Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 2: Isinger crisis

Qinglong came over and bounced the sparrow's halberd. "I warn you kid, this deity is never threatened."

I pretended to be surprised. "Ahhh! You have met your friends, Xinghui Xinghui!"

Suzaku moved his arms over my neck again. "Aren't you afraid of death, aren't you? Then I'll tear down your city."

I deliberately looked at Wina. "Have you heard crazy calls? How do I feel close?"

Wei Na smiled and said, "I seem to have heard it too. It's strange. How can there be a dog at the top of the Juling Pagoda?"

Suzaku's angry eyes were almost spitting fire, and she lifted a halberd and stabbed to the ground. Wei Na was real now, and immediately pushed me out. The red halberd pierced the ground of Juling Pagoda like cut tofu. The red halberd flashed on the halberd, and a red arc penetrated the entire Juling Pagoda. The elevator inside the Juling Tower suddenly lost power and fell down to the lobby on the ground floor. There are still many players in the lobby at this time.

Chuang Wang just came back and wanted to find the elevator, but looked up but the elevator was falling down. "Oh! Everyone leave here, go out, go out here!"

The crowd burst apart, and everyone rushed out of the hall of the Lingling Tower, and ran in the last king of the king to jump out of the gate and the elevator also landed. There was a loud bang, and a pillar of fire spewed out of the gate, flying the people outside by dozens of meters.

Immediately after the explosion, a large number of rocks began to hang on the outer wall of the Juling Tower. The people below smashed and hurried further afield.

"Don't you say?" Suzaku looked at me and asked, his tone was quite fierce.

"It's really troublesome. Whose crazy dog ​​doesn't sleep until midnight?" I walked back to Qinglong. "Is your name a terrestrial dog? Are you so immoral? Do this affect your neighbors? . Maybe your neighbor has something important tomorrow, just because your puppy is barking endlessly, and the result ...! "

I didn't finish my words. Suzaku had already pulled the weapon out of the ground on the top of the tower, but at the same time, a crack had expanded along the gap left by her weapon to both sides. The building on the top of the tower Suddenly collapsed, the crack reached the edge of the outer wall and turned a bend to extend downward. Almost everyone in the city saw huge ground fissures running down the ground along the walls of the tower. Huge cracks appeared throughout the tower.

After a blast of explosion, a flash of electric sparks flashed, and the thunderbolt bubble given by the Dragon clan broke, and the huge ring-shaped band like a ring broke into five or six knots and fell to the ground.

Chuang Wang shouted to everyone on the ground: "Be careful, something has come down."

A few hundred meters of ground fragments slammed on the third city wall. The city wall suddenly fell a lot, and rock fragments and fire suddenly covered a large area around it.

I quietly started a private chat. And adjusted to text message mode: "Rose, don't speak, don't move, reply with text like me."

"Well. Say it."

"Get out of here right away. Organize your staff to evacuate Isinger. Today looks bad. These four guys are too powerful. All the rules and restrictions have no meaning to them."

"What about Isinger?"

"Don't worry, no matter what they destroy, I have a way to get them compensation. If they refuse me, I will use the last resort."

"Don't you want to go back? Even if you're a young master, you can't go back because of you?"

"According to regulations, it is not possible for a player to actively infringe on the interests of players without harassing them. Today they are here, not me. I do n’t go to them. So no matter what they do, it ’s unruly. Awesome, the main system is still the strongest existence of this game. "

"Well then, I'll take everyone out as far as possible."

The power of the four holy beasts is really too strong, and I am like an ant in front of them. Wei Na had been very powerful before then, but after seeing the Four Holy Beasts, she was as vulnerable as a middle school girl in front of the special forces combat coach.

Qinglong came up and grabbed me by one hand and lifted me. Wei Na wanted to save me, but Xuan Wu suddenly appeared in front of her with a green law circle that said Xuan Wu. Wei Na suddenly disappeared as if she had penetrated into the French array, and then she disappeared.

"What did you do to her?" I suddenly became angry. Wei Na is not ordinary, her meaning is extraordinary. Wei Na's body is the most research-worthy in Long Yuan's laboratory. Her physical body has shown a magical effect. Long Yuan has never seen any creatures that have special functions before, but Weiner did show a peculiar function.

What's more important is that Wei Na has a physical body. Like luck, she can be transplanted into a real living body. If her consciousness is eliminated here, it is equivalent to killing. If the game "Zero" really kills a carnal person, then the game will be considered untrustworthy and extremely dangerous. Such things can never exist.

Suzaku came to me: "Did you feel bad? Speak out obediently, maybe we can consider releasing her."

I didn't answer Suzaku's words, but looked very angry. "I'm really angry."

Xuanwu looked at me and said, "Your friend is just sealed. She will not be in danger for the time being, but if you insist on not cooperating ...!"

I look to Qinglong who is still carrying me. "Can you give me two hours to think about it?"

Qinglong suddenly let go and I fell to the ground. He was very proud and said: "I only give you an hour. Besides, it ’s best not to do your little moves. Evacuation is meaningless, no matter where they go. As long as they are still on the land in China, I can put They caught them. As for these cities, boats! I think you just moved, and there was no time to evacuate in an hour. Well, let's think about it, we will be back in an hour. " The light ball disappeared into the sky.

Almost at the same time as the four of them left. There was a strange loud noise coming from the Juling Tower, followed by the sound of metal distortion and rock cracking. "Oh bad!"

The 7,500-meter-tall Juling Pagoda continued to crack in the flying ore. The platform on the top of the tower had begun to fall, and I could clearly feel that the tower was leaning in one direction. In the eyes of everyone's shock, Juling Tower, the formerly landmark building of Isinger, collapsed. The huge tower flung to the ground like a whip, as if all the buildings and buildings along the way were smashed and crushed, and the rock fragments flew out over a hundred kilometers. The entire first-story structure of Isinger was severely damaged. The second floor was smashed where the tower was dropped directly.

The shock wave caused by this horrible change cost nearly a thousand kilometers, and many nearby cities felt an obvious earthquake. The waves on the sea rolled like the beginning, and the fish jumped out of the water.

I directly opened the guild channel: "Don't panic. Everyone will start the evacuation work. Send the children of the submarine race to the submarine and return to Atlantis. They cannot be injured. Do not clean up the ruins in the city. Immediately focus on evacuating scientific and technological achievements and valuable materials, and send everything to Sky City, which is not under the control of the four holy beasts. Hurry up, everyone, come on. I will go offline to handle more important things, and the command is temporarily Responsible for handing over the eagle and Hongyue.

After the explanation, I did n’t have time to see the Throne of the Seal of the Immortal.

After taking off the helmet, I almost rushed to the lower experimental area of ​​the base, and rushed into the command room to start the broadcasting of all relevant departments. "Attention of all biological and network departments, I require all the staff in the above departments to return to their work positions within 10 minutes and cancel all travel permits. Maintain emergency treatment status within one hour." After I finished, I smashed with a punch The protective glass cover of the emergency system, then pull up the handle and press the emergency response alarm.

The alarm inside the base confused everyone, but everyone reacted within seconds and started running towards their respective posts. The emergency systems in the foundation were all activated, and even the auxiliary robots were collectively activated.

"Shenlin, what happened? I heard you activated the base emergency alert."

"Biological human Vena is the female experimenter who can control electrical signals with thought."

"I know, one of the most critical subjects on her. What happened to her?"

"The Chinese Four Sacred Beasts captured her in the game, and they wanted to destroy her. I remember that Wei Na's identity was one-time, and if killed, it might completely disappear. And other synthetic creatures are not safe "High intensity torture may lead to confusion, and we may lose all our subjects within a few minutes."

"Then order the flow of consciousness to be derived immediately."

"I'm doing."

"Then don't bother you, hurry up."

I can't stand it, I never expected that things would become so complicated. The four sacred beasts destroying the intelligent form in the game may directly lead to the failure of external life. And even if I mentioned the situation of Bi Ling, seeing a pile of bones of the four sacred beasts may suddenly anger me and Wei Na without giving us the opportunity to explain. It would have been nice to know not to talk to them about the conditions at the beginning. This is really dangerous!

I rushed to the biological research allegations room to the main pipeline waiting for the parts over there: "What about the people in the network department?"


"You immediately locate all existing electronic consciousnesses and direct them into the hyperspace."


My main pipeline of the biological department is again: "Turn on the power supply of the artificial world. All electronic consciousness * combination work will start immediately. You only have one hour. By the way, Dr. Zhang, you will immediately disconnect the lucky from the game and protect all consciousness. roll."


I think some of them were still standing and patted the table immediately. "Why are you still standing? Go work!"

The researchers then remembered and turned away.

I got lucky first. Researchers have quickly cut him off from the game and awakened him. I was lucky: "You have to be quiet now, something happened in the game, I'm saving everyone's lives. This may happen unexpectedly, you must always be alert, if necessary, I will come back and call you."

"Relax, master."

I nodded and turned and ran towards the isolated mortal world. The huge metal gate opened slowly in front of me. More than thirty researchers and more than twenty small automatic transport vehicles are waiting beside us. As soon as the road is connected, we will rush in and transport all the subjects still in the jar to the connection room.

After the gate was opened, the huge metal bridge gradually turned from the horizontal position. Eventually the bridge was connected, and then the opposite door began to open slowly. I took the researcher across the bridge. Gates have been opened one after another. There are a lot more things here than when I came last time. It seems that there are many new products added.

"Put all these things on an automatic transport vehicle and immediately take them to the birth room of the Ministry of Biology."


Outside researchers began to instruct the transport vehicle to use the loading forceps to carry the jars containing biological samples, and I opened the last hidden door. "Come over here and load this up."

All the jars were sent to the biology department. I also got back to the birth room with the jars containing Wei Na and Ling, which is actually next to the lucky room. Looking at the time, the Seal of the Seal of God has only passed 30 minutes, it seems that we are still there. The network department is still rolling in accordance with the list lock consciousness, we can only wait.

There are obviously more jars in the room than I saw last time I went. In addition to Wei Na and Ling, I also saw my humanoid monster. In the 21 large jars behind them, there is a perfect male *. They are the bell knights, but we have no plans to make the heavy armored dragon.

Wei Na didn't wear anything on their bodies. I was embarrassed to stare at them all the time, so I mainly took the time to study the bell knights on the Throne of the Seal of God. When I went last time, I also saw the bell ringer's *, but obviously these bodies are different from last time. The main change is that they are smaller. The ground bell knight is only about 1.75 meters tall. It's a little taller than my height of one meter seven two. From the appearance, these * are perfect, their body proportions are in place, and their faces are quite handsome, but their muscles are not obvious, although they look like people who exercise regularly. But there is no exaggeration.

The director in charge of this project told me: "During this time, some bad changes have occurred in the Throne of the Seal of God, and we have all abandoned it. Before any sense of connection, they were just a pile of meat. What I see now is the latest enhancement. "

"Why are you so short? And it doesn't seem to be as strong as before."

"The height was specifically explained by the chairman. I do n’t know why it is set to one meter seven five. We originally planned to set it to one meter eighty five. As for the muscle, it is taken to improve concealment. If the muscle is too sudden, It ’s easy for the enemy to lift. And we have strengthened the muscle combination. Although they don't look very strong now, they are actually much stronger than those muscular men. "

"What about these female subjects over here?"

"Most of these have just been completed, especially this one." Research director refers to peppers. "This is made with reference to Experiment No.002, which is the kind of psychopathic effect called Wei Na. We have not tested the specific effect. Today is an emergency start. We cannot guarantee reliability. But I think it should be safe. of."

I raised my fist: "Of course it is safe, but I am B13, the highest crystallization of biological engineering."

"Report, the flow of consciousness has all been locked in," a later researcher called.

I immediately went to the front and ordered: "Separate the stream of consciousness from the game first, take care not to affect the game."

Suddenly a progress bar popped up on the home screen, and the electronically synthesized female voice sounded: "During the extraction of electronic consciousness flow, please pay attention to the cooperation of electricity. One percent is completed."

"Two percent complete."

"Complete three percent."


"Complete 100%. The flow of consciousness has been separated and all target consciousness flows have been successfully captured. Now the external connection is disconnected and the analog signal is waiting to be accessed. Try the primary commodity connection ... Warning, the port is not connected now, please prepare the flow of consciousness. "

The researcher looked at me and asked, "We can complete up to three at a time. Which three do we start with?"

"This, this and this." I mean Wei Na, Ling and Xiaochun.

The researcher plugged the data interface of the arm thickness into the three petri dishes I ordered, and the electronic voice sounded again. "A valid connection was detected by the sensor interface. Please specify an action."

The researcher was busy on the console, and three consciousnesses were drawn into the output port. My eyes stared at the three in the jar *. But I don't have any bad thoughts now. Suddenly, Vena's body twitched first, then her fingers began to move. Immediately afterwards Ling and Xiaochun also smoked a bit, and then began to move slowly. I picked up the talk microphone inside the jar and began to comfort them. I didn't want them to suddenly become humans but died of excessive adrenaline.

"Weina, Ling, Xiaochun, it's me. I'm Ziri. Can you hear me?"

All three * vibrated a little, but there was still no other response. I know this indicates that a conscious reaction has occurred in the body.

"You are going through a special process now. Wena has experienced it once before. It should be no stranger. Now what you have to do is relax and don't be nervous. I will stay with you and don't be nervous. There is a lot of you around These waters are special ground waters. They won't drown you. You can breathe in these waters, so don't be nervous or use your strength. Relax your body and don't control it. "

The electronic tone sounded again: "The import of electronic consciousness flow is completed, disconnect the port, please unplug the port, the system needs to perform electronic cleaning for the port."

The researchers unplugged. The yellow lights on all three petri dishes jumped to green. All three * s moved slightly, but slowly. Suddenly Wei Na opened her eyes, and then Ling and Xiao Chun also opened her eyes at the same time. Despite my hints, they were still nervous. The three pairs of beautiful women's winter coats on Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall women's winter coats have their eyes widened and look for what they are doing with the swipes in progress.

I walked to the jar with a microphone and waved at them with a smile. All three pairs of eyes calmed down immediately after seeing me, and it was no longer that terrified expression. I picked up the microphone and said, "Don't be nervous, it's safe here, you need to stabilize now, and I can let you out soon. The thing in your mouth is connected to the food pipe. If you feel hungry, take a light breath. The food in the tube will flow into your mouth, but it's best not to eat too much. You now need to slowly adjust to the feeling of the food. OK, now try to wave at me. "

The three beauties immediately beckoned and smiled at me, watching the three-level beauties floating in the jar waving and smiling at me, which felt strange.

"Okay, now you follow my movements. Stretch out your right hand, okay, turn, yes, slowly, okay. Now start moving your fingers, the first joint, yeah. Okay to change hands, here is good. Yeah Move your finger .... "

I continued to use language and movement to guide them to move all parts of the body. The instrument showed that the data was very good, the biological activity was 100%, and there were no adverse reactions at all.

"Well, now I come to pick you up. When I open this thing, the water around you will be drained first, and then you will lose support and land on the ground. You will find that your muscles are weak and you cannot stand. This is normal. Do n’t be afraid of the situation, just ten hours later. Okay, let ’s start with Wei Na. She has more experience. You look at it and do the same for a while. ”

The researchers behind me have already taken special clothes and are waiting. In order to be afraid of their embarrassment, all male researchers except me have been replaced by women before entering consciousness. Everyone in the foundation is for science, and the experimental body will definitely not have clothes. It is inevitable for male researchers to have contact with them. Everyone has no bad ideas and doesn't care about them, but Wei Na and Ling are not researchers at the experimental base. They are not There is also gender awareness and shame awareness in the game, so I still replaced the male researchers.

I entered the password on the meter in front of the culture tank, and then I pressed my hand on the fingerprint permission inspection table.

A mechanical sound came out of the tank: "Fingerprint comparison passed, the password is correct, and the control lock was finally opened. The drain connection was detected, and drainage started."

The liquid level in the tank began to drop, and Wei Na gradually fell. I used a voice to guide her movements. "Don't try to stand. You don't have enough strength to fully raise your legs. Squat like this. OK, let your feet touch the ground first, then sit down slowly as the liquid level drops."

The liquid was finally emptied, and Wei Na collapsed on the bottom of the body. The high-pressure glass shell automatically rotated for half a turn, and then opened one by one. I walked in quickly to help Wei Na remove the tube from her mouth, then held her in her hand and pinched the infusion needle inserted in her vein. "May be a little painful, bear with me." After seeing Wei Na nodded, I pulled out the needle like a lightning. At this time, moving faster can reduce the pain. Wina's apparent body twitched, and she still seemed to be in pain.

Although Wei Na is very weak, her body is artificial after all, and its strength is not comparable to that of ordinary humans. I ca n’t see the needle just after pulling the needle out of the wound. This kind of small eye ca n’t be regarded as an injury at all. I held her When she got up, Wei Na blushed. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but suddenly she couldn't say anything, and she was panicked. I was busy comforting her: "Don't panic, your vocal cords haven't adapted yet ~ ~ I can't speak now, and will return to normal in a few hours."

Hearing my consolation, Weiner was no longer panicked, and let me pick her up. The outside researcher pushed the gurney. I put her on it and the two researchers started to put on her clothes. This kind of clothes is actually a white gown, which is similar to a bathrobe. It has an excellent air conditioning system in the foundation, and the temperature is suitable and free of bacteria, so you don't need to wear too much clothes.

Tell Wei Na to lie down for a while, and I went back to get Xiaochun out. When I took Wei Na, she was just blushing, but Xiao Chun was all red, and her whole body seemed to be very tense. It seemed that loyalty affects more than just obedience! The last Ling who came out was much better, at least she had no rejection. After putting on their three clothes, we started to connect again to release other humanoid monsters. The steps were basically the same, except that the pepper was a little troublesome. She struggled too much inside and almost broke the jar. The others came out soft, only the pepper came out by themselves.

After settling them, I let the female researchers go out, and then changed into a male researcher to come in. Now starting to release the bell knights one by one, these men's performance is much better than the girls, at least they are calm after all. The advantage of the military background is that it is easy to command. These guys are very disciplined when they come out. Although they are extremely curious about things around them, I do n’t say they do n’t even ask.

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