Starting from Zero

Vol 6 Chapter 5: New Guardian

The Dragon King regretted: "I can understand the intention of the Dragons to serve as guardian beasts. This proposal is good for both of us, but ..." The Dragon King paused. "The creation God limits us not to become the guardian beast of any force. We exist as a destructive force! Only with destruction can we create. Our dragons are born for destruction. It is not ours to protect and build. Work! So I can't promise you! "

换 I was taken aback this time! The Dragons actually rejected my request, and I have no ability to refute! The creation **** said by the Dragon King is the main system. What can I do with the system?

As I stared at the Dragon King in surprise with his mouth open, he suddenly said: "Although the Dragons cannot become guardians, it does not mean that the Dragons cannot establish a good relationship with Isinger!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean regulations can be bypassed by any means!" The Dragon King laughed in horror. "Dragons have two very good races, I can introduce them to you!"

"What is it?"

"One of the small creatures is called Fenglong. The shape of Fenglong is almost the same as that of our dragon family, but their size is only equivalent to a pheasant, and the tail is no more than 2 meters in length, and the tail must occupy one meter. More! "(Fenglong's picture can be found in the album, the address is in the protagonist's related, once again, the content of the album is not my painting, for reference only!)

Since it is a creature strongly recommended by the Dragons, it must be a good thing. "I don't know what kind of specialty this creature has? For example, how about combat effectiveness? Should such a small creature attack with magic?"

The Dragon King indicated that we were going to talk down, so I followed him to land in the forest, and discussed while watching Isinger ’s super weapon installation progress: "Actually, Fenglong has no attack power at all, and their fighting ability is very Generally, although Fenglong is fast, it has no practical use because its attack power is too poor! "

"No attack power?" Although a little surprised, but not too surprised, since the Dragon King recommended him, there must be a reason. "I think they should have something special?"

当然 "Of course! Fenglong is the most popular small animal on Long Island. Every dragon will choose its own dragon when it is born. This dragon will accompany them until one of the dragons or dragons dies!"

"Why do you rely so much on Fenglong?"

"Because Fenglong has a kind of instinct-like magic—the space force field!" The Dragon King accidentally snapped his fingers, and suddenly a small black spot floating in the air appeared among us, and the small black spot suddenly expanded into a diameter one Rice's black sphere floats there. The black ball suddenly exploded like a soap bubble, and a small golden dragon appeared inside. "This is my Phoenix Dragon." Dragon King introduced!

The little guy in front of me really looks like a dragon. If the dragon king didn't introduce me, I would think it was a newly hatched dragon! "Is that just his ability?"

"This is his ability!" The Dragon King threw it out, picked up a large rock, and threw it out. The stone weighed at least a ton, but it was nothing to the dragon. After the stone flew out, the Dragon King watched Fenglong pointing at the stone and said, "Pick it back!"

Wu Fenglong is less than two meters long. The Dragon King actually asked him to pick up a ton of stones. Is this a joke? But it turns out that this is not a joke. Xiao Fenglong suddenly closed her eyes and hugged herself. The black ball suddenly appeared in front of me. The black ball quickly shrank, then disappeared, and Feng Long disappeared! Almost at the same time when Fenglong disappeared, a large black hole suddenly appeared in front of the rock that had not yet landed. The stone flew directly into the black hole. After the stone entered the black hole, the black hole quickly contracted and disappeared. A black spot suddenly appeared between me and the Dragon King, and then the black spot quickly expanded into a black hole. Unlike the black hole that swallowed the stone just now, this black hole is placed horizontally, because on the side I can see that the black hole has no thickness at all, it It's not that the real thing is just a channel interface! The bang that had just been thrown out fell from the black hole and landed in the middle of the two of us, shocking me!

"He can teleport objects over long distances?" I was stuttered because I was too excited to speak. "But ... is it possible to teleport?"

The King of Dragons turned into a human form and walked beside me. "It doesn't make sense to convey anything, and the weight of the item doesn't matter, but one thing is that this black channel can only be a circle with a radius of 20 meters, so the thing being carried cannot be too large. If it ca n’t pass through the hole, there is no Way to teleport! "

I smirked and said, "Enough is enough! Even a dragon with a radius of 20 meters can teleport, and the player has more than enough!"

The Dragon King continued: "This is only one of the functions, and his space force field can do other things, such as this!" The Dragon King is another ring finger, and Xiao Fenglong disappeared again, but this time faster, just disappeared and reappeared. It's just that we have a lot of gold and silver treasures among us. I just saw these things, the Dragon King struck another finger, a black hole suddenly appeared on the ground, and all the treasures fell into the black hole again. The Dragon King continued: "This is why each dragon has its own Phoenix Dragon! The Dragon Dragon can create a special space for storing items, and the Dragons like treasure. What is safer than running around with treasure? "

"In case he dies, what will happen to your treasure?"

"It will immediately appear around his body. Fenglong's magical space is supported by his own power. If Fenglong's death space will disappear, everything put in will immediately appear around him! But Fenglong The life is similar to that of the Dragons, and their ability to save lives is very good. By the way, our Dragons are useless for one ability, but you can use them! "

"What skills?"

"Protect the barrier! Fenglong can put a strong barrier around himself to resist physical or magical attacks, but this space is not large, and there is no problem in hiding from people, but it is slightly smaller for the dragon family, and his barrier is not very good. Sturdy, it will still be broken! "

"This is already a good thing! I don't know how big his special agency space is?"

"I don't know the specific data, anyway, the area is very large, and the space of each dragon is not the same! My one belongs to a very large one!"

"What will happen to this space for living things?"

"Under normal circumstances, you can only hold inanimate objects, but if it is a creature with your bloodline, there is no problem, such as your magic pet and demon servant! But you do n’t put your summoned creature in, Otherwise, you wo n’t be able to get out! "

最后 "Finally, is there a limit to how Fenglong can open his own agency space? For example, can it be opened unlimited times or can it only be used several times a day?"

"There are restrictions, but there are no restrictions! Fenglong can use a maximum of 10,000 space force fields a day, whether it is like I just let him save money or later take the treasure. It is counted twice. Take the treasure twice, a total of 4 times! His own entry and exit count not counted, but other things include the ability to open the defense barrier once counted! Oh, yes, that barrier remains open for 2 seconds even if used once The ability to open the defensive wall continuously will soon use up the number of times! But fortunately he has 10,000 opportunities a day, don't use it arbitrarily! "

Oh ha ha! It really is a good thing! After the system canceled the pet space, I was depressed and dying. Others are okay. I have so many pets. It ’s not a pity, but I ca n’t bring so many creatures to death every day. Later, although I have a space door, I have 3 opportunities a day It's a little tight. This time, 10,000 times a day is definitely enough. I can use it 100 times a day. "Then how do I sign an agreement with the city guardian?"

"This is very simple, I will take you to Long Island, and then you talk to their leader. Fenglong and the Dragon family have a good relationship, they are very gentle creatures, I can help you to talk about it is easy to reach an agreement!"

"That's great! 诶! Don't you say there is another kind of creature?"

"Yes!" Dragon King retracted Fenglong Road: "Another creature is called Steel Claw. Unlike Fenglong, Steel Claw is very aggressive and aggressive and loves fighting!" (Refer to the picture in the atlas, but the tail and My settings are slightly different)

一 When I heard it, I looked at the Dragon King with two eyes. "I need him!"


"You haven't even heard me say it?"

"Since this thing is fierce and brutal and extremely combative, he must have a very strong fighting force. When have you ever seen a sheep fierce and brutal, the more fierce it is, the more powerful he is!"

The Dragon King nodded: "You're right. The steel claws are actually not just powerful claws. The guy's body is covered with steel armor and not under the dragon clan, and he has a lot of weapons. The only drawback is that he can't fly! We don't know if it's his opponent! "

"Okay, how about we go to Long Island now? I'm going to attend a player league party in a few days. Let's start now?"

"So urgent?"

"of course!"

"Okay! Let me explain."

"Oh! I also have to explain work!"

After I separated things from the Dragon King, I left Isinger together and flew all the way southeast. On the way, I asked about the specific capabilities of the steel claws and got more detailed information from the Dragon King.

A steel claw, a four-footed carnivorous World of Warcraft, an adult individual is generally more than 15 meters in length, half of which is the length of the tail. At first glance, it looks like a dragon but has no wings. Steel claws have thick horns on both sides of the head, which are very suitable for collision. In addition, the body is very strong and amazing in strength. The collision power is very horrible almost equivalent to a large siege hammer. Generally, few creatures can face him. Crash. Behind his back scapula are 24 ten-meter-long tentacles. These tentacles are wrapped in a solid shell with strong muscles inside. Once these tentacles move, nearby creatures need to be very careful. The tail of the steel claw is very similar to the tail of a dragon. Not only is it protected by armor, but it also has barbs. It may not be comfortable to hit it! Although he is a carnivore, the teeth of the steel claw are not very prominent. Although his ability to bite is equally scary, he rarely uses it!

In addition to the above weapons, there are two of the strongest attack weapons with steel claws, one is claw and the other is venom. There is no need to say any more, just listen to his name. This guy's limbs are extremely strong, and his claws are extremely sharp, so attacking the enemy with his claws has become one of the main means of attack. According to the Dragon King, the steel claws have the ability to tear the dragon's scales, and we can see how strong his claws are. As for venom, it's rarely used in defense. When steel claws threaten life, they spray a large amount of venom to attack the enemy, which is a mixture of highly lethal neurotoxin and corrosive acid. The venom begins to volatilize immediately after being sprayed out. The person who inhales the toxic gas will gradually begin to suffer from physical paralysis until it is completely dead. It will be worse if it sticks to it! However, the spray position of the steel claws is rather strange, and the venom is actually sprayed from the tip of the tentacles on the back. Because the tentacles are very flexible, it is also very difficult to avoid those venoms!

I also got a good message from the Dragon King: The ground speed of the steel claw is much faster than the unicorn, which is very suitable as a riding beast. If you think about it, when a guild is dispatched, the cavalry's mounts are tall, short, thin, and thin. What should be the situation? The guild guardian beast is one per person. With him, our guild can even be mounted! In the end, the Dragon King actually told me that the steel claws are actually an amphibious animal. Although they can live without water, they are real amphibians. The steel claw has two sets of respirators, in addition to the lungs, he thinks he has a fully developed gill! As for the tentacles on its back and the long tail behind it, it is a good underwater thruster in addition to being used for attack. The steel claws are faster underwater than on land! If steel claws could become guardians, our guild mounts would be completely solved!

The dragon island is not very far from the mainland. A dragon king soon brought it to the vicinity of the dragon island, but no matter how I look at the surrounding ocean, I can't see the island at all. It should be a long island! I was thinking that the Dragon King suddenly took me to start descending. When approaching the sea, the Dragon King said to me: "Stop!"


I didn't respond to what it meant. The Dragon King took me into the sea. We stayed underwater for less than 10 seconds and rushed out of the sea again. I was about to ask why the Dragon King flew into the water well, but was suddenly stunned by the sight in front of him! A huge island appeared less than one kilometer in front of us. It is so beautiful that it is simply not a place that humans can imagine!

This is incredible! We just stayed underwater for less than 10 seconds, during which time we moved at most 30 meters. But before entering the water, it was clear that there was a sea of ​​ocean and nothing could be seen. There was no reason for an island to emerge from the horizon! If such a large island should have been seen so early, how could it be discovered suddenly?

Probably knowing that I would be confused, Dragon King said: "Don't be surprised, this is the way of self-protection of Long Island. The one just called is overlapping space. Our island and the ocean you just saw are one place. The same location does not interfere. If we were not in the water just now, we would fly over like nothing, but after entering the water, we crossed the barrier and appeared here! It is complicated to say, it is such a thing anyway! "

"It's not complicated, I understand it! But can you make this thing? I want one too!" If Isinger didn't make such a thing, we can attack others if they can't get in, What a great thing!

The King of Dragons destroyed my dream: "This is created by the creation god. It was not made by any instrument. We don't know how to make it!"

gosh! Hope broken! Fortunately, we can immediately see the two guardians of our dreams, so I am not sad!

The King of Dragons took me across the ring-shaped mountain near the sea at a low altitude, and the island turned out to be unique. At the end of a large grassland are rolling hills and forests, and a small river runs through the middle of the island. The Dragons are really looking for a place!

"Just in front!" The Dragon King led me to the edge of the forest, and he immediately became a human form as soon as he landed. "Come with me and take you to see the leader of Fenglong first. The steel claw side may be more troublesome, or you will handle it later!"

虽然 Although this forest is not as large as the dark forest, the area is not small. If it were not for the Dragon King, I would have lost my way! When I walked through the forest, the system announcement sounded. I immediately stopped and listened to the announcement.

"Attention all players, the system announcement is now played! It is 9 am Beijing time, and the system will be upgraded at 12 noon today. It takes about 20 minutes. Players do not need to go offline during the upgrade, but please do n’t Frequent online and offline.

The hunger diet system has successfully completed the test. After this upgrade, all players and NPCs will appear hunger index and thirst index. The index state is 100% complete. Players will lose both indexes in the game over time. To a certain value, an abnormal reaction will occur! When the index is below 50%, hunger and thirst will appear. When it falls below 30%, there will be a decline in attributes such as strength, agility, and attention. When the index is below 15%, the human body will have a severe hunger and thirst response, and all attributes will decrease sharply. When the figure reaches 0%, the character dies and the hunger index increases to 30% after resurrection. Players can recover the index by eating and drinking, and those who go out for a long time can pick edible wild fruits or kill monsters to satisfy their hunger. Special warning, players of any country are absolutely prohibited from swallowing the player ’s body or humanoid NPC body, otherwise they will be deemed to have been permanently improperly treated with improper behavior! Players need to pay attention that thirst index usually declines faster than hunger index ~ ~ hot environment will accelerate thirst index decline, speaking will also accelerate thirst index decline, physical movement will accelerate both index decline speed!

Remind players with pets to pay attention. Your pets and demon servants and summoned creatures need food. Please pay attention to these indexes from time to time. The loyalty of creatures that have been hungry for a long time will decrease. Players with a pet loyalty of less than 30 must pay attention that if such pets are carnivorous, they may attack the owner in the case of excessive hunger. Special reminder, pet swallowing player's corpse is within a reasonable scope and is not classified as improper behavior.

的 Players with their own cities should note that NPCs in player cities need to set the eating place and time. The city is mainly responsible for guiding the construction of canteens or restaurants, and then setting the NPC's meal time and food quality in these facilities. Good eating conditions can make urban NPCs show super long work efficiency, and NPCs that are not adequately fed for a long time may riot.

NPC monsters in the wild are particularly dangerous when hungry, so everyone needs to be careful.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you don't understand, please use the system help! The announcement is over! "

I rely! "Zero" is becoming more and more realistic. The previous diet system was just to help people who talk to their mouths, but now it has become the point where they will die if they don't eat! Fortunately, the upgrade only started at 12 o'clock. I have to get things done here quickly and go back to the NPC cafeteria. It was not a joke that the group was hungry and stunned. I do n’t have so many troops to suppress! Besides, I do n’t know if the guards will be hungry or not? However, our Isinger's guards are basically undead. It seems that they don't need to eat, but they don't know if the angels can stand up! By the way, the dragons are still in Isinger! These guys are so hungry and anxious! How do I feel like sitting on a time bomb!

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