Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 92: accident

The so-called original plan is actually a camouflage plan! I opened the space door in advance and took my army out. Their task is not to sail or fight, but to pretend to be full! I put all the sailors in charge of the artillery in place and fired as soon as I received the order. All the artillery was loaded with shells. If the British really dared to fire, as long as I ordered the fleet to fire back immediately.

Except for the position of the artillery and the necessary sailing sailors, the rest of the sailors were called up and sent to the Noah, and the iron rider was assigned to each battleship. My vision is this. Let the iron riders stand in a row on the side of the battleship. The neat equipment and military appearance can make the British mistakenly think that our sailors are powerful. In fact, they did not even think that these were not sailors. And those sailors who were sent to Noah were busy pretending to walk around in order to make the British think that Noah was combative! In order to be realistic, I transferred Emmys to Noah to help create illusions! The British wouldn't think of Noah as an empty shell. We have such a large warship and they should not dare to do it!

The fleet slowly entered the strait. On the sea next to us, the British Empire fleet was neatly arranged, and the scene was very spectacular. Azana came back and reported that the depth of the sea floor was more than 300 meters, enough to pass, and the Noah now only has a layer shell, and the actual draft is only more than half of the full load! Watching the battleship approach, the British next to him ran up the deck and looked at the big guy in surprise. They have never seen such a large sea fortress!

As the British battleship passed the narrowest part of the Gibraltar Strait, the British warship suddenly made a loud noise. The sound was too familiar to me. It was the sound of shelling. The British fired! But I quickly realized that it was not an ordinary artillery, because no battleship was hit! boom! Again! This time I saw it clearly, it was the sound of cannons from the battleship next to us. According to the rhythm, it should be a salute! Startle me! Fortunately, the artillery is operated by NPCs. If the player just now can't help but fight back!

As our fleet passed by the British fleet, all the dark iron riders lifted their swords in front of me as they asked for the knight salute. This is not because I respect the British, but I want to let the other party know that these are excellent knights. It is another way to show my strength!

When the foremost ship Biling passed through the strait, the warship guided by us also left the queue and returned to the British fleet. I stood at the bow and performed the knight salute opposite, and maintained this posture until the subsequent fleet followed. come out.

After the Bi Ling left the strait, instead of continuing to move forward, she stopped at the open sea to watch the fleet pass. I didn't expect any accidents. After the fleet basically passed, Noah was left behind. This big guy almost occupied half of the strait, plus it had no power on its own and was always swayed by the wind. It couldn't be stable at all.

The fleet had to reduce the speed to a speed with the snail. Most of the battleships were assigned to tow on both sides, controlling its direction separately to prevent it from tilting to one side! The drive was good, and Noah had passed a third of the time when a strong wind blew from the sea, and Chuang Wang cried out at the time: "No!"

The north wind blew the warship to the south of the strait. At this time, the distance between Noah and the cliff on the coast was only over 500 meters. For ordinary warships, this distance is enough to turn around, but for Noah, this is completely out of control. distance! Everyone, including the British, watched Noah bump into the cliff to the south. The Englishman on the cliff scaredly jumped out of the turret and turned to run backwards!

Boom! squeak……! A dull impact followed by the harsh sound of metal rubbing against the rock, the weird metal distortion plus the sound of the Shanghai waves being squeezed out of the rock and the sound of the rock smashing together formed a shocking sound. Noah himself was not injured by the impact. Its shell thickness is more than 20 meters. How can the rock not put such a thick metal! But the British battery located on the south bank suffered a sacrifice. To be exact, it was the cliff under the turret. Because the cliff where this turret is located is actually a piece protruding from the inland, the support is not very strong. Of course, this is only for Noah. The average warship just smashes itself without causing much impact on the rocks! But Noah is different. It's too big and too thick! The impact almost cut off that half of the cliff from the land, and the cliff that stretched out of the inland was cut off more than a hundred meters long. The falling rocks piled up a **** here!

突然 This sudden incident left everyone overwhelmed! What I am worried about is the attitude of the British. They have been very forgiving without fighting with us. We actually dismantled their proud turrets in half! The fortresses on both sides of the north and south sides were relatively echoed, but now there is only the one on the north side. Not only the fortresses on the south bank, but also the cliffs are gone!

Rose opened her mouth for a long time before she said, "It's not Southwind!"

"Ah?" I didn't respond for a moment!

Sumei said: "Sister Rose means that if the south wind is blowing, not only the northern shore ’s battery is going to be finished, but the Imperial Fleet will probably also enter many warships!"

makes sense! Noah was so big, and suddenly rushed to the North Shore, the warships stopped there must be too late. Since Noah even cut off the cliffs, those warships will be crushed into discus! But even if only one hill is cut, it is not a joke, the British should not give up!

Sure enough, the warship that guided us just now came over, and the British came to me to settle the bill! The envoy slowly leaned forward, and Baha stood on the opposite battleship with a strange expression on his face!

"Mr. Ziri, I think you have to do something!" Baha didn't talk nonsense directly to the cliff and started asking for money!

"You know, this is a natural disaster and is caused by force majeure. Even an insurance company does not pay for it!" My words are euphemistic, but I have made myself clear!

Baha seemed a little angry. He compared to the standard-bearer, and the standard-bearer began to turn around and play the slogan. The British battleship in Gibraltar immediately sailed over.


I saw the situation was not right, and quickly eased the atmosphere. "I'm very sorry to be honest, but you know, we can't bring so much money out of the house, and it's impossible for you to ask us for compensation!"

Baha glanced at Noah, I didn't wait for him to speak in advance: "You understand people, don't say impossible things!"

"Hahahaha!" Baha glanced at Noah greedily and turned his eyes back! "Do n’t install it, I know that the ship is empty, there is nothing on it! Our turret cost more than 300 million pounds to build, and you do n’t lose a shell for 300 million!"

I was blinded then, Baha knew the ship was fake? But how do you know? Does he have a spy? impossible! There are only a few of us on board except NPC!

I may be seeing my doubts, Baha said: "Don't be surprised, I am a warship designer myself. This ship is obviously unfinished. Don't think that putting a few people can lie to me!"

It turns out that this kid is a designer, no wonder he couldn't lie to him, we actually hit the muzzle!

"That big ship, plus yours." The Baha lion opened his mouth! "Both are left, you can leave, we are still friends!"

Aunt, friend? Only ghosts have friends like you! "This is not very good!"

"Go to your mother's turtle king bastard, hit it, Lao Tzu is not afraid of you yellow hairy ghosts!" Cauldron rice jumped up from behind, and at the same time a thing flew past me and flew directly towards Baha's head!

咣 Dang! A round iron ball hit Baha's forehead and immediately smashed him into a corner. The big pot rice was thrown out by a shell, which was stuck on the ship's side when the Indonesian shelled us last time, but it was not thrown after digging out, and I plan to keep it as a memorial! The shells used by the Indonesian warships are solid iron **** that hit the brains of Baha directly. How powerful is it?

"You ... you ..." Baha covered his head with one hand and was lifted up by the person next to him. His face was covered with blood, which was really spectacular! "Want to fight? Okay! I'll just ..." A person running next to Baha posted something and interrupted Baha's words!

无 I ruthlessly patted my shoulder and asked me to turn around. "whats the matter?"

He pointed to the other side of the sea. When I turned around, I saw a fleet, a very large fleet. Although I am almost certain that this fleet is not an opponent of the Empire Fleet, I believe that fleet plus we should be able to tie with the British!

"Who is that?" It would be miserable if the British reinforcements!

Wu Xiulao came up and said, "Look at the flag!"

立刻 I opened Xingtong immediately and looked at the banner of the battleship over there. On the tall main mast was a striking black and white Crusader flag. "German?" Ashurford wouldn't send someone to pick us up?

Baha, who was opposite, also finished talking with his subordinates, and he shouted at me loudly: "You remember that our affairs are not over!" After being said, he was pushed into the cabin without waiting for my reply. The envoys immediately turned around and returned to the fleet, and the Empire fleet retreated to the strait to maintain combat vigilance!

The German fleet on the other side did not come but stopped at the open sea. The flag bearers reported: "They said that they were the Sea Wolf fleet of the German Crusaders, and asked if we were from the Chinese fleet!"

"Answer them yes!"

The flag bearer once again reported: "They want us to lean over!"

告诉 "Tell them we will pass now!" Turned to the first mate and said, "The fleet was ordered to leave the strait quickly and join the German fleet!"

I don't know how to describe my emotions now. If I were not afraid to be treated as gay, I would like to kiss and kiss Ashoford!

The puppet fleet quickly pulled Noah out, and then quickly leaned towards the German fleet. The British have been staring at us from behind but they dare not do anything. They also know that it is impossible to fight with us!

After the fleets of both sides approached, a large battleship in the Sea Wolf fleet leaned forward. Several people jumped from the battleship to the Bi Ling. There were 5 people who came, only one of them knew Messett, and the other four were followers at first sight!

"Hello! President Ziri!" Messet offered to shake hands with me.

"Hello! I'm so excited to meet you. If you are late, we will fight with the British!"

"I know!" Messett's words startled me. "The president had already guessed that you were going to have an accident in Gibraltar, so he specially sent us over to pick you up! In fact, I left as soon as our meeting was over that day. If it had been a fight with the French on the road, it would have been here!

"Did President Ashford not come?"

"There are so many things in the meeting, so only I came. But when you arrive in Hong Kong, the president will come to meet you in person!"

对 "Yes, do you have steel cables?"

"Yes, yes, what do you want the cable to do?"

"It's not the thing behind!" I mean Noah. "I accidentally hit a cliff in Gibraltar and broke a lot of towing ropes!"

怎么 "Why is this thing here with you?" Messett was not as surprised as others.

"have you seen?"

She shook her head. "In the beginning, an NPC asked us for 3 billion crystal coins and said that we could build a super battleship for us. We did not coax him as a lunatic. Later I heard that he had arrived at the pirates and had completed a sample. How? In your hands? "

"We killed the pirates on our way, we got this thing and that designer back!"

"Do you really believe it?"


"Forget it! I don't know exactly what it is. Go back and I will tell you what you know!"

After mixing with the German fleet, we quickly left this area. Because the combination of the two fleets was very scary, and there was a personal island in the middle, so there was no interception along the way. The French fleet ran out, it seemed to be looking for the German fleet to pay, but left a few laps around us!


多 At 10 o'clock in the morning on the 19th, Beijing time, we finally reached the coast of Germany. This side is still dark now, and the moon is still hanging in the sky! At this time, it was still early in the morning in Germany, with the least number of people online. Asheford was notified by Messett when we arrived, so the Iron Crusaders city was prepared in advance. A brightly lit port in the dim morning light appeared on the shore in front of us.

"This is the port of Dorut!" Messette said: "Actually it is not a port! The real city is behind it, but it is closer to the city of Dorut, so we all call it the port of Dorut. The port was originally a natural depression. We expanded and smoothed the coast. Later, we also built docks and other things. In the end, this is what it is now! If it is the area, it may be the largest port in the world! "

I shook my head: "My city has a port bigger than you!"


"Really! But ours is the inner port, the entrance is relatively narrow, not as wide as yours!"

The Fleet fleet is getting closer and closer to the coast. I was sent by the sea to check the depth of the water. Who knows how deep it is, Noah's monster cannot approach the coast at all! In the end, Noah moored on the sea three kilometers away from the port. In order to fix it, we even left dozens of ships to tow it. This guy didn't even have an anchor chain, no matter it would definitely go ashore! That's how we all left a safe distance in advance, as long as it doesn't rush to the line two kilometers off the coastline, it won't run aground!

The brigade entered the port, and I saw a neat infantry array standing on the shore all the way, and the front was really Ashoford. This guy's equipment is a bit strange, I don't know what kind of occupation, although he is a heavy armor, but I did n’t have any weapons in my hand, probably because they were n’t fighting, so I did n’t take them out!

Bi Ling slowly stopped in the port, and as soon as the rotary ladder was lowered, I walked first. Before I disembarked, I collected all the pets, leaving only four humanoid pets and night shadows, white waves, phantoms, and Xiaofeng. It was not convenient to bring too many magic pets! In addition, I stayed with the demon knights. They can still be of great use at critical moments!

"I finally saw you!" Ashford came over and politely shook hands with me.

The two of us introduced each of the main people we brought. It ’s better that I do n’t have many people. There are a lot of people like veterans, captains, and directors. I only remember a few. The main person!

After the introduction, I followed Ashoford into the back of Dorut City. I thought he was going to take us to the Palace of Government, but he didn't expect to enter the Palace of Teleportation! After hearing Ashuford ’s explanation, I realized that Dorut is not the main city of the Iron Crusade at all. There are nine cities in the Iron Crusade. The largest main city is called Iron Fort. It is said that it is rich in metal ore. Famous!

After I entered Iron Fort, I was considered to have style! The urban design of Tiebao is so stylish! The whole city is like a factory, there are metal smelting processing plants everywhere, almost all the shops want to be associated with metal processing! Really terrifying technical style!

In fact, although Tiebao is like a factory building, it is not messy. On the contrary, it is quite neat, and it should be called regular! The whole city has a sense of industrialization, all lines are straight, and all buildings and objects are angular and angular! The Germans have integrated their enthusiasm for technology and their love of discipline into their lives, and even the cities are so regular! From the outside, the shops in the city are different except for the signboards, the others are exactly the same! If you do n’t know, some people believe that this is a barracks!

As Ashford walked along, I felt that the city of Iron Fortress was like a city of craftsmen. Although there are not as many dwarfs as China's city of artisans, the industrialization here is far beyond that of city of artisans!

Ashford suddenly pointed at a tall building next to him and said, "This is our Magic Crystal Power Academy! Floating technology is researched here!"

"Oh?" I couldn't help but glance at this seemingly ordinary building. "Can I visit it?"

"Yes, but not now! Let's go ahead and complete the transaction!"


I came to the Palace of Parliament and discovered that there is really a big difference between Eastern and Western cultures. The hall of our parliament is very similar to the hall of the emperor in the past, except that there are two rows of chairs on both sides ~ ~ The people who come to discuss can sit and talk on the top, and the middle of the room is empty! However, the Iron Crusade's Palace of Government is completely different. This design is relatively close to a modern business meeting room. An extra long table is placed in the middle of the room, and a circle of chairs surround it. When discussing things, the president sits at the table, the other people sit on both sides, and when negotiating, they sit on one side like we do now!

We have already obtained such things as meticulous fire suppression from the NPC, and have been in the Captain's Room of the Biling, of course, there is a backup of Isinger! I just took the scroll down when I got off the boat and now I took it out and put it on the table.

Ashford on the opposite side also took out three scrolls from his arms, and each one was a lot bigger than mine. It is estimated that the aircraft has more to record!

We pushed each other's scrolls to each other, then unfolded and looked at each other. To be honest, I don't understand it at all. It is full of magic array patterns and some messy structure diagrams. But I brought Lu Zuo, this guy is specialized in these things. As an NPC designer, he can understand these things!

佐 Lu Zuo carefully opened all three scrolls and then nodded at me. "It's really a flying power unit!"

I took the scroll back and pushed it back to Ashford. He also watched our scroll and returned it. Items from players in different guilds cannot be given directly without trading. We just checked each other just now. Now open the transaction bar, he put those three scrolls up, I put my scrolls, clicked the item exchange after agreeing to the transaction, the transaction is OK!

修 Ashford stood up and shook hands with me: "Okay, now I can take you to the Academy!"

I quickly got up to keep up, the research institute represents technology! Maybe you can find some good technology, buy it by the way!

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