Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 90: Will count (on)

Isn't this the site of an ancient battlefield?

Throwing the bone in his hand to the side, he bent over and touched it tentatively, and finally felt a round thing, very smooth. Fingers touched a few holes in the thing, and it seemed to be still in the ground, and pulled the thing up with a force. It turned out to be a skull, and it seemed that the teeth were young, about twenty years old. Dead people at this age are usually not killed normally, and this place is probably really a battlefield site.

He lifted his feet and was about to walk forward, and suddenly he heard someone talking. "Hey?"

I looked around and no one was there.

"Where do you look? I'm in your hands."

I hurriedly brought the skull in front of me, and saw that the muscleless mandible opened and closed. "It's you."

Skull was a little surprised: "Why don't you run?"

"Why should I run?"

"I am a skeleton!"

I pointed to the wings behind me: "I'm a mutant demon, we should be a force."

"It turned out to be your own!" The skeleton immediately became enthusiastic. "It doesn't look like you are at a low level. What level is it?"

"737, now the upgrade is slow, not very good practice. What did you call me just now?"

"I see that you are about to leave when you hold my head. I want you to put me down. I am still underneath, but I don't want to be in a different place."

"Oh, sorry!"

Skeleton said politely: "Since everyone is on one side, please trouble me to dig out my body. It has been buried underneath for so long, and I want to go out and walk around."

小 "Come on." I threw the skull up, and bent sharply to hit the ground. Suddenly a column rose from the ground, and the skull just landed on it. A few taps on the earthen cylinder fell apart, leaving a skeleton standing on the ground, that is, the skull turned upside down! Hurriedly reached out to help him turn back. "It's OK now."

骷 The skeleton raised his head right. "Thank you, this is much more comfortable. In return, I will tell you something useful to you."

I knew that this demon's rare good deeds would be rewarded. "What news?"

The skull turned and pointed towards the interior of the mountain recess. "There is a monster named Bone Girl. She is not a friend of our undead. You must be careful. From here onwards, you will encounter a lot of skeletons. They are all controlled by Bone Girl and will not be friendly to you. Also, this skeletal girl has a great set of changing shapes, so don't be fooled. Except she is a skeleton in this mountain, if you see the third kind of moving creature, she must have changed. In addition, I She also knows her weaknesses. This bone woman is afraid of canine monsters. "

"Skulls seem to be afraid of dogs." Isinger has so many skulls, can I not know the weaknesses of the skulls?

骷 The skeleton said angrily: "Crap, don't you know that dogs love bones?"

Sweat! Finally understand why skeletons are afraid of dogs! It turned out that in the eyes of dogs, skulls = bones = food.

"Understand. If it's just a skeleton, there's nothing to be afraid of. My strength won't be killed by the skeleton."

"Those are not ordinary skeletons, they are super skeletons, and ..." He paused. "Forget it, you can't say it clearly, you know it when you see it. Anyway, be careful! It's her ability to be 20 meters forward here, and her puppets will be inward. I Go first. "

"Thank you then."

I walked away the skeleton and turned towards the valley. It didn't seem to make any difference when I reached the dividing line. It may be just a simple dividing line of power here, without any obvious signs. For safety reasons, I still call out two and a half months to help. In half a month, I moved forward two inches above the ground in front of me. Two and a half months were like two lawnmowers. After they passed, there were only two inches of turf left on the ground.

I walked and walked and suddenly felt that my feet were caught by something. Looking down, it turned out that a bone-only claw gripped my ankle. This should be the kind of skeleton working for the bone girl said by the uncontrolled skeleton outside.

I reached out and grabbed that hand and pulled it up, but suddenly I felt like my strength was loose, and I only pulled a section of the upper arm bone out, and it even broke! After a while, the ground began to shake, and the soil struck a bag and started to rise upward. After a while, the soil cracked and a skeleton with half of its arms crawled out. It looked at me and suddenly opened his mouth and made a crying cry. Is this the so-called ghost crying wolf?

"What's it called, noisy!" A slap closed his chin, and the voice of the skull stopped.

骷 The skeleton was confused, but it soon recovered, and suddenly attacked me with the other hand. I just pushed gently, and the skeleton fell apart. How can a skeleton at level 50 treat me? This is probably a small cricket that is used to test the enemy's strength and see the response of the undead, so it has no fighting power.

Ignore this little skull and move on. Soon a serious problem arose. Why did I go back to where I was? The skull fragments on the ground are clearly the ones I scattered just now. Take out the compass, only to find that it failed again!

"Bai Lang." Call out the magic pet to help. "Help use your nose to lead the way."

Bai Lang immediately started to smell the smell and moved forward. With its nose and good sense of direction, we easily left the Passion of the Mountain Pass. After entering the situation, the situation changed obviously. The grassland here returned to normal, not as deep as the entrance, and some sparse trees and many shrubs began to appear here.

Bai Lang whispered after continuing a distance, "something is coming."

"What is it?"

可能 "Maybe a zombie. I smell carrion."

"How about the quantity?"

"I don't know. It's everywhere, the number is huge." Bai Lang looked at me. "As long as the number of 200 zombies does not exceed 100,000, shouldn't it be a problem?"

"Even billions are not a problem. Zombies don't fly." I have wings.


刚 As soon as we finished speaking, a rustling voice came from the woods next to us. When the leaves suddenly moved, a zombie emerged from the bush, and then zombie appeared continuously. These guys go slowly one by one, it is not a threat to me at all. I don't bother to ignore them, and continue to move forward with white waves. I just need to push away when encountering zombies. These low-level monsters no longer need to be deliberately prepared.

After walking for a while, I suddenly heard a very faint sound from a distance. At first I thought it was a bird, but as we went forward, the sound became clearer. Bai Lang's ears are also very good. He can hear directly the voice of a woman asking for help. As the distance got closer, even I could hear the sound clearly.

"Help!" This female voice is very pleasant and full of a sense of temptation.

I followed the voice and easily found the woman. This is an Asian woman in a long white dress with long black hair and white skin. Especially in her clothes, the white dress was a little too thin, the contents inside were looming, and the blood of the people was surging. At this moment she was standing on a small crooked tree. That tree was only over five meters tall, and she was standing a little more than two meters above the ground. A group of zombies under the tree were clumsily reaching out their hands, trying to reach her white feet. But the joints of the zombies were rigid, there was no way to climb the tree, and their height couldn't reach the women on the tree. Those rotten arms are always so close to reaching this woman. Woman is screaming out loud for help on the tree.

We stood in the bushes and didn't go out. The position of the woman could not see us for the time being. Bai Lang looked at me: "You want to save her?"

"Save! Why not save? How can such a beautiful lady be in danger without reaching out? But!" I paused a little. "You need to investigate something before that."

"You see it?" Bai Lang looked at me in surprise.

"Hahahaha ... do you really think I'm an idiot?" He turned and opened the space door. "Scott, come out to help." All 21 bell knights came out, thinking about calling Ling also. "Have you seen the woman in that tree over there?"

"Isn't that a monster?" Skott asked strangely. Ling smiled and said nothing.

"I know. Did you see it?"

"Saw it." The 21 bell knights nodded.

"It's good to see." I found 10 ringing knights and 11 of them from Ling. "You 10 listen to Ling's dispatch, and be optimistic about that woman here. Don't go out and let her see, let alone save her."

One of the bell knights wondered: "She should be able to feel that we are nearby, it's the same if I can't go out."

"You don't care about it, anyway, don't go out and let her see it." Turned to Ling: "I won't close the space door, you are here to guard, don't let that woman run away. There are many zombies and skeletons nearby, maybe There is even more powerful, if you can't get in, you can go in and adjust the Yalong Cavalry support. "He also called out the rose vine and the night shadow. "Rose Vine also stays with you. Yeying is responsible for protecting Ling's safety. She is a mage and cannot be brought close. Look at that woman."

那 "So you ...?" Ling asked.

"I have something else. You wait for me to come back." Said to take Bailang and 11 other ringing knights out of here.

After a long walk, Bai Lang asked me strangely, "What do you mean?"

"I naturally have my meaning, just follow me. Smell carefully if there is any smell of blood nearby?"

血 "Blood? How do you know that there is a smell of blood nearby? I just smelled a little bit. You can't be better than my nose?"

"I guessed. If you smell it, I guessed right. Take us there."

Bailang chased after the smell, and we followed Bailang. Soon we found the source of the **** smell. There is an oblique stone building on a hillside, this thing is obviously the tunnel entrance. The **** smell came from this hole.

越 The closer we got here along the way, the fewer zombies were nearby, and we were completely invisible at the entrance of the cave. When I walked to the entrance of the cave, I found that there is still a stone gate here, but there is a big hole in it, let alone people, even rhinos pass by. When I entered, I immediately felt a familiar feeling. This is the breath of the undead, and there is a lot of death in it.

Summoned Xiaochun, let her use lighting, and the tunnel lit up immediately. Under the light, you can clearly see that some black air in the air in the tunnel is floating in the air, these are the breath of death. Xiaochun frowned.

I took off my helmet and put it on her, then put the mask down. Seeing her surprised look, I asked, "Is it better?"

Xiao Xiaochun nodded, and the system prompted the loyalty to rise immediately. In fact, as long as you care about the magic pet, the improvement of loyalty is still simple. However, the high-end magic pets are more troublesome. They are generally all-round, there is nothing to care about, and they are very strong and do not respect the owner. But as long as you seize every opportunity, there is still a way, of course, provided that your strength can calm him down.

With the filtering function of the magic dragon helmet, Xiaochun is much more comfortable. I was also a member of darkness anyway, and the breath of death didn't respond to me at all. "Go forward." Make a gesture to let the ringing knight walk in front of them. They are high-level, and they are more secure when they are in danger.

"This should be the monster's nest, right?" Xiaochun asked after we described the story.

Bai Lang nodded: "If you didn't guess wrong, it should be here. But I don't understand what the host is doing here."

Xi Bailang was obviously asking for my opinion, and I had to answer, "Do you know the myth of the dragon-slaying in Europe?" Everyone nodded. I continued: "There are two types of dragon slaughter. One is that the dragon has endangered the security of an area, and the other is for the cave of the dragon."

"You came in to collect treasure?" Xiaochun was surprised.

I smiled and nodded. "Anyway, the monster was posing as a woman over there and wanted to hang me. We took this opportunity to copy her home. What a perfect plan!"

"You're so black!" Although Xiaochun's loyalty improved a lot, it was still less than 60. This score is a passing line, and the magic pet that can't reach 60 will basically not have any positive views on the owner.

I smiled and put my arm on Xiaochun's shoulder. "It's all family, don't you follow me with black spots?"

"I don't think so." Xiaochun pushed my hand away. "Also, if you want to go out alive, I suggest you watch the road."


看 "Look at the way?" 咚! "Oh!" There is a pillar in the middle of this **** tunnel! "Which **** is this tunnel repairing and why is it setting up a pillar here?"

He went back to look at the pillar in the middle and said, "This place may have collapsed before. This was added later."

"I said, there is such a thing standing in the middle of the road!"

Xun Xiaochun shook slightly beside him. Although she couldn't see her face when she was blocked by the helmet, I knew she was smirking.

I rubbed my nose while continuing to move forward, and after walking a long way, I found the light. It is hard to imagine that this tunnel is not connected to the underground structure. I always thought it was an ancient tomb below, but I knew that after walking for a long time, I went up to the ground again. This is a mountain stream, surrounded by mountains. If it is outside, it is easy to ignore it. This vacant lot is not large, and you can see the opposite at a glance. There is a village in the middle of the clearing, which looks like a military base, surrounded by high wooden walls and wooden watchtowers at the corners. It looks like the place is old and the wood is gray. The wood of this structure is generally fixed by magic for a long time, and appears in human residences occupied by monsters. Monsters have a long life and people's houses cannot live for many years. Monsters either move frequently or use magic to strengthen buildings. The reinforced wood will change color although it will not rot, and it will turn off-white over time.

一 With a wave of my hand, all 11 bell knights rushed out. Several knights climbed over the fence, and others rushed to the door and looked inside from there. Scarlett, standing on the door wall, made a safe gesture, and I, Xiaochun, approached the door together.

Wu Bailang said: "This should be the source, the **** taste is strong."

"I can smell it." The **** smell here was so strong that I could smell it clearly.

They were the first to jump into the stockade. After a few seconds, a section of that wall suddenly tilted outward, it turned out to be a suspension bridge. Walking into the stockade surprised me. A pile of corpses piled up next to the house door, like a small mountain bag. Inside this corpse mountain are men, women, young and old, and some people are not human. Suddenly I see a guy holding a scroll back to the city, which shows that he is a player. It seems that it's not just NPCs here!

Because the corpse mountain was too high, the corpses below were squeezed, and the blood and water flowed out, and the ground had been pooled into a small puddle by the blood. This is the source of the fishy smell.

"Too disgusting!" Xiaochun couldn't stand such a stimulating scene.

Weiss Goth said: "Does this monster like to eat jerky? If it is not cold here, it must be all flies."

"Look around and see if there is anything worth asking for."

Weiss Goth immediately commanded: "You two side, your side, you go there, Alfred, come here with me."

刚刚 As soon as they dispersed, I received Ling's personal contact. "the host."

"what happened?"

"The woman's tree is pushed by a zombie, and it may break at any time."

"Don't worry about her. Your duty is to watch her and don't let her run away. Those zombies just eat her and you don't move."


After the explanation, I also started to search Zhaizi. Xiaochun certainly followed me. She didn't want to stand here to watch the dead mountain.

原来 It turned out to be a bandit nest. I found a lot of embroidered weapons and Japanese samurai armor in a house. There is also a room next to a lot of copper plates, but when you look at it, it turns out to be a story item. In other words, these copper plates do not count as money.

"Master, we found something." Scarlett called out to me.


After I ran out, Scooter called me outside a room on the side of Zhaizi, and hurried over. He walked to Skott and asked, "What did you find?"

"You know it when you see it."

推 I pushed in the door and walked in. Several bell knights stood inside, and there was a cage in the middle of the room. The cage is made of wood. Its usefulness is not to close the beasts, but to people. There are actually living people in the cage, and there is more than one ~ ~ Who are you? "This man wasn't nervous at all. I didn't expect him to have the mood to ask me who he is. Look at him as a Samurai and be a player.

"Does it matter?"

当然 "Of course." The samurai asked, "Are you a player?"

"Why do you think I am a player?"

"NPCs don't talk like that." The guy was shrewd.

"Are you all players?" This cage is so big, there are more than 30 people in it. I don't believe that these are all players.

"I know it by looking at the reaction." The guy said, "NPCs shivering in the corner are shaking, and the rest are players."

At a glance, I understand. There are eleven women and two men in the corner, and they should both be NPCs. Players are basically not afraid of death, anyway, they can be resurrected. Everyone is trying to get out. Some people are using weapons to cut the wall, but this room is obviously strengthened and not damaged.

"Did you all get caught?"

"Nonsense, will you come in by yourself? Fool!" The other guy talking was looking like he was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and was a playboy.

The bell knight standing next to him flashed the knight's pike into the cage and gave him a kick to knock the guy down. "You must not be ignorant of your master."

"Who the **** are you?" The guy lying on the ground was quite fierce.

The bell-tone knight is about to attack again, but the guy ran to the middle and the spear was not long enough. I didn't stop, this kind of person killed and killed, no different from pinching an ant. He still hid in the middle of the cage. Offending the Bell Rider is no good fruit. These guys are basically extremely inhumane. The best way after they are caught is to commit suicide as soon as possible.

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