Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 40: The magic war in reality (1)

"Five hundred kilograms? That's half a ton! If a person weighs half a ton, what is it like to become fat?" Ling immediately denied the result.

Xiaochun said: "If it's Fat Cheng, let alone a fight, walking is a problem. Unless it's tall?"

"Not right! Five hundred kilograms still need to guarantee the basic figure, that height must not be lower than 7 meters, is that still human? Titans are almost the same! But this is outside the game!" Wei Na put forward her opinion.

"Then there is only one possibility."

"What is possible?"

I explained: "According to my understanding of the technology systems of other countries, if there are really any special characters who should not appear, it is definitely not a pure biological product like ours. The technology in Europe is biased towards microelectronics, and the United States In favor of mechatronics, Japan has borrowed a little bit from China and the United States plus some of their own technology, so 10% * are electronic people, as to which type is uncertain. "

"What is an electronic person?" Skott didn't quite understand it.

"Electronics are more complicated to say, you just understand them as a puppet."

"Monster? Well, if you say that, it's very defensive?" Ling, however, has met the Guild of our guild, so she knows it better.

It ’s terrible, Ling ’s knowledge is too complicated, and the consequence of learning machine learning is that in a short time, the content is remembered in the throne of the Seal of God but not fully understood. Many things have only preliminary concepts and I need to help him analyze it. "I just said that the puppets just give you a rough definition. It's not clear what those things are, and the scope of the electronic man is very light. I'm not sure whether it is a person who is completely made of electronic equipment or is a living person's electronic transformation. Or humans under the structure of a machine. This can only be determined by looking at the real thing. They are not necessarily the same as our puppets. "

"Anyway, let's go and see first."

Although the botanical garden is large. But with our initial memories, we quickly determined the approximate location. We didn't see the target when we reached the place where it was shocked at first, but obviously there was a struggle here. Three large trees the size of a bucket were lying on the ground, and the fractures were uneven, apparently being broken by something.

"Can you feel anything?" I saw Emmys closed her eyes and seemed to be using her special abilities.

Amynis didn't answer me right away, but after a few seconds she suddenly opened her eyes. "They were really here just now, but now they ran over there. I saw them in the eyes of a bird. Those people were not like puppets at all. They were not much different from us.

"Anyway, catch up first."

Amenities can establish contact with animals, so we are almost equivalent to countless spies helping us to detect intelligence. But Aimeness had a flawed ability. She wasn't talking to animals, she was controlling them, so she couldn't ask what the animals saw. Unless the controlled animal is directly seeing or hearing the information we need. Otherwise, it will not help us, so the search rate is slightly slower.

We chased all the way to the wall of the botanical garden, and the enemy had already ran out from here. There is still a large hole in the wall.

"It's really brutal!" Ling shook his head while looking at the hole.

I also nodded: "It's really someone else's thing that doesn't hurt. Obviously you can jump out. You have to run through the wall to show how strong you are."

Xiaochun asked Emerson: "Can you find them?"

Emmys shook her head: "There are no animals available nearby."

"Can't insects do it?"

"Insects have special eyesight. I ca n’t understand what they see." Although Emily has special abilities, her thinking mode is still human. After all, insect eyes are so special that there is no dedicated nervous system It is impossible to analyze what the insect sees.

I suddenly remembered that these people might be electronic people, so there should be electromagnetic signals. "Xiaochun, can you sense changes in the magnetic field?"

"Yes. But what do you want me to feel?"

"Human-shaped magnetic fields are in the form of a cycle. Those electronic people should have strong electromagnetic radiation."

"I see." Xiaochun closed her eyes and waited for two seconds before she opened. "There are eight of them."

"Scott, let others know that we don't have to keep the door. Follow our smell."

"Understood." Scarlett took out something that resembled a toothbrush handle and put it on his ears to start communicating with the bell knights.

Xiaochun can easily track those people with electromagnetic changes. They have been running, but they have not left school, and they are always walking around *.

"What the **** are they doing? Why are they always around the botanical garden?" I couldn't bear it.

Emmys said: "Are they already here?"

Wei Na nodded immediately: "We can show them, they may show us. They have tasks to be done here. But because we started, they started running, but they were not willing to leave, so they were always pocket*."

"That makes sense," I said to Jingjing. "Scott and I will show you up, and see where those people are."

"Okay, come on."

Scarlett and I built a tic-tac-toe frame with our hands, and Jingjing jumped lightly to the backs of our two hands, and then my body sank. Skott and I also squatted at the same time. When Skott and I squatted to the bottom, I suddenly bounced upwards and threw Jingjing upwards at the same time, and Jingjing also jumped up by our strength.

We have played this kind of throwing action in the game, so coordination is not a problem, but we slightly miscalculated our own strength, Jingjing slammed into the sky, and our vision group only saw a black spot.

After almost ten seconds, Jingjing came down again. The three of me and Scot and Lingling accurately caught her, but the impact force all three of our feet got under the ground. Fortunately, I wore flat-bottomed leather shoes today.

"did you see it?"

Jing's eyesight is relatively good among us, and she was right to throw her up. Jingjing pointed in one direction: "They went back to the hill in the center of the botanical garden, and they seemed to be two gangs, one of them was injured."

I turned around and said to the ringing knights who just ran back, "You still keep the door!" It seems that these people will not leave here.

"I rely! We have just returned!"

"This is to blame those guys. I thought they would run away, but I don't know if they would come back."

"Ah! Then we go back." The 13 bell knights of the goalkeeper ran out in four groups.

This time we learned to be clever, first spread people apart and surround them from all sides. As Emmys and Wina had guessed. These people can really show us, but their instruments are obviously not as good as our ability, it seems that we can only show us within 500 meters. We went up and down in all directions. They showed up but we didn't have a way to escape. We were gradually forced together.

It may have been forced, and those people suddenly split into two pieces and ran out in two directions. Do they want to break through?

A small pure sound came from the wireless headphones on the ears. "What should we do if they run separately?"

"We are crowded and simply surrounded by each other."


The group that came to my side was three people. Chili and Long followed me to intercept them. In addition, there were four ringing knights, including Sige, Vera, Sister and Furuibo. The three were I thought about breaking through, although I felt we were approaching, I still rushed over without turning.

I finally saw them on a gravel path. All three were wearing casual sportswear, and all looked Asian, about 20 years old. A lot of people like them are caught in our school. Unless they meet the electronic detection door, no one will find that they are not students in our school.

The reason I decided at a glance that they were the person I was looking for, not the student, was because our school students would never run through the woods with a pistol at 100 kilometers per hour. Three were two men and one woman, and the woman's one seemed to have a high official position. They had known that we surrounded them, so there was no confusion at all, and they shot at us as soon as they appeared in sight.

I jumped out and jumped out. The dirt on the ground behind me jumped and calmed down. This guy's weapon is silent, and it's not using solid ammunition, but I don't know what it shoots. But it doesn't look very powerful.

After I was driven away by that guy's weapon, they continued to rush forward without any loss, apparently trying to break through from here. I grabbed a stone from the terrain and threw it over. The guy who fired at me blocked it with a gun. The special pistol smashed and cracked. Hey, is the stone I throw so good?

Although the man was surprised but did not diminish, he continued to rush forward, and suddenly a dazzling light ball flew over the woods, but this light ball was not so simple. It was a plasma, a highly compressed electric field cluster. After the light ball hit the ground, there was no sound or explosion, but it disappeared on the ground instantly, but the three men suddenly screamed and flew out at the same time.

Three people fell to the ground and quickly got up, but they looked very embarrassed. These people were as if they were struck by lightning. They were not only full of smoke but also exaggerated, they were real explosive heads.

Pepper came out of the woods and looked at the three people. They also understood who put the light ball. One of the men suddenly jumped up and rushed to the pepper. When the man rushed to the pepper, he suddenly pointed his finger. Holding that man's head, the guy was also very powerful, a squat, a white light ball flying from the tip of the pepper rubbed his head and flew over. The next two people quickly flashed off the light ball. Although this is a lot smaller than the previous one, the hits just now are so powerful. If they hit directly, it is estimated that there is no gray left. The flying ball of light hit an uncle, but in a flash, the leaves of the entire tree were all burned, and the bark was completely blown up, as if the inside of the tree had exploded.

In fact, the compressed plasma of pepper is not a single type. Spherical lightning is just a generic name. It is actually classified. The people who just electrocuted those people are inductive spherical lightning. The power is not great, but it will be in an area. A strong electric field is formed and the Seal of the Throne is maintained for three to no seconds. During this time, any object near the area of ​​the Seal of the Seal will be shocked because of the difference in its electric field. And this one that just exploded the tree just now is a high-energy spherical lightning. Its principle is somewhat like a microwave oven, but it is not too fast. It can instantly heat various forms of matter. Just because the water in the trunk was suddenly vaporized into water vapor. And burst open the trunk.

Besides, the attacking man has rushed to Chili ~ ~ He is very satisfied with his movements, not only flashed a fatal blow, but also stuck to the enemy, this distance is enough to destroy the enemy.

But unfortunately, he regards pepper as an ability, but in fact, pepper is not an ability. This guy thinks that pepper will only make electric balls, and he can beat her as long as he is close.

Chili is also slightly surprised by the guy who flashed away from her attack. She has been accused of being fragile since she was created. For the first time, existing people can compare with her, but her strength is there after all After being surprised, there was still enough time for the Seal of the Seal to respond.

After a tiny impact, Chili and the guy pressed against each other. Chili and the guy faced each other's left hand and pinched each other's right hand, and the right hand pinched each other's left hand, and the arms of the two men were thus raised. However, the weight of the pepper seemed to be much worse than this guy. After the two people hit each other, the pepper was pushed back by more than ten meters before stopping, and two large grooves were pulled **** the ground.

Both sides were quite surprised, because the arms of the two people were almost the same, and no one could gain the upper hand. I looked at the man, and his body was not very strong. How could that small thin arm block the explosive cells of the biochemical cells in the pepper? What about power?

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