Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 55: Cannon 1 ringing golden million 2

Volume eighty-fifth chapter cannon sounds golden

"That makes sense, I'll set it up right away."

Add a setting on the teleportation matrix. As long as the guild passing the teleportation matrix is ​​the first time, you will always be asked if you want to set up a good relationship. I don't think anyone will be so stupid as to disagree. big.

I also informed Lei Chuan, and Xiaobuff also changed the settings, but there was a price for her. Which Japanese guild wants to get attributes plus achievements to spend money on relationships, guilds who want to have a good relationship need to pay 100,000 crystal coins at one time, and alliances require 200,000 crystal coins. The purpose of this setting is actually not to want Japan People get bonuses in vain, followed by making money.

After finishing the setting, I explained some things that need attention in Union City, and then went to Steel City to customize some gadgets. Last time when blocking the Japanese fleet, the bombing ability of the spear was very good, so I plan to raise it and ask Steel City to help make a bomb for the spear.

In fact, the so-called special bomb is just to remove the shot of the cannonball, and to improve the mounting components. The new bomb can increase the guarantee that a long gun can carry 8 bombs at a time without changing the weight, and the power is much greater than the shell. In addition to the high-explosive armored bombs and incendiary bombs we also specialize in producing aviation shotguns, Fulcrum City is likely to face the offensive of tens of millions of players, and it is probably impossible to hold back without strengthening the weapons!

When I returned to Fulcrum City, the buildings in the city were basically completed, but it was getting dark. In addition to the buildings in the city, we are still strengthening our defense. I really do n’t know how many Japanese players will participate in this battle, so I ca n’t guarantee that I will stay in the city. The only thing I can do is to improve the city ’s defense capabilities as much as possible.

Almost all of Essinger's defensive teams were transferred to participate in the defense, not even the patrol. The city is now overcrowded, but I still feel uneasy. The ghost knew that the Japanese knew how the Chinese would react when they built a city on their territory. It is understandable that some Chinese people enter Japan, and if they let us know that we have built cities in Japan, this problem will be a big deal.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the Throne of the Seal of Shenyin, Beijing time, there was a cavalry outside the fulcrum, which was a mixed assault group consisting of mage and knight. I stood on the top of the mountain and saw the team, and quickly notified the city of concealment. It is not suitable for the Japanese to show up now, and our project is not over. Must now be concealed.

Standing in front of a giant machine, Hongyue shouted: "The mirage system is activated."

A control trowel was pushed up. The giant machine from the octopus clan suddenly started to operate, and the entire city suddenly disappeared on the shore as if it had never existed. Actually, the Shanghai tower system is just a hidden city, as long as the enemy approaches, it will still encounter the city wall. Of course, they had to pass through those horrible monster flowers first.

Everyone in the city stopped. We have to keep quiet and never say anything. I activate the Cloak Shadow Cloak function. Then stood on a protruding rock on the cliff of the valley. I looked at the cavalry so close, but they couldn't see me.

The city was before them as the team crossed the narrowest part of the valley. They stopped, and a knight asked the people next to him, "Isn't that a new city here?"

A mage said strangely: "It was said that I saw her, why not? The screenshots of the game I saw here seemed to be building a city, and I would definitely not look wrong. Unless that guy forged the screenshot."

"Can screenshots be forged?"

"It's because I can't, that's why I'm surprised! The rocks and mountains here are the places where the photos are on the ground. There should be nothing wrong!"

A female ninja urged the horse to come up: "Otherwise, let's look a little further?"

The knight stretched out his hand to the mage: "Save the photo for me."

The mage passed the photo, and the knight looked at it for a long time and said, "It looks like a big area!"

"There are photos from several other angles."

The mage passed a few more chapters, and the knight took a few chapters to the girl.

The female ninja screamed with a glance: "Fortress. This is a fortress of war. A good artillery with a caliber of no less than 500 mm! This should be a magic crystal cannon, and it is much larger than what we can buy. . "

The knight handed another chapter to the girl. "Look at this chapter."

"Oh my god!"

The woman shouted. "The Chinese fleet? Good guys! Is that Tyrant? It's bigger than Musashi and Yonghe together!"

"But now ...?"

The mage pointed to the front: "Does the Chinese think this place is not a good place for boarding 6 and has changed places?"

The knight knocked the guy with a scepter: "A city was not built arbitrarily. This place has been surveyed many times. It is impossible to suddenly run up and temporarily decide to change places."

The girl said, "Will it be jutsu?"

"Are you stupid? Where does China endure it?"

"But they have priests."

The women swear by the words: "The Chinese stole us and learn our ninjutsu, and then demonstrated in their debut. Maybe there is a way to hide a city at one time in their Taoism."

The mage nodded and said, "This is very possible. I think at the beginning, how great the cloisonne technology of our country is. The Chinese have not stolen the knowledge of international intellectual property rights in the past, and the great art we have done has become their thing Maybe they really exhibited urban camouflage from our ninjutsu. "


I really couldn't help laughing.


While the woman held back her cry, a bitterness had already flown over.

Ding, I caught the dart with two fingers. This kind of weapon that Japan tolerates is very fast, but the strength is very small, as long as you are fast enough, you must block it. Now that it has been exposed, concealment is always meaningful. I removed my camouflage as soon as I shook my cloak, and stood on the cliff in a form that I thought was good.

"Why are you laughing?"

The mage asked me angrily.

"I laugh ridiculously."

"We're talking about the culture of the country. What's so ridiculous?"

"Culture is not ridiculous, it is ridiculously human."

I opened my wings and flew up in a light posture. The night shadow suddenly appeared, and I landed firmly on his back. The night shadow led me slowly to land in front of them. "The great culture created by the history of civilization of the Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years, you say that it is Japanese culture. Isn't this funny?"

"What do you mean? Why slander us?"

Forbearance is quite angry.

"Slander? Well, you should really think that this is slander, but that's why it's ridiculous."

Suddenly, I started to tell stories slowly. "A long time ago, a greedy guy lived on an island. One day he suddenly heard that there was a knowledgeable old man on the Big 6 next to him.

So he pretended to ask the old man very religiously. The old one decided to pass on some introductory knowledge to this person first. But the greedy guy learned this and immediately thought that he was already very smart, so he left the old man and claimed that this knowledge was created by him. Unfortunately, the fisheye is the fisheye. It may look like a pearl, but it will never become a pearl. Everyone knows that this knowledge is knowledgeable. No one believes this greedy guy. But this guy did not admit it, and told his son that all his knowledge was all day long.

It was the old man who stole his culture. As a result, the child thought in the father's education that the mean old man had stolen his father's knowledge, but he was actually except the son. Everyone knows that these things are old and not this mean guy. "

I paused suddenly, then looked at the person in front of me: "Do n’t you say that such a ridiculous cover-up and stealing a bell is worth my laughter? Cloisonne and Taoism are both Chinese cultures. You children who have been fooled by the mean father agree that the father is Victimized, can I be funny as a descendant of the elderly? "

"The offspring of the elderly?"

At this time everyone knew what I was hiding, and the mage asked stupidly.

I simply made it clear. "The old man's name is Yan Huang, and I can call me Yan Huang descendants. If you still don't understand, I can help you explain, who told that stupid person to know the world after only learning the basics, and even the children are educated Not good, so poorly understood! "

I shook my head: "Sad, ridiculous, sorrowful, pitiful!"

Even if a fool, this time should understand what I mean. Before the mage had time to come, Nu Ni started. A row of cross steel darts flew over head-on, and I did not flash, the steel darts were fixed in the sky out of thin air. The girl was startled. Someone did it to dodge or catch her darts, but this was the first time she had a volley.

Pepper stuck out of my head, and I hugged her to the front. Pepper looked at the dart and then glanced at Ninja, and the steel dart suddenly flew towards Ninja. She didn't think in a hurry that she would be attacked by her own weapon. As a result, none of the 7 darts flashed, and all of them hit.

A Japanese samurai next to the knight suddenly jumped from his horseback and cut it off with the help of falling inertia. Pepper looked up at him, and the guy suddenly flew back like a man hit a row and hit a row of people.

The leading knight was surprised to see his man fly back, and when he turned his head back, I was gone. As he looked around, a voice suddenly appeared above him: "Where do you look?"

A rock suddenly smashed down, and he ran away in a hurry. The knight successfully avoided the attack, but the mage next to him did not flash off.

"Shoot him down."

The knight shouted at me.

I also shouted at him at the same time: "burn them all into coke!"

The knight heard my words and felt a sense of oppression in front of him.

A dragon rushed down at him, and the knight was killed without a hit. Then came the bonfire party of the dragons. Our totem dragons are different from the unfortunate lucky ones. They are not the same as full real dragons. The flames on both sides block the player from burning in the middle. Some people took out the scrolls to go back to the city and wanted to run. Unfortunately, once the scrolls were taken out, they were burned before they even unfolded.

I went back to the city and asked them to close the mirage system and speed up the construction.

Hongyue asked me excitedly: "What are you doing to expose your goal? Isn't this to death?"

The rose on the side laughed: "This is the best way."

"the best?"

"Zi Ri suddenly came and knocked those guys down, and then destroyed them all. These people must be very angry when they go back, and then they will come to revenge."

"Then our city is not dangerous?"

Hongyue asked excitedly.

Su Mei said on the side: "I don't understand this yet? Those people must haven't thought seriously about their anger, and they have forgotten the problems of the city. To be clear, it is Brother Ziri who interrupted and confused them. These people must be back when they go back. The desperate convener came back to avenge his brother Ziri. But they simply don't remember that we still have a city. When they are defeated again, they will remember that there is a Chinese city here, and then they will preach around the country People are calling for help. "

Hongyue finally understood: "Oh! That's it. They won't understand until they're defeated again, but when they're ready to attack, we're all done."

Su Mei sighed: "You finally understand."

I stopped the two of them from continuing to say, "Never mind anything now, let's build the city before we say it."


Hongyue nodded and left immediately.

This time, I lost my capital in the Fulcrum City. A lot of money was invested in him, especially the battery array behind the wall was enough to arm a very large city, but now I only use it to block the entrance of a valley.

The undersea race sold us many new weapons at our request. Among them, the great white shark trisonic weapon is the most powerful. This thing looks a bit like a radar antenna. However, it is actually an assault weapon, and it is a surface killer, and its coverage is quite large. I used 100 million crystal coins to buy and grab 20 and grab them. Anyway, their little pigtails were pinched in my hands.

How about not taking advantage of it now.

Construction in the city was finally completed at midnight, and I quickly arranged for the hosted guild store to start operating. After the city runs normally, South Korea will be connected to this place. Almost a minute after our announcement, a large number of players began to frantically move through the teleportation array. We placed a sign outside the teleportation team and repeatedly notified. Those who pass through here must carry sufficient funds on their bodies, and the system will automatically deduct the transmission fee when crossing, if not enough, they will not be able to transmit.

The fulcrum on Fulcrum City is quite smooth. Those players first look away as soon as they come out, and we immediately guide them away from the teleportation array to prevent the people behind them from coming out. The Fulcrum City was originally not large, and it was jammed so much. It is even more crowded when there are so many existing houses, but it can still be installed. The streets, like the commercial streets during the National Day, are full of people. It is not enough to describe the crowdedness here.

We keep telling these players some precautions on the radio. "Dear Korean friends, this is the fulcrum city located in Japan. I know you are in a hurry to go out, but before that I need to inform you of some things. First, because we are not Japanese, we cannot use the system in Japan Coordinates, maps and compasses can still be used, but the coordinate display is all question marks, which is normal. In addition, because everyone is not familiar with life here, and Japanese players are very unfriendly to us, it is recommended that you go out of town Prepare the things you need to bring. For example, the Scroll of the Fulcrum City and the medicines required for battle, you will most likely not be able to enter the Japanese city to resupply. If you do n’t resupply here, there will be no way to resupply. The City Scroll recommends not to bring only one, and you must buy the Fulcrum City's fixed-point return to the City Scroll. Otherwise, if you run too far, you will be passed to the Japanese city cloth when you return to the city, I think you will not have to No other hope. "

These words are really valid. As soon as we finished talking about the major medicine and reel shops in our city, they almost burst out. I opened more than a hundred scroll shops and hundreds of drug stores in this small city, and there are more blacksmith pins, but that's how I was almost trampled. Our store sells medicines made by our players and ourselves. The effect is better than the ones sold in the system store. In addition, the price is acceptable, and it is operated in a quaint manner. powerful. The weapon shop and the scroll shop are okay. Our drug store closed for an hour after insisting, and the words "All our medicines are temporarily out of stock" are displayed on the door.

An old man ran to me and said, "President. We don't have enough medicine. Please hurry up and get some more? Don't sell medicine. Those people have to knock down the store door!"

"I see. You go back first, and the medicine will arrive soon."

This is the first time because the goods are so popular that they have a headache. Why do Koreans buy things so crazy? Could it be the cause of Kui's decision?

When I Tian Essinger gathered medicines, the broadcasts here were repeatedly broadcasting various notices.

"Please note that in order to prevent the Japanese from attacking here. We have planted a ferocious plant outside the city. They can provide protection for the city, but these plants are indifferent to the enemy and even the players in the bank will attack. Worry, there are special perfumes available in major stores in this city. This plant is particularly afraid of this perfume. Just buy a bottle. Open the bottle cap every time you pass. "

As soon as the broadcast came out, the perfume in the city was out of stock. Really fierce!

Essinger's medicine did not meet his needs in the end. I frustrated and swept the Yun Shoucheng, and even sold out the backlog of stocks for many years. It was really amazing!

I returned to Fulcrum City, and the broadcast was still propagating: "The Fulcrum City is definitely a good place for you to level up. Although players are more powerful than monsters of the same level, the experience value of killing a player is also several times that of monsters of the same level. Even dozens of times, and the player ’s magic pet alone counts as experience, it is definitely the best choice for upgrading. However, domestic players are easy to attack each other, so everyone can only choose to attack monsters. But this is not the same. Killing players in other countries is not It will be a red name, but it will increase your own point of justice. You can only encounter such beautiful things in the fulcrum freely. Please rest assured. "

Emotional movements are almost complete, and the city gates are opened. The team expected to retaliate against our Japanese never appeared, but the Korean players here have already dispatched.

At 8 am Beijing time, the throne of the Seal of the Seal of God finally had a Korean player leave the gorge and began to enter the mainland of Japan.

The first thing that Korean players encounter is naturally the nail we arranged-Leichuan City. As soon as people out of the city, I immediately notified Xiaobuki over there. Thunder River City started shelling almost as soon as South Korean players came out of the canyon. South Korean players shouted for experience and rushed to Thunder River.

In order to make the performance more realistic, Xiaoblow deliberately asked not to call for reinforcements. Those Korean players first started to suffer because of Chuanyang Lake, and they could only be beaten if they could n’t pass the lake, but soon the Korean players later brought their looks and boats, and some organized guilds even got the earth.

Of course, there is a charge for the artillery being transmitted from South Korea.

Leichuan City was finally approached by Korean players, then they stepped on the top of the wall and started fighting with people in Leichuan City. At this time, Xiaoblow immediately contacted a nearby Japanese guild and told them that all foreigners were attacking, and that these foreigners also built a new city in the valley.

The video that Xiaoblow showed them can only confirm that these are Asians. In addition, Xiaoblow said that these are foreigners. Those presidents naturally assumed that they were Chinese. Of course, they do not want the Chinese to occupy Japan. Everyone can see that Lei Chuan is easy to defend. If he keeps Lei Chuan, there is hope that he will block the mountain pass and then counter the cities inside. If Lei Chuan is lost, it will become these. Expansion base for foreigners. The presidents of the guilds agreed to send troops to help almost immediately.

After an hour at the top of Leichuan Castle, the Japanese from the back began to appear 6 times later, and the city cloth immediately became messy. Those Japanese who wear ninja costumes are the best sign, and Korean players rushed up in excitement. People on both sides started a long war of striations, and a lot of casualties were inevitable. The Japanese were wounded and bought medicine in Leichuan. Of course, the Koreans were injured when they bought the fulcrum.

And the money on both sides actually went into our pockets. After all, we needed the Sichuan, but the Koreans and Japanese didn't know it.

In addition to the pharmacy, the Resurrection Hall and the Blacksmith Shop have also become large income earners. The death of the Japanese was resurrected in Leichuan nearby, and of course the considerable resurrection fee was what we took. Korean players should have returned to their country to be resurrected, but these Korean players have established friendly or alliance guild relations with us, so they can be resurrected in our city without being sent back to China. Although our resurrection fee is a little bit higher, it is much cheaper than sending it back and spending money back, and it saves time on the throne of the Seal of God. Not to mention the smithy, the durability of weapons in combat drops very quickly, this time is a good time for the smithy.

Anyway, after a day of fighting, we had enough money. After dark at night, the battle went crazy. The Japanese knew that foreigners had invaded and began to concentrate here. The battleships of our guild on the sea, combined with our powerful turrets and our air superiority, completely blocked the Japanese from attacking from behind us, so the battle was concentrated at the canyon outside Leichuan. The Japanese side sent a total of more than 7 million players, and the South Korean side also ran over 6 million people. This battle sequence is really huge.

The fight lasted all night, and the next morning I saw Masaru Matsumoto of the Black Dragon Society, and then I went to show his face to let him see me. The result was naturally a more crazy attack on the Japanese side. But the situation quickly became problematic. Japanese players are fighting locally and have an advantage in terms of personnel. The number of players in South Korea is insufficient, and signs of defeat are beginning to appear. The gorge mouth has now been basically piled up by the corpses, and Chuanyang Lake is a blood red. It can be seen how terrible the battle is.

The war was going on outside, and I and Rose, they had a meeting. Takahata said: "The Koreans are still barely able to withstand it. But they are stepping back, I think this will soon be pressed by the Japanese to our city."

Rose said: "South Korea has a higher proportion of people playing games. But after all, the population is smaller, and it is not native to South Korea. It is impossible for people from all over the country to come. The disadvantage is inevitable."

Hongyue Road: "But once the war is out of balance, we have nowhere to make money!"

Rose said: "Simply bring some people from here? Build a transnational transport formation in Yunshou City. People on both sides come together to fight, and they will definitely stand up to the Japanese."

I nodded: "Then do that, Hongyue, you will notify Feng Yin Piao Miao, and do more propaganda work. Eagle, you also go back and build the teleportation team of Yun Shoucheng, I don't want to let other guilds The herringbone Aisin was running around. "

"Well, I'll do it."

Building a transnational transport array is very simple, and the materials are readily available anyway. We soon built a huge transnational teleportation array in the central square of Yunshou City, with the help of the Blood Alliance and the Northern Alliance. The next day, 6 people started to reach the Fulcrum City through this teleportation array. We have slightly discounted the Chinese shipping fee, but the price of buying medicine is unchanged.

After our efforts, we immediately saw the results. The Japanese players and the players from China and South Korea had a fierce battle at the mouth of the valley. The artillery of Fulcrum City and Leichuan City just reached this position, so the artillery between the two sides began. Support the players in the three countries here, of course, you have to say that we are not supporting but messing up, and I ca n’t help it. Anyway, as long as the people on either side are too brave, the opposite city will be stopped immediately with firepower. Anyway, it is enough to control these people at the mouth of the canyon.

The players on both sides are as crazy as melee, and I am crazy about making money. The records of several television stations found that we hope to get a video of the battle. Their people died when they leaned on. There was no way to record the video. Of course, the people in our guild could survive the melee. Of course I will not refuse the request for recording, but there will be a fee for rebroadcasting.

In the city, a tower similar to the tower was built. Of course, this tower is not as tall as the tower. We put a set of remote observers of the kind imported from Germany on the top of the tower, and then set up a video camera behind that, so that we can broadcast the battle. Anyone who wants to buy the broadcast right will pay money.

Later, after thinking about it, we simply wrote a rebroadcasting station, applied to the system for the rebroadcasting system, and then found two sharp-eyed handsome guys and pretty girls in the guild to start the host.

We are not a creator of in-game TV stations, but it is only us that have the most powerful visual impact. The show was broadcast to South Korea and China at the same time, and as a result attracted more players to participate.

We also have a TV broadcast fee. Each player needs one silver coin to watch for an hour, which is irresponsible. In fact, such a high audience rating is quite impressive. In particular, the battlefield news I shot on the scene of riding a birdie absolutely has a deterrent effect, and the ratings immediately turn up every time I broadcast it.

The war continued for three days, and both sides began to calm down gradually. These three days are completely 24 hours of uninterrupted fighting. Some people go offline and some people go online. Anyway, there are always people fighting. But three days later, the fighting began to break.

The scattered players asked us to transport them to other parts of Japan, and then they went to destroy, and the guilds of those clusters began to plan how to modulate the battle time, the Seal of the Seal of God and other related issues.

In the past three days, we have seen many new situations on the battlefield, and some problems that were previously unthinkable have appeared before us.

The deadliest problem we face is the corpse. The corpse of the player who died in the three days of battle has almost turned the canyon into a corpse mountain. It turned black, and all bodies were floating on the lake, which almost filled the lake.

Later, Su Mei came up with an idea, and we brought the crystal beetle from Key City. Anyway, Crystal Beetles eat everything, and we just let them eat corpses. Taking advantage of the truce to quickly clean up the battlefield, the bodies were eaten clean.

In addition to the corpses, we also have an opportunity to make money. Many players can't recover the equipment they lost after the battle. Those who go out later can always pick up the things that exploded in front of them. Those who already have the equipment will of course sell it when they get it. We set up a recycling point in the city. We can buy the equipment and sell it here. We have someone to evaluate the price and buy it.

People without equipment can come here to buy equipment, so we make a lot of difference in each song. Some people do n’t want to sell to us, and we do n’t object to it, and we have also actively opened up a trading market for them to sell things. Of course, the booth fee is indispensable.

In fact, the equipment we retrieved will be screened, and some valuable ones will be left behind, and ordinary ones will be traded out. Some players also picked up Japanese equipment, such as ninja equipment, and secretly handed it to Leichuan's Xiaoblow to sell it. There was also a Japanese who picked up Taoist clothing and other things there. They ca n’t use it, we also get it back for sale, it ’s all money!

Three days of crazy battle is really enjoyable, and our income has skyrocketed. In the past three days, Lei Chuan has made all our investment in building the city back up to now, and starting tomorrow will be doing my best.

Of course, we also need to assist those players. Some players who thought they could sneak into the enemy asked us to send them to Japan6, so we started the air express business. As long as we are willing to pay 50 crystal coins, we can send a spear to send him anywhere in Japan.

If you are willing to pay 60 crystal coins, you can still get insurance business. If half way is shot down, we will compensate the transportation and resurrection costs. If you are willing to pay 100 crystal coins, we can also send a spear to **** each. As for the whole guilds who want to go out, we simply use the lance group to transport.

When these players arrived in the Japanese mainland, they bloomed everywhere. Some people ransacked Japanese cities and got a lot of things. When they returned, they not only upgraded a lot of levels, but also made a lot of money. This has further stimulated the craze of adventure. They were too busy to come. In the end, they had to pay a long price. 70 crystal coins per person were not covered by insurance.

Since we started the air freight business, Japan has been completely out of order. Those Korean players and Chinese players are everywhere, and Japanese people who often engage in flocks are not peaceful ~ ~ Eventually the Japanese ca n’t stand it. They began to send a large number of air forces to intercept our rifles. The direct consequence of this move was that the guild's rifle loss rate has skyrocketed, and now it will be shot down once every two times on average. The Japanese completely use a group of flying creatures to deal with a saturated attack method. Our spear can not stand up to dozens of people together! However, the loss is attributed to the loss, which does not provoke us to make money, but allows us to continue the long price on the grounds of large air freight losses.

The Japanese are also miserable enough. High-intensity aerial interruptions mean huge logistics supplies, and the nearest city is Leichuan except our fulcrum city.

The Japanese supply in Leichuan, because of their current status, the price cannot be increased, but the small profits and high sales are still very profitable, especially when half of the Japanese players supply medicines in your city, this profit is absolutely It's astronomical.

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