Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 84: Zhengtian Sword

Use Eternity to dig out the rocks a little bit, and soon they were dug out in two and a half months. They struggled and flew out, and I started to cut sideways, and soon the rock was cut. The entire stuck position was dug out, and then dug bit by bit, a rough shape appeared quickly.

"A sword?" I looked at the shape of the rock in my hand and felt strange.

Summoned to eat Ling and let her help sense the magic wave, if I really need to dig the sword. Weapons that can jam for half a month are not ordinary things, even if you don't need to take them back and give them away.

After Ling Ling felt it for a moment, he said, "This doesn't seem to be something of our magic faction, it may be a magic weapon of the fairy house."

Since it is a magic weapon, only the Dragon Girl can come. Summoned the little dragon girl and said to her, "Do you have the ability to sense the magic weapon?"

Xiao Xiaolong nodded her head: "As long as it is a fairy magic weapon."

这个 "This, I feel what's inside."

Xiao Xiaolong just touched it and said, "It feels very vague, it should be a great fairy family baby, but it seems to be sealed by something, I can't feel what it is."

I took this stone-covered thing and looked at it, "Is this the legendary sword in stone?"

Xiao Xiaolong laughed when she heard: "Haha! This is not a sword in the stone. This is not what the sword in the stone looks like. This should be something else."

那么 "So do you think this thing is valuable? If it is precious, I will dig it out carefully. If it is not precious, I will not waste it."

Wu Xiaolong said: "You still have to dig it out carefully."

"Since you said so, I dug slowly." Looking up at the woman still squatting over there: "You go." She looked at me in surprise, I added: "You can't beat me. "

Her eyes suddenly became sharp, and she stood up and stood on the tip of the stalagmite, and then her body flashed in front of me. She flew away from her attack, and hit her on the chin with a stone stick in her hand to knock her out.

I didn't catch up: "Come on. I have no time to play with you."

"Hum!" She jumped up again, but she lay back on the ground with a coughing sound. Several feather arrows stuck her neck, wrists, ankles, and waist to the ground.

"I said that you are not an opponent. Fast speed is meaningless to me. It is useless to go through my defense without speed."

"Thank you for your advice." She almost gritted her teeth and said, then slammed her arrow and jumped. "Piaoxiang has been instructed, it is indeed the first three bosses in the guild meeting. I will meet again in the future, and there will be a period." She turned over and disappeared in the stone forest.

I did not have time to control her, and began to cut the things in my hand. It is not easy to cut a sword out of a stone. Suddenly remembering that A Wei hadn't found it yet, let the little dragon girl and Ling go out to find it. I sat on the stone and cut the stone myself.

Ai Wei was quickly found, and I was still cutting this when they returned. The gold coin saw the thing in my hand all the way, and she ran over excitedly. "Boss, where did you find this?"

Wu Awei also finally saw what was in my hand, and he immediately put it together: "Boss, this won't be the baby you dug out of the stone, right?"

"How did you know?"

Gold Coin immediately smiled and said: "This is a branch task attached to our task, but did not say that it must be completed, so we skipped it and did not expect the boss to find it."

"What is this then?"

"This is a sword. Its name is Zhengtian Sword. It is said to be a very powerful thing."

Xiao Xiaolong immediately heard the name and asked, "What? This is Zhengtian Sword?"

"What's wrong?" We all don't know why the dragon girl reacted so much.

Wu Xiaolong said: "Zhengtian Sword is a magic weapon used by a very powerful monster, and there are not a few of the fairyland casualties under this sword."

"How did this sword run into the stone?"

"Remember the bow portrait in front of the Ghost Fleet?"

记得 "Remember, what's wrong? Is this something related to Black Unicorn?"

The little dragon girl nodded and said, "The monster was eaten by Black Unicorn, and then this sword became something of Black Unicorn. Black Unicorn should take this thing away when he went to the eighteenth layer of hell! How could it be here? "

I was surprised and said, "Don't tell me that Black Kirin has come out of the eighteenth floor of hell."

The little dragon girl nodded: "If the sword comes out, it is really possible that he came out too! It is said that he likes this sword very much and cannot be discarded at will. Even if you throw it, you should not leave the eighteenth layer of **** what!"

几个 A few of us are a little worried. Gold Coin said: "The task I received was given by an old priest, and he needed a priest to complete the task. Because I am a dual-professional, assassin and priest, I can meet the requirements."

"What is the mission?"

"The old priest said that the entrance to Hell was stuck. He asked us to help find a thing called Qiankun Jiuyin Bell. He said that what was going to come out of Hell did not completely break away but stuck the entrance. This sword It ’s the thing that comes out. "

Xiao Xiaolong immediately said: "Isn't it the black unicorn that is blocking the entrance?"

"That would be awful!" Gold Coin said: "I also heard the story of Black Kirin when I was transferred to Taoist priests. It seems that there is a legend that Black Kirin came to the world and the sun and moon go retrograde."

Awei was listening straight at the same time: "Isn't it so scary? Isn't Kirin auspicious?"

Xiaolong female road: "Generally Kirin is auspicious, but black Kirin is not, at least everyone thinks it is not."

"Let's take a look at this black unicorn's sword anyway."

I started to dig with Eternity to see what this baby looks like. After all the stones were cut off, a sword enclosed in a scabbard appeared in my hand. This sword with a scabbard is about 1.5 meters long, which is relatively standard in Chinese weapons. The scabbard is inlaid with some strange gems, and there are many runes, it is estimated that something is blessing. Judging by the shape of the scabbard, this sword is not that thin shape, it should be very thick. But it doesn't seem to feel heavy in my hand.

Everyone wants to see what it looks like. After all, it is the legendary baby who once beheaded the gods. With everyone's attention focused, I stood up holding the sword. Looking up at everyone, everyone nodded and asked me to pull out. I took a deep breath, holding the scabbard in my left hand, holding the hilt in my right hand, and held the Zhengtian sword in front of me. Pulling hard with both hands to the sides ...

I ca n’t pull it?


Gold coins and A Wei's eyes changed from expectation to surprise, I embarrassed and said, "Don't be excited, it may be stuck, I will try again!"

拉 Pulled several times repeatedly, still useless. Put the scabbard between your legs and pull it out with your legs clamped, but you still can't pull it. A Wei said: "I'll try it. Maybe it's because of the task, only we who can take the task can open it."

递 I handed the Tianzheng sword, and after Wei took it, he dragged it for a long time and remained motionless. The gold coins were also experimented in the past, and the result remained unchanged. After passing a circle of swords, I returned to my hands, and tried again several times to make sure that I could not pull them off.

Xiao Xiaolong changed her shape to take the sword and tried it, but she couldn't even pull it. If the little dragon girl can't pull, it means that this is not a matter of strength, there must be something restricting the sword from sheathing.

"Will it be necessary to see the blood?" Ling suddenly said something. "When you open advanced equipment, you need to see blood. This should be similar!"

I nodded: "That makes sense." Then I heard A Wei scream, and the gold coins smeared the sword with a **** dagger. Awei screamed as he covered his buttocks.

The blood-stained sword was still without a trace of reaction and could not be pulled at all.

Ling Ling said: "It seems that another method is needed."

"We still have Isinger looking for someone to study? Maybe someone else knows it?" Gold Coin reminded.

I think this suggestion is correct, so I took them back to Isinger. Although it is night, there are not many people online, but after all, Isinger has a large total population and can still find several Taoist professional players. Besides, we still have a lot of NPCs here.

Taoist professional players in Gaocheng were brought together by us, but the people who knew it were still zero. There are many people who know this sword in NPC. The problem is that no one knows how to open it. Yingying and Hongyue happened to be online too. Everyone gathered for a long time and found no results. Hongyue suggested that we try to use mechanical force to pull, but both the gold coins and the eagle are opposed, because it is likely to pull the sword directly.

Xiao Xiaolong thought for a long time while thinking. When we were discussing, she suddenly said, "There was a legend ..." Everyone's attention was immediately focused on in the past. "The Zhengtian sword is a sword with a rigid handle, and it cannot be used by those with complicated hearts."

"Complex mind?" Hongyue thought for a while and thought, "That means a man with a gimmick isn't it?"

Wu Xiaolong said: "This is just a legend. After all, Zhengtian Sword has only two masters, and neither of them is easy to mess with."

"Maybe it's worth a try." I snapped and pointed out, "The upright are so easy to find, isn't that the son of the night?"

"Yes." Hongyue also cried: "That guy is stupid, he must be."

"Is he online?"

"Yes." Eagle said: "I just saw him. I called him here."

Wu Ying used the private chat to contact the son of the night, and he arrived soon. We looked forward to handing Zhengtian Sword to Night Son, but he shook his head before touching. "He's resisting me, it's useless."

Then I remembered that the son of the night had the ability to communicate with equipment. If he said that the weapon resisted him, it would really be impossible to open.

Although the child of the night could not pull out the sword, we still asked him to study it. As a result, he only researched that this sword must be pulled out by someone with special conditions, and nothing else was found.

I tossed all night, and no one could open this thing at dawn. Because I was still in the villa, I went off the line as soon as it dawned. After having breakfast with my family, I sent Ziyue back to school, and then returned to the base with Rose. Rose and experiments, I had to go online alone.

Zuo Zuo looked at the Tianzheng sword in a daze in Isinger's parliament hall, and after thinking for a long time, he didn't know who to pull out. Everyone has gone their own way, now only Red Moon and Eagle are here. The three of us are here thinking about how to open it. After all, after listening to the description of the little dragon girl, it seems that this thing has a great relationship with the black unicorn. What clues may be found when you open it.

As we were snoring together, Zhenhong and Yingquan came in from outside.

"You are all here? It's rare that the three giants don't go to work and hide here to be lazy!" Zhen Hong seems to be in a good mood, and is interested in joking with us.

"Not all for this sword!" Hongyue pointed at the Zhengtian sword on the table.

Zhenhong came over and picked it up, holding the scabbard in his left hand and grabbing the hilt slightly. With a click, he pulled out the sword. "What kind of sword is this? It's rusted like that! Hey? Why do you all look at me like that?"

Every one of our eyes is about to stare out, really red and don't know what's going on. She actually pulled out the Zhengtian sword that we couldn't pull out overnight.

"You ... you ... did you pull it out?"

Zhen Zhenhong looked at the sword in her hand: "Well, what's wrong? Can't this sword be pulled?"

"It is not impossible to pull, but it cannot be pulled at all!"

"Can't pull it out? Am I not pulling it out?" She inserted the sword back again, and then pulled it out again. "It's not slippery, but it's not impossible to pull it out?"

I took Tianzheng Jian and inserted it back, and then I pulled it hard, but it couldn't be pulled out again! Hongyue also took the experiment for a long time and still couldn't open it. True Red took the sword again and pulled it out gently. Sure enough, it must be used by someone!

"Strange, you really can't pull it out?" Zhenhong thought we were pretending. As a result, Yingquan took the sword and tried it. "It's really interesting, it's a sword that only I pulled out." Zhenhong pulled out the sword and looked at it, "But what is this broken sword to do?"

The scabbard and hilt of Xi Zhengtian sword are very beautiful and beautifully decorated, but the sword body is completely unexpected. The one-meter-long sword body is not only rusty, but also has a sharp tip, and the edge of the sword can be seen everywhere. Is such a sword the legendary celestial sword that killed a lot of immortals?

I look at the little dragon girl sitting on the side and pass her the sword: "Is this a Zhengtian sword?"

The little dragon girl touched the sword body and said, "I don't know. I was not born when Hei Qilin was sent to the eighteenth layer of **** with the Zhengtian sword! This sword has also been heard, and the legend is very powerful Things, but this ... I think 80% of them are not this! "

"That's right, attributes. Look at the attributes before they come out." Hongyue reminded.

I took Zhengtian Sword and looked at the attributes, but I was surprised to find that the attributes above were: attribute discord.

"I can't see the attributes!"

"It's probably true red." Red Moon Road ~ ~ I had to give the sword to true red. She looked at it: "I can see the attributes. The remarks stated that this was the monster sword of the monster two-headed dragon, which was later obtained by the black unicorn. The sword's name was correct, which was interpreted as a special weapon to clear the order of the heavens and kill the gods. Wow! There are so many attributes. Wait, how is this a Chinese weapon? "

"What?" Everyone's attention instantly focused.

Zhenhong took the kendo: "Zhengtian sword, the level column writes Chinese national weapons. It is a part of Zhenwu suit."

Hongyue said: "Another set of national wife is not called Zhenwu suit?"

Zhen Zhenhong took the sword and said, "But this one says the national weapon, and it's called the Zhenwu suit. Should there be three sets of national weapons in our country?"

I shook my head. "Each country has only two sets of national instruments, and there should not be a third set. The other set in the legend should not be true, it may be to mislead us to deliberately release false news. Since we have seen the real thing, there should be nothing wrong with it. of."

"I never thought it was a national weapon!" Eagle said: "Then you should try to find another national weapon."

I said to True Red: "I think this thing will be left to you. The standard of using this set of national instruments seems to be very special. Since you can use that, it is best."

"Is it for me?" Zhenhong said happily: "Such a good property, really give it to me?"

当然 "Of course. Someone has to use this thing! Besides, only you at the top of the guild can pull out this sword. Who else can you use it for?"

"Haha! Then I'm welcome. It's a good thing today."

"What else is good?"

"Of course there is." Zhenhong Tao: "The master said that he had decided to open a new Taoist temple in Isinger and formally joined our forces to promote Chinese Taoism."

"That's great."

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