Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 82: Battle

Volume VIII Chapter 82

"Chong!" I shouted excitedly, Asuka's degree has reached the limit, the space gate is in front of us, and we passed through the space gate like lightning.

The black space door is completely invisible. We are rushing forward with our eyes closed. Fortunately, this door is very tall. We are crossing from the upper part. There should be no obstacles on the opposite side.

It felt like I was getting some resistance as I crossed the space gate, but it wasn't very big. This space door is obviously different from the space door I usually use. It is not a layer of books. We crossed a short black area before rushing past. As soon as I stepped out of the black space door, my eyes lit up. A large number of flying beasts are constantly flipping up and down in the space outside the door. We almost hit a giant bird. Fortunately, the bird quickly twisted its body and wiped it from the side. The belt almost fell off in the air.

The ground outside the space gate was full of enemies, and the air was densely packed with flying beasts. They just rushed away one after another. I turned the teleport ring to get back to the city, but trouble came again. No response after ring rotation, teleportation failed! After experimenting with the teleportation ring again, the result was still unresponsive. It seems that there are factors limiting the teleportation here. No way, you ca n’t teleport and you have to run away. Pat the bird under him: "Teleportation failed, hurry up, we leave this place."

"Hurry up." Asuka suddenly turned over and dived down, a flying beast prepared to attack us flashed away from us with a slight difference and never touched us.

The army on the ground soon realized the situation in the sky. Some commanders may have given orders. A large number of flying beasts began to gather towards us. The long archers and mages on the ground also began to shoot at the air.

Asuka said, "Master, hurry up, we're going to play premium."

"You can rest assured. I'll catch it."

"Okay, let's get started!"

The flying bird was flattening as it was about to reach the ground, and one of the flying beasts that followed us was unable to respond and hit the ground. After leveling, the flying bird suddenly rolled, the flying beast rushing in front of it rushed out, and a flying beast behind us came in an air hug and fell to the ground together.

A group of archers suddenly shot an arrow rain at us, and the birds began to shake their bodies and flutter. They even came through the arrow rain magically. The mage below shot a magic beam suddenly, and the bird grabbed a direction so that I could see the mage. "Master, do me a favor."

Wai immediately aimed the mage with revenge and shot an arrow. In the middle of that mage's brows. He fell down in surprise.

Suddenly a group of flying beasts rushed down ahead. The birds first made a fake move to the left. The monsters turned to the left immediately, but after they started to turn, the birds suddenly flew right from their side. After a distance of rushing forward, a large group of flying beasts rushed over a dense wall. The birds had to turn, and then a large group came up behind. The bird circled a few times until the enemy approached and suddenly began to fly straight up. Four blue flames were left behind him. I can feel the obvious violent vibration when I lie on the ground of the bird, and the bird is struggling to fly like this.

The flying beasts before and after we saw that we were too late to stop. Zheli crashed into a large area, and the rest escaped immediately turned around and followed us up. The spear suddenly rolled its wings, "Dance of the Sky." We began to spin up and rush up. This skill was originally used to improve the lethality, but we did not expect that it could provide additional power, and our degree was obviously faster The monsters below can't keep up with us.

After rising continuously for a distance, the monsters below stopped one after another. Their creatures that rely on muscle power have reached the ceiling, and they cannot fly at this height. Now that the enemy below is no longer chasing us, we quickly changed to level flight and quickly separated from the enemy line.

We are actually very close to the city, and the birds are fast, and we will be in the city within a few minutes.

When I jumped from the bird, the city was already full of guards, and Hongyue was standing on the wall.

"Red Moon, are you ready in the city?"

"Where have you been? Let me see how things go for hours?"

"Don't mention it, I was sucked in by that **** space door."

"I know this. The people behind are watching you go in. What I want to know is where you have been to the Throne of Seals for so long."

"It's a long story, but now is not the time to say that. I want to know how the defense is in the city?"

"Everyone is here. In the past two hours, we informed the league members on the Big Six that everything was online. Although not as crowded as last time, the defense should be barely enough."

"Where is Eagle Man?"

"He has gone to Germany. The Iron Crusaders seem to say that there is a new thing to experiment with here. The thing is relatively large, and it is not convenient to cross the international transport array. The eagle went to help coordinate it."

"What about other guilds?"

"Everyone who can come is here, but there is a guild in the United States who cannot meet the enemy's siege.

I nodded: "Since they have something, they don't need to worry about it. They should be blocked here.

All turrets must be protected ~ ~ In addition, let Babel tower prepare. Once the enemy ’s siege equipment leaves the space door, it will be destroyed immediately. Those things are a disaster. "

"Relax, it's already been arranged."

"What about the fleet?"

"Fleet is in line, but I heard that Chuang Wang said something was wrong with Tyrant's command system."

"Isn't there a backup system on the Storm?"

"Yes, but only those ships that were launched later can change the command system. Early ships only confirmed the Tyrant system."

"Then tell Chuang Wang to fix it as much as possible. If it doesn't work, switch to manual mode and find a few people to use visual chat to direct the command."

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