Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 73: To the end

I was really tired this time. I did n’t arrange anything during the break, and there was really nothing to arrange! The third wall is already about the size of a normal city. The remaining tens of thousands of people have moved up one stop, basically the line of defense has come out. As for things like strategy, I really ca n’t help it. After all, I'm not a general, combat command is not my specialty, and I'm better at commanding special task forces!

开 Started at 12 o'clock, I have been resting outside until 10:30 to go online. I came up in advance to simply arrange the general defense issues. The first is to let the eyes of **** focus their firepower. First, they must knock down the opponent's high-level backbone power. The Thunderbolt cannon is basically a waste. That thing is too powerful. I don't want to blast out a few big caves in the city. If monsters get into those dungeons from those holes, it will be even more troublesome!

The next step is to arrange the final equipment use with the city tree. The magic crystal cannon and most of the crossbow cannons are on the two outer walls. Now the second wall has actually become an enemy occupying area. If the cannons inside the turret are raised, they can only be destroyed one by one! Fortunately, there are still about 200 heavy crossbows left on the third wall, but this is our last heavy weapon!

The battleships in the harbor originally wanted to use them, but because of the height of the city walls, the cannons on the battleships did not have a good firing angle! If you use a high-angle shot ...? You also know how big the sea breeze is. I can't guarantee where the shells will fall. If it falls on the wall, my guard plan will be completely over! Considering it all, don't let the naval gun support it!

It's relatively early to assign tasks, just over eleven o'clock, I came to the top of the Juling Pagoda again and let the Eye of Hell look at the headquarters for me. Sweeped so that the headquarters was not seen, the camp was demolished! I quickly glanced at the monster in front of me, and it turned out that I found the bull cow, but only the one with the sword was left, and the other one was probably hung up! What makes me strange is that although the Niubi is standing in front of the team, there is another guy who is ahead of it. Isn't the bull a leader? But they have 999 levels! Then this guy won't be level 1000, right?

"You came so early?" Eagle suddenly appeared behind me.

"I just came up soon! What time is it?"

"At eleven twenty, everyone is expected to come up soon! Are you sure of today's defense?"

I shook my head: "To be honest, I don't know! The strength of the enemy and ours is almost the same, there are many monsters, and we have high levels. There is no way to use large defensive weapons. We can only win by winning. Five or five! "

"Don't be so discouraged!" Eagle patted my shoulder hard. "Look at this city! This is a pile of hands with everyone! Can we give up on her? Can you be willing?"

"It's not a question of reluctance! This is a question of strength! You don't need to stimulate me. My emotional system is underdeveloped, sometimes even indifferent. Many things are only analyzed by objective situations. In this way, your encouragement is useless! "

"Ha ha ha ha! You are so funny, I haven't found you so strange for so long!"

"So long?" I'm feeling better, and joking with him. "How much time do you count with me?"

Wu Ying thought for a moment and said, "It doesn't seem like much! Is this guy born with you out of the ordinary? Awei's kid said you have autism!"

切 "Cut! Believe him, you are ready to be sold!"

"Hahahaha!" The two of us laughed together.

"What's so funny? Tell me, let me have fun!" Rose and Lark appeared on the wall at the same time!

"Nothing!" I quickly changed the topic: "I am afraid that there will be a lot of casualties in today's battle. As in the previous two days, only the loss of NPC will not occur! The battle will only take 5 hours, and the death will be online after 6 hours. In other words, if you hang up, you can no longer participate in siege battles. I won't care about you after a while. Be careful! "

Rose gave me a punch. "It's not life or death! Don't say such a desolate, okay! By the way, when I was just online, I suddenly thought of a good plan!"

"what's the plan?"

"Aren't there many warships in the port?"

I interrupted her without letting her finish. "I thought about it, but it was so far away, the angle was not good, and the shooting accuracy was difficult to guarantee!"

"Stupid! If they are far away, let them come closer!"


Wu Ying suddenly understood: "You mean to move the ship ashore to use it as a battery?"

"Did I hear you right? Move the boat up?"

Rose said: "Yes, that's what I think! The Biling must not be able to move, but your pirate brothers can use the battleship! With your three-headed dragon plus the purple moon's sky fire and four-headed dragon Because of the moving warships that can be moved. A warship has hundreds of artillery anyway, and it is much simpler to defend it with two or three ships! "

"Good way!" I quickly recruited them lucky, but unfortunately Ziyue did not go online! Fortunately, I have many magic pets, and the three-headed dragon plus Xiaofeng and Xiaolongnv can also move! It's a pity that time is too late. Before we started the war, we only moved 5 warships. Anyway, there were more than a thousand guns, so I feel relieved!

At twelve o'clock, the whole system announcement sounded on time: "Essinger's battle of defending the city has begun. The battle time is 5 hours! Hope you all work hard!"

Immediately after the announcement, the 200,000 army under the city rushed to the city wall. Our cannons and crossbow guns didn't rest, and the sound of the sound was immediate! The firing of the artillery was relatively loud, and the smoke was uncomfortable. The spruce and fog on the city wall immediately changed. Fortunately, Essinger was at the beach, and the wind was relatively strong. The smoke spread out after a while!

The third wall is just an inner wall. It is not as high as the first two walls. There are many high-level monsters that can climb up more than 200 meters in height! The battle on the city wall broke out immediately, and the first night seeker rushed to the front to fight with the enemy. The demon knight blocked the defensive gap in the back. Where it was breached, they felt the first time and immediately repelled the enemy. They handed this wall to the night hunter.

Today ’s monster level is generally higher, so players have been transferred to the ship as gunners. These ships were originally pirate brothers. Although it was confirmed after the war that they did not become the monster side of the siege, they refused. Participate in Shoucheng, saying what system is not allowed! But anyway, they left me their boat!

一 At the beginning of the battle, I started to pay attention to the guy standing in front of the pretty bull monster. The thing that is suspected to be a 1000-level boss is also a minotaur, but it is two tall tall and has a lot of muscles. The most terrible thing is that this thing is holding a giant sledgehammer in its hand. The thing looks like it has a ton, but it has no weight like cotton made in this guy's hand!

Although he stood at the front of the team, he didn't rush to the front after the battle started, but walked directly towards the gate! I immediately realized his intention. "Plague, luck, tank, Skort ...! Come with me!"

Is that guy holding such a big hammer in his hand? Although the gate on the third wall is made of pure steel, it is much stronger than that on the second wall, but it cannot withstand repeated blows! Not to mention that hammer is so big!

It was too late, and I jumped straight from the wall. With luck, they rushed into the gate of the city gate, and the two dragons and the tank stood on the door together, and I took Siegte and quickly rushed to help. Crystal, Ling, Ariana, Amenis and Dragon Girl all followed. The crystal added a layer of sturdy defense to the door, Ling added another damage reflection, and Ariana sealed the city gate with ice shield directly. The dragon girl finally added strength to those of us who worked hard. . Emmys doesn't have the right magic, so she can only help me recruit the Dark Iron Rider to help the top door! Under the guidance of Ariana, my snow fairies have frozen the ground outside the city gate. The ground is all ice. I ca n’t see how hard you hit the door!


眼 Eye of Hell also noticed something wrong here, it immediately launched a concentrated attack on the Minotaur, but unfortunately this guy's hammer can reflect the attack of Hell's Eye, and it can't hurt it at all!

The yak head still entered the gate of the city gate, and the ice on the ground did not hinder its movement. But with a hammer, the ice on the ground was finished. Then the monster picked up its hammer and smashed into the gate.

Boom! The huge crashing sound is also very clear across the gate, and we can all feel the gate shake! boom! Again! A tiny crack appeared on the ice next to my face! boom! The third attack! The cracks in the ice layer have widened! boom! Fourth attack! With the sound of pattering, the fragile ice layer finally turned into a broken slag! boom! Fifth attack! The door shook violently, and the dragons and I were both shaken off the door panel, but we immediately pushed up again!

Boom! Sixth attack! More powerful than the last time, we were all shaken back, and I actually lost blood! What is this **** power? It knocked me out of the blood across the door! The soldiers in the back row immediately followed to help the top door. The next impact became more and more ordinary. The minotaurs constantly bombarded the city gate. We were shocked by half a step every time, but fortunately we could barely hold the door! The steel gate has been smashed a lot, but although it is serious in disguise, it can persist!

After about half an hour, the continuous snoring suddenly stopped, and the monster did not continue to hit the door. I guess the monster may have given up the idea of ​​breaking through the door, but still dare not leave the door. I let Skott bring the demon first. The spirit knight went out to help Vinda guard the wall, and by the way helped me see if the monster had really left the gate. As soon as the demon knight left the gate, he heard a loud noise from the gate, and the whole gate flew out with me and my pets! A grinning minotaur appeared at the gate!

I was pressed against my legs by a three-ton door made of pure steel. Lucky and plague came up immediately to help me open the door, but the minotaur slyly knocked down the door!

"Ah!" The sudden pressure on my legs instantly broke me down. The feeling that my two legs were crushed into meat was not fun. Even if it was a game, the pain was weakened a lot, but that was intolerable!

Xu Ling responded quickly. My legs became mud from a little above my knees. She grabbed my shoulder without hesitation and pulled me out! The minotaur obviously knew who I was, and he rushed up immediately. The plague and luck stood in front of me without hesitation, and Skott wanted to rush up and was stopped by me: "Don't come, you can't be resurrected when you die, go to Vida and tell him that the gate has fallen. ! "

Bisgoth resentfully turned around and took 9 other ghost knights to inform Siegde.

The two plagues and the lucky brothers ganged up with the minotaurs in the city gate cave. Unfortunately, the level difference was too much. Although relying on the powerful strength of the dragons, the minotaurs were barely suppressed, but it was only a matter of time!

I just mean the door! "Beetle, go up and help!" A million crystal devil beetles swarmed in all directions, and the gate was immediately surrounded by dark beetles.

Open the star pupil, I can see that Minotaur's health value is dropping rapidly! Mice are afraid of cats, cats are afraid of tigers, tigers are afraid of elephants, and elephants are afraid of mice! A 1000-level BOSS troll troll would be scared of a 20-level beetle! At first I thought this guy was a tauren, but just now the star pupil's display said that this was a tauren troll, in fact it should be a branch of the big devil. But a tiger can't stand a group of wolves. One million beetles just blocked this big demon-level monster in the gate and couldn't get out!

Through the female worms behind my neck, I can feel that the number of beetles has fallen very quickly. Although the minotaurs are uncomfortable, my beetles are really dying in large numbers. Fortunately, their intelligence does not even know what fear is Although he died so much, he continued to attack the Minotaur. The monsters outside the city walls had originally seen the door broken and were prepared to rush in. However, they did not expect that the door was suddenly blocked again, so they started to attack from the wall again.

The injured I was quickly healed by the roses that came when I was questioned. The beetles helped me to get out the broken dragon suit from the city gate. After re-dressing, the suit quickly returned to a new state. Since the last resurrection of the Phoenix Blood, the self-healing ability of the magic dragon suit has become more and more powerful!

The battle lasted for a long time, and the situation at Vida was also tight. Although Skott told him that the city gate was broken, he was really a soldier who could not pull out! Siegut had no choice but to run back to help, I drove Siegte directly into the Juling Tower. "If an enemy rushes in, you swear to keep the door open, but as long as no enemy comes in, you must not come out!" Skott followed me for so long, I have not only looked at him as an NPC, I do n’t Hope he dies!

I was rushed into the Guarding Hall of the Jubilee Tower by Jupiter, but they still impulse to rush out. I have no way to set them all off. This is a new ability after the system is updated. As long as this function is activated, the designated magic pet or demon servant will disappear in situ, but this is not a space, it is simply disappearing. If they are summoned again, they will appear, but the place where they appear will not change, which is equivalent to an immovable pet space. In order to limit the use, this space is set to turn off the function of the magic pet or the demon servant every time at least three hours before you can summon again. This time they are closed, they cannot come out before the end of the battle!

Although the demon knight was temporarily sealed by me, there seems to be no problem on my side for a short time. The door is still tightly sealed by the beetle. Although the beetle dies quickly, I have 1 million. Press This speed is endless in an hour!

The battle lasted until 4:10, and the monsters never managed to break into the gate. There are 30,000 beetles left at the gate of the city gate. There are 970,000 beetles hanging up. The entire gate is covered with blue slime and shiny carapace fragments. The minotaurs in the city gate also have a little health left. It is estimated that he hangs up before the beetle dies! In fact, during this time, the beetles did not only attack the minotaurs. Many monsters behind it were also affected. Although the city gates are full of beetles, there are actually a lot of monster bones under these things. These beetles have always eaten the enemy clean!

Huh! In a painful scream, the properties of the Minotaur on Xingtong are gone, which means that it has hung up, but my beetle has only more than 10,000 left! The boss hanged but did not let the monster retreat, and the monster behind rushed in with the debris on the ground. Although the remaining 10,000 beetles continued to resist, but the number was insufficient and the effect could not be exerted, and the beetles were quickly killed in all! The excited monster howled and rushed in.

The luck and plague that had rested for a while immediately rushed up to block the city gate, but there were too many monsters, and the resistance could only be a waste of money, there was no practical effect at all! Seeing the plague and luck was forced to retreat back, I can only send the iron rider up with a hard top! With the cooperation of Tieqi, plague and luck finally drove the enemy back to Chengmen Cave.

Suddenly a dark shadow fell in front of me. It was actually Vinda. I looked up at the wall above, and several monsters were standing by the wall howling. Vinda was beaten down by several monsters! The monsters didn't seem to want to let us go. They immediately jumped from it. I hurried out Vinda and almost got trampled by the monster!

Almost when the monsters landed, the city gate fell again. Although there were many iron riders, the level was too low, and it soon died. The luck and the plague alone could not keep the city gate! Suddenly the tank flew over and knocked the monster at the gate of the city back. Then, it climbed into the gate of the gate by itself, and I clearly saw the gun barrel he extended. He was going to use the magic crystal to fire, but he was in the gate!

Boom! Rocks were flying across the earth-shattering bang, and the entire city gate cave collapsed. A few monsters who had just jumped down and chased Vinda were blown up. The monster standing in front of us helped us to block the shock wave, so Vinda and I survived. At this time a huge gap appeared on the wall, and the gate had become a rubble. The bones of the tank are gone, and the plague corpse lies under the wall next to it ~ ~ There are still many monster corpses around. Fortunately, he crawled out from under the plague, which protected his brother at the last minute!

The monsters and guards who were far away from the gate climbed from the ground and began to re-enter the battle. The gates were gone, and the monsters poured into the inner city completely. The battle has completely turned into a white-bladed battle. Our team was continuously compressed and backed up. Soon we were forced to the base of the Juling Pagoda. There was a height difference of thirty meters. It can be as good as a wall. Resist it!

的 The players around me are only eagle, big pot rice, Shura purple clothes and two unknown girls, the rest are killed! Vinda was also sacrificed on the way back to Juling Tower. The five Death Knights were only Sith, because she is a female, and other Death Knights take special care of her, so she is the only one who lives to this day! I didn't see any of the 50 **** lords, and they were all probably killed! The losses of other arms are also very heavy, with less than a thousand troops! My summoned creature was killed collectively. There was no one left, and the beetle was gone by the gate. Only Ling, Phantom and Night Shadow remain in the magic pet. As for the city war weapon, it seems that only the Eye of Hell is still working, and the others are not available! Now that's all our fighting power, it can be said that it is dead end!

Although we were almost beaten, the monster was not much better. The deadly resistance of the guards made the monsters almost paved the way with corpses. The only monsters left now are about 1,000 points, the levels are all 800 and above, and they are all wounded, including the 999 level. Niubi, it is the boss of the monsters at this stage!

The time is already 4.40, the last twenty minutes, the last two thousand soldiers, I really don't know if this defensive battle will succeed!

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