisp than Aimeness, and he responded directly: "There is no dangerous creature I know is nearby in the smell, but the air here has a strong odor, which is really bad! "

"Smells?" Cat sniffed a few times. "How can I not smell?"

"Bai Lang has a dog nose, and you can't even count a cat. How could it smell?"

I was talking, Bai Lang suddenly put his ears on the ground. "Master. A team of cavalry leaned in from our downwind direction, but not much."

Hout suddenly said: "This is the kingdom of the undead, and most of the members are walking away like me. Being able to ride a horse to show that it has become a materialized entity is definitely not an ordinary kid."

Bai Lang didn't care about Hote but just continued: "There seems to be something behind the cavalry."

"What is it?"

"Maybe a kangaroo." Bai Lang's words completely confused us.


We are all thinking about why there is a team of kangaroos near us. Aimenis suddenly said, "What are you thinking? Is Bai Lang obviously a zombie!"

"Zombie?" A Wei looked at her in confusion and waited for explanation.

Aimenis said impatiently: "You guys are stupid enough. This is the underworld. How can there be kangaroos! Chinese zombies. It's the kind of thing that jumps and jumps in an official robe. Bailang must have heard it. "

After hearing this, I thought it was possible, and quickly asked Bai Lang: "How do you know it's a kangaroo?"

Bailang said: "The thing's pace jumps, unless it's a leg, it's just jumping around, so I guess it's probably a kangaroo."

I said to everyone: "It looks like Chinese zombies."

"Chinese zombies?" A Wei said anxiously: "I used to call all European zombies, Chinese zombies didn't know it would work!"

"Iron top doesn't work." Cat said: "There are many types of zombies. However, the European version of zombies I have seen has no level 400 or higher. I think zombies are paper-level undead creatures in Europe. However, Chinese zombies seem to be positioned as Mid-range goods between the 400 and 800 levels, you're too afraid that it will not work. "

I regretted saying to Awei: "I knew I brought your wife here!"

A Wei shouted, "The gold coins are also poisoned, and the diarrhea is not endless. Fortunately, Aixingge also has a toilet made of tablets. She was still squatting inside before we came out."

Cat asked puzzledly; "Willn't the godly toilet be covered with a tablet?"

I asked in surprise: "Don't you know?"

Cats nodded: "I have n’t had a long time for the Seal of the Seal of God. I have seen the toilet of the **** of honor, but no one told me where it came from!"

A Wei laughed and said, "I tell you. Once Ziri went to Japan to blow up a volcano, and the spray point was just below one of the Yasukuni Shrines in Little Japan. Those tablets were hit by lava. As a result, Ziri put They were all brought back. Later we used those tablets to build a toilet with this version, which is the godly toilet you saw later. "

"It's cruel!" Cat said with a thumb.

A Wei turned to me again: "Don't say that gold coins are sick, it's nothing and useless."

"Isn't she a dual profession? I remember one of them was a Taoist! How could it be useless!"

"Taoist is not fake. The problem is that she is a magic Taoist and not a zombie Taoist."

Cat asked: "Is there a difference?"

"It's a big difference." A Wei opened her mouth to explain that Caracala had stopped.

"The enemy is almost here. Think of a way!"

"Running is one way."

"Run?" Caracas also wanted to say what happened and I ran and bit my tongue.

After a while, Bailang reminded us that the enemy was getting closer.

"The zombies popped up quite quickly." I stopped suddenly, Caraca they were almost out of breath. The running time of the Seal of the Seal of God is too long, and everyone's endurance has bottomed out.

Emmys said, "Why don't we mount? As long as Night Shadow runs up, these little ones can't catch up."

"Yeah!" I patted my head: "I have forgotten that you have taken the medicine."

Caraca panted and said, "Say back ... whhh! ... what are we going to do? ... the zombies are high ... we don't necessarily fight too! ... aren't you amazing?"

"I have my own reasons, just leave it alone, just follow the run." I quickly summoned Asuka to jump up and lent my guard spear to Eve. As for Caraca, he can ride with me on Asuka go. The other monsters were naturally put away first, and they were also sent to the space gate by Scot, and it was almost 12 o'clock anyway. After a few hours, the three chances of the space door were refreshed.

Actually, I have a reason to run. Not to mention the few zombies chasing the troops, I am not afraid even if the king of corpses comes. The key question is who I guess it is.

I have eaten the elixir of Heaven's compensation. The immortality of that thing is usually not a big problem, but it is in the prefecture. It's like a light stick in the night. Although it's not very bright, it's eye-catching because it's too dark around. I'm in the same situation now, usually on top of it, the evil spirit on my body can completely cover the faint fairy, but this is the land government, my evil spirit mixed with the yin here is completely inconspicuous, but To that point is like a bulb.

The most powerful land ghost in the prefecture should be the King of Yan. He must be the first to be present, so needless to say he sent me to pick up the zombies. Maybe he was in the team himself.

Although the King of Yan is a ghost, he is actually an immortal. This time, there must be an immortal help from the land government, so he can't let it go. If I meet him, he will not hurt me, but he will entertain me warmly. But then he will definitely let me help to deal with the black unicorn.

If usually, receiving a task to deal with the black unicorn should be a good large task. But I currently have a task to help Black Kirin rescue him, if you take another task with the opposite content, what do you say? "Zero" mission penalty is notorious, if the task reward is 10, the penalty is 100. As a result of taking two opposite tasks, no matter what you do, you end up losing 90.

It is for this reason that I would rather commit suicide than allow Yama to see me, otherwise it would be worse than death!

"Why the **** are you running?" Caraca lay beside me and asked me why.

I don't want to let them know about this task, after all, they have nothing to do with us, and there is also Ashford behind Caraca. Speaking of which we are allies. In fact, everyone knows that we are a group of wolves and usually fight side by side. Whoever is injured will be eaten by his companion. "The monsters behind me don't feel good to me, so I don't want to touch them, and it's important to send medicine back, don't you want to go back quickly?"

I have a good reason for this, and I immediately blocked Caracas. This kid's strength is limited to combat, and there is still a big gap between our playing skills and our level.

Seeing that Caracas no longer spoke, I turned to Haut, who shrank into a light ball and pinched me: "Do you know where you can go back to earth?"

Haut changed the small light ball and said, "I don't know there in the underworld. There are many places in the land to go back to the sun, but I only know three."

"Which three?" Because everyone was in the air and couldn't get too close, I opened a shared channel for team formation. Everyone heard the words just now, Eve couldn't help asking.

"The first one is Huanyangmen, which is a portal. The ghost officials of the land government and some of the wrongly caught souls go to Yangjian from here, but there are a lot of ghost soldiers in the land government to guard them, even if you are not an ordinary character. You have to peel off the skin. "

"What about the second one?"

Hult continued: "The second is called the wheel of cause and effect. This wheel of cause and effect is a high-level weapon dedicated to rebirth. As long as you jump in, you leave the ghost. But the wheel of cause and effect is not necessarily connected. And if you go out there, you will be forced to regenerate into other creatures. It is recommended that you do n’t go in. In case the rebirth becomes a long-lived creature like a turtle, it will be thousands of years after you come back and jump again. "

"What is the third?"

"The third one is Lotus Pond. It seems that it was originally a lotus pond in the courtyard of a large family. Later, when an injustice was encountered here, it was destroyed in the pond. As a result, a large number of injustices appeared and penetrated the space where the pond directly connected to the underworld. From here we can enter the pond and climb up from the pond to the earth.

Eve immediately said, "Let's go back from the pond?"

Caraca also said: "It's just over-handling the water, so it doesn't stick to the mud. It should not be a big problem."

I refused loudly: "No. Still return to Yangmen."


"No, it's because it's easy to go here."

"What's your joke?" Eve disagreed with me: "I'm going to go if you want to go."

I smiled and said, "Then I will send you under the lotus pond, you leave yourself, and I have something else."


It's not the same for people who are not their own. Eve finally insisted on leaving from the lotus pond, and I did my best to send her to the location. Caracas hesitated to stay again and again, although Asheford had told the kid before he came out that all he had to do was listen to me, but after all he was an ordinary person. Seeing to succeed, he still did n’t believe Asheford ’s words. Decided to do it for myself.

They were sent to a dark forest floor. Hart told them to keep going. You can see the pond in the center of the forest. Just jump in from here and you can get out of the world.

After the two of them entered the forest, we also turned to fly to Huanyangmen. Hout urged me not to pass, but I just kept on. Later, even the cats began to doubt me, and kept asking if I was sure, but A Wei had not spoken.

It is said that gentlemen are as good as water. A Wei is my death party. But we are rarely together. However, the dead party is the dead party. The trust and tacit understanding at critical moments are not comparable to those of friends. Before arriving at Huanyangmen, A Wei didn't say a word of doubt, he believed that I definitely had a way.

Huanyangmen was actually built in a city. Wraiths also have their own cities, but not as many as humans. The black city made of this stone gives a sense of death and rundown. Haut told us that Yangmen was in the city center, but he himself refused to come in with us, which was too dangerous for him.

He insisted that I couldn't get in, and I couldn't help it. He gave him some black crystal powder and let him leave as a final reward. I brought Awei and Cat to prepare to enter the city, but I needed to adjust my condition before entering.

I first summoned the night shadows and let the cats ride up, and I walked with Awei. Intentionally injecting magic into the dark demon halo makes it even more dazzling. The surrounding magical auras can already be seen directly. After calling the evil dragon spot Nong Lan, the dragon ring began to start, the black evil spirit quickly made the surroundings look like abyss ghosts, and a large number of ghosts began to fly around. After finishing this, I walked towards the city with A Wei and the cat on Ye Ying's back.

At the gate of the city is guarded by a team of Yan Gui. This kind of ghost strength is not bad, it is a rare type in the world. Leading these Yan ghosts is a blue-faced fangs-speaking ghost, which is also a very powerful ghost, and is less common than Yan ghosts.

When we walked towards the city gate, the ghosts passing by saw us all flying in detours, and some of us dared to walk away from us without hiding, but that was not much worse than running.

The guards near the city gate were still dumb standing there stupidly, and suddenly a gust of wind blew through them collectively and shivered, all looking at me. I know they saw us, but I'm still walking at that walking pace. But my and Barry whispered: "Cats, don't move for a while, just pretend to be dumb." Cats nodded and understood.

"Stop." The leading Wraith saw us approaching and seemed very embarrassed. Eventually, he brazenly came up and stopped us, but stopped and stopped. This guy is still very polite. It seems that my bluff is still very effective.

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked in a bad tone. As soon as you come up with such a small character, you will be shocked. As long as you relax, he dare to climb up the pole.

The ghost asked very politely: "Three don't they seem dead?"

"Do you recognize this?" What I took out was a pocket card in and out of heaven. This kind of thing is actually useless for ghost management, but this thing is immortal. These little ghosts definitely don't know Xianpai, but they know Xianqi, which will make them misunderstand my identity. Then as long as I scare him again, he will definitely relax.

"I know, I know." The tone of the ghost was different immediately. The attitude just now is like the hotel's welcoming lady to entertain the guests, but it is respectful but not serious; now it has completely become the **** who sees the emperor, and is more enthusiastic than his father. "Shangxian came here to work with you?"

"Is this what you asked?"

"Small should go down to the eighteenth level of hell, and the upper one is wrong." Yu Gui looked sincere and terrified.

"Don't pretend there." I pretended to be proud: "I don't have time for the Seal of the Seal of God to be wasted here. He was very calm when he was born. I just came to investigate the situation.

"Then Shangxian please, the younger did not delay Shangxiangong to do it." He retreated to the side and said, "Shangxian need us to preach for Shangxian?"

"No need."

"..." Yu Gui arched his hand and retreated to the side of the road for us to pass.

I immediately took Awei and they walked forward. The Yan Gui saw their boss like that and quickly learned to bow their hands to face the ground and did not dare to look directly at us. We just walked in with such a swing.

Awei dared to speak only after leaving the gate. "Hello! I admire you so much! This has made you come over!"

I smiled and said, "It would have been better if Xiaolong Nu had just recovered her health and physical discomfort."

The cat also said: "My heart was jumping out just now."

"You don't have to worry so much. You don't have to worry about seeing this kind of ghost. Difu knows that this immortal land is the only king besides the horse head and black and white impermanence."

A Wei immediately corrected: "There is also a Jizo Bodhisattva!"

"The bodhisattva is equivalent to a monk for the fairyland. How can this kind of thing be known when people are not officials at all? Besides, Buddhism came from India. They are just foreign guests."

"Haha, can you still divide it like this?"

"Shh, the front is here again." I have seen the guard, and quickly calmed the cat and A Wei.

This holy gate is actually not a gate in the general sense, it looks like a black vertical vortex there. This door is erected on a square. Surrounded by ghost soldiers with helmets and armor.

"Stop." The ghost commander here is a loyal soul, transformed by the **** loyal soldiers who died on the battlefield, so his character is relatively straightforward, and he still feels welcome to speak immortally.

Such ghosts cannot come hard. I walked over and offered him the waist card. "This seat is the forward of the heaven court. The Emperor Yan reported that the black unicorn penetrated the eighteenth floor of **** and asked the heaven court to send troops to suppress it. The jade emperor sent this seat to determine the situation. This seat is now going to return to life."

The loyal soul just has a stiff personality and is not a bad head. I heard that I am an official from the fairyland school, and of course I have to be kind. The cards I gave him did not understand him, but he was not stupid. He could feel the strong immortality and made him sure that this was indeed the waistband of heaven. In fact, this was originally a genuine Heaven Court waistband, but the use was expanded a little by me.

While returning the waist card to me, Loyal Spirit casually asked, "Why didn't Shangxian return to the heavens from the wheel of the six realms? Isn't that faster?"

I pretended to be surprised: "Wheel of the Six Realms? What is it? Why haven't I heard of it!" Oh! Good team, almost led into the ditch. There is no such thing in heaven. It would be terrible if I just made up a reason. My combat effectiveness has not been fully recovered at present, and the huge part of the devil is still a bit vain. What's more important is that it would be troublesome if the Emperor Yan is recruited, and then I will not shirk responsibility!

Loyalty immediately arched his hand and said, "That's probably my memory. Since Shangxian has something to do with him, please pass it."

I was also not polite, and immediately strode over to Huanyangmen, and Awei and Yeying immediately followed. When I walked to the door, I said to Awei them in a private chat: "I was thinking of the target Ai Xingge when I walked through, otherwise I would be teleported to another place."

Awei and Cats nodded and followed. The picture changed, and we were already standing outside the city of Eichinger.

"Huh! Finally come back!" Cats jumped from Ye Ying's back and wiped the cold sweat on his head.

Awei looked around and asked curiously, "I obviously thought of coming to the gold coins. Why did I come outside the city?"

Cat Cat said disapprovingly: "Aixinger has a transmission shield. Do you think anyone can go in? Why aren't you an old member as much as I know?"

"I know! But how can we not get in ourselves?"

I said, "Because the teleportation array isn't ours. Okay. Anyway, we're out of the city anyway. Hurry in and get the antidote."

Awei suddenly called out, "Yes, tomorrow ... oh no, it's past zero, it should be today. You will go to help Michelle to intercept that Nile at noon today!"

"Cut! Don't think about it ~ ~ Infectious diseases have exploded on a large scale, angels must have been recruited, and they can only blame if they can come out at noon."

"It makes sense to say that, but what if they don't win? You still don't have to prepare early."

"OK, I know."

In order to save time, the Throne of the Seal of God we will not leave, and we will directly return to the city scroll and return to the city. Rose was leaning on the side of the teleportation in the parliament hall. When she saw me coming out, she immediately struggled to crawl over. I hurried over to help her up. "How did you do that?"

"Stop talking, what about antidote? Did you find it?"

"Here it is." I quickly took out a small bottle and matched it to her.

Rose asked with an antidote, "Is that so?"

"No, this is for you. I brought back the recipe and hard-to-find ingredients. Everything else is very easy to find. I remember there are a lot in the guild. We can start dispensing immediately. You drink this first Lie for a while. "

Awei followed and asked, "What about gold coins?"

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