Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 89: Uproot

The battle on the sea ended quite quickly. When we came up, it was almost over. Indonesians basically had half their lives left. They just finished knocking. There were only Xiaochun, Rose, and ruthless on the deck.

Rose saw that I was a little nervous. I didn't know what to say for a while. I was just like her. I dropped my helmet in my hand and didn't know how to speak! As a result, Xiao Chun first came over and broke the deadlock. Without any words, she came up and slapped her. When she hit me, I was able to commit suicide, and simply pinched her fair wrist. I used my eyes to warn her not to go too far, but it seemed that there was some communication problem, and she might understand it as provocation! Naturally, she threw her other hand up again.

接着 "Next!" I threw the helmet back and Su Mei caught it accurately. The free hand grabbed Xiao Chun's other hand, and she twisted both hands behind her with a simple twist. I controlled her two hands with only my right hand, and my left hand was under her knee. Crossed it and hugged her horizontally. This action immediately caused a chain reaction. She relentlessly covered her eyes, Su Mei's eyes widened in surprise, Rose's cheeks bulged like a frog, and Xiao Chun, who was held by me, was surprised with wide eyes and crimson cheeks. But then my actions made everyone stupid.

I walked to the side of the ship, throwing out Xiaochun with both hands. boom! A huge water splash was thrown into the sea with a scream. I patted my hands smartly. "I can't cure you!"

He turned and saw three completely different reactions. She shook her head relentlessly, Su Mei's opponent gave two thumbs up, and Rose laughed!

"You bastard! Pull me up! I won't ... grunt ... I won't swim! Help ... help ...!" Xiaochun wasn't quiet when she got into the water!

I lie on the side of the ship and watch Xiaojun struggling in the sea: "What do you call me?"

"Asshole ... grunts ... big **** ...!"

"Ah? ... what? I didn't hear clearly!" I deliberately played with her.

"She seems really dead, don't you save her yet?" Rose didn't know when she had come to me.

"I will explain to you later!" I simply solved the rose, and then waved towards the sky. Xiaofeng blocked the prodigal, Xiaochun wanted the prodigal to come back to save himself!

"You ... grunts ... Turtle King Eight ... grunts ..." The curse suddenly disappeared. As soon as I lowered my head, there was nothing on the sea. It seemed that it was really sinking into the water!

Rose originally wanted to call me down to save people, but I stopped first. Looking up at the cauldron rice in the distance to clean up the mess, they gestured back, everyone immediately turned around and returned. The prodigal wants to go to the sea to save his master, but the fire phoenix cannot go into the water. He can only worry about it. In the end, Xiaofeng and the dragon girl are brought back together. After everyone got on board, I directly ordered sailing. Rose couldn't help this time. "You don't care about her?"

"She's enough for the meeting!" I ordered again after I said: "Ship! Go forward slightly!"

Bi Ling taxied forward slowly, and the pirate ship next to it immediately followed. We walked a hundred meters away, and a wet little head suddenly appeared on the sea behind. "Zi Ri, you bastard!" A sharp cry came over.

I leaned leisurely on the railing at the stern and waved at her. "Miss enough?"

Xiao Xiaochun did not speak, but just slaps the water angrily, stalemate for a while before she said, "Not yet pulling me up!"

"You swim back!"

"You threw me down!"

I didn't answer her at all and turned back to the chief officer and shouted, "Accelerate by one percent!" My voice is particularly loud, and Xiaochun below should have heard it too!

Squinting as the ship started to move again, she immediately became anxious. But she still didn't move. "You pull me down!"

I went back again and said, "Accelerate by three percent!" The speed of the boat suddenly increased again.

I realized that Xiaochun was wrong and immediately began to swim over here, and scolded while swimming, but after I ordered the speed increase again, there was no sound! In fact, I was very careful. Xiaochun ’s property bar floated beside me. I was monitoring her stamina and mana at any time. As long as these two were not used, she would not sink. Just now I wanted to joke with me, just kidding, the ghost believed that the 1000-level BOSS would be drowned by the water, even if the fire phoenix is ​​so afraid of water, it does not mean that it will be finished if it falls into the water, not to mention she is not afraid of water!

After about twenty minutes, her endurance was almost gone, and finally she spoke again, but this time her voice was much lower. "Save ... Help ... I ... I can't ... I can't hold it!"

"Who are you calling?" I just want to smooth her edges and corners. If I don't get her right now, it will be troublesome to mess me up when fighting!

"Lord ... Master ... I ... I can't do it! ..."

Voice disappeared again, she sank again, I quickly looked at the endurance value, bottomed out, it seems to be true this time! He jumped out of the boat immediately and was wrapped around his neck with both hands as soon as he entered the water. "I strangle you, dare to fix me!"

gosh! Hit it! Xiaochun actually divides the water curse, and running out of stamina does not mean that she will be drowned. Her magic power is still there!

"Dare to fool me!" I pulled her back from the back to the front of my body, spread my wings, and flew away. Hold her feet with one hand. "Dare you dare to resist? I will send you down and drink some sea water if you don't obey!"

"Dare not dare!" Xiaochun was really subdued this time.

I took her to the boat and looked at the loyalty. It actually turned 50 and increased by 10 points! Xiaochun's personality is nothing like her name!

"Everyone goes to rest and waits for the night to join the fleet of Chong Wang and his team, we start attacking the coast of Indonesia!"

"I see!" Everyone went down to the cabin to rest, but the roses didn't go down.

"Why? Why don't you go to rest? Tonight may not have time to sleep?" Rose was unmoved, still looking at me with blurred eyes. "What are you doing? Don't ... Everyone is ... This is the ship ... Ah! ..." My last memory was that the rose pushed the turret of the magic crystal cannon.

(50,000 words are omitted here. If you want to read, go to the **** version of "From Zero!" But I don't seem to have written that book yet!)

"Hello!" I almost collapsed after a bit of rain and rain, Rose's technology is getting better and better!

"Say?" Rose lay on me and nodded my nose.

"Say what?"

"Why did you hit Xiaochun?"

"Don't you really see?"

"It seems to feel a little bit, but not quite right!"

"Okay!" I sat up and put the armor back on, and said, "Have you heard what Xiaochun just got back to say?"

"heard it!"

"I don't understand yet?" I looked at Rose in surprise until she shook her head and continued: "Obviously, the Temple of Light has been pressing other forces because they have a very powerful commander, and this commander is Xiaochun! Although she is a pure and weak **** the surface, in fact, she is a person who is arrogant and unscrupulous for her purpose. It is because of her ambition that she is arrogant, so she will be disobedient and out of control! She is not I was defeated and brought back. To be honest, she was basically picked up by me, so she was very unconvinced about her capture. She always thought that I had no strength to deserve her, so she always resisted! It was because of her I do n’t want to hit her, I have to hit her, and I have to throw her into the water no matter if I torture her intentionally. Hitting her is to let her know that I also have temperament, and I also have a temper. So she wo n’t unilaterally consider me to be The weak can only pick up the cheap coward! Losing her to the sea is to let her know that I have control over her life and death and show her the form. I don't save her just to ignore her and let her know that I'm not serious She, I do n’t care if she does n’t have her. Once a person feels that other people do n’t care about themselves, then he will immediately lose all his pride. The more I ask her, the more proud she is. When I do n’t exist, she will lose her pride. heart."

Rose seems to have some objections. "You can tell her directly! She is also very smart!"

"It's because she's too smart to tell her directly! Smart kids read books, but too smart kids will doubt books, and they believe more about what they see! Xiaochun is like that. She won't believe others That ’s because she arrogantly thinks that others are wrong and only she is correct. In this case, she wo n’t listen to anything. We can only do it and let her analyze it. I will believe that this is a common problem among overly intelligent people. "

Rose suddenly laughed. "It seems that I will use this method to deal with Su Mei in the future!"


"She?" I was taken aback! "I urge you to provoke her less! The method I just said is to deal with particularly intelligent people, but Su Mei is not a particularly intelligent person at all. She is a particularly intelligent alien monster. The human intelligence is not enough Describe her clever! But no matter how clever she is, she's still kind, and you won't have anything if you don't mess with her, then she is unwise as an enemy! "

"Hum!" Rose jumped and hit me with my shield. "If you dare to sorry for me, I will kill you!"

"And then you commit suicide again?"

"No! I will become a rich woman when you die. How many men are there? How many men! Wow ha ha ha ha! Oops!"

"Crazy girl!" I have packed my armor and pushed open the door of the turret, but the door stunned me when I opened it, and people stood outside! "you guys……!"

"I just happened to pass by and am going to sleep now!" Shura Ziyi first called and turned to run to the cabin. The others immediately made up their own reasons and ran back! This face has lost a lot. The turret must have been full of people just now, and you won't hear the two of us inside! This turret is iron, and the sound insulation effect is not torn!

Fortunately, everyone didn't say anything, but in spite of that, Rose and I blushed all afternoon! At ten o'clock in the evening, the King of Crash finally came back with my pirate fleet. More than 500 warships approached 300,000 heavy artillery, and there were nearly 150,000 artillery on one side. The firepower can be imagined. Our goal is very clear. All Indonesia's coastal cities around Malacca should be leveled. No one can stay. We don't want to see Indonesian warships when we return!

About eleven o'clock at night we finally arrived near an Indonesian harbour. I didn't even know the name of the city, but it seemed that the city was very large in long distance.

According to my request, all warships formed a fan-shaped encirclement of the city in the open sea. With our magic cannon firing first on the Biling, ten thousand guns rang out all at once on the sea. The fire coverage of 150,000 heavy cannons is terrible. Basically, one cannon is responsible for a small area of ​​tens of square meters, and the radius of our shell explosion is ten meters! The Indonesians in the city only saw the muzzle flames flashing alternately on the sea, followed by the rising fireballs in the city. I sat in the turret and operated the magic crystal cannon. Every time we fired our faces flashed in the darkness, as if we were the demons in the night! The fleet only stayed in this city for 3 minutes. After 10 rounds of salvos, there was nothing to target, and it would be a waste to bomb again!

The next step is simple, the fleet has been walking along the coastline, as long as the city is covered by artillery. The first few cities were okay. By the time the fourth city had turned off the lighting of the whole city in advance, it seemed to be ready. But this is not a problem enough, do I have Xiaochun! The lighting technique used by the goddess of light is large enough to cover the entire city. The originally small city was immediately illuminated like daylight, and then a precise cannonball rain leveled all the things that looked like buildings in the city. !!

The big pot rice and Shura Ziyi had a good time playing with them. The scene of cannonball rain exploded over the fireworks show, but I was depressed and counting money beside me! Don't you know that the entire fleet is kept by me? The shells are asking for money! One round of 150,000 heavy artillery volleys is 1.5 million crystal coins! But the only thing that balances my mind is that the experience value is full of addiction. After dawn, we wiped out a total of 17 cities. I rose to level 37 by myself, and now I have reached level 641!

After everyone went offline in the morning, I went to the forum and took a look. Last night, our attack on Indonesia was made into a hot news. Seventeen cities were destroyed overnight. Is this not a big deal? One of the hottest posts speculated that the attacker was a joint fleet of several different countries, because they calculated the distance of seventeen cities and thought that it was unlikely that any fleet would have such a strong maneuverability, and According to the video uploaded by the player, the attacks ended within five minutes, and the longest city was only attacked by more than 4 minutes and ended. After repeated analysis, some people said that the attacker was 20 kilometers away from the city at that time. The artillery caliber from the muzzle flames was quite large, all of them were ultra-long-range heavy artillery and a few magic crystal cannons were mixed in. People are more noisy.

日本 A Japanese said that he must be the Chinese fleet, because he has seen that the Chinese fleet has motor boats that do not need sails. He is sure that the Chinese fleet ’s maneuverability can attack 17 neighboring cities overnight! Moreover, he also said that there are not many countries capable of mounting magic crystal cannons on warships. Asian seas only use Chinese, Japanese, and Korean state-owned equipment, and only a few countries in Europe have them. Therefore, they are believed to be Chinese!

After Indonesia, some Indonesians said that they had fought with Chinese warships earlier, but all of them suddenly pointed to China. I immediately followed the post and said that the Japanese also had magic crystal cannons, and they had long wanted to invade, and he couldn't get through to China and South Korea and he wanted to go south.

As soon as my words came out, it immediately aroused Korean players ’approval, and it turned into a controversy for the Japanese!

After visiting the forum, come back to see the sailing situation of the fleet. The fleet had already left the Straits of Malacca this morning when they were off the assembly line, heading westward all the way, and soon they could reach Sri Lanka. The map that Alni showed me showed that the actual mountain in the area where the Mist Regiment was stationed was the side of the Alps north to Germany in reality. Because the map has changed in the game, this area is actually in Germany, and it is inland!

(It is best to read and read the chapter of the world map. It is clearer.) My first plan was to bypass Sri Lanka by water, and then directly cross the Arabian Sea into the Gulf of Aden. It then enters the Red Sea from the inlet of the Gulf of Aden, before entering the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal. After continuing northward into the Aegean Sea, you can enter the Black Sea through the Dardanelles and Bosphorus. Stopping the fleet in the Black Sea, we landed directly in Ukraine, crossed the border into Poland, and then arrived in Germany. After entering the German border, you can use the German teleportation team. After that, things are much simpler! This is the fastest way I can think of.

There is also a plan to go north instead of west in the Mediterranean, bypass Gibraltar and then go north across the English Channel directly into the North Sea and land in Germany. The speed of this solution is faster than that of us, because the mountains between the borders are not easy to cross, and the speed of the Bi Ling has its own advantages. But this scheme is quite dangerous. Everyone knows where is Gibraltar? Let Biling go around here, I mean don't worry! Also the British are not good birds, and walking the English Channel is also dangerous! The most important issue is Germany itself. The Germans ’attitude towards the Chinese is relatively neutral. Several of our players may have been warmly welcomed in the past, but if they drove the fleet past, they would be able to fight. I'm not afraid of them, but our purpose is to transport troops, not to fight with the Germans for your life! If I really want to fight, I will go to the Japanese to fight, and I can't help running around here around half the earth!

According to the current speed, without delay on the road, you can enter the Red Sea after dark this evening, you can reach the Mediterranean Sea before dawn tomorrow morning, and you should be able to reach the Daniel Strait tomorrow afternoon. In this way, the day after tomorrow, that is, in the early morning of the 19th, you can enter Ukraine! Crossing Ukraine is not a problem, just use a teleportation array. It is almost half a day to cross the border between Ukraine and Poland. You can reach the border between Poland and Germany at the latest on the 19th, and entering Germany on the 20th is not a problem! The battle between the 31st and the Bright Temple started, and we had to set aside time to go back, that is to say, at the latest on the 28th we must set off and return. Even the 20th, I only have 8 days to get the military power of the army! The task is so arduous! The calculation just now is the best situation ~ ~ If something is delayed on the way, I don't think it will be 8 days!

But what if you really go to sea according to the second plan? Entering the Mediterranean tomorrow morning, I will be able to arrive at Gibraltar before 4 pm tomorrow. If I hadn't gotten in with Gibraltar and the British, I would be able to go to Germany on the morning of the 19th, a full day. But what if I fight? Gibraltar is a British jurisdiction, and I have seen someone at the World Forum who specifically introduced the British Gibraltar fortress and the Empire fleet stationed there! This empire fleet is the first fleet organized by players in the game, and it is by far the largest fleet in the world. The Imperial Fleet was created by a guild called the Imperial Alliance, with a total of more than 2,300 warships. And unlike the broken boards of the Indonesians and the rotten sailing ships of the Japanese, the British Empire fleet is a true all-iron armored fleet. Any battleship has the same level of defense as my fleet, at least not much different! What worries me even more is that the British have a lot of heavy artillery. Although the range is not good, it is said that the shells of British warships are very powerful. I don't want to use my fleet to experiment with British cannons!

Walking away from Gibraltar can save time, but there is a danger of starting a war; taking Ukraine is relatively safe, but the time will be much slower, and there is no guarantee that nothing will happen! Thinking about it, I just can't decide where to go! There is really no way. I took out a crystal coin and put it in my right hand. "Take Ukraine on the front and Gibraltar on the other!" Use your thumbs to pop the crystal coins in the air, the crystal coins spin in the air and make a buzzing sound, then fall slowly.

I looked at the surface of the crystal coin and nodded strongly. "It's decided, leave ..."

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