Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 104: Real dragon

The Misty Legion ran down this way, followed by a large number of players. Humans' natural curiosity is very strong. Everyone wants to know where this huge army came from, but because we have been eager to march , So no one can come to ask, the only thing they can do is follow us!

In fact, Possett County is far from Tianyu City. It has been a long way from noon yesterday to this morning. At about 7 am, the rose suddenly appeared on the road ahead. Apparently, she was using a city transfer station. The one directly ahead of us, if only the Mist Legion can also use the teleportation array!

Post "Why are you here?" I let the troops run forward and leaned on riding the night shadow.

Post Rose stretched out directly and pulled me up on the horse. "Dad came to you and said there was an emergency."

Post "What about the army?"

Post "Let me help you!"

Post "I'm offline now, my magic pet will be under your command first!" Yesterday to now, my magic pet is outside, and opening and closing the space door has to be wasted a lot of times, so I'll take it with me anyway. Scary, don't care a few more!

The release of rose suddenly stopped me. "Dad said you should bring your luck to a nearby city teleport and choose to teleport to the reception room!"

Post "Reception room? What city has such a strange name?"

Post "I don't know! Anyway, just do it!"

Post "OK!" I pushed away the mask and pecked on Rose's face. "I'll go first. If I can't come back at night, you'll take me to command the battle!"

Post "Relax!"

Post I rose directly from the back of the night shadow with open wings. "Lucky, let's go!" Lucky flew over immediately, and when he passed under me, I folded my wings and landed on his back accurately, and then flew to the nearby city.

The release fan approached the city quickly with luck, and the teleportation hall recognized it in the air, and we inserted it directly. The people on the street were taken aback by the sudden landing of the dragon, but I didn't care about their response and went directly to the teleportation hall with luck. I searched after jumping to the teleportation point, and there really is a place called the reception room to teleport! Immediately after my selection, I was teleported.

Post Lucky and I appeared in a huge space at the same time, here is a huge empty room. The rooms are large, both over one kilometer in length and width, and the height is estimated to be five or six hundred meters! I looked around and found that there were no doors, not even windows! The entire room was a completely enclosed space, with nothing but a teleportation array where we stood! Is this room too boring? The surrounding walls and floor are all a material, even the ceiling!

Post "You are finally here!" Dad suddenly appeared in front of me.

Post "Ah! Frighten me! What's the rush to call me over here?"

Released "Yes!" Dad explained: "Yesterday morning, that is, in the early morning of the 20th, someone hijacked the experimental samples of Japan B's development headquarters and fled."

Post "What's the matter with me?" Dad asked me for everything!

Dad continued calmly and said, "He took away not a sample but a pile! Our agent reported that there seemed to be a batch of finished products to be shipped out, but the unidentified person drove the entire plane. gone!"

Post "Is the airport guards in Little Japan all garbage? A plane will not hit you!"

The release "hit was hit, but that was a biological weapon-equipped aircraft equipped with a special missile evasion system! Only one of the five missiles launched by the Japanese hit and did not shoot down the aircraft! Later the Japanese exhausted their combat power to intercept! "

Post "What then?"

Post "Then meet the fighters of our country!"

Post "What?"

"The transport plane was a U.S. hypersonic penetration transport plane bought by the Japanese. The fighter jet had already reached the high seas when it overtook it! Our country's offshore fleet was just over there, but the two sides fought! That ’s it! But at first the missile still caused some damage to the aircraft. After the plane flew a distance, it crashed on an uninhabited island east of Taiwan Island! Our country ’s offshore fleet quickly dispatched a small unit Landed search! "

Post "What after? You've finished talking once!"

Published "A total of 140 people sent to the island by the landing ship sent, but suddenly lost contact!"

Post "How is that possible?"

Release "The central government can't figure out why the team of 140 people will lose contact. Although the Marine Corps is not as good as the special forces, it can still be regarded as a very strong combat force. Without reason, it will lose 140 people without any reward!"

Post "Are these people no news until now?"

Release "Nothing at all! And what's even worse is that at 5 pm yesterday, the Central mobilized 82 special battalion personnel to go to the island! A total of 49 soldiers were airborne, but suddenly no training was given this morning!"

"What? The 82 special service battalion is gone?" This 82 special service battalion is an advanced fighter verification unit set up by the central government just a year ago, strictly speaking, it is a special-grade special force, and because the equipment is relatively advanced across the country Therefore, the combat effectiveness is also among the best among Chinese special forces. With such a strong army gone, what kind of enemy is it?

"In the morning, the intelligence sent back by our agents showed that the aircraft was carrying a highly fortified biological creature, that is, a very dangerous biological weapon at that time. The central suspected that these things had completely wiped out the army! "

Post "What are you doing now?"

"Central orders Long Yuan to dispatch B1 troops!"

Post "You wouldn't ask me to follow?"

Post "Why is your kid so stupid! The central government attaches so much importance to explaining this is a big thing. After the completion, you are also in the name of the central government, and it will be more convenient for you to enter the state's leading body!"

Post "Did I say you want to enter the center?"

Post "You do n’t want to enter, you have to enter, Longyuan is not a simple enterprise, you can't control it without a central support!"

Published: "If you have to ask me to enter the central government! I don't want to go into politics. You can help me with a military post! The military system is relatively pure. Besides, we are military industrial enterprises, and it will be easier to work after linking to the army!"

Post "That's fine! Anyway, you can just follow B1 and pass by this time! I have already asked the researcher, your physical strength is now high enough, as long as you don't give it away, there is generally no danger!"

Post "I see! But what did you tell me to do with luck?"

Post "This! Of course there are special reasons! You go offline first, then come to the base command room! I'll wait for you there!"

Release: I quickly left the game, and ran all the way to the command room, my dad was taking off his helmet.

Post "Are you moving fast?"

Post _________________________________________

Post "Of course! You haven't told me what you want me to bring into that room?"

Post Dad Dad stood up and pulled me out of the main control room. "I'll show you something!"

Publish followed my dad to the giant elevator, I do n’t understand why I did n’t take the ordinary elevator but entered this large freight elevator! I have never been here! The elevator reached the ground floor before stopping. After leaving the elevator, we entered a corridor. The corridor was so big that it made me feel like I was standing in a human corridor! After walking to the end of the corridor, Dad stopped in front of the gate that was 70 meters high. "Do you know what makes us famous?"

Post "Even American spies know that Long Yuan's technology tends to biotechnology, wouldn't I know?"

"Eh! American technology tends to electronic and mechanical technology, but we prefer biotechnology! What I want to show you right now is the peak of our biotechnology, and he is also the world's biotechnology Peak. "Dad swiped his ID card on the card reader of the gate and said," Look! Mankind! "

Post 哧 ...! The door made a long deflation sound, then slid to the side at a very slow speed. The first thing I noticed was the thickness of the door. The door in front was actually a dozen meters thick. No wonder the door was opened so slowly! The gate only opened a two-meter wide road and stopped!

Release: The two of us walked into the gate, and when I walked through the gate, they suddenly stopped. "Lucky?" There was a black creature lying in the middle of the huge room. That's my luck! But luck is a dragon. This is the real world. There should be no dragons here! Am I dreaming? its not right! I do n’t even need to sleep. Why am I dreaming?

Post Dad shot me from behind. "Don't be dazed, you read that right, this is a train!"

Post "You ... this ..." I still can't accept it for a while! "how come……!"

"This is the real secret of our dragon fate. Apart from me and the technicians here, only the three core people at the center know this plan! We have created a brand new creature according to legend. No creatures have appeared! "

Post I was completely conquered, my dad's madness is not under me, even such a bizarre thing was created! After accepting this huge scare, I was thinking about a lot of this room! The entire room is about the size of several football stadiums, and its height is very scary. The hangar of a large transport aircraft is only less than a third here! In the middle of the room is a large pool, not a normal square, but a strange shape. The dragon's limbs, tail and head are stretched out to fit in the sink, which means that the entire sink is shaped like a dragon. Built! But the sink is not very deep, this dragon is only half in the water and is not completely submerged! A lavender solution in the pond is estimated to be of special use, but it does not smell good!

There are a large number of working rooms around the release room, with hundreds of researchers working inside. It seems that making this dragon is not as simple as imagined!

Release: I took a look at this dragon myself, and the shape is very similar to luck. He was covered with black scales all over, and each was almost the size of a mouse pad. I walked to his neck and touched it tentatively. The texture of the scales was not like ordinary creatures, but rather like some kind of metal, cold and smooth, and smooth! Carefully lifted a piece and looked at it to find that the scales are almost a finger thick, and because the scales are stacked on each other, this dragon has almost one inch thick scale protection!

Release: His body part is about thirty meters long, his neck is more than nine meters, his tail is estimated to be more than thirty-five meters, and the whole dragon is lying there more than seventy meters in length! This guy's head is more than two meters high on the ground, about four meters in length, and no more than one meter five in width. The overall looks very narrow, it is estimated that because of this, the air resistance is relatively small! There are no scales on the head, but a few whole pieces of carapace, which look like a metal helmet! In front of this helmet is his mouth. The longer it is two meters and five meters, the eating of people is definitely not a problem! As for the back of the helmet, there is a huge crown, its specific use is not clear. What needs to be said in particular is his horns! This guy has three horns in total, and grows in a position much like a fairly famous dinosaur, the Triceratops. However, his horns are different from Triceratops! The two juxtaposed horns behind the Triceratops are forward, but his two horns are backward. As for the front corner, there is a difference. His corner is very thick and short, basically a small cone, and it should be good to hit something above the tip of its mouth! Except for the horns, this guy has blade-like crust extensions on both sides of his head, which is also estimated to be used for combat!

Release I made another round around him, and I still feel different in luck in many details! His tail tip is as long as an arrow like lucky, but lucky tail is not as big or as long as he is. It is estimated that this tail is more destructive than lucky! And fortunately, only the tip of the tail has a blade, and his entire tail has short bone blades on both sides!

The release cricket has a long needle-shaped dorsal fin on his back, which extends from the back of the neck to the tip of the tail. This dorsal fin is not continuous, but one by one thorn, it is estimated that the role of defense is relatively large!

At the end of the release are the wings of this guy. The huge wings are now spreading on the sides of the body. The area is scary. And this is not an ordinary wing. It is supported by countless long bone spurs. There is skin tissue between the spurs. Connections and fine scales on the surface! Although the pair of wings is very good, the structure is reasonable and hard to break, but based on the development of his pectoral muscles and the structure of the wings, it is difficult for them to fly. But what can I do if I can't fly? Dad, they do n’t put a pair of wings on him just for the sake of good looks!

After reading all the posts, I went back to my dad. "This thing looks very good. It should be a very deterrent biological weapon! But is the pair of wings a bit redundant? Does he fly?"

Release Dad Dad smiled and said, "I promise he will fly!"

Published "To be honest I don't believe it! His wings are big enough, but also have enough strength and toughness, but his pectoral muscles seem to be insufficient to drive the pair of wings to fly. To fly, this guy must have now Double chest muscles can fly! And the premise is that this guy's muscles can reach twice the muscle strength of a reptile! "

Post "Hahahaha! You look down on us too. The muscles of this dragon are designed with reference to the muscle structure of insects. We plagiarized this natural invention and improved it, so we got him This body now! Come with me, I will show you an experiment! "

Post _____________________________________________________

Post Dad took me from the stairs by the wall to the research room above, where there are many experimental instruments at work. Dad took me to a platform, there is a torque tester, this thing is generally used to test the ultimate tensile force of metal. It can sever a solid steel column as thick as a human arm, and even pull a solid metal rod of titanium alloy as thin as an adult finger! But now on this machine is a piece of meat, exactly a living muscle tissue!

Release Dad stimulates this muscle with electrodes to shrink it, and starts the tester to begin traction! The pulling force on the meter gradually increased, and there are some standard metal anti-pulling force comparison tables next to the meter. I watched the indicator continuously increase, and soon the pulling force reached the strength enough to destroy the rosewood wood, but the muscles did not respond! The tension continued to increase enough to tear the aluminum column and the muscles still did not respond! Continue to increase, the indicator has exceeded the tensile strength of pig iron, but still no response! Watching the tension continue to rise enough to break the low carbon steel, this muscle is still fine! The pulling force continued to increase, and suddenly there was a rattling sound, like a tearing cloth, and that muscle was broken! I quickly looked at the indicator! 3.96 tons! The tensile strength of this thing is close to high carbon steel! That is to say, this muscle is stronger than inferior steel, but not as strong as high carbon steel! Looking at the muscle strength of the creature, this guy's muscle strength is 40 times that of the unicorn and 80,000 times that of humans!

Post "This is the muscle on that guy?"

Post "Yes! This is cultivated in vitro, everything is set according to the best environment. The muscles of that dragon should not reach this intensity, but it won't be too far away! And if you exercise more, There is still hope that exercise will reach this standard! "

Post "What about his muscle strength now?"

Release "Approximately the strength of aluminum, muscle contraction is more than 70,000 times that of humans!"

Post "Then I believe he can fly!" If it is such a strong muscle, then his chest muscle is not too small but too big! Look at the dragon below through the floor-to-ceiling glass. He has such strong muscles. According to the thickness of his forelimbs, he estimated that the tank was flattened with one paw down! "By the way, how do you plan to control him in the future? Once this guy gets out of control, he can only use the strategic air force!"

Post "That's why I want you to bring your dragon!"

Post "What?" I was taken aback by my dad's words! "Aren't you trying to divert consciousness?"

Post "You're right! The dragon's brain and body are cultivated separately. His body was completed long ago, but his brain was only recently completed. We use the latest biological computer from Longyuan— —CT63, which is the latest generation of products that have just been successfully developed this year. In the future, there is hope to replace Nuwa as the host computer of Zero! "

Post "You mean to transfer luck to this body?"

Post "Yes!"

Post "What should I do after that?"

Post "Let him in too!"

Post "Is there no danger in old swing?"

Post "No, no, no! You didn't understand what I meant! Your dragon, once you enter this body, cannot leave! The transfer process is irreversible, and once you succeed, you can't change it back!"

Post "So how did he get back into the game?"

Post "How did you get back to the game?"

Post "I am ...!" I suddenly understood! I can use a helmet to connect the game, why isn't it lucky? As long as he has a special helmet, he can reconnect to the game!

Post "got it?"

Post "Well!"

Post "Let's get started!"

Post "Get started? How do I get started?"

Post Dad pressed a button on a communicator on the wall next to him: "Ready to plant life!"

Post "Understand!" Replied in the intercom.

Post Dad took out a small box with a camera on it and a speaker next to it! "This is the dumper! After a while we plug it into the network, and then you enter the game, there will be a door in that room, and that door actually leads to this box. You let your dragon go in and you Close the door and take it offline. We can connect this box to the instrument below to transfer your dragon's consciousness into this dragon's body! "

Post "Understand! But is there a gaming helmet here?"

Post "There is one behind that, go inside! I'll pick the box over here!"

The release card went online quickly, and it was still in this strange space. Fortunately, I immediately stood up. I pointed at the door that appeared on the side wall. "You wait in there, you may experience a brief darkness, and then you will appear in a strange place, but don't be afraid, I will be there!"

Post lucky nodded, then went inside. I laboriously closed the door and then lined up. Dad was gone when he came back. Looking out of the glass, he was already holding the box and standing in the large laboratory below. I hurried and ran.

A few experimenters quickly docked the box to the special instrument, and then activated the switch. With a bang, all the surrounding lights went out, and the emergency lights quickly turned on. An old researcher shook his head and said, "It's better to make a little bit next time. How can it cost so much electricity! The 200,000 amp protector has tripped! Fortunately, it only takes a momentary current!

The lab was on again, and the emergency light went off automatically. The base circuit breaker will try to restore power one minute after it trips!

After the power was released, the dragons in the pool remained motionless. Researchers immediately started to push those together into a nearby warehouse. These instruments have wheels under them, which makes it easy to move. Soon there will be no messy instruments and equipment in the room. The wires are up! After the instrument was moved, the personnel were evacuated, and the entire space was emptied.

Release: Everyone was taken to the second floor of this laboratory to look at the dragon outside through the huge observation window. The water under the dragon was slowly falling, and soon all was gone. The researcher next to me was very curious and explained: "These are powerful sedatives for living things. Just one drop can cause people to die from deep anesthesia. We soak him with these liquids to prevent him from waking up crazy!"

Post "But you put such a dangerous sedative in the open air ~ ~ what do you do if you inhale?"

Post "This thing is not volatile, and you see, aren't there several air extractors over there!"

Post "Oh!"

The release was saying, the dragon below suddenly moved. Although the eyes have not been opened, the pair of huge wings are gradually closing towards his body, which is the normal reaction of the creature! After the wings were closed, the dragon's eyes suddenly opened. He tried to lift up his limbs and stood up, but he did not expect to shake like a drunk when he came together. Later, he leaned against the wall. The walls support the body!

Researcher released researcher consciously explained: "The sedative is still effective, so there are some inconveniences, and he is using this body for the first time, so it is inevitable that he needs to get used to it!"

It took more than ten minutes for the dragon to rest on the wall. He started moving his head and looked around. The glass on our side is one-way. He should not be able to see us, but he stared directly. Look at us. He opened his mouth, but made a strange sound, it seems that he is not quite used to this tongue!

After a few more minutes of release, he finally stood up and no longer needed wall support. He looked up and sniffed the ceiling, then sniffed the door and the stairs, and finally he put his eyes on our window to see what was inside. The researcher with big eyes close to one meter in diameter scared back into the room together, and I was alone by the window!

Post "Can he see us?" I turned back and asked the researcher, but I saw that everyone put their fingers on their mouths to make silent movements, and they looked anxious! Suddenly I realized something, and quickly turned back, and caused even more riots!


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