Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 100: Mysterious Channel

"The Iron Crusade is very grateful for your help, we will not let you lose it!" Ashford took the scroll from Messett behind him very easily. I knew at a glance that it was a scroll that recorded a certain technology, because this scroll was traded this morning. "This is the ironclad ship manufacturing technology that represents the highest shipbuilding technology of our guild. Although it is not the best in Europe, it is definitely more advanced than the wooden shell warship!"

Released the ironclad ship production technology? Stars are shining in my two eyes. "Thank you! I'm very happy to do something I can do for my German friends!" After that, I quickly opened the trading bar, and put 30 purple clover and Ashford for trading.

Post "Happy cooperation!" The two of us shake hands to indicate a successful transaction.

Post "Where is President Purple Sun going next?" Ashford asked.

Post "This ...!" I was thinking about telling him. If you tell him, it may be possible to borrow him to send us into the mountains of death, but in case Ashoford makes a difference, isn't that disguised to make the task more difficult? After thinking about it again and again, I decided to say it. After all, the cooperation with the Iron Crusaders was not a one-shot deal. In the future, there are still many things to cooperate with, and they should not lose out because of small things. "We will have a mission to cross the mountain of death. Don't know if you can help?"

Post "Miss Rose asked me about Neyland, didn't think it was the reason?"

Release Rose came up and whispered to me: "I heard from other players in the guild that there is a Neland city in front of the Death Mountain, so I asked him about Neland!"

Posting: I said to Ashford: "In your opinion, can Nilan pass?"

Released Ashford dragging: "It's not necessarily true! Women's federations are not a simple guild, and they never associate with guilds outside. We don't know much about what's inside! On combat effectiveness, we The guild is dozens of times better than them, but if we siege, we really don't have to fight! "

Post "Is this amazing?"

"I'm afraid so!" Axford nodded. "A few guilds have attacked Neyland before, but the whole army was wiped out. No guild can capture Niylan!"

The release of Messett also followed: "It was very effective to use the method of armed slaughter to first send people into the city and then kill the players in it, but the Neyland's teleportation point was not used by other guild players, and The city gates are rarely opened, and they do not accept foreign players at all! "

Posts "How do they accept people?" Rose asked.

Post Ashford was surprised: "You don't want to mix in?"

He was even called by Shula Ziyi when he said that. "Good way! Am I going in with you?"

I interrupted after posting: "Don't think about it, it's useless at all! What's the use of you to enter? Help us open the gate or kill the people in the city? Even if they don't have many combat players in the guild, it's always not to kill you two. Question? "

Post relentlessly: "Did we complicate things from the beginning?"

Post "What do you say?"

Post 我们 "We haven't seen them until now, maybe talk to them, they might let us pass? Why did we begin to conquer by force from the beginning? Are you a little violent?"

The release of Rose told me my experience. After ruthlessly listening, I shook my head helplessly: "I think we will continue to figure out how to occupy the city!"

Suddenly the poisoner posted, "Is there no other way to enter the Death Mountain than that city?"

Post Ashford said: "The solution is there, but it is very difficult!"

Post "Is it difficult to capture a city?"

Release: I took over and said, "Going in is not a problem, but the key is coming out! Can we take millions of troops over the mountains? In contrast, I think it might be faster to make a hole in the past!"

Post "Yes! Boss, don't you have a magic pet that can burrow?"

Post "Do you think we have time? The Mountain of Death is part of the Alps system in reality. The thickness of the mountain is unimaginable. The hole is finished and Isinger is finished!"

Post Su Mei said: "I have a way to try it!"

Post "What's the way?"

Post "Is Zizhi saying that he really wants Babelta?"

Post "Yes!"

Post "Then we can fish!"

Post "Fishing?"

Published "First ask to negotiate with them, tell them that the tower is in our hands, and give us a way to want Babel tower!"

Post "Don't need such a big sacrifice?" I was a bit reluctant, although I know that the troops of the Mist Regiment are more important than Babel Tower, but I don't want to lose one of them!

Sue Sumei continued: "I didn't say I really want to give it! We can say that early delivery is afraid they will regret it, so we have to wait for the troops to return and pass through the city before delivery!"

"They will not agree!" Ashford said: "If you ask them this way, they will feel insecure!"

Post "Brother Ziri can stay hostage!"

Post "Right?"

Su Mei laughed like a little fox: "Rest assured! Their guilds are all female players and can't treat you like that. Besides, even if they are killed, it's nothing! You don't have the system for the non-dropable equipment Attributes? Even if they cut off your equipment, it ’s useless. The equipment attributes are still owned by you. Will you return to your place as long as you log off and log in again? Is it true that you can escape! Is there no problem? With your strength, you should be able to run away as long as players who are not all in Germany chase and kill together! "

The release Rose actually helped: "This method is good! We all sacrifice you a happiness!"

Post "Why do I feel betrayed!"

Post relentlessly said: "That shows that you feel full!"

Release Although it is now more than 5 pm, Essinger is anxiously waiting for our fighting force, so I did n’t delay, I will give you an hour off the line to have a meal to freshen up, and then come to gather!

An hour passed shortly after the launch, and we quickly arrived outside the city of Neland after we went online. Ashford sent us out of the city and went back. The women's federation did not interact with the outside world at all. The Iron Crusader's face could not be eaten here, otherwise they would only need to help!

Release From the outside, it seems that the city of Neland is not very majestic. Of course, a large part of this is because we are used to watching the walls of Isinger, so it is very common to see the walls here! Objectively speaking, the walls of Nilan City are still pretty good, and the knowledge is not as majestic as Isinger.

Release: I opened my wings and took to the sky to see the general situation of Nilan City. It was found that Nilan City was built on the mountain. The whole city is sandwiched between the mountains on both sides, so its wall is only two sides. Both sides of the city are towering into the clouds, it is impossible to launch an attack from there!

There is a strange situation in the release of Tunisland. Its front wall, which is the side of our station, has reached a height of 40-50 meters, while the other side is only 4-5 meters high! Obviously there are no enemies on the other side to resist, so the city wall has only been repaired so high!

Release When I looked in the air, I found that the cities seemed to be factories, and many places were smoking. It looked like a world of machines. On the contrary, they were not seen in the city's defense facilities. I do n’t know how they defended! Is it employment? impossible! Their fighting power is so poor, how can they defend? It's a pity that the Iron Crusades have never attacked here, otherwise at least they can know how they fought!

Release summoned the space door again, this is the last chance today, so I plan to leave it here for the time being, and let him come out in case of the magic pet! The first thing I needed was luck this time. His job was to help me shout. The city walls were so tall and full of machines. Noise was heard here. There was no way without a big voice!

Post Luckily started to talk to me, I said a word followed by a word. "Attention players of the Women's Science and Technology Alliance. I'm the president of the Chinese guild Frost Rose Alliance. Please be able to grow up!" I called every two minutes and the other side responded five times. It wasn't people who answered us, but a cannon. Fortunately, when we saw something was wrong, we quickly led us to the rear. A shell landed exactly where we were standing, leaving a large pit with a diameter of one meter in the land.

Post ______________________________________________________________________________________

Post "It ’s okay to flash!" If the shell just landed among us, it is estimated that everyone except Shura Ziyi will be finished!

Posts "They are too arrogant!" Shura Ziyi said unconvinced.

Post Rose patted her shoulder. "Don't be angry, who said we are asking for someone now!"

Post Fortunately look at me and ask with my eyes if I need to continue shouting. I nodded, but changed the content. "Barbela sells cheaply! Hurry up!"

The release didn't make us wait silly this time. It opened less than a minute before the city gate. The female soldier who was killed by me came out last time, followed by the super mage MM and the beautiful sacrifice. .

Post "We're not asking you for trouble, you have come to your door!" The female soldier shouted across the distance.

Post a wave of my hand, the demon knight blocking the front of the space door flashed to the back immediately, the female soldier immediately saw the Babel tower lying in the door, and she rushed forward excitedly. The monster rider didn't stop her at my signal, but she was bounced back when she came to the door.

Release: She touched the edge of the door for a long time to confirm that she could not get over and turned to me: "What do you mean this time?"

Post "I mean very simple!" Hehe! Big fish bites! "Our guild needs to enter the Death Mountain for a mission. Your city is just blocking the only entrance. I just hope you lend us a way!"

Posting "Borrow?" The female warrior seemed a little hesitant, but this didn't last long. She looked at Babel Tower in the door, and then said to me, "How many of you have to pass?"

Post I pointed behind me. "Just seven of us, plus our magic pets! But there may be more people when we return!" But I said there would be more! Don't blame me then!

Post "How long can you return?"

Post "This is inaccurate! If it is fast, we will be back at noon tomorrow! If it does not go well, it will be no later than the evening of the 28th! We are doing tasks and time is not under our control!"

Post "All right!" The female warrior finally nodded. "You give me the tower, and I let you in!"

Post "That won't work!" I interrupted her: "I cross the tower, you turn your face and don't recognize anyone, who can I talk to?"

Post "What do you do?"

Post "You let us in first, when we come back, I stay hostage, I will give you the tower when everyone has passed, and then you let me go! I ca n’t run away, your tower ca n’t run Drop! "

Post "That's good!" The female warrior is surprisingly refreshing! "Anyway, the Death Mountain has a strong seal, the teleportation scroll is invalid, and you can't run away even if you go in!"

Post me faint! This is the reason for a long time, no wonder she is not afraid that we will complete the task and run away with the telescopic scroll after we enter!

I closed the space door before entering the city. Of course, the magic pet had to be made out first. The female soldier was startled as she saw the mighty troops coming out of the gate. "Don't you just say that you 7? How did you bring the entire guild?"

Post "Let's see for yourself!"

The uncle female warrior did not move, and it was the sacrifice behind her with a terrified expression on her face. "This ... it's all his summons!"

Post "Hey! Sorry! There are more people!"

The maidservant brought us into the city as agreed. Just came in and found out that what I saw outside was all fake. The city was almost like a garden inside, and the walls were full of all kinds of weird and weird things. It didn't look good to deal with! This city is actually covered by large illusions. If you really think that there are only factories in the city without cannons, you will be fooled!

I just found out through the city that there are a lot of shops here, and many players are learning auxiliary skills, so it can be fully self-sufficient here! After crossing the city, I found that unlike the city that I saw at the beginning, there are two walls. In fact, there is only one wall in Nilan. When we came in, there was no defense at all behind the city. There is a large area here. The factory even saw the mine in the mountains nearby! After a long time, the industrial facilities are all behind!

Post me casually asking the female warrior who leads the way. "You don't repair the city walls, what if the monsters attack?"

Post "Do you know what is the Mountain of Death?"

Post "I don't know!"

The release of the maidservant sacrifice continued: "It's stupid enough, I don't know! The mountain of death means that everything inside is dead, there is no living thing at all, what do you say to attack us?"

Post "Right? How could there be no monsters in the Death Mountain? There should be a lot of undead creatures inside!"

Post "Undead?"

Release: I called over a dark iron rider, took off his helmet, then tilted his body so that the sacrifice could see the skull bones in his armor. "Like this, the undead creature! Of course not necessarily like him, it may be a zombie or something!"

Post "It's disgusting! I haven't seen anything so scary! The mountain of death is a maze. We sent people in, a few kilometers ahead was fine, but walking suddenly turned back!"

Post "Looking Back?" I didn't understand what she meant!

The mage MM next to the release post said: "I was there that time, a total of 7 people. We originally walked into the mountains, but after walking for a while, we suddenly found a city in front."

Posts Rose and Shura Ziyi both excitedly asked: "Is it the city of death?"

Released Master MM slowly said: "We thought so at the time, but we found that it was Neland City!"

Post "What?"

Post "Nelan?"

Post "How is that possible?"

Released Master MM continued: "We were also shocked at the time! There was no fork along the way, and we just walked on this way and somehow returned to the starting point!"

Post Rose rubbed her arm and said, "So scary! It sounds like a ghost story!"

The release of the maidservant sacrifice took over and said, "There is nothing terrible! We have walked many times, and every time we walked back somehow, we saw nothing except the mountain!"

"Okay, we're here!" The female warrior suddenly said, "Walk a few kilometers from here and you will find you back here. What I want to tell you is that I don't care if your mission is completed or not. Anyway, when you come back, give me Babelta! "

Post "Okay, I see!" I waved forward: "The troops go forward!"

The release is so powerful with more than 6,000 cavalry, especially in the valley, the echoes of the mountain walls on both sides are quite spectacular!

Since I heard the MM of the women ’s federation just now, I judge that there are probably large illusions in the valley, so people who come in will go back every time, but this small problem has not affected me . I just put Emmys at the front of the team and let her ride next to Xiao Xue.

After the release, Sure enough, I did n’t notice it until I had gone. "Wait!" She stopped everyone.

Post "What did you find?" I asked.

Post "There!" Aimenis pointed to the mountain wall next to him. "Next to that triangular rock, there is an illusion! And here, the right side of that big rock is actually another road, not a road! There are three forks here!"

Post "Can it be lifted?"

Post "little question!" Amenis waved, and the valley in front of him changed immediately. Sure enough, there is not one road ahead, but three!

Post "The far left is the path that illusions want us to take. According to the Women's Federation, this side will definitely go back to the end. So how do we go for the remaining two paths?"

Posts 美 Amenis whispered: "I just dispel the illusion, not the way!"

Posts Ana said: "Maybe I know!" She called back: "Tank ~ ~ Please try to knock on the mountain wall next to you!"

The release of the tank immediately turned around and a guy came to the mountain, I felt a shock! Ariana waited for a while and said, "Go in the middle! The road on the right is a few kilometers away!"

Release Now you know how much the magic pet is taking advantage of, what you do, it is really convenient!

After releasing a walk along the middle road for a while, I suddenly noticed that a mountain wall appeared in front and the road was completely sealed off! I turned around and looked at Ariana. "Don't you say it's okay here?"

The release 嫡 Aona also wondered: "Strange! It sounds clear to me!" She walked to the side of the rock wall and tapped gently, and then called the tank to come over and weigh down. "Master. Although it is blocked here, it can be crossed here, the road is still right! The road next to it is really a dead end! The mountain here is very thin, and it is a long distance away, so it sounds like a passage."

Post "Can I break through?"

Post "It should be possible, the thickness here is not very thick, as long as there is enough strength to penetrate it!"

Post "Lucky, Plague, Crystal, Tank! Trouble you!"

Twenty-four giant beasts hit the mountain at the same time, and a loud noise slammed. The whole valley shook violently, and the gravel on the mountain fell down. Fortunately, they were all small stones! The huge vibration caused a huge amount of smoke and dust at the same time, and a large mass of dust rushed towards everyone, all of them were shrouded in dust all at once, and the visibility around them was no more than two meters.

The release is just when a piece of dust around us can't see anything, suddenly a bright dragon yin comes from the front, which sounds like a crystal sound. But why did she call it at this time? Is it in danger?

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