Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 88: Block

"The whole team." Scott's voice rang through the battlefield. This was the first time that Scott had heard such a loud voice.

In the call of Skott, all the bell knights began to concentrate, and the Yalong cavalry all set up attack formations behind them. The ring bell knights now look like human-shaped light bulbs, with red light flowing on their bodies, and the Yalong cavalry in the back is completely the same. Now my army has truly become the Red Army, and it is a red glare.

Skott ran across the front of the team with my halberd in my key claw. "What are we?"

"Soldier." The enemies behind the roar trembled and stopped charging.

"What are our hobbies?"


"Who is our enemy?"

"All creatures standing in front of us."

"Now we have so many enemies in front of us, what shall we do?"

"Kill everything!"

Skott raised his halberd again. "So what are you waiting for now?" He pointed his halberd forward.

"Inch grass does not stay!" Yalong cavalry and bell-tone knight yelled and rushed out.

"Stupid, hurry up!" Anyway, the commander of the Indonesian army reacted, but it was a bit late.

The ringtone knight's current level is 1900. After rushing into the enemy's team, it is like a wolf entering the flock. No, the wolf is not enough to describe this huge gap. The Yalong Cavalry is really like a wolf now, but the bell knight should be a bear and a polar bear. Because the impact on our side was too great, the opposing party stopped the charge and formed a shield formation temporarily. The moment the ringing knight and the enemy collided, it almost seemed to hit a bicycle tank. There was no response at all, and Halberd swept away a large row of enemies. Even the Yalong cavalry was one at a time, and there was no enemy to block it.

The regular army rushed out, and we special forces cannot be idle. Ling suddenly floated into the air. "Respond to my call and become my servant! The eternal transformation formation!" A magic magic formation suddenly appeared in the enemy formation in front of us. The green magic formation flashed with bright light. Some sort of ritual formation, not an attacking formation. The biggest feature of this magic array is not the light and the pattern, but the electric ground volume. This guy turned the entire enemy company into the city behind us. Even the fleet at sea was included. The legal array flickered continuously with Ling as its core, and it seemed to be slowly spinning. Ling floated in the air with her hands open, her eyes closed with no expression at all. A crossbow suddenly flew from the enemy, and it was a siege crossbow fired by a crossbow.

The crossbow rushed towards Ling with lightning. The darts had rushed forward, and no one was close enough to receive arrows. I thought Ling was going to be injured. But Su Xiao suddenly stopped two meters away from Ling, and the arrow seemed to hit a wall. Ling remained unresponsive. But I could see a yellow light mask flashing around her, and the thick crossbow with someone's arm immediately turned into powder and disappeared into the air.

The legal battlefield on the battlefield is constantly running, and the cavalry over there is still killing, but the dead bodies. The enemies who had just been dropped by the Yalong Cavalry actually squirmed and climbed up again. Some of these guys had no head, some had a hole in their body, and some were broken from the waist, but they all got up. These re-emergent enemies suddenly started waving their arms at the people around them, and some without weapons even grabbed their teeth directly with their hands, anyway, they attacked their people crazy. No matter who is down, he will immediately get up again to participate in the battle. Unless he is completely broken, no one can lie on the ground and fight even if he is dead.

Now everyone can see what this green magic circle is. This is a huge undead conversion array. All the dead souls in the array will become undead and join us to fight again. Even the player's body is no exception. Although these horrible undead are not as effective as before, they are not afraid of death, and more importantly, they are not afraid of pain at all. Dealing with these guys with bows and arrows is not effective. You must chop them thoroughly with a large knife or axe, or you can use magic to directly burn them into ashes, otherwise no matter how you cut it, you are wasting energy.

Seeing Ling ’s magic array so powerful, Xiao Chun floated unwillingly to the same position as Ling. "Glorious thunderstorm." Suddenly there was a large cloud in the sky. Unlike the dark clouds, these clouds were like light bulbs. Suddenly the clouds began to split, and large clouds divided into many small clouds. These clouds rushed down and stayed on top of each of my summoned creatures. The volume of these clouds varies according to the size of these creatures, but they just cover my subordinates.

It's weird to see the light clouds on top of these creatures, but after seeing its effect, everyone will no longer worry about it. The Yalong cavalry had just been cut with a knife, and the clouds immediately began to rain lightly. The golden raindrops fell on the cavalry and quickly gathered to the wound. There was a flash of gold at the wound, and the wound was gone. These clouds are equivalent to assigning a portable nurse to each of these summoned creatures, and to start treatment as soon as they are injured. It looks like my men were almost invincible before these clouds disappeared. As long as they could not be killed with a single knife, the wound would heal immediately, and their health would be restored. If there might still be casualties, now even those Yalong cavalry are 1000-level ss, who can kill one in one move? So if the cloud does not disappear, they are tantamount to invincibility. Although this spell level is strong, but I can see it disappearing, these clouds will become smaller as long as the wound is treated, and Xiao Chunfu is constantly replenishing the volume of these clouds. It seems that it cannot be used in an invincible state completely. Xiaochun must be too late to add more injuries.

I contacted the following calling creatures with my mind: "The clouds on your head need energy, Xiaochun is helping you to maintain them now. Don't think that these clouds don't hide from attack. That thing is not infinite."

"Understand!" The front troops responded at the same time.

The two goddesses both launched large-scale magic, and Emmenis had to join in. "Streamer trap." After using the magic of Aimeness, the people on our side did not react at all, and everyone didn't change anything. But the enemy was messy. Some enemies slashed into the air, and some people fought with their own people. Emmenis made these people almost like blind people. What they saw was not the right thing. Many enemies see the enemies around them as companions, while some companions are regarded as enemies.

After the goddesses started construction, the dragons also joined the battle, and they were much simpler, just burn them with fire. The plague now sprays dragon moxibustion like a crater. When a dragon burns out, seven or eight thousand people become water vapor.

The little dragon girl suddenly huddled in the air. As she swims in the air. A gossip array suddenly appeared on the ground, but this array was not as large as the Lingdi undead conversion array, it was just under the feet of some enemies. "Dragon Spell-Rebellion!"

The Bagua formation suddenly exploded, and more than 10,000 people standing in the formation were finished at the same time. I knew for the first time that there was such a powerful law formation. Killing more than ten thousand at a time is really terrifying!

The enemies were defeated by many high-end magic pets. The only thing they can threaten our land is the back trebuchet, which can barely cause some damage. I said to the tank around me: "Kill those things."


The thing on the back of the tank began to aim at the enemy. I would have been shooting a beam like when the Devil Realm evolved. Who knew that a loud noise suddenly came from his back, and a black ball of light flew out.

The thing didn't explode at all when it landed on the enemy position, but it suddenly disappeared. There was a black hole in the place where the black ball disappeared, and all nearby people and siege equipment were sucked in.

After the tank shot the first black light ball, the three-barrel running port on the back turned one grid, and the second barrel was connected to the shooting port. There was a bang and it flew out again, then the running tube rotated again, and the third flew out. Unexpectedly, the tank turned into a rotating ground now, and it was still firing with gravity shells. Although the coverage area was not as large as before, it was more powerful than before.

"Tank, this cannonball is very powerful, but the speed is too slow. Is there anyone covering the area?"

"Then I will replace the gravity shells with energy shells!"

The thing on the tank's back suddenly unfolded, with a long extension tube stuck out in the middle. This time the sound was louder than the last time, the bang shook the ground, and a red shell flew out. When the thing hit the ground, a small mushroom cloud rose, and all the people on the ground were blown out, let alone the enemy, and even the Yalong cavalry were rushed back.

"Take care of the tank! You almost implicated us all." A few bell-tone knights got up from the ground and complained while finding their weapons. The blasting power just now was really scary.

"You still don't rush too far forward, let the tank concentrate its firepower!" Since the tank's bombardment power is so great, he simply let go of it, maybe the 8 million enemies can stop it.

Unfortunately, the tank denied my plan. His energy shells have only five chances to fire a day, so it is impossible to fire continuously. I had expected to kill all the enemies by tanks, but now it seems that I have to give up.

Although you can't shoot continuously, the remaining 4 should not be wasted. I asked the tank to rush out all 4. The other soldiers heard me give such an order and hurried down all of them, even the dragon rose to high altitude to avoid the shock wave.

5 artillery shells killed more than 300,000 enemies and injured more than 100,000. I really did not expect that a 2000-class tank would be as powerful as this. Unfortunately, even the gravity artillery shells could not be used after the end of 5 and only Light attack when using Demon Realm, but this is already very powerful.

The next thing is pure slaughter. The offensive momentum on our side is too fierce, and the enemy is completely unable to parry it. Although the number of Yalong cavalry is only 20,000, the cavalry charge formed by 1000 ss is unstoppable. They 20,000 people rushed back and killed them among the enemy's multi-million army, stomping and killing a large number of enemy troops and leaving the enemy's formations in a mess. What makes the enemy more depressed are those undead. Of the more than 300,000 enemies killed by the tank just now, only those in the center of the blasting were completely burned out. The corpses on the periphery were not complete. Now all these corpses got up and rejoined the battle, and they joined us. Originally, their team was chased by the Yalong cavalry, and suddenly there were so many dead bodies in the middle. The formation is more chaotic.

I do n’t know how fast the Yalong Cavalry ’s enemies kill, but from my experience, I ca n’t see the numbers clearly. My experience shows that it is a 30-digit number series. Now only the first four digits can be seen clearly. The latter numbers are already too fast because they are turned too fast. If it weren't for my high level now, the upgrade experience is like astronomical figures, and it is estimated that I have already upgraded, but even so, I still heard the system to congratulate the upgrade every few minutes. Xiaochun suddenly got out of the air after half an hour It fell, thanks to the fact that I have been directing behind and did not participate in the battle. Eyes quickly caught her. Xiaochun had completely collapsed after landing. That level of magic land effect is too strong, so the price paid is also very large, Xiaochun exhausted the magic within 30 minutes and fell directly from the air. However, due to the role of Xiaochundi's blood-recovery magic, it has been more than half an hour since the battle. On my side, except for the death of a few steel silver bees, there is almost no loss of personnel. There is no blood loss, as long as those clouds do not die, they will quickly replenish their health.

"the host?"

"Don't talk. Take a good rest. You did a great job and leave the rest to us."

Xiaochun nodded and closed her eyes and fell asleep. I heard a clear system prompting the pet's loyalty to increase by 10, and its current loyalty is 76. Haha, it's a coincidence that loyalty means that there is no problem with basic command.

Let Fenglong take Xiaochun back to Fenglong's space to rest, and I looked at the battlefield again. Although Xiaochun fell down, the clouds returned, but because of the lack of supplementation, the clouds began to shrink.

It is estimated that if this time is consumed again, there is really no protection.

Ling's transforming array didn't seem to have much burden. She was still very comfortable floating there to maintain the transforming array. Thanks to these undead enemies, she has not been able to move closer to the city wall.

In half an hour, I have risen to level 12 on the Throne of the Seal of God, and now I have reached level 797. However, my current attributes are affected by the cover. Although it can be seen that the normal level is increasing, there is no change in its own attributes. It is estimated that the normal properties will not be visible until the cover is gone.

As Xiaochun runs out of magic, those clouds fade. The Bell Tone Cavalry is so good, it is generally not easy to be hit and consume a small amount, some Yalong cavalry have run out. However, although you used the guardian cloud, their 1000 level is still there, and it is not easy for the enemy to hurt them. After all, the most advanced characters in the enemy are only equal to them.

"Zi Ri." Eagle's newsletter just entered my private chat.

"Eagle, what is it?"

"A lot of people on our side seem to be planning to leave. They don't think they need to be alarmed. You seem to be able to block these enemies."

"What a joke. There are more than four million enemies. The protection cloud on my side has been used up, and we may start to reduce staff. According to the current situation, I should be able to consume the number of enemies to two before I can't resist it. Tell them about this situation, and tell them that if they can block these two million, we do n’t have to detonate the explosives in the city, and the reconstruction cost can be saved a lot. If they ca n’t stop, then be ready Money to rebuild Samarinda! "

"You are really going to seduce others to work for you!" Eagle cut off the private chat with a smile.

Really, obviously I just clarified the powerful relationship, Ying Fei said that I was tempting. Regardless, it is important to destroy the immediate enemy. My team has indeed strengthened a lot, but everyone knows the reason why ants bite more. We have 8 million people with more than 20,000 people, and it is impossible to win. My hope is to destroy as many enemies as possible, and I will flash when I can't stand it anyway, anyway, after the devil can be resurrected, as long as I don't die, there is no loss.

Without the protection of the writing cloud, the casualties really became serious. After ten minutes of adherence, a large number of casualties began to appear. The Yalong cavalry were all covered with small wounds. The enemy could not hurt them at all. dead.

The dart came back first in the magic pet, and his defense was the weakest, although he had high agility. However, in the melee, the probability has to be stabbed many times, and it is impossible to all go away. After the darts, the magic pets began to return 66, and everyone was not hurt, but the killer was also very enjoyable.

The charge effect was pretty good at the beginning. In the later period, the enemies have experience, and the impact effect is not very good. We were fighting, my private feet rang again, this time it was roses. "What is it?"

Rose asked, "How much blood does your army have?"

"It's almost dry."

"Then retreat immediately."

"Retreat? There are more than three million enemies. You can't deal with so many people."

"Of course I know. But you've run out of money, and the remaining two million enemies we are defending are also very hanging!"

"That's why I want to consume the enemy as much as possible!"

"That's why you are coming back!"

"Why?" I choked Rose.

"As long as your soldiers are not dead, you can use recovery magic to recover. At the very end of the battle, you will consume up to 1 million enemies. If you come back, you can rest a bit. Wait for us to fight with the enemies. You can kill them back with a complete lineup. I think it's better than it is now? "

"Well. My wife is still smart. I'll go back immediately." After closing the private chat, I hurried to the calling creatures outside: "Retreat! Don't fight with the enemy, we must leave immediately. Ling.

I know you can hear me. Immediately let the undead entangle the enemy, and then we retreat. "

On the battlefield, the Diyar Cavalry rushed back like red earth balls, and the steel silver bee and my crystal beetle also ran back. The enemy wanted to chase us, but the resurrected undead quickly blocked the road, and they would not be able to charge for a while when they landed. I took a few moments to get everyone into the space door, and when the enemy rushed out, we were already gathered. When Xun closed the space door, he yelled in the sky: "Come down, we are about to flash."

Ling immediately fell from the air. I caught her and reminded that the shadow of the night could flash, and the night shadow rushed to the city quickly, and the enemies behind it could not catch up. As soon as we were out of the formation, the artillery in the rear immediately began to prestige. The enemy was chased by the shell after being chased halfway.

The enemy had no shields and could only attack the city with artillery fire. I returned to Chengcheng and released all my troops. All the players who can return to the blood and return to the guild, such as the priest, can come back and help my people recover. The final battle depends on us.

The two sides of the city wall have been in contact. The artillery cannot be too close to the city wall, so it cannot support the battle on the city wall, but it can block the troops behind. I can't do anything right now, just take Ling with me to the wall to help.

Ling's level conversion matrix hardly consumes any magic. The only drawback is that it must be continuously maintained. Now when we get to the side of the city wall, Ling immediately unfolds this conversion array again. We are equal to a lot of extra fighting power for no reason. Any fallen player can get up and fight again.

Although I and Ling were involved, the city wall was too wide after all, and the two of us couldn't stop the entire city wall. After insisting for half an hour, the city wall has completely fallen into the hands of the enemy, and we have only begun to retreat continuously.

Rose ordered loudly: "First blow up the walls."

The explosives we buried are not connected together, and each area can be detonated separately. Now that the enemy has completely occupied the city wall, we might as well blow up the city wall to destroy many enemies. As the crystal chocolate crushed and detonated the crystal, the entire city wall fell apart in a burst of fire, and the enemy's army of more than 100,000 was buried in the city wall.

Although we retreated into the city, we actually changed from a defensive battle to a plain battle.

There have been no buildings in the city of Samarinda for a long time, and now they are all rubble. Fortunately, the enemy's price on the city walls was higher than we expected. Now they have more than one million people left, and almost all of them are injured.

I told everyone on the War Channel: "The enemy's surplus is running out. It's time for everyone. Let's go! The fleet no longer estimates its own people and fires directly on the battlefield."

Opening the ground to the battlefield is still an advantage for us. Although the number of enemy remnants is similar to ours, they are higher than us. Even if the shells come down and kill one and one player at the same time, the enemy's loss will be greater for combat effectiveness.

After the melee exploded, the fleet's artillery began to hit the melee crowd directly. Ling Zhang opened the undead conversion array. No matter who died, he must rise up to help us fight. I went to the battlefield to pick out those enemies who seemed to have a high level. Those who were above 800 would do a lot of damage to our alliance personnel. Basically, players could not deal with these, but I was not afraid of them. I ’m much better than them at the 2000 level. Those players ca n’t deal with the bsp; under the double blow of the artillery and the opponent, the personnel consumption on both sides is very fast. In less than 20 minutes, we have only over 1,000 people left. The enemy has about 600,000 to 700,000 people, and these are basically high-level bsp above 900. Seeing that we can't do it anymore, I deserve to start the last army. After rushing to rest, my Yalong cavalry and those pets went back into battle. The enemies seemed to have forgotten our army, and they were taken aback when we appeared again.

The enemy is worried, but I am also worried. There are still 70 million enemies, but my own troops are only over 20,000. We did destroy a lot of enemies just now, but everyone was intact at that time. Now it ’s different. We do n’t have enough rest. Most of the cavalry are bovine blood, and some of the great tricks of the magic pets are useless, especially Xiaochun's cloud is still unusable.

"Kill!" Scott is a war mad anyway, regardless of the enemy's strength, he took the lead in killing.

With the lead, we of course had to follow it. The Chuang Wang asked me if I wanted to stop the shelling, but I refused. The shelling is still good for us. There are 700,000 enemies. We don't even have 30,000 regular troops including players and my summoned creatures. Those little bugs can be ignored.

In other words, the probability of the shell falling and hitting the enemy is definitely much higher than that of hitting oneself. In addition, we are really afraid of shells only those bugs. Yalong Cavalry level 1000 can't die as long as they are not hit directly, and the pet pets don't care to play. The lowest level of them is not afraid of shells. The lowest level is darts ~ ~ Some darts cannot be afraid of shells. At his level, the shells have exploded before they land. Out of range.

Twenty minutes later, the battle showed that the artillery was very effective. The enemy was reduced from 700,000 Swiss to 170,000. My dragon cavalry and those bugs were basically dead, and only a few large magic pets and human figures were left.

I set up an enemy reserve to connect to the Crash King: "End the bombardment, use special guns to shoot the puppets, we can't stand it here."

"almost there."

The enemy still had 170,000, but most of them were not badly injured. There are only 300 or so players left on our side. There are only a few of my dragons and humanoid pets, as well as a few Yalong cavalry. There are only 8 ringing knights left. I really have to admit that people have more power. Big, 1900-level ringing knights can kill 13!

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