Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 87: Dangerous creature

I stood opposite her and pulled out eternity and held it in my hand. Two and a half months flew out of my back and hovered beside, ready to attack at any time. The creature in front of her is clearly humanoid, and she is not human. Humanoids are generally more difficult to deal with, and this seems not to be a simple role.

"Can you talk?" Generally, when you encounter humanoids, it is best to try to communicate first.

The other side stood there without any reaction. Although her helmet covered the whole face, I could still feel the eyes behind the blue crystal staring directly at my bracelet.

"Don't understand?" I moved forward a little. "Or don't want to answer?"

She still didn't respond, but her eyes became hotter.

既然 "Since you don't want to communicate with me, there is no way." Symbolically waved the eternity in his hand. "Speak with a sword!"

I almost rushed at the same time that she was talking, and her response was not inferior. Taking a step back took a distance from me. This guy seems to know that my weapon is better, he doesn't touch me at all. I followed immediately and waved the sword straight, she suddenly held her hands in front of her, as if there was a basketball between her hands.

My sword split exactly between her hands, but a strong force came from the sword, and my sword was locked. She didn't touch eternity. Both hands were at a distance from the sword, but she seemed to form a force field between the hands. My weapon was stuck in this force field and could not be split.

He pulled back fiercely, but found that eternity was completely controlled, and he couldn't even pull back. The opponent's hands seemed to withstand my pull, and they were fighting hard and twisting. This creature has such ability. The indestructible eternity can only exert its destructive power when it encounters the enemy, but now it is trapped in the void to let us attack!

Fortunately, I had more than one weapon. I felt my will for two and a half months and immediately flew over. She also noticed for half a month, but unfortunately her hands were busy now. At the moment when two and a half months were approaching, after two sounds of golden iron attacked, two and a half months flew out left and right. Her two wings were supported on both sides of the body, and there was a light golden light on the outside of the wings. If you look closely, the same light is locked in the eternity between her hands.

It was a big accident that she had something similar to a protective cover. I just don't know how long this shield can support.

Two and a half months rounded up again under my call, and then two and a half months ran into her golden protective cover while spinning at a high speed. This time, under the control of my control, it was not bounced off. Instead, it was hitting her protective cover with high-speed rotating shocks. The protective cover continuously made a jingling impact and Mars splashed.

However, this common sense seems to have no effect, and her shield does not appear to have changed in the slightest. It is estimated that her protective cover has a relatively strong total resistance, so she can't wear it for a long time; or that this protective cover does not have a total hit limit, and is only afraid of high-intensity assaults.

Since this attack is invalid, I ca n’t pose with her like this anymore, suddenly let go, let go of eternity, and then pull out the dragon gun behind. Shooting a gun at such a close distance accurately pinched her belly, but that layer of golden light successfully blocked the gun's head, and my gun tip was only a few millimeters away from her body, and it never happened again. Can't insert it.

She looked up at me in surprise, and I looked at her in surprise. But she didn't seem to be surprised by the fight, and I reacted more quickly than she did. There is no draw gun, but the skill is directly activated: "The magic dragon penetrates the heart."


The skill effect this time is simply a big bang, and a cloud of smoke and dust suddenly burst out. Two and a half months first suddenly fell into it, and then was quickly thrown out by a huge force. She was directly shocked by the force of the explosion, and Eternity flew out with her. On the other side, I was also shaken out by a huge force, and the dragon gun flew out of my hand.

I was blown out and I fell on my feet, and as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw my dragon gun falling from the sky. Quickly turned over to the side, the dragon gun was suddenly inserted into the field I was just traveling, the gun body was more than one meter deep. Two and a half months were blown up for more than forty meters, one of which was stuck in a rock and the other hung on a tree. The creature over there was blasted seven or eight feet away by the power of the explosion, and it stopped after breaking a big tree. Forever fell on a nearby rock, and the sword body had been fully inserted into the stone due to its own gravity, leaving only a handle still outside.

At this moment, the shrubs beside him shook, and several people came out of it. This is Japan, and the players must be Japanese. I knew I should find an island to come to a decisive battle. Now I can only pray that these people don't know me.

I may be praying, but those people really don't know me. Having fought so many times with Little Japan, now more than a third of the Japanese players know me, and I can meet 5 people who do n’t know me. How lucky!

The other person probably understood what was going on when they looked at the scene. The turf turned up in the field clearly marked what happened here. And these people probably ran over when they heard the explosion.

"What is this?" A female player in their team who looked twenty-four or five years old noticed the half-moon pulled on the stone.

As soon as she was about to touch, a guy dressed as a Japanese samurai stopped her. "Don't touch it, it's dangerous."

This guy is right. Half-moon is a flying weapon, and it flies on its own. I do not need to touch it with my hands. Therefore, there is no place to design a grip at half a month. It is surrounded by blades, and it is not safe to come from which side.

I got up from the ground and changed the Japanese pronunciation with the help of Phantom. In case I need to speak, I try not to speak without speaking. Just glancing at it, the half-month stuck in the stone began to struggle around. Those people voluntarily backed away for some distance and didn't dare to approach, breaking the rock three or two times in this half month. Once free, it flew back and flew up and down around me. I turned to look at the other one, and the half-month over there also started quickly, cut off half the canopy and flew back.

I stretched out my hand and held the magic dragon gun to pull it out of the ground, and then stretched out with one hand, inserted into the rock forever shaking for two times, suddenly flew up and quickly returned to me. The bosses of the Japanese players opened their mouths one by one, but no one dared to speak.

The female creature over there sat up from the ground, then suddenly jumped out from the branches of the trees. The explosion just didn't seem to cause too much damage, but her abdomen had 8 purple mouths. At least the dragon gun can break through that protective cover.

She walked back to the middle of the grass, turned her head and looked at the five people, and those five people also looked at her. Then, with no warning, she suddenly raised her hand, and one of the five people who looked more obscene broke into two halves from the middle, as if the whole person was split from the middle. From start to finish, I didn't see what she was attacking with. It didn't seem to be magic, but I didn't see what weapon she used!

The remaining four Japanese immediately formed a defensive formation and seemed to cooperate well. But she waved again without any expression, and the head of the woman who wanted to touch half a month suddenly rolled off her shoulders. Then the body fell down softly, and the blood water spilled like a fountain.

眼睛 My eyes are almost staring. What kind of weapon is this? How can I prevent it from being seen? What if she hits me with this for a while?

武 The samurai of the remaining three Japanese suddenly rushed forward, a female mage behind him began to use magic, and another ninja rushed forward. The female creature waved a hand casually, and the mage was chopped with her staff. Then came the ninja, who ran and suddenly fell forward, his legs still seven or eight meters behind his body. The last Japanese samurai held the Toyo Sword Monster and rushed to her.

Instead of waving her hand this time, she raised one hand to the warrior. Then the warrior ran and suddenly fell over. When he got up again, his whole body suddenly twisted strangely like cramps, and then he seemed to be trying to shrink himself very small. His body has been moving closer to the middle, his hands and feet clinging to his body. Suddenly, a click. His armor had a shattered shoulder, followed by a shattered breastplate, followed by armor on his arms and legs. Even the helmet shattered.


After the armor was broken, I suddenly noticed that the marks on the guy were shrinking tightly. The human body is soft. Those muscles clearly show that the muscles are sinking badly, and obviously there is any force acting on them. At first glance, it looks like this person is tightly entangled by a long wire. The only problem is that the wire is invisible. Does she have a silk thread that is invisible at all?

武 The warrior's line is tightening, and some places have started bleeding. He struggled bitterly, but it didn't help. Suddenly, she slammed her stretched hands into fist, and the samurai burst like a pinched balloon. The whole person turned into countless fragments, and the sky's minced meat and blood and water covered the area of ​​more than ten meters.

Bloodwater is disgusting, but now I want to thank them. A long, thin, curved line was dancing in the air, and its shape was clearly marked by blood and water. This thing is very similar to my dragon tendon, but it is more advanced. Because this thing can be bent freely like life, my dragon tendon is just a simple steel wire, there is no way to control it at will.

She turned her head to look at me, the silk suddenly trembled frantically, blood and water were thrown off, and it returned to invisibility. I do n’t need to think about it and know that she is going to attack me.

Suddenly she shakes her hand, I can't see anything, but I can be sure that the silk is coming. The arm was horizontal, and a wire wrapped around my left arm. I recovered vigorously, but she also tightened tightly to control my arm.

Her helmet mask suddenly rose and disappeared behind her, and then the entire helmet disappeared. She looked at me with a smile, then stretched out her palm as before, and then shook it. According to everyone's estimation, when the palm of her hand shrinks, the silk will also tighten and turn my arm into N slices. But then there was a gurgling noise from my arm, and her face was full of surprise. The silk cut kept the dragon armor. But I wasn't happy for a long time, and I clicked on my arm. A crack appeared in the left arm.

Suddenly, my armor flashed. A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and it hit my body accurately. But the dragon set is not afraid of thunder, and this is the skill of the armor itself. The surface of the armor was immediately energized, and the wire on the hand became a wire. A current passed down the wire, and had blown her out before she could respond.

She got up again angrily, moving her hands together. Suddenly there were two filaments on my helmet, followed by a crackling crackling noise from the helmet, and spider-like cracks appeared on the helmet. I hurried in front of me with an eternity, she took two steps backwards and almost fell over. The two wires in my helmet suddenly lost power and fell to the ground, but they were still invisible. It seems that this thing has no color at all, and it doesn't use any special ability.

突然 A sudden flame ignited in the crack on my arm. As the flame burned, the crack disappeared, as if the flame burned. Then the helmet began to burn. After the flame, only the intact helmet remained, and all the injuries were gone. The strong self-healing ability of Phoenix Blood is convenient, and even such severe fragmentation can automatically recover.

I was so angry that I chopped my tentacles and jumped over. I quickly flashed to one side to avoid its edge, and as soon as she landed, she stepped down on the ground, but fortunately I didn't have a hard stop.

But she refused to give up, waving her sharp claws and rushed up. Watching her fingers close together and inserting them in a knife shape, I opened her arm with a wave, but the other hand was inserted again. I wasn't as fast as her. It was far-fetched to block it just now, and it hit me a little bit under my shoulder.

He fluttered, and her five fingers penetrated my chest through the armor at the same time. Fortunately, the armor blocked her palm, and the wound was not very deep. Since you hurt me, it doesn't make sense for me not to get compensation. Holding her wrist in her left hand, she cut it off eternally with her right hand. She saw what I was going to do and wanted to retract her arm, but my left hand grabbed her left hand and pressed her left hand on my chest.

Eternity is sharp, put away the knife, without any hindrance. Her right hand pinched the injured half of her left arm and took a few steps back, while her half of her left forearm was already on my chest. At this contact, I had five more holes in my chest, but I changed her half of her arm, and the business came into being.

While she was handling her arm, I quickly tried to get her half-cut arm off. It ’s not easy to stand on the chest like this, I ca n’t treat the wound! But after a long time, she couldn't pull it down. Her half-arm was clasped tightly in my wound, and I couldn't pull it hard, it hurt when I touch it! If you cut your finger, that half of your finger could fall into the wound, and it will be even more troublesome. It seemed that I had to leave this half of my arm on me first.

她 She's finished there too. The purple blood of this creature seems to be relatively sticky. The wound is completely closed. Although it looks ugly, it no longer bleeds. She waved her left hand and rushed up again, and I quickly lifted the sword to block. But she rushed up regardless.

Yong came to her chest very smoothly, and she bumped into my arms. Then there were more unexpected things. She suddenly bit my shoulder, and her teeth seemed to have the same penetration as her fingers. I just felt a pain in my shoulder, and quickly pushed her away. Good guy, better than crazy dogs! Not only did she drag my shoulder pads away, she also took a large piece of meat with her.

I climbed up holding the wound on my left shoulder, and she moved back, and the wound caused by her was not small. I took a look at the system status report and regretted that I had been wrong. This guy is a 1000-level BOSS, and it's the type of mental retardation. Although she looks human, her fighting style is completely brutalist. Humanoids generally consider safety first, but the beasts target attack effects first.

If it was a highly intelligent human combat style, I wouldn't have bitten me with a sword just now. And I was injured in the lower arm. Although she estimated that the error was one of the reasons, it was not in line with human fighting style. I actually use human fighting habits against a dangerous beast, it is difficult to not be hurt! The beasts don't consider some threats. They either don't attack, and once attacked, they will never look back. At present it seems that this female creature is a humanoid beast, and her silence may be the best evidence.

She tossed my shoulder pads to the side with the fast flesh, and then dragged off the eternal sword still in her stomach. The eternal barb brought out a lot of minced meat, but she just looked down at the wound and rushed up again.

I'm completely suppressed now, because she doesn't think about the consequences, but I can't help thinking about it. She didn't care about the injury, but I was afraid of it.

Squinting as she rushed up again, I could only try to retreat. "Jingjing helps!"

Fortunately, the magic pet stood up. Jingjing suddenly appeared in front of me, and the creature bumped into the shield. As a result, of course, she fell out by herself. Her head must not be harder than Aegis?

"Master. Why are you so miserable?"

别 "Don't mention, this guy is just a crazy dog, and he is still biting! I didn't expect her to move her mouth, and it turned out to be this way. You help me first, and I treat it."

"No problem. Oops!"

Xi Jingjing talked too much. Suddenly two tentacles popped up on the ground and twined Jingjing's feet, and then the two tentacles threw Jingjing into the sky at once. I was taking medicine, she suddenly threw Jingjing away and rushed over, where did I get my reaction?

"I depend! You crazy dog! Don't come over!"

躺在 I lay on the ground, glaring at her shoulders to keep her away, but she wanted to rush up even more crazy than a crazy dog. Jingjing ran over from behind and hugged her, dragging her back, but to no avail.

"Master, please call for more help!"

"Little Dragon Girl, Plague, Crystal Come Out to Help!"

Three different kinds of dragons appeared at the same time, but she suddenly became quiet and jumped aside to watch us.

"How did this happen?"

Three dragons also noticed my wound ~ ~ bitten by her. "

"Isn't she humanoid? How did she bite?" The three dragons and I started thinking.

"I wouldn't be bitten by her if I knew she was biting!"

"makes sense!"

"The three of you hurry up and take her down, be careful, she's 1000."

Wu Xiaolong said: "It doesn't look like it! You can make her like this by yourself, shouldn't you reach the level of 1000?"

As if in response to Xiao Long Nu's words, she suddenly licked her wound. Then a lot of fine fibrous matter came out of the broken arm. These things are intertwined to form a new look of the arm, and then the outer skin and muscle tissue also quickly grow and wrap these fibers. A completely new arm appeared. She tried to move the arm, and then confirmed that there was no problem. Suddenly, a lot of metal-like material emerged from the arm and quickly wrapped the arm. When these red metal-like substances are fully shaped, her armor. She could even regenerate her armor.

Plague said: "Unlimited regeneration ability? Now comes the high-end goods!"

Xi Jing reminded: "Did you see the yellow halo on her?"

Xiao Xiaolong looked at it and said, "Spirit shield? It really looks like a 1000-level boss. But I always feel that she is wrong and seems to be missing something."

The plague urged: "Take care of her before you know what's missing." She said she had already spread her wings and rushed up.

The plague rushed to the half and was suddenly rotten by an invisible wall. The plague was suddenly bounced back. The air in front of him suddenly rippled like ripples of water.

"The wall of spirit?" Xiaolongnou cried in surprise, "is it so strong?"

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