Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 63: Dragon Ring

So many sand silkworms all entered the sand surface, and the sand under our feet immediately turned like a pot. I quickly threw Caraca and the cat on the back of the red spiny, and the red spine immediately took them back and started backing, but the silkworm was faster than him and we were surrounded as soon as we turned around.

boom! There was a sudden loud noise in the sand around us, and a sand wall came flat to cover us all. The sandworm apparently hollowed out the sand under our feet to complete the sand wall. As soon as it rose, our feet were empty, and the entire ground fell down. The surrounding sand wall suddenly smashed down due to our falling inertia. I was planning to spread my wings and fly out when I was wrong. Unfortunately, the sand fell too fast. I was smashed less than two meters from the ground Back on the ground, thousands of tons of sand buried us alive instantly.

Above the desert there was a moment of silence, and everything stopped as if nothing had been born. Ten seconds later, a sudden blast on the sand opened a large pit, and the tank flew out with me, and the red thorns climbed out from below.

Awei spit out the sand in his mouth and said, "I trust! I thought it was dead!"

Cats looked around. "What about the bug? Why did the attack stop suddenly?"

Almost immediately after the cat had finished talking, a head popped up under the red thorn's feet, where the level of silkworm emerged from under the red thorn's belly and turned the red thorn to the ground. Although the raid was successful, it forgot that it was not just a large creature with red spines.

"Tank." I yelled at the sandworm to remind the tank to attack.

A swift hammer from the tank smashed into the past, and the action of the silkworm was stopped abruptly. But just as the tank wanted to go up for a second combo, a big silkworm suddenly appeared under the ground next to it. The tank had to give up the opportunity to attack and turned to resist the attack of the silkworm. These sandworms were obviously under the command of the guy just now, and they foolishly used a trick. The sandworms appearing on the side turned around and did not enter the sand surface. Instead, the class sandworm slammed its head. The tank was not right, it was too late to turn around, and hit the side fiercely, and immediately hurled and flew out.

I want to help in the past. But there are dozens of sandworms appearing alternately below me. These guys don't hit me at all, they disappear every time I spit out a sand ball. I chase this and that come out, and I chase that and this come out, anyway, just playing with me.

"Zero" is very different from other online games, where monsters can also cooperate with each other. It is clear evidence like this. I haven't seen Level 1000 monsters, and I have never been so difficult to deal with them. The key problem is that the 800-level intelligent creatures cooperate with these sandworms. Ten thousand fierce soldiers can be defeated, but ten thousand fierce soldiers plus a cunning general is another matter.

"Help!" Cat suddenly called. As soon as I looked back, I saw she was brought under the ground by a silkworm, and her cry disappeared under the ground.

"Xiaofeng, prodigal son, come out to help."

I do n’t really know what to do now. The other party ’s strength is not weak. In addition, we have an absolute advantage, and we are very passive. Shouting the two phoenixes is actually just a temporary top-up. The phoenix is ​​even more powerful as a bird. The enemy below the ground is not that they can easily deal with the ground.

"Watch your back!" A Wei suddenly shouted at me, and as soon as I turned around, I saw a big mouth rushing up.

"Ah!" I was startled by the big mouth that suddenly came over. Instinctively reached out to block.

Roar! A huge dragon groan shook my ears. The sandworm that came at me fell straight and fell on the sand. It seemed to be hurt by the sound just now.

I was wondering where the sound came from, and now a black gas appeared from the dragon ring on my left hand. When I noticed the black gas, a distant voice sounded in my ear: "I am an abandoned dragon warrior. Call my name and give you resistance."

gosh! I know what your name is? Quickly asked: "What's your name?" Without any answer, the voice completely disappeared, it seemed to be waiting for my call. Does this guy need my name to take effect?

This guy is an abandoned dragon warrior, which shows that the fighting ability is very strong. But the dragon's name is messy, how do I know what his name is! "Minglong?" No response. "Dead Dragon?" Still no response.

boom! The sandworm did not give me the time to study the throne of God Seal, a sandworm rushed out of me and swept me out.

"Xinglong, Xinglong, Fire Dragon, Water Dragon, Bone Dragon, Undead Dragon, Evil Dragon, whatever your name is, come out and help!"

There was a sudden and crisp sound in my hand, and the evil dragon ring flashed a dazzling red light. Four black gas flowed out of the ring. The black gas passed along my arms to me like four black snakes and wrapped me in quickly. Although I was blown away, the black gas floated with me and did not land.

Black Qi Xun penetrated along my body, and then a dragon groan suddenly appeared again in the evil dragon ring. A black translucent ghost-like dragon emerged from the ring.

"Haha! Free at last." As soon as the black gas came out, he looked around immediately, and then he suddenly showed me. "Did you let me out? As a thank you, I will leave you with the spirit of courage. I am going to reincarnate myself, and it will be indefinite." The black dragon did not give me a chance to talk. It became two dragons. One is a translucent black dragon, and the other is a white transparent dragon. After the white is formed, it suddenly turns into a light ball and flies away.

The black dragon left behind suddenly said: "I will give you divine power to become a dragon in the name of the evil dragon **** Ban Nong Lan. I will be with you when the darkness covers the earth."

My body suddenly moved by itself, I could feel my body but couldn't control myself. The black dragon entered my body as a black ball, but my body thought uncontrollably: "Guardian-Dragon Spirit Guard."

A black dragon silhouette suddenly flashed behind my ground, and then I sprayed black mist from my body like a smoke bomb. These mists were divided into two parts, and one part rose to the sky to block the sun over the entire battlefield. , The other part formed a layer of dark fog just before the knee joint on the ground.

After the sun was blocked, the surrounding temperature suddenly began to plummet, and some white ghosts began to float around. A Wei shouted exaggeratedly: "I rely on! Ah come so many undead!"

Cats and Caracas are less courageous than A Wei. They were all dressed up calmly and kept still, in fact, they were already terrified. After all, those ghosts flying around were not normal people, not only ugly and horrible, but also brought a gust of wind when they passed by. Make people feel upright.

I looked at the dark mist around me in surprise, then looked at my ring again. "Haha! This is how the guardian of the evil dragon works!" I fished a little black fog under my feet again. If there is nothing wrong, this should be the attribute of the evil dragon on the guardian ring of the evil dragon. However, this was the first time I saw it started. I didn't expect the effect to be so exaggerated, and the surrounding area was covered by evil spirits. It's like sneaky.

The surrounding silkworms obviously didn't like this kind of black mist. They just touched it and hid in the sand in panic. Only some heads dared to pop out occasionally. At the same time as the silkworm was suppressed, the black demon halo under my feet flashed a dazzling light. The evil spirit was simply * to the black demon halo. The halo instantly expanded a circle, and the rotation was significantly accelerated.

Generally speaking, after harmony, I should be able to use the skills of the other team. I do n’t know what skills the evil dragon has left. Hurry up and check the list of skills, there are really some pink skills, these skills are physical skills. As with the Phantom Land momentary movement, as soon as the end of the body and the body can not be used immediately. Roughly scanned various skills and I understand. It turns out that the skills of evil dragons are almost all offensive. This guy is a class war machine that uses attack instead of defense.

The classworm had suddenly emerged from the ground again. The tank responded quickly and fired a griffon bomb when it appeared. Theworm did not know that this thing was very powerful. It thought it was very powerful. So flashed to the side without hardwired. This time wasted the seal of the throne, and the tank's kill is ready. Boom, a purple light ball flew out.

"Go back to the pit!" I yelled after I shouted. They run much faster than me. As soon as the tank was ready to shoot, they understood that this time it was a powerful magic crystal bombardment, so they all jumped back into the big pit that just came out.

boom! The light sphere is the head of an intermediate sandworm. The magic crystal bombardment is the housekeeping skill of the tank, and this time it is a full power shot, the power is naturally not small. Looking at the small ball of light, the power of the explosion is like a small nuclear bomb. The sand blown by the shock wave instantly buried us alive again. The sand dunes where the wind was swept away became sand bunkers, but the sand bunkers became flat land.

The power of the explosion was too great, and the surrounding area returned to light for a moment, and the evil spirits that had just dispersed were blown away. After ten seconds or so, the surroundings calmed down again.

"Black Dragon Storm!" A black tornado suddenly appeared on the calm sand, and the sand was all sucked up, and they and the tank appeared in the pit.

"Did you kill it?" Caraca asked.

I rose quickly from the pit, the black mist spread again, and the sky was covered by dark clouds again. "It seems to be dead." In this black mist, I was more likely to see the enemy, because it was all black, and the enemy was as eye-catching as the big light bulb in the night.

Cats followed me out of the bunker. "Zi Ri, how did you get the black mist? If the little sand silkworms weren't dared to come out by the black mist, the tank would never have the chance to attack that level of attack.

"This is a ring I got in Long Island before, but it hasn't been activated. Today, I only need to call for the effect."

"No wonder."

boom! We were talking about the sand next to it suddenly flying up, and that class of silkworm did not die. "Fuck! Is this guy immortal?" I never thought that something was hit directly by a tank attack and it wasn't dead. But what made me a little bit more happy was that there was a big hole behind the guy's head that was spitting green pulp out, obviously not badly injured.

Woo! The first grade silkworm made a cry, I always thought that this thing would not be called! Kuangnu's class sand silkworm rushed towards me again, but I planned to experiment with the power behind the body and did not blink away at all. I folded my palms on my chest and slowly pulled them apart. The arc flashed between my palms. A small black light ball appeared on my palm and gradually increased as the distance between my palms widened. When the level of silkworm hit me, my light ball just completed. "Soulball."

As soon as I pushed the light ball out, it collided with the silkworm. These two unconventional things actually stood back and forth as if they were on top of each other, and the arc of Mars flashed at the junction, but no one could push them.

On the surface, it seems that we have a tie. Actually, I know that my ground power is still not as good as this level of silkworm, because the light ball is not shot. I just support the power of this thing with my magic , But now my magic value is decreasing. Seeing to run out. Fortunately, the situation is now reversed. Ordinary sandworms are afraid of being fooled by evil spirits. Grade sandworms are now a pair of us all. After he and I carried him, neither side could move, but my bell knight and Awei would not be idle.

"Come on!" Scarlett yelled, 21 bell knights rushed up, and tanks and red spines went up to help. Grade sandworms didn't dare to move when they felt the pain in their bodies. Now that the two sides are fighting hard, it's not so easy when it relaxes.

The ringing knight and Awei's attack by several of their players is not a big deal, and the keys are tank and red spine. These two guys chop directly on the level sandworm, and if they do n’t move, they will be eaten. Lost.

The level of distraction power of the first grade silkworm did not control well. My light sphere broke through its skull. Immediately after the silkworms swept away the fallen leaves, the silkworm force flew backwards along the body of the silkworm, and the body of the large silkworm almost splashed like tofu. The light ball seemed to spin in, throwing out all the guy's internal organs.

"Explosion!" After the light ball completely entered the body of the silkworm, I cut off the control of it. The lightball exploded immediately, and the middle of the sandworm's belly suddenly burst out. The whole sandworm became countless fragments flying everywhere.

"Oops! The door!" Caraca suddenly remembered that the door was still on the guy's head. Just now the bomber didn't know where the door could go.

The cat suddenly pointed in one direction and shouted, "There. There, I see it."

As I was about to pass, a black light ball suddenly flew out of my chest and entered the evil dragon ring, and the evil spirit around it gradually dissipated. The ring and body of the ring originally had some restrictions, but anyway, it is not needed anymore, so it disappears.

Everyone rushed to the gate and looked dumbfounded. This gold gate is made of pure gold, and the hardness of this thing is hard to admire. The golden gate in front of us is basically no longer visible. I would say that this sculpture made by Picasso is also believed.

"What can I do?" A Wei turned several times around the golden door of this exploded elephant-like abstract artwork.

Cats said: "This thing doesn't seem to be very deformed. How about we pull it to its original shape?"

"It seems that this can only be done." After Caraca said, they looked at me together.

"What do you guys look at me for? Well, can I come?" I moved my lower arm: "Huh! Isn't it just strength!" Gold itself is very soft. After I became a werewolf, this thing and dough also Almost, knead as much as you want.

The most important door panel of the gate cannot be opened because it is completely bent inside. I first stepped on the side and forced the door open so that the door panel was facing outside. The next action is to return some deformed positions that affect the opening of the door to their original shape. Because this gate is a portal, I'm not sure if it can be used as long as it can be opened like other gates. In order to ensure safety, I have to turn eternal into a small hammer and knock slowly.

It took me more than half an hour to finally get the door, although it was a little strange in shape, at least I could see that it was a door. I lifted the door with a stingy mood and grabbed the door handle and gently pulled it. Everyone instantly petrified.

My hand grabbed the doorknob and pulled it open, and the doorknob followed the movement of my hand very well. The only problem was that the door did not move with the handle. I looked at the handle in my hand and didn't know what to do. Already.

"Dizzy! You won't take it lightly?" Cat to blame me.

"I dare not work hard!"

"How come that doorknob? Can you drop it without force?" He patted the door. "Look, it's okay to shoot like this, you say it's useless!" Bang Rong.

Cat's mouth can't be opened and closed, and the golden gate next to us has only a frame left. The door panel fell down from the other side after the cat was photographed.

"It's completely done now, how can we use the door panel when it's gone?" Awei and Caraca asked looking at the door frame without the door panel.

Scarlett stood behind me and said, "Master, in fact, I think you think something is wrong."

"What is it?" I looked back at Skott.

"Is it so easy to break magic items?"

All of us are stupidly asked this question. This is really a matter of concern and chaos, and even such a simple question has not been figured out. Gold is definitely very soft, but gold is a good storage of magic. After storing magic, gold can be completely solid, but this golden door is soft like noodles, obviously this is just ordinary gold.

"Rose Vine!" I quickly summoned Rose Vine to help. "Use the root system to check if there is any other metal around, and by the way, look at the smaller sandworms that are still there." The sandworms haven't moved since I was just killed. I guess they probably escaped, and now they just let the roses Fuji by the way verify.

After the rose vine entered the ground for a while, it reported that there were no existing enemies. It seemed that the small sand silkworms had run out. After waiting for a while, the rose vine popped out of the ground, and his tentacle actually rolled up something.

"What is this?" The cat looked at the yellow object and stayed.

"This looks like a golden puppet!" A Wei's eyes flashed with light.

Caraca looked at it, "Isn't this a sandworm sculpture?"

We were all told by what he said. This huge gold object is a spiralling sandworm, and this guy still has a huge mouth open and seems to want to swallow something.

"Is this the door?" I asked, uncertainly.

"This?" Caracas glanced at the sculpture: "Not an elephant? It doesn't matter how you look at this thing!"

Mao Mao said: "I have come to agree with Ziri's view ~ ~ No one said that the gate must be square! Maybe this is the gate."

"What about the entrance?" Caraca asked.

A Wei said: "Maybe that mouth is the entrance."

I climbed to the big mouth and shouted into it, then turned my ears into the big mouth and waited for a while, but didn't seem to hear any echo. "Don't guess, this is the entrance."

"How do you know?"

"Since this thing has a hole in it, it must be a hollow pipe. If it is sealed, I should echo the shout, but I haven't heard anything, which means that there is another exit in it."

"Well, this makes perfect sense." Caraca is a German, after all, and the common problem of rigid dogma seems to be well expressed in him.

"Don't hesitate then, come in!" I jumped into that big mouth as soon as I turned around.

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