Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 108: attack

Although there are the most advanced electronic data meters and the all-encompassing super database, I still ca n’t get lucky to understand the relationship between the real world and the game world in a short time, but the four hours are not completely in vain. At least I let him understand Called online games, and has basically made him understand the abstract concept of life!

It ’s almost time for the release. We are ready to enter the game, but the researcher recommends that lucky to drink some milk! Speaking of this food problem, I just learned the details from the researcher. The first is that lucky is a omnivorous animal, basically he can eat as long as it is organic. However, the main staple food of lucky should be meat, which means that in fact, the appetite of lucky food should be similar to that of bears, mainly meat, and you can eat plants when you cannot find meat! Fortunately in recent days, he has been drinking milk because his body has just begun to move, the digestive system has not fully started, milk is better digested than raw meat and has more energy!

After entering the game, we entered the game and were still in that confined space. After using the teleportation array, you can see a list of all German cities. Select the city we came in and teleport to the past. After leaving the city, we quickly chased after the large troops.

Release: When we arrived near the city, the two sides of the battle had begun preparations. The Mist Regiment was led by Rose in the formation, and the Iron Crusaders were next to the Mist Regiment! Speaking of the scene is also full of chaos. Although I told Rose at the beginning not to let the skeletons join the battle, but the other troops added up to one million, and it is not easy to form a battle sequence with so many troops, at least not as simple as everyone thinks!

A team of soldiers was dispatched into a sequence of attacks. According to the combat ideas I explained in advance, the concentrated strength was determined once. In order to reduce the loss, I must let the troops make a quick decision, so absolutely must not happen that the troops rushed under the city walls and were beaten back!

Post 紫 "Purple Sun!" Ashford actually saw me, so many people can find me, really good eyes!

Post "How are you going?" I asked him to prepare for battle!

Release Ashford waved backwards, everything that was originally placed behind the team and covered by canvas all showed their true colors! "These are the heavy siege guns of our Iron Crusaders. Although the lethality is low, the demolition of the house is absolutely first-class!"

Post "Don't you want to put Posset in ruins?" I've always wanted Possett as an Iron Crusader!

Released Messett came over to explain: "Posset's strategic location is quite good, but we don't like the style of this city, and the alliance that originally had it was a last resort because it didn't have a city closer to it. To make this city a frontline fortress, we would have liked it to be a magic capital! "

Posting it, I next said, "So you want me to just push the city flat and go flat. You don't even need to relocate, do you?"

Post "Anyway, who wants to tear down, who isn't tearing down?" Ashford actually had a mood to joke with me, this is a big joke! In my mind, it's harder to find a jokeful German than to find aliens on Earth! But this just shows how much Ashuford attaches importance to this city. Seeing my hundreds of thousands of troops helped him to attack the city, this kid's ass!

Release Because the number of foggy legions is too large, the battle originally scheduled to start at 8:00 in German time has been delayed until 9:00 to be ready!

The release of Possetshire was fully prepared. All the walls were completely black. In order not to become a target, they turned off all lights, but this did not affect us enough, because all the Legion of Mist were immortal. Creature, these soldiers from **** are originally messengers of darkness, how can they be afraid of darkness? A lot of fog of war has been released over the city since 8:00. This thing has a great impact on siege equipment such as cannons. The enemy knows that there are few weapons and simply released this large-scale defense magic. Do n’t use long-range weapons! However, with the ability of Xing Tong, I can still clearly see the rows of players on the city wall and the cannons being debugged. It looks like they are ready!

Release: On our side, all Shadow Demon and Dark Ranger are the first attack waves. They are all mages. The only job I give them is to use magic to attack the city continuously after the war starts, until the mana is exhausted! I believe that when these NPCs run out of mana, the walls and most of the enemies should be finished! At this time, it is time for me to lead the second attack wave composed of the **** lord, the death knight and the acting death god. Looking at the lineup, we know that our group is all senior troops. According to Rose, we are an All-Star lineup, with a minimum of 900. After we entered the city, we basically raided the area where the enemy gathered. It should be said that a team like ours should be able to achieve zero casualties! In the end, the remaining troops of the Iron Crusade and the Mist Regiment entered the city to completely clear the remnants, ensuring that no grass is left!

Post "Ashford! I know you're outside!" A huge voice suddenly appeared on the city wall, I don't know who was using the magic circle of PA!

Release Ashford also immediately went to a PA. "long time no see!"

Post "Don't bullshit! I tell you, today you start with Possett, and sooner or later our emblem will make you return ten times!"

Release "Wait until you have that strength!" Ashford waved back, and the heavy trebuchet suddenly loosened its retainer. With the sound of the huge locking machine crashing, a row of boulder flew! "Let's think about it now!"

Posting Rose finally noticed my presence, she ran over quickly. "Are you finally back?"

Posting "Well!" I nodded: "Has Tianyu's war equipment arrived?"

Post "There was a little problem!" A pretty German female player standing next to Rose answered awkwardly: "I'm afraid I can't wait!"

Post "Are you new to our guild? What the **** happened?" It ’s easy to see the chest badges separately, and her badge is just our Rose League!

Release "Our siege equipment has no problems, the problem is that we did not pay attention to the size of the teleportation array!"

Post "What do you mean?"

I was embarrassed to see the girl when she posted Rose, and explained to her: "The things we saw that day were too big, we could not push into the teleportation array at all, it was either super high or super wide! Only this one can come over!"

Release: I looked at the direction of the rose, and there were a few missiles standing there, just like V1! "only this?"

Post: The German girl nodded strongly. "Impact missiles are divided into three parts and can be transported separately and assembled on the battlefield, so only this thing can be transported. If other equipment is dismantled, large tools are required to reassemble it, so we really have no way ..."

Release: I raised my hand to signal that she didn't need to explain. "It doesn't matter. I don't need those things for this battle. I want you to come here just to see the actual results. Since there is no way, it won't affect the battle anyway!" The German MM company apologized and left, and I immediately asked Rose Says: "Let me direct! Fight as soon as possible! I don't want to waste time here!"

Post "Okay!" Rose stepped aside and watched me go to the front! "All mages prepare. I need you to use large magic to destroy the walls directly. Can you do that?"

A dark walker said: "In theory, there is no problem, but we don't know whether the walls have magic defense properties. We need to do some small-scale experiments!"

Post "You guys soon!"

Post "Yes!"

Post _____________________________________________

A dozen or so Dark Inspectors walked out of the lineup. They lined up in front of the lineup, and then began to prepare to experiment with magic. Soon, a gust of wind first appeared, and its direct effect was to blow away all the fog of war! Before the new fog had fully recovered, a giant fireball suddenly appeared above the wall. The fireball fell directly and hit a section of the wall. Its power is not great. In addition to hurting several players near the wall, it is to remove some fragments from the outer wall of the wall!

The releaser was still the dark ranger and said, "The walls are ordinary, there is no magic resistance, and you can fight!"

Release: I immediately waved forward: "Attention the mage team, target the wall, use your most powerful magic, it doesn't matter if you use all the magic at once!"

Released For a while, all my mages began to think of magic spells, and black electric **** appeared on top of them. It looks like this is a large magic, it will take a long time to prepare, I called the tank first. "Did you see the magic crystal cannon in the center of the city?" As I said just now, the cannon seemed to be firing a cannonball just because others were unaware of it. Now its position is completely clear! The firing of that cannon has never stopped since I arrived here. The range of the magic crystal cannon is quite far, so it has been bullying us with its range advantage, but according to Rose, there is no soldier in the misty legion of that gun now. The hit was part of the Iron Crusade's casualties. The main reason is that the magic crystal artillery shells are flying too slowly, and they are glowing and smoking. It is not possible to pay attention to it, because of these reasons, every time it fires, our army starts to dodge. The Iron Crusades are all players. The trajectory calculation is slightly slower, so they have been implicated a lot, but the Mist Corps are all NPCs. The shells just flew out and they have already reached a safe distance, but it has caused a lot of damage to our team Trouble!

After releasing the puppet tank, he noticed the cannonball and noticed the magic crystal cannon. He nodded strongly and saw it.

I am happy to continue the post: "Okay! After the war starts, I will let lucky and plague them attract firepower. You are responsible for taking it off that turret!"

The release tank nodded again. I found lucky that they explained the mission, and simply introduced the mission, the wizard's magic has not been completed, so I had to wait next to it! After a full two minutes of preparation time, all the mages suddenly fainted. This situation shocked me, and it was horrible that more than 100,000 people fell down together! But the demon agent standing next to me immediately explained: "This is normal. Large combined magic consumes all magic power at once, and the mage will faint for a while!"

Release Although the mage fell, the magic is not over! After the mage fell, the black magic **** that originally hung above them suddenly began to merge with each other. There were only five huge magic **** left at the end of the magic ball fusion, and there were dazzling white arcs in series before these balls.

After the release, after the fusion, these magic **** suddenly rushed towards the city wall together. Their target was not the players in the city but the connection between the foundation of the city wall and the ground. The black **** flew at an oblique angle and hit the bottom of the wall. After the black **** touched the city wall, they fell into the wall without any reaction, no unexpected collapse, no fire, nothing happened! This situation makes everyone a little dumbfounded!

After a long time of release, the situation remained unchanged, and the people on both sides just stood stupidly in a daze. Finally, the people in the city reacted first, or the sound of the magic circle in the beginning. "Haha! Ashford! Is this your ally? The strength is really not so bad! Ah! There are so many people! I am so scared! Hahaha!" The voice in the city is getting more and more arrogant!

Release Ashford finally couldn't hold his face, and hurriedly ran over. "Zi Ri! What's going on?"

Post You ask me who do I ask! "This ... I don't know, maybe ..."

After posting my words, the ground shook suddenly before I finished speaking, and some careless people even fell to the ground. After the shaking for another two seconds, a deafening noise suddenly came. The land on both sides of the city wall jumped up, the smashed dirt fragments were blown up to a height of tens of meters, and then the center of the city wall was on the ground. Rows began to explode. Each time the soil was blown up, it was only about one meter wide, but it extended very neatly for a full 200 meters before stopping. This series of explosions is very fast. From our side, it looks like waves made of dirt! Although the city wall was stained with earthy yellow after the explosion, it did not collapse, it was still there! But my worry did not last long. After the small explosion, it was silent for a second, and the ground shook again. This time it was not a normal vibration. The severe vibration threw us directly for 30 to 40 centimeters before landing again. Players, even the Fog Legion has fallen individually this time!

After the release of the tremor, the entire city wall was lifted up a dozen meters high and then hit the ground again, but it failed to land on the original ground. Suddenly the ground began to collapse downward after rising upward, and a huge trench was formed near the entire city wall. When the city wall that flew up into the sky fell again, it fell into the ditch, and the scattered mud followed it and buried the wall.

The release dust ran out, and neither side moved. There are only three walls left in the city in front of us, and the city facing us is completely open. Before us and the urban area, the ground was flat, without any protrusions or collapses. The city walls and the falling soil perfectly filled the entire surface, as if there had never been a wall. If it weren't for the other two walls of the city that were connected to this wall, there would have been a great collapse, we would never have seen a wall there!

Hiroshi Hiroshi, who was still listening to my explanation, was relieved from the previous posture and patted me on the shoulder. "profession!"

Post I don't know what those two words mean, but it should be good! Quickly turned around and gave the order: "Second echelon, start attacking!"

The three-headed dragon rushed up from behind, and their target was pointed at the magic crystal cannon in the center of the city. That thing is the thing that threatens us the most! The Magic Crystal Cannon really noticed the intentions of the dragons quickly, it adjusted the firepower and began to intercept the dragons. A cannonball rushed past the plague in the center, but the plague was faster than the cannonball, and a flash fired the cannonball. After the three dragons continued to approach the cannon, the roofs of the four buildings next to the turret suddenly lifted up. There are actually crossbowmen under that roof, and there are also several large crossbow guns. These are defensive facilities to protect the magic crystal cannon! The three dragons quickly dodged the arrows, and fortunately turned sharply to the left, sliding over the edge of the building on the left. The plague plunged upwards, and as a result, countless crossbow arrows flew up to high altitude. But the crystal on the right had some trouble. She flashed from the right in a way opposite to luck, but a crossbow gun hit her tail. As a result, her tail caught the spire of a nearby building. The huge inertia made Crystal lose its direction and slammed into the ground. As if the plane crashed, she fortunately rushed into the building group, her tail finally pulled the entire roof of the building, and then she rolled and rolled forward on the ground. The huge impact force made her in the city. A large ditch more than 200 meters long and more than 40 meters wide was put on the street before it stopped. She may have been knocked out of motion and stopped after she stopped doing nothing!

Post ____________________________________________

The people who posted the tower were all happy to shoot down a dragon, but the real attackers arrived after the three dragons passed! The three dragons are just early reconnaissance, and my task is to attract firepower. Although I did not expect that such an advanced "air defense turret" would be hidden around the magic crystal cannon, but I guessed at the beginning that the magic crystal cannon would not have no protective power! Fortunately, I did not directly let the three dragons handle the magic crystal cannon! While the people on the tower were paying attention to the crystal that was shot down, the tank flew over at an unimaginable speed. Without any evasion, he hit the tall tower below the magic crystal cannon. There was a loud noise, and the entire tower fell obliquely. Not only was the magic crystal cannon dead, but the collapsed fort also knocked down an air defense tower!

After the release of the puppet tank attack, they immediately flew away from the scene. The people in the remaining three towers were frightened and didn't know what to do. The plague sighting opportunity quickly dived down and hugged the crystal and flew out. Fortunately, it rushed to the top of the tower that shot down the crystal, and a spit of dragon inflammation sprayed down from above. Long Yan not only burned the people on the top of the tower, but also followed the passage in the tower to the ground. The gate of the tower on the ground suddenly collapsed, and a pillar of fire rushed down the road from the gate, turning several players who were preparing to enter the tower into a pile of coke! When the players on the remaining two towers wanted to fight back, luckily evacuated the tower that had become a torch and chased in the direction of the plague!

After the release of the Demon Crystal Cannon, the things that can threaten us are no longer there, I quickly turned around and ordered. "The second echelon is attacking!"

The **** lord and the death knight directly urged the mount to rush up, and the agent's mount is a creature called the demon horse black bell. These things have the same black armor as the owner. The shape and war horse are similar, but they are similar to the war horse Different, they can fly! I and the 5 agents of death let the mount fly up and assault the city from the air! Our mission is clear: to destroy all remaining large defensive equipment. The highest NPC in the city is 850, and the number is not large. The main city defense NPCs are all 800. As for the players, it is even lower. It is impossible to pose any threat to my Mist Army. The only item that can threaten our security. These are the guns. Whether it's a magic crystal cannon or an artillery, or even a crossbow cannon, that can directly kill the soldiers of the Mist Regiment. Now that the magic crystal cannon is gone, the only remaining threats are artillery and crossbows. Those of us with higher ranks are capable of evading these weapons, so we can reduce unnecessary injuries by destroying large equipment first!

The second echelon was divided into three. These large equipment were on the walls and the tops of high-rise buildings in the city. I took two or five agents to kill the turrets on top of those buildings, and the remaining personnel were divided into two and collapsed. The two ends of the city wall began to clear along the aisle on top of the city wall.

There are really many high-rise buildings in Wucheng released. We quickly identified a target. This building has two artillery pieces and five crossbow artillery. As soon as I pointed at the top of the building, the death agent next to him rushed up. Defending players certainly came up to resist. The agent's death mount suddenly stood up and kicked the rushed person off the roof. The player next to him was frightened, but the agent death did not hesitate. The sword cut all the remaining guards. Level 999 Agent Death has absolute overwhelming power for players less than level 600 and instantly suppresses this building!

I do n’t know how to fight with them like this. I just let them clean the roof by myself. I pulled the reins and the night shadow jumped out of the building and came to the street. The streets are full of players. When they saw me landing, they rushed up immediately, and I quickly rushed into the air with Yeying again. Notify Rose with a private chat. "The third echelon can start to attack. The large equipment in the city has been suppressed and is doing the final cleanup!"

The chaos in the city was released quickly, and all players ran to the periphery of the city to resist the impact of the Mist Regiment. Unfortunately, the Mist Regiment is generally more than 200 levels higher than these players. It was a one-sided massacre!

Release: Most players are attracted to the outer theater of the city, and I let Night Shadow land again. There are no players on the street anymore. I rushed straight to the City Hall for Government Affairs. There are still many players guarding here. It seems that the commander of the other party is very calm and calm.

Post contacted the rose vine with personal contact. I asked him and the trailblazers to dig into the city. I do n’t know if it was there! I didn't get a reply from the rose vine. Instead, the ground next to me suddenly collapsed, and the tentacles of the rose vine appeared inside. It ’s really fast!

The release of the rose vine and the trailblazer gave way to the hole, my magic pets quickly emerged from the burrow, and large pets including the three-headed dragon also quietly landed beside us. Briefly explained our battle plan, and then launched an attack on this parliament hall. The first was an illusion attack by Emmys. We made a large number of images of attacking forces across the street, and the defending players were immediately deceived. They formed a defensive front on the street to face those illusions, and the real enemy, that is, we are behind them!

Released "Up!" The four dragons rushed out together, and even Xiaosan went up for fun! The huge dragon flame immediately swept the entire team from behind the enemy. The dense defensive front was just the most unsuitable battle line against the dragon. Besides, they still turned their backs on us!

As soon as the release of Xun Longyan was over, the dragon girl's magic circle immediately appeared at the feet of the wolverine enemy. This is a gossip array. Of course, the Germans will not know it. Besides, many of them still have fire on them, and they have no intention of looking at the ground! The array was swiftly lit, boomed, and a loud noise accompanied the earthquake-like shaking. Enemies around the entire formation were blown up a few hundred meters high, of course, there will be no living people after falling down!

The person standing at the entrance of the Temple of Admiralty was almost scared by the scene in front of him. He looked at us and rushed up with the soldiers behind him. I immediately summoned the two avatars, and without my instructions, the two avatars rushed up immediately.

A monster scuffle was staged at the door of the Temple of Uncle Zhengzheng. My magic pets and I were fighting with the remaining enemies. At the same time, the decisive battle around the city was basically over. Although the defensive players resisted thoroughly, the gap was too large, which did not bring them any practical benefits!

It was released that my magic pets and the guild's last guards were playing fiercely outside the gate of the Zhengzheng Hall, but my three avatars have been chasing into the Guild Hall with the three outstanding men of this guild. The other was two men and one woman, the woman was sacrificed, and the other two were soldiers. To be clear, none of them is the owner of this city, even they are not from this guild!

The release of the battle was deadlocked. The three people across me all surpassed level 600, and their coordination was quite good. They could even be described as perfect! Now it's time for both sides to pose, the other is the mage behind the two fighters guarding us, and here we are the two werewolves (I've become animalized) guarding the mage behind the guards, and we can't remember the number This time it turned out! When the two sides have no strength to fight, they put on this shape and take a breath. I certainly do not forget to continue the political offensive. "Since the three are not from this guild, stop embarrassing me! Let me go down and destroy the key to the basement city?"

The girl of the three people had a very naive voice, and she also dragged her chin with her fair little hand, just like a princess attending the party ~ ~ Where is a sacrifice in battle! After hearing my persuasion, she replied with the sweet dead voice: "In fact, I don't want it! But we collected the money! According to the agreement, unless we three die once or the guild announces surrender, we are not You can put any enemy in! "

Post "Don't be so stubborn, okay, I'm so unlucky, I met you three!"

The release of the beautiful sacrifice actually shook her body with the look of a little girl coquettishly: "You still say it! We are the only ones who are unlucky! We thought we would not have any effort at all, but we have n’t been separated for so long. Winning and losing, this time a big loss! Hum! All three of you are blamed! "

The release fighter avatar told me: "In itself, should you try that?"

Post "That?" I didn't respond for a moment. "what did you say?"

Post "Oh! I keep forgetting to tell you! Sorry!" Werewolf took out two small bottles from his own storage space. This bottle looks like the kind of bottle for injections, thin and long like a bullet! There was some red liquid in the bottle shaking, but it was also glowing red lightly. I took one and it was hot!

Post "What's this?"

Post "Essence in the Source of Evil!"

Post "What is it for?"

The release warrior smiled and said, "All werewolves, as long as they drink this vial, they can use the werewolf secret method!"

Post "What secret law?" I looked at the bottle with little confidence. "Are there any side effects?"

Release "Rest assured, there are no major shortcomings except for the time limit! Remember, the medicinal power can only be maintained for one hour, and it will return to its original state as soon as time passes!" The soldier's clone said mysteriously: "As for the effect ...!"

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