Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 15: Complicated situation

Volume 9 Chapter 15 Complex Situations

Woma saw that the two of us were so fanatical and quickly poured cold water on us. "You better not hold too much hope. Even if you can actually build an aircraft, it is probably not something that ordinary people can control."

The rose standing next to him asked, "Don't we have an air turbine? If it can be miniaturized, how about building an airplane with it?"

Woma shook her head. "The volume of the air turbine itself is difficult to shrink, and the size of the magic crystal power extractor is very large, even if it uses a single thruster, it will not be much smaller."

"That is to say, there is no problem in building a large air fortress but you cannot build a small aircraft?"

"Roughly the same!"

I told Woma: "No matter how much it is now, your technical department should study it quickly. Success is the best, and failure is nothing. By the way, the most urgent thing now is to study the energy extractor."

"What energy extractor?" Ashford alertly asked the key question.

"This is useless as you know, because this technology involves a rare mineral, and this mineral is so small in total. Even if we have developed this technology, it can only be used by itself, you don't ask. Right, you are Is n’t Long running Essinger just to see my new city? ”

Ashford laughed. "Of course not. I have another important piece of news for you."

"What news?"

"News from East Timor."

When I heard the news from East Timor, the spirit came immediately. Last time East Timor was bought by the Japanese, then I planned to grab East Timor. However, I heard Ashford said that the Americans also want to start, so I didn't do it. Later, I happened to encounter the event of the Four Gods, which delayed the Seal of the Throne for a long time. In the end, it's been almost half a month until now, I don't know how things are going. I said to Ashford: "That land is now occupied by the Americans?"

Ashford immediately shook his head: "If I was occupied by the Americans, what else would I come to you for?"

"Ah? The Americans didn't grab that field?"

Ashford nodded. "No, they failed."

"So the Japanese occupied it? How could that be the case? Is the Japanese so powerful?"

Ashford said: "You did underestimate the power of the Japanese, but the land is not in the hands of the Japanese as you think."

"I'm all confused by you, what's going on?"

"Things are complicated." Ashoford explained: "On the final day, the Japanese sent a large number of warships to the area and concentrated a lot of power to defend the city. There were also many Americans who started. But there is a problem. The Americans who participated in the war did not discuss it in advance. They all wanted to swallow the land alone. As a result, they had not dealt with the Japanese. They had already suffered a loss.


"It will be more interesting afterwards." Ashford laughed. "Hey, did your observation ship only report here?"

This guy Ashford really sells. In fact, I have sent an observation ship to the scene to monitor the fighting in East Timor. I can tell what happened. But people are not as good as heaven. At that time, foggy weather appeared in the waters around East Timor, and three of my observation ships hit the reef. Another one rushed to the coast. One of the last two left was forced to return due to a mechanical failure, and the other was hit by an American enclave stray bomb during spectacles, so my information only came here. It was gone, and later we were busy over the sky, and we could n’t control the company.

Asheford has no choice but to sell him. I had to take him to the luxurious reception room on the top of Isinger to send tea and water while setting up information. Asheford enjoyed the artwork in my luxurious reception room for a long time and put it on the shelf before he said, "Actually it's not just you. I'm also confused."

"How to say?" "At that time, the American forces participating in the East Timor contention were divided into three. All three of these forces saw your monitoring ship. They accidentally sank your observation ship during the melee. am I right?"

Nod. "What happened then?"

"Later, it was lively." Ashford laughed. "After the American Fleet ended, the three parties understood that they had no ability to **** East Timor from the Japanese, so they chose to retreat wisely. I thought That's the end of it. Who knows that another fleet has appeared, and this fleet is still my acquaintance. "

"Your acquaintance?"

Ashford said: "In fact, you have also seen it, I do n’t know if you remember it. His name is Silo Paderick, heir of the German Paderick family. You met before. The guy was in Germany is our main competitor. After the Americans left, the Slovak Derek's fleet arrived, and quickly replaced the American positions and began to approach East Timor. This fleet was scary. I was in Germany. No one in the intelligence network told me that Paderick had so many warships. Fortunately, he had exposed his strength for this battle, otherwise I'm afraid he would be secretly accounted for by him. "

"How did they fight the Japanese?"

Ashford said immediately: "They and Japan did not get angry at all."

"Ah? How could there be no crossfire? Did they go to help the Japanese defend?"


"Why not crossfire."

Because a new fleet arrived. "

"I depend! Who came out again? This battle really attracted the attention of the world!"

Ashford said: "That's why I said this battle was particularly chaotic! Paderick's fleet suddenly appeared when it came into contact with the Japanese. This was an Australian fleet. I had never before I know there is another such fleet. "

"Is it special?"

"Special, very special. Although Paderick's fleet is not as good as your prefecture-level battleships, their strength is not to be underestimated. At least their number cannot be easily eliminated. But this Australian fleet has won. Their fleet is only half the number of Paderick's fleet, but they have easily resolved the battle. "

"Don't they have missiles?"

"That's not there." Asheford's words reassured me a little, but the words behind him worried me again. Ashford said: "All Australian warships in this fleet are equipped with a class fast gun. The firepower of this kind of gun is not outstanding. My people say that the power of that kind of shell is far less than that of your guild. Powerful, but the fire of that kind of artillery is crazy. The artillery on those warships is like semi-automatic rifles, almost three seconds and two. Although the power of a single artillery shell is not good, but no one can hit such a dense barrage Stay! Paderick ’s fleet is only finished after two rounds of gunfire have been completed. "

"Is this too fierce?"

"In my opinion, this kind of artillery is completely based on victory. If the same warship is fired too many times at the same time, the shock waves generated by the explosion will interfere with each other. The warships are not shattered by the cross interference of the shock waves. Even if you are equipped with class armor like your warship, it will be scattered as long as it cannot resist the attack of high frequency shock waves. The thicker the armor, the more likely it is to break, so your large warships are not as reliable as small warships when they encounter them. "

I shook my head: "No, my battleship has a mirage system, they can't see us, and my range is absolutely above them. Even if they rush near us and show our specific location, I still have The airborne sound barrier system can easily intercept barrage attacks such as grenades. A class battleship is not called a class battleship because of its greatness. All the equipment of a class battleship is level, do not think that my battleship can be easily Sink. "

Ashford said: "Paderick also said that his fleet was invincible, but he was not sunk in the end?"

"This is not the same. It is not certain that we will not fight together. I will not discuss this now, but tell me what happened later? After Paderick's fleet sank? This fleet and the Japanese fought?"

Ashford shook his head again: "The Australian fleet really wanted to fight the Japanese after destroying Paderick's fleet, but at this time a fleet of American guilds emerged. Because of the late arrival, They just avoided the scuffle of the three major American guilds, but they encountered the Australian fleet. "

"Paderick's fleet can't beat the Australian fleet. Isn't this new fleet equivalent to death?"

"It turned out to be the opposite." Ashford laughed. "This time it's too dramatic. The cannons of the Australian fleet are really powerful. But they consume as much ammunition as their power. After killing Paderick ’s fleet, the Australian fleet has almost used up all its shells. The remaining shells are not enough to form a barrage, and their shells are too weak. Single shots are meaningless. "

"You mean they were eliminated without shells?"

"The Australians know that their artillery is a waste of artillery shells, so they have a lot of supply ships behind their fleet, but they have just arrived after the Americans with Paderick's fleet, and they have no time for the Seal of the Throne to carry the cannonballs from the supply ship It turned out that the Americans were overwhelmed. "

"It's miserable!"

Ashford said excitedly: "The tragedy is still behind! The Americans also lost some warships after destroying the Australian fleet. After all, this American guild is not a major guild. As a result, their warships were wounded. I ’m going to defend the Japanese who are attacking East Timor. But the Japanese have watched the good show for a long time, and they ca n’t help but decide to participate in the show themselves. ”

"Then the American Guild is dead?"

Ashford nodded. "The guild's fleet was severely beaten by the Japanese fleet without even setting up the formation, and in the end, none of the ships ran away."

"So the Japanese should have succeeded in defense? Why do you say that the Japanese did not catch it?"

"The Japanese also have an idea with you. They think that they have finally succeeded in defending. Originally, they had stockpiled a large number of unmanned and ammunition to prepare for this attack. I did not expect that the attacking people would fight each other themselves, and finally they let them pick up. Ready-made cheap. Those Japanese have not yet come to celebrate victory. Another new fleet has appeared. "

"Are there new people?"

Ashford laughed. "This time the fleet is very famous. You will meet them."

"Meet me? Is it the Korean fleet?"

"Tip you, it's a silver battleship."

"Silver-white ...? Is it the Imperial Fleet? The British are also tangled in?"

"Haha! Who is the wood in East Timor that is so valuable, and who doesn't see it? The British Empire fleet never left European waters, but this time the Japanese rushed far and wide from Europe to Asia. There are indeed a lot of fleets, but it is not enough to meet the old naval power. The British sent the Japanese warships to the ocean floor in a total of twenty minutes. "

"So that says Timor-Leste is under British control?"

"No!" Ashford's answer surprised me.

"Will there be a new fleet again?"

"There is indeed a new fleet, but this fleet is not very good. This new fleet is French and not very many. Their battle with the British soon ended and the French lost a third of their land. The rest of the battleships ran back again. The British lost a third of the battleships from their appearance to their defeat. However, the remaining battleships cooperated with ground forces to capture 6 cities on the ground and seized East Timor. "Then how do you say the British did not get the city?"

"They grabbed it, but they couldn't hold it. The American forces appeared again. And this time they attacked from the 6th ground. The Americans and the British fought a scuffle in the forest. The British fleet could not see the target. It ’s not good to support, you can only rely on people to fight. At first, the British played too hard against the Japanese. At this time, there were not many people left, and they were quickly defeated. However, the British used their own advantages to fire. The Americans were blocked in the forest, and they finally saved one of the most eastern cities, Tutuala. The British used the squadron's artillery to suppress the small city like this village. The Americans thought that if they hit it again, they would lose too much. There was no further offensive. But the French fleet returned suddenly. The British fleet was heavily damaged by the attack. Although the French did not get any good, they let the British completely wipe out. Tutuara was occupied by the French. , But the French fleet had only three ships remaining and was stranded on the shallows. "

"So Americans control most of it?"

"The Americans did get most of the area, but the Indonesians suddenly appeared and started to fight back."

"You say an Indonesian exiled?"

"Well. They happened to be on the siege day, so they focused their attention and hit the Americans by surprise. The American guild had already suffered a serious loss, and then came back and finally couldn't stand it. Fortunately, the strength of the Indonesians was not good. The Americans have been divided. The land in East Timor that is not connected to the mainland and the nearby Indonesian city of Ketamananu have been obtained by Indonesians. Now Indonesia has returned. "


"It's funny? I think it's incredible. They were reinstated so soon, but the two cities are not large. It doesn't matter."

I asked, "What about the large forest in the middle of East Timor? Was it occupied by the Americans?"

"There were also some problems on that land. The Japanese even established a small new village in the woods, everyone did n’t know, so there was a small area controlled by the Japanese there, and then the exiles in East Timor moved. Counterattack, they recaptured Dili from the Americans. "

"So East Timor is back?"

"Well. East Timor has been restored to the same country as Indonesia, but the land area has shrunk a lot. After that, new forces emerged and a Canadian fleet came over. Although their strength was not good, after all, the people here couldn't fight the ground. There was no extra force to counter them. The Americans knew that it was impossible to defend such a large area, so they gave up two cities and took control of a relatively large village to the south. The Canadians came and occupied a seaside village. The remaining one was The Italians who arrived later occupied it. "

"I rely! Such a big place is actually crowded with so many countries!"

"That's why it's so interesting this time!"

"Fortunately, I didn't drip this muddy water, otherwise it would be me!"

Ashford said: "Speaking of which this land has been divided up by everyone, in fact, no one has fallen into good hands, everyone's input is very large, and what is worse is who is ultimately not in the end, I see the final layout there It might change. "

"No matter who his hands are, I won't intervene anyway, that **** place is a bottomless pit!"

"Haha! I didn't know who was calling for a kick?"

"I didn't know that the situation was so complicated at that time!" I suddenly remembered that Ashford asked me to say that there must be a reason for this. "Ashford, you tell me it's not as simple as letting me know what the situation is?"

"Of course." Ashford said immediately. "To put it bluntly, people are not robbing the land there for the trees."

"Then why are you looking for me?"

Ashford said: "You will have a large diving dock, right?"

"How do you know?" I don't remember telling Ashford! Do we have spies in our trade?

Ashford dismissively said: "The last time you attacked the Japanese in an island in the storm zone, they were captured by the Japanese. The guy is not that small? Can you tell me how big the earth is?"

"It's pretty much the same size as six aircraft carriers."

Ashoford thought about it and suddenly said, "Yes. It's big enough. Shall we cooperate? Smuggling with that thing?"


Ashford said: "I have a large logging machine in my guild, and you happen to have a large diving dock. Why don't we go to East Timor to steal wood together? You help me transport the logging machine to East Timor, and then we start cutting trees, you The puppet is just suitable for carrying down the cut trees. With my machines, I think you can fill your large diving dock in three or four hours. As long as you can do it more than ten times, we are equivalent to occupying East Timor. The cities are almost the same. Anyway, after removing the operating and maintenance costs and the war costs from the value of those trees, there are about 10 ships left. If we steal them, we will have no money to buy or sell? "

"Everyone says that Germans are rigid like wood. How do I think you look like loach?"

"My grandmother is Jewish!"

"No wonder!" I patted my head and said, "With the degree and carrying capacity of the Great White Shark, you can really make a big comparison if you do this, but ..."

"what's wrong?"

"How to calculate dividends?"

Ashford replied quickly: "Three or seven points. You seven or three."

"The deal. But I'm only in charge of transportation. You have to be responsible for cutting down trees and vigilance."

"No problem," Ashford said with a smile: "As long as we can ship a boat back, we will have a net profit of 1 million crystal coins. I can get 300,000 in the 37-story account, which is very profitable!"

"The great white shark is not very fast. If it is shipped from East Timor to Isingra, will this be too far away?"

Ashford smiled and said, "Will I be unprepared?" He looked around and asked, "Is there a chart?"

"Not here, let's go to the conference room, there is."

After arriving in the conference room, Ashoford quickly found the corresponding location on the full map of the world drawn on the floor. "This is a blank area between the cities of Timor-Leste, and my people found a cave here. There is an underground underground river connected to the depths of the forest. Your diving dock can wait outside the cave and we make some modifications to the logging machine. Let it advance under water, and then we follow the dark river into the forest logging. Your people just cloud the cut trees into the dark river. The water will naturally wash the wood into the sea and you can load it. After a boat, we walked from here. We bought an unknown island here. Some time ago, the Throne of the Seal of God had established a city there, and it is now German territory. There are many teleportation arrays in the city, which can be directly Send the wood to our home city in Germany. How about it? Convenient? "

"Fang is inconvenient and doesn't know. You're bad enough anyway!"

"Then when can your dock be out?" Ashford seemed anxious.

"What are you doing in a hurry?"

Ashford said: "Those guys have just divided up the land in East Timor. At this time, they must be busy consolidating the city's accumulation of power. When we go in to smuggle wood, we can safely cut it boldly, so I think the sooner the better. "

"I said how do you burn your eyebrows. The Great White Shark is now in the port of Tianmen Island, and can be released immediately if needed."

"That's great." Ashford laughed. "I'm going to prepare the harvester. Shall we meet at the unknown island?"

"The great white shark's degree is relatively slow, and it won't be until tomorrow night at the earliest. You don't have to worry so much."

Ashuford stood up and waved as he waved his hand, "I still have to modify the logging machine. I'm not happy! Anyway, we'll be there over night tomorrow."


After Ashurford left from the Transnational Transit Front, our city finally returned to the shore. When Essinger returned without flying, we drove all the way back to the ground. As the sea bottom became shallower by the shore, we had to drop the track system. Crowd directly under the sea. Before the city was completely ashore, a figure floated over.

"Erji Jun?" I was surprised when I saw Erlang.

Erlang Shen saw me float over immediately. "Where did you go? It hurt me for a while."

"Go out and turn around. Why? Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Of course there is something." Erlang Shinto: "Part of it is business and part of it is private."

"Then we should go to the reception room?"

"lead the way."

After arriving in the reception room, I asked everyone to do their own work, and then closed the door. "Jinjun is using Suzaku as a reference this time, isn't he?" I guess that Erlang Shen's private affairs are very likely * this is the case.

God Erlang immediately said: "This is a private matter, we will talk about it later, first half of the business. The first question about your tower is already fruitful."

"Oh? How does Jade intend to compensate me?"

Erlang Shen said without answering, "You know Black Unicorn?"

"Well. I have the mission of Heiqilin here, and I have heard of him before. How? This compensation is related to Heiqilin?"

Erlang Shen nodded: "After the birth of the black unicorn that year, the heavens were uproaring ...!"

"Pause!" I saw that Erlang God was about to start telling a story, and I hurriedly stopped. It is estimated that the breaking things in Tiantingdi could not be finished for three or five hours. I just wanted to know the key issues. "I have heard of Black Kirin's life. You can just talk about compensation."

"Since you know I ’ll just say it briefly. Although Hei Qilin is now in the eighteenth layer of hell, but at first, everyone did n’t want to send the heiqilin to the eighteenth layer of hell. After discussion, the heaven court at that time united some hidden people The gods jointly built a tower. This **** tower, named Kirin Pagoda, was originally used to suppress the ominous spirit on Black Kirin, and it did work at first, but later, as the magic power of Black Kirin increased, the tower stopped. Can't live. "

"and then?"

"Then the black unicorn ran out of the tower, and the nine gods and gods dispatched together to open the entrance to the eighteenth floor of Hell. Everyone disguised the entrance and placed it under the unicorn pagoda. Finally, the elder unicorn came out to cheat the black unicorn In the tower, the unknown black unicorn went wrong as soon as he entered, and then he wanted to run. But the Jiutian **** and Buddha shot together and forced him into the gate of hell. "

"Strange, how can I hear the different versions?"

Erlang Shen looked at me strangely: "What are you listening to?"

"I heard that Black Kirin himself knew that he was an ominous object, so he was willing to guard the eighteenth-floor hell. So he entered the eighteenth-floor **** by himself. Why did you say that he was driven into the ground?"

Erlang Shen whispered immediately: "The one you heard is a superficial statement declared to the outside world. Wouldn't you know where the eighteenth floor of **** is? How could it be possible to enter it voluntarily? Teamed up to kill Black Kirin. This reputation is not good, so he said he went in by himself. "

"I depend! Are you really dark?"

"It's not us, it's them." Erlang Shen argued, "I wasn't a **** at that time! The immortals involved when Hei Qilin was detained are basically gone now, and there aren't many who really know the truth."

"Then how do you know?"

"Because I have this." He pointed to the third eye above his head. "The heaven and earth meet the spirit of heaven and earth. You can see the past and the future. But you just need to know this thing, but don't go out and talk about it, and you will have no good food for those bosses!"

"I know. You talk about compensation first."

"Oh Lang God continued," Of course, after the black unicorn was beaten into eighteen layers of hell, he was very unwilling, and then slammed into the entrance. The eighteenth floor **** originally had no entrance. There is an artifact connecting various spaces under the seventeenth floor **** in Yincao Difu, which is quite similar to a one-way portal. It is the only thing connecting the eighteenth floor hell. But then the gods joined forces to open a new passage under the Kirin Pagoda. This channel connects eighteen layers of hell, and its power is definitely not ordinary. It took a long time for the God of the Nine Heavens and Gods to close the door after sealing the black unicorn, but the black unicorn bumped. The door cracked again. "

"I depend! Can't that black unicorn come out from there?"

"No. The name of the door of space is actually door, which is actually very different from the door. Black unicorn powerfully broke the door across the space. That's because it still has the coordinates of this space at that time, but the coordinates will be after the door is completely closed. With the change of the Seal of Throne over time, he can no longer find a place. The remaining crack is not enough to let him through, so it has no meaning to him. "

"What does this have to do with my compensation?"

"Of course it matters. Because the compensation is the Kirin Pagoda."

"Is this tower great?"

Erlang Shen whispered: "In fact, it should be said to be dangerous."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"The crack had not been able to be completely closed since it was knocked open. It is still suppressed in the tower by the magic power of the pagoda. The crack black unicorn can't get through, but those demon monsters smaller than the black unicorn can come over. The seal of divine power on the tower has gradually loosened when the throne of time is so long. Now, from time to time, some evil spirits and ghosts will run out. "

"I rely. You don't want to pay and don't give me a haunted tower!"

Erlang God said indifferently: "Isn't your original tower attracting ghosts? Now this one is just more straightforward. Send the strongest grievous ghost Li Gui directly from the bottom of **** to ensure it is easier to use than your original one."

"The problem is that the original ghost is controllable. What can you do if you have a bad control and let us kill together?"

Erlang Shen suddenly gave me a gossip mirror. "So we also give this as a gift."

"What is this?" I took the gossip mirror and looked at it. The shape is very simple, the outside is wood, the center is gold, there are a lot of strange symbols on both sides.

Erlang Shen explained: "This is a soul-binding mirror, which belongs to a superior artifact. If it is not expected that you will open up the territories in the future, you will not give this thing to you."

"What is this thing for?"

"This mirror can forcibly seal the evil spirit and ghost into a living body for 24 hours. And it can work continuously. At that time, open the tower door to let the ghost run out, and this mirror will automatically seal the ghost passing by it into the body of the nearby ~ www. ~ Does n’t that mean the upper body of the ghost? Is it a superior artifact? It ’s controlled by the ghost and it ’s a fart? Why not? ”

Erlang Shen immediately said: "Of course, being controlled by a ghost cannot be regarded as a superior artifact, but this is indeed a superior artifact. Because after the seal, you are not controlled by the ghost, but you will get a part of the power of this ghost. Until the release, this ghost will become Your source of energy is for your use. "

"What if it's lifted?"

"As long as you don't take the initiative to separate yourself, the Seal of Time will not be lifted until the Throne of Time. If you are about to lift it, you will return to the side of the Kirin Pagoda. It will be sucked back into the tower, there will be no danger. But do n’t be out of time, or after the time of the Seal of the Throne, when the two of you are separated, it will be on you and it will control you. ”

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